brightest-stars-if · 3 hours
Will M Lux not like feminine F Mcs ?
m!Lux will like a more feminine f!MC just as much as a m!MC or a non-traditional f!MC. The only reason he has no interest in being friends with a more traditionally feminine f!MC at the moment is because he literally doesn't have any concept of men and women being friends.
A non-traditional f!MC challenges that idea more immediately than a more "feminine" f!MC does. He'll realize pretty soon that he can be friends with her just the same as he can be friends with a boy. After that point, he's happy to spend time with her.
You can read more about his thought process with the more traditional f!MC here.
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brightest-stars-if · 3 hours
omg this is an amazing premise - I want my playthrough to get MESSY ☺️😍
Imma create a villain couple arc - My MC is gonna be Lux's bestie and the worst influence ever, die tragically in a way that implicates the most people possible (as consequence of his own awful actions ofc), and then leave the kingdom to deal with the grieving high corruption Lux 👍 this is my plan 😊
Your playthrough is definitely going to get messy, anon. Messy with carnage. Lux will already react extremely poorly if the MC gets injured when they have low corruption. If your MC dies on a high corruption Lux...
Well, there might not be a kingdom left to deal with Lux after they fly into their rage.
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brightest-stars-if · 2 days
In the game since we are talking about kids. What about pets? Would we be able to have one or say Lux gifts us one?
I hadn’t considered a pet option before, but now I’ll def think on it 👍🏾
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brightest-stars-if · 2 days
What's Lux Luthor's weakness if we want something from them? Puppy eyes? Breakfast in bed? A new sword?
Puppy eyes work pretty well, though they’re somewhat less effective with High!Corruption Lux. With that being said, unless it’s something serious, the MC doesn’t really need to resort to tactics to get what they want from Lux because Lux just lets them have it 90% of the time.
Edit: Lux Luthor is SENDING ME 🤣. I’m gonna have to start using that.
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brightest-stars-if · 3 days
Working on chapter 2 rn, and writing the MC's family trying to comfort them is so funny in a mildly inept sort of way.
You have Alaric's emotional constipation, Eulia's allergy to emotional vulnerability, Sonya's "tough love is the best love" mentality, and Eulen's absolute refusal to confront his own problems.
Despite all their flaws, they really do try their best within their capabilities. I hope that their love for each other and the MC is evident in these scenes. And that's how I want to write them: a flawed but genuinely loving family, whose members have their own issues they're wrangling with.
Lux is the romantic interest, and I appreciate all the love for them, I really do. Shoot, I love them too. But I really hope that y'all will also enjoy all the family scenes as well because I absolutely adore writing them.
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brightest-stars-if · 3 days
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DEMO (Prologue - 20/07) | FAQ (PLEASE READ)
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“On the 18th of November 2026, this world will die.” The interviewer laughs incredulously, eyes turning to the camera as if to say ‘get a load of this.’ “Oh? and how can you be so sure of that?” A smile slashes across the Creature’s lips as the interviewer’s skull suddenly caves in untouched. It turns to the camera, ignoring the screaming that starts up around it. “Because I’m going to end it.”
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You are the last of a family of elite slayers.
You are a Van Helsing.
In fact, you were the most formidable foe that Dracula ever faced…over 130 years ago.
No one knows how you gained immortality, least of all you. It was a gradual thing, noticing that you no longer aged. You refused to let a single year go to waste though, creating the Helsing Institute where agents were taught to hunt those that deserved it and protect those that needed it.
So, when an ancient Entity reveals to the world that it’s going to destroy Earth in four months, you are tasked with hunting the Creature down and slaying it before it gets the chance.
However, you and this Creature are far more entwined than you could ever realise.
Will you remain the indomitable Van Helsing of legends or will this finally be your breaking point?
[Based on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Van Helsing is an 18+ interactive work of fiction coded in Twine. Content warnings include death, murder, mentions of past child death, xenophobia, blood, gore, explicit language, explicit sexual content (optional), mentions of past self harm and attempted suicide, violence, mental illness and unhealthy coping mechanisms, grief, body horror, and harassment.]
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-> play as Professor Van Helsing (MALE/FEMALE/NONBINARY).
-> customise your Van Helsing: appearance (both now and in flashbacks), gender, personality (kind of SEMI-SET: see FAQ), relationships, hunting style, etc.
-> romance four(?) love interests.
-> poly routes: the count(ess) & the ex-spouse | the count(ess) & the wolf.
-> locate and destroy the end of the world (or romance it).
-> hunt monsters or try to befriend them and give them a home and a purpose at the Helsing Institute.
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THE COUNT(ESS) [M/F] - Miron | Miruna Dracula
[Hungarian | Vampire | 400+ | 6’4ft]
Your (im)mortal enemy turned frenemy and consultant for all things supernatural. You never managed to slay Dracula all those years ago, but you were the only one that came close enough that they actually feared for their life. Unfortunately for you, you gained their respect because of it and in turn, ended up with a very powerful, very clingy vampire following you around like a lost puppy for over a hundred years.
Considered the most powerful vampire in existence, Dracula’s attitude can reflect that. The Count(ess) is charming, graceful, and calculating, with an edge of arrogance. However, you don’t have to know what they are to know how deadly they are - it just seems to radiate off of them. Not that that’s ever really bothered you, much to their eternal delight. Once your sworn enemy, they now offer advice and guidance if needed and their company, even if it’s really not needed.
[Arapaho | Werewolf | 102 | 6’1ft (human)/9’0ft (Wolf)]
As a Werewolf that was born rather than turned, Osyka is a rarity these days, and a powerful one at that. They and their small pack joined the Helsing Institute after they were rescued from overzealous slayers by you and your agents over fifty years ago. They’ve become one of your best agents, so much so, that you’ve recently promoted them to your second-in-command. A role they’ve fallen into with ease.
Osyka is quiet, commanding, and dependable. They’ve been the steadfast leader of their pack for many years and that has translated well into them becoming your right hand. They’re the one that keeps a level head in times of chaos and everyone respects them for it. You and Osyka have developed a strong bond over the years and they show immense loyalty to you - they’re probably the closest thing you’ve had to a best friend since Jonathan and Mina.
THE EX-SPOUSE [M/F] - Elijah | Eliza De Boer
[Dutch/Irish | Banshee | 160 | 5’10ft]
Your childhood sweetheart and once beloved spouse, your marriage and Eli’s mind fell apart after the murder of your son, Coen. It’s been years since you’ve seen them, and now they’ve turned up at the institute, hardened and as beautiful as the day you married them. They’re extremely evasive about where they’ve been the past one hundred odd years, and their arrival seems to bring more questions than answers.
Once gentle and soft-hearted, Eli has seemingly done a complete 180 since you last saw them. Now far colder and willing to say and do the things that most shy away from, Eli is not the spouse that you remember. The brutal murder of your son and the fact that they sensed it, but still couldn’t save him, broke something inside them. The wariness in their eyes when they look at you hurts, but you can’t begrudge them for their grief - the only comfort is that sometimes, you catch glimpses of the person they once were and that brings hope that you haven’t completely lost them.
THE DOCTOR [NB!M/NB!F] - Victor | Victoria Frankenstein
[Swiss | Cambion | 79 | 5’7ft]
The quirky doctor and grandchild of Victor Frankenstein, creator of Frankenstein’s Monster. They’re the current guardian of the Monster and they work for you at the Helsing Institute. You aren’t entirely sure how to take Vic at times, especially considering you vaguely knew their grandfather a nd didn’t like him, but their intelligence and inventions are vital to your goal.
Quirky and abrasive, Vic can be difficult to get along with at the best of times. It’s taken some time for you to wrap your head around talking to the genius, but after 20 years, you like to think you know them quite well these days. They can still drive you up the wall, but you wouldn’t trade them for the world…or that’s what they tell you. You’re not so convinced when they blow up the lab for the fourth time in a week…at least the Monster is polite and genuinely helpful.
??? [???]
“My pretty, little fireheart,” the entity purrs as it drags a claw down your cheek. “Cease fighting the inevitable and embrace the chaos of a life at my side.”
[divider credit: @/saradika-graphics]
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brightest-stars-if · 3 days
Sooooo and ignore me I'm just thinking out loud.. ymeric and our sister.... they seem like interesting characters..
Ymeric and Sonya are legit two of my favorite characters to write, albeit for different reasons. I will admit that I have a soft spot for them, especially because their scenes together -- once they start interacting more -- are going to be so fun to write.
If you're implying here that they'll be a couple -- and maybe I'm incorrectly interpreting that part, I do that sometimes -- then that is absolutely hilarious for reasons that won't make sense until later in the game.
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brightest-stars-if · 3 days
Will you ever consider a patreon ? Ik theres a lot of authors who dont want to commit to a patreon this early in the story so id understand if not. Just kno that id b delighted to subscribe if u do end up doing it
That's so sweet of you, anon. It means a lot 💜
I'm not planning on starting a patreon any time soon, if I ever do at all. The commitment is a lot and I'd want to make 100% sure I could deliver. For now, I'm happy to just keep writing without one.
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brightest-stars-if · 3 days
Oh Can we learn a lil bit more about our nephew (or our sibling kids too?) Andronicus please ? -sarah
As I mentioned before, Andronicus is Ymeric's only child. I really don't want to say too much about Andronicus given he won't be born for a long time. All I'll say is that he's a sweet, if somewhat sickly, child. Ymeric has complicated feelings toward him, but he loves him very much.
Sonya is also the parent to a singular child, a boy named Nadren. She named him that in honor of her grandmother. If you chose Nadra as your MC's name, then she named him after her as well. Nadren's a clever, bold child and too mischievous for his own good. He's actually born pretty early on in the game.
Eulen either has one child or three; the amount depends on the outcome of certain events. All of his children are girls. His eldest, Alara, is named after Alaric. His other two daughters, if they're born, are named Flora -- and if your MC's name is Florian, then he's naming her after him -- and Aimi, who is named after her mother. Eulen's lack of sons will be a plot point later in the game.
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brightest-stars-if · 3 days
I just assumed the "thing" is that a high corruption MC could kill Ymeric. Or perhaps even a low corruption MC if some sort of accident happened.
Context for this ask is here and here.
I obviously don't want to spoil what the "thing" is. All I'm going to say is that it's really bad. To the point where certain members of the MC's own family will look at them differently. One might even turn against them, depending on the specifics of the situation.
The "thing" is one of the three biggest events that majorly shape the story. Actions have consequences -- sometimes major ones -- and the MC will have to face them 😈
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brightest-stars-if · 3 days
Will lex brother also have fertility issues and be infertile like lex?
Ymeric has fertility issues, but unlike Lux, he's not completely infertile. He'll manage to successfully father a single living child, a boy named Andronicus.
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brightest-stars-if · 3 days
You said Lux is barren. Could female MC take another man for the baby so it is atleast biologically MCs true baby? Would that be possible? Not asking for NTR or some shit. Just a surrogate dad kinda thing? Would Lux be even okay with something like that?
I thought about this, and I landed on a hard no, Lux would not be okay with that.
For political reasons: If Lux is married to the MC, they really can't allow themselves to be given horns, even if it's just a surrogate. Especially with m!Lux, because science isn't advanced and no one could say for certain that it isn't his kid, and then succession gets really murky.
For personal reasons: Lux has grown up around Caius' philandering and infidelity. He's a good father to them, but they've seen the way he treats women, especially women who aren't Isolde or Riona. It's been really damaging to them. It's to the point where m!Lux is determined to never treat the MC like that once he falls for them and one of f!Lux's biggest fears is that her partner will treat her the same way (thought ofc the MC will win her trust).
So TL;DR any kind of the MC being involved with someone else, even just for surrogacy, is a flaming red line.
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brightest-stars-if · 4 days
Will lex be engaged to anyone if they are the same sex as mc?
My outline rn says no.
By the time Caius starts looking for suitable matches with a same-sex Lux and MC combo, Lux has far more agency and even more of their father’s favor. They manage to wriggle out of a betrothal through various combinations of pleading, bargaining, and guilt-tripping.
Caius might not have considered twelve-year-old Lux’s opinions when betrothing them to the child of one of his closest friends, but he’s much more receptive to near-adult and beyond Lux’s opinions on the matter. Especially since the older Lux gets, the prouder their father grows of them.
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brightest-stars-if · 4 days
No one:
Lux 🤝 Cordelia: Putting the “bi yourself” and “absolutely no rizz” in Bisexual
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I really need to stop clowning on Lux so hard, they do actually have some game, I promise. Cordelia on the other hand…
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brightest-stars-if · 4 days
Can we choose to be taller than lux?
Yes. I'm going to add a very tall and very short option for height into character customization. If you want your MC to be taller than Lux, you have to choose the very tall option, regardless of gender.
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brightest-stars-if · 4 days
You can be extremely close with Cordelia unless a very specific thing happens (way) later in the game. If that thing happens, any good will she had toward you will crumble in an instant.
Lol I don't know why, I immediately pictured the "thing" being Ymeric falling for MC 🤣 let the Chaos begin...plus a very strong competitor for Lux to deal with 🤭
The absolute chaos this would cause made me laugh, but no, this won't happen, anon. The "thing" is much more serious than Ymeric's infidelity, with far-reaching consequences. Cordelia's fury is more than just the humiliation of her husband landing in someone else's bed. Ymeric is somewhat involved with what the "thing" is, however, so you were right on that front 😉
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brightest-stars-if · 4 days
So how soon can we develop a crush on Lux? Will it be possible for it to be one-sided or does choosing to have feelings automatically make them like us too? Who falls first, us or them? Is Lux a "tell everyone we know" sort of person when it comes to our relationship or would they want to keep it more private/lowkey? What's the rating of the game, how detailed will our relationship get? Will our wedding be covered in the game? Married life after? Does Lux want kids? Will there be more of a focus on the adventure with our prophecies or on the mandatory romance scenes?
Feeling like that McDonald's drive thru meme, but I have a lot of questions ^^;;;
I've been keeping this question in my inbox for a couple of weeks because I wasn't totally sure how to answer haha. Hopefully you haven't taken offense, anon. Let me answer your questions in order.
No, the MC's crush won't be one-sided. Lux's feelings emerge around the same time as the MC's.
So to add to the first point, no one really falls first, it's more of a mutual thing. If I include an oblivious route for the MC, then Lux is aware of their own feelings first.
Lux is 100% a "tell everyone we know" sort of person. They're in love with MC and see no shame in that. Though with certain MC-Lux combinations, they might not be publicly as affectionate in certain circumstances. Particularly with a f!Lux and a m!MC. That doesn't mean they love the MC any less though!
The game would have a late Young Adult to New Adult rating I guess? There’s certainly going to be violence more detailed than in chapter 1 so far. As for Lux and the MC’s relationship, romantically it’s going to be very detailed. I will say I’m not going to be writing in-depth sex scenes or anything like that. There’ll probably be some suggestive themes/moments though.
Yes, the wedding will be covered in the game! Opposite-sex MC and Lux combinations actually get married pretty early in the game. It's going to be either at the end of Arc 2 or the beginning of Arc 3, depending on how I feel it fits with pacing. Same-sex MC and Lux combinations can also get married, but this will be much later, during Arc 8.
As a result of an earlier marriage, opposite-sex MC and Lux combos get more married-life content, but same-sex combos should also get some. All combinations get a pretty equal amount of established relationship content.
Lux could take or leave kids, they don't feel strongly about it either way. They're sterile/barren so they can't have biological kids, but there'll be an option to adopt toward the end of the game.
My goal is to divide the game between romance and the prophecies relatively evenly, though I'll probably allocate slightly more time to romance.
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