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brainmobi-blog · 8 years
Process of Developing a Mobile App
In this technology driven world, several new businesses are focusing on the development of a mobile apps on various platforms like Google’s android applications, iPhone’s iOS, and more, to reach out to prospective clients in real time. Since mobile devices like mobile phones and tablets are portable and simple to take anyplace, they open up an entire new avenue of brand promotion and client engagement for distinct little, medium and big businesses. So, the development of app for a business is becoming very important.
Let’s explore what it all takes to developing an app
While developing a mobile app for your business some questions pop up in your mind like:
“Where do I start?”
“What do I need to know?”
“How does the process work”?
If you haven’t created an app before, you may be confused about how to approach a designer or development team, and what is the process to develop one.
In this article, we’ll explain the process of creating an app from scratch and give a better understanding of what it all takes to develop an app.
Before you approach a designer, developer or a development firm, you should have:
A good understanding of the user (Your Target Market)
Well-articulated user stories (A list of things user might want to get done while using your product)
Wireframes (Visual architecture of your app)
Commitment to spend time on creating your project (You’ll need to get involved in the process)
Process of Working with an External Team
Stage 1: Consultation with the team
Finding the right person(s) to take on your project can be challenging. You’ll need a consultation with the designer, developer or developing team to define what you are looking to achieve.
Stage 2: Signing a Contract
Before signing the contract with an individual or team, it’s important to read the document carefully and to know what you are signing.
Most developers or development firms will sign a mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement to protect your idea.
Another important thing is to figure out before signing a contract is whether your project is going to be a time-based model or the project will be completed for a flat fee. If your project will be charged on a time-based model, then it will be even more important for you to have clear deliverables outlined in the contract.
Stage 3: Wire-framing
After you sign a contract, the next step is to start wire framing
Wire framing is the visual architecture of what will go on each page of your app and how all will link together. Wire framing is important to define the full scope of the project and to have a mutual understanding of what will need to go into the app.
Stage 4: Design
After wire framing is complete, the next stage will be designing where you’ll get the high-resolution psd files creates which are caked mock-ups of what the app will look like when it is created.
This is the stage where you select the logos, colors, styling, fonts etc. basically, you will decide the look and feel of the app. Once the visual design is finalized, you’ll move onto the development stage.
Stage 5: Development 
While working on the development stage, it is important that you, as the client, are getting updates about the progress at every step of the process. Typically this is done through some project management tool such as Basecamp, Asana, etc. Mistakes made at this stage of the app creation process can be expensive, so it will be essential for you to have regular and proper communication with the development team you’re working with.
Stage 6: Beta Testing
Beta testing or user testing is done after you have a finished version of your app. Beta testing is used to test your app under various environments and conditions to make sure that your app isn’t released with major bugs or crashes, and that real users are comfortable with using the app.
Stage 7: Launch
The day has finally come! Your app is finished, tested and ready to launch. The process of publishing your app to the app store can sometimes take a couple of weeks. On iOS, Apple manually reviews each app submission and may ask you to make changes before publishing it.
Stage 8: Post- Launch
After launching your app, you should get feedback from your users so that you can make future updates to your app and incorporate feedback in the changes.
So you always need to hire a good developer who can work according to your needs. At BrainMobi, we develop apps that are used and loved by millions. We are committed to the motto of “Creating Next-gen Mobile Solutions” for enterprises and entrepreneurs. We help clients to create cutting-edge mobile apps.
Hopefully, now you have some idea about the process of developing a mobile app. Connect with our consultants for a free consultation to get an estimate on complexity, time and cost associated with your project.
Have an idea of a great mobile application? Let us bring it to life! Discuss it with BrainMobi: Give us a shout! – [email protected]
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