brucedickfest · 10 years
Fic: Incisions
Pairing: Bruce/Dick
Summary: In which Batman succumbs to Batman. Slightly NSFW.
Notes: This was one of two possible pieces I wrote for the King & Lionheart fanbook, but the other one wound up in it, so I’m sharing this now. :D
Based on Dick’s uncanny ability to get his costumes torn in only the sexiest of ways. I’m dead sure that Gotham’s villains are secretly practicing this somewhere.
"I don’t understand how this keeps happening," Bruce mutters as soon as he lays eyes on him.
"Your guess is as good as mine," Batman says, innocently almost, but that’s a play and Bruce knows it. Dick is still wound up, running on leftover adrenaline and lack of sleep. His grin looks deranged, his cuts are bleeding, and the smell of danger and subsequent victory is fresh on him. He stands illuminated by the Batcave’s floodlights like some kind of tattered war god and Bruce, and Bruce drops his pen like a swooning secretary.
He wants to take every part of him in his mouth at once.
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brucedickfest · 11 years
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Writers have 2.5 months to write stories centering on Bruce and Dick (romantic or platonic, their choice). They are encouraged to reach any of three tiers of word-counts. Each tier comes with incentives:
3.5K words — (minimum word count) banners, fanmixes, or other fan media
5K words — the above, and/or a drabble written to a prompt of writer’s choice by another awesome writer! 
10K words — either or both of the above, plus an opportunity to get art drawn to a scene in your fic! (not to mention the satisfaction of completing a really long fic!)
We’ve also got other incentives in the works, including art prints from fan artists, so keep a look out for those. :)
Timeline 3 May: Writers start writing! 15 July: Rough drafts due 15 August: Final drafts and accompany artwork/media due 25 August: Posting begins!
How To Participate:  There are no formal sign-ups for writers — anyone who gets their rough drafts in by the 15th July deadline is considered a participant. :D (Please do look over the Guidelines For Fics though!) For artists & others, we will post a sign-up form in early July.
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brucedickfest · 11 years
Possible Bruce + Dick Ficathon/Big Bang/Mini Bang (slash or gen!)
Zina had this idea to do a Bruce/Dick mini-big-bang fic fest, and I thought it was a cool idea, but rather than a full-out big-bang (which is intense), maybe just something to encourage people to write longer BruDick fics?
Which is what I'm proposing now! 8D 
There will be three "tiers" of wordcounts.
3.5K: This is the minimum. Reaching this gets you some kind of mixed media -- fanmix, banner, that sort of thing.
5K: Gets you either the above, and/or a drabble written to the prompt of your choice by an awesome writer :D
10K: Either or both of the above, plus an opportunity to get art drawn to a scene in your fic! Not to mention the satisfaction of completing a really long fic!
15 June: Rough drafts due. 
(During this time, artists & folk will look over the a summary list of the fics received, and pick at least one to make art/mixed media for.)
15 July: Final drafts, mixed media & art due.
Who Can Participate?
Anyone! Writers, artists, graphic people, fanxmixers, cheerleaders, beta-readers... all are welcome! :D 
There are no sign-ups for fics. Just, whoever gets their fics in by 15 June, is considered a participant. XD
For art and stuff, there'll be a sign-up thingy closer to the rough draft submission. :)
General guidelines (for fic -- guidelines for everything else should be similar, though)
Fics should be Bruce + Dick centric -- slash or gen, it should focus on them both. 
Fic should be stand-alone and "new" (i.e. not previously posted in some shape or form)
Ratings from General/G all the way through to Explicit/NC-17 are a-okay!
AU, canon, anything goes, as long as it's some recognisable form of Bruce & Dick. 
But really, there's not really any point in doing this unless people participate, so... consider this kind of a preliminary, interest-scouting mission. XD
If there's enough interest, I'll make a more detailed post about how it will work. But  until then, I'd like to find out:
would you be interested in participating?
if yes: as a writer, artist, or other (i.e. maker of fanmixes or banners/cheerleader/beta-reader)?
(I'm also open to suggestions on how to make this more appealing for potential participants -- please feel free to drop me an ask! :D)
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brucedickfest · 12 years
Fic: Suits (Bruce/Dick)
Title: Suits
Pairing: Bruce!Bats/Dick!Bats
Summary: Bruce and Dick both have specific reactions to the Batsuit. Weird sexual tension ensues. (The 1st part is set before Dick ever becomes Batman, obviously, the 2nd part is set after Bruce’s return from his presumed death.)
Genre: Humor, slash.
Words: 5,601
Warnings: Slightly NSFW. I actually feel like I should apologize for how NOT porny it is. XD All my Bruce/Dick fics seem to be exercises in sexual repression, idk what’s wrong with me.
Notes: Gift exchange fic for the always amazing epigenetics. Her fics and Bruce/Dick posts totally brighten up my fandom life, so I hope she’ll accept this humble offering! The prompt was: “I’d love to see some Batman x Batman action — kind of like this. Or basically both of them having an argument and then making-out/having sexy times, in their Batsuits. 8D” For some reason, I had a hard time getting Bruce and Dick to fight (which is so weird, considering they’re so good at it in canon XD), so I made them fight. Hope that’s all right!
PS.: I legit believe that this would be Dick’s initial reaction to wearing the cowl. So. >.>
When Dick tries on the Batsuit for the first time, he knows he’s in trouble. And it’s not the kind of trouble that “putting on the Batsuit” would imply.
He can feel the heat surge through his body. When he tries to draw a breath, it comes out shallow and fast, and it’s not because of the form-fitting, Kevlar-enforced armor clutching his torso. He sees himself in the mirror, wearing that cowl, wearing these colors, and his blood starts pounding in his veins.
He hasn’t expected it, but there’s no way around it: stepping into Batman’s skin makes him uncontrollably horny.
And there’s nothing he can do about it.
This … this isn’t good.
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brucedickfest · 12 years
Tavern on the Water (BruceDick - for Gia)
Summary: “You wander down the lane and faraway…” – Stardust by Hoagy Carmichael and Mitchell Parish
Notes: For Gia as a part of the BruceDick Exchange.  So sorry you had to wait so long, I basically got stretched between people and things and then my oven went crazy.  I opted for Hurt/Comfort (though now that I think about it, there’s more hurt than there is comfort—damn.) and I noticed you liked sad things.  Hope it’s enjoyable.
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brucedickfest · 12 years
Always Into the Fire, Bruce/Dick NC-17
Story for kidquip as part of the Bruce/Dick Holiday Exchange!  She is one of my absolute favorite writers in the fandom so it was completely intimidating getting her in the exchange but, oh gosh, I hope she likes it!  
The prompt was ‘Bruce and Dick working off the adrenaline after patrol’ and it at least mostly meets that definition.  So, yes, kidquip, hi.  :D  I hope you like it!  
Title: Always Into the Fire
Pairing: Dick/Bruce
Summary: Barbara said they fought like two big drama queens and, while Bruce would never admit it, that wasn’t inaccurate. 
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brucedickfest · 12 years
[FIC] Holy Matrimony, Batman! (Bruce/Dick)
Title: Holy Matrimony, Batman!
Characters: Bruce/Dick + BatFamily + everyone who is anyone in the DC Superhero crowd
Rating/warnings: PG-13 for the first part. The epilogue, which has been marked out, is NC-17 for toppy!Dick sexy times.
Notes: For the wonderful st00pz in the Bruce/Dick Holiday Exchange. :D I derailed from your prompt a lot, ack, but I hope it works for you anyway.  Meeya cheer-led and smut-advised, and Meg audienced parts of this. Thanks, both! <3!
Summary: It’s the biggest event in both the Gotham society and superhero calendars — the Grayson-Wayne/Batman-Nightwing wedding! But will Dick, caught up fighting a new baddie, end up being late to his own party? Will Bruce, Groomzilla™, have an aneurysm because he wanted a white gardenia for his boutonnière, and not this completely unacceptable white carnation? Most importantly, will someone get Clark a damn handkerchief?! Click Read More to find out!
[Also at AO3]
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brucedickfest · 12 years
“Come Together”
for inrequimby.tumblr.com for the Bruce/Dick Holiday Fic Exchange here on Tumblr.
The prompt was “Christmas traditions at the Manor” and it sticks to that… mostly. And then Jason and Dick totally took over. It’s sappy, it’s fluffy, it’s Christmassy…
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brucedickfest · 12 years
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Bruce/Dick small gifts exchange, my etry for http://wibblety.tumblr.com
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brucedickfest · 12 years
Time Off (For Good Behavior) - Bruce/Dick
Title: Time Off (For Good Behavior) Pairing or Characters: Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson Rating: Teen Summary: Bruce intends to give Dick what he needs —and then some. Contains: established D/s relationship, implications of sensation play and bondage Notes: This is for the Bruce/Dick Holiday Exchange and I got the great bradygirl_12 as my giftee.
This story follows this prompt:
D/s exploration. The dynamic of D/s is that the sub holds the ultimate power. I would like to see Bruce as the Dom and Dick the sub, and how their relationship plays out. I like bondage and scenes like Bruce fully clothed and Dick naked, kneeling at his feet, or Bruce in full Dom gear. Whipping and spanking is fine, but not into blood play.
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brucedickfest · 12 years
[FIC REC] Sleigh Bells Jingle by BradyGirl_12 (Bruce/Dick)
 Title: Sleigh Bells Jingle (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Barbara Gordon, Bruce/Dick, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cass Cain, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne
Author’s Notes: Written for the 2012 Bruce/Dick Small Gifts Exchange for Silvertales. Prompt #2: Bruce And Dick Come Out To Batfam (Everyone Already Knows). 
My Notes: Sweet Bruce/Dick with a Christmas-y flavour and lots of hilarious BatFamily love! So perfect. <3
→ Read the story at AO3
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brucedickfest · 12 years
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Robin is so sick with all this
Bruce/Dick Christmas Exchange…for teakat.
Went by the prompt “family ties” and tried to emphasize that Damian has two dads who’re still in their honeymoon phase 
Hope you like it ;v;/
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brucedickfest · 12 years
Closing Post
I meant to post this way earlier, but I just wanted to say a really big thank-you to everyone who submitted prompts, wrote fic, and read/liked/reblogged the arts and fics from the fest last November/December. :D Thank you all for your support, and I hope you enjoyed the influx of Bruce/Dick-related works as much as I did.
Special shout-outs also to: birdbitch, st00pz, giallodih for submitted two pieces, and a huge one to kidquip who did four (awesome) fics (!).
Meanwhile, the prompts that did not have stories/art done for them can all be found here. Feel free to fill them! And please do drop me a note if you do, because I'd love to reblog them here. :)
Finally, the participants of the Fest were invited to participated in a small holiday exchange (kept small because it was organised really last minute, haha), and I'll likely be reblogging the stories and art that came out of there over here soon. So keep a look out! :D
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brucedickfest · 12 years
Complete Masterlist
This is epic in its lateness, but here's the full list of fics and art for the fest -- under Read More, for your convenience. <3
[COMIC] Sunshine by st00pz PG - mushy, sappy morning scene Prompt: #24. Sunshine  
[FIC] time pulls a face when i’m next to you by epigenetics NC-17 - smut Prompt: #36. [Picture, click here for bigger]
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General idea: Work-station smut. […] Never mind the skull, pay attention to the ease of Bruce and Dick’s interaction in this panel and NOTO in general. + The Internet if Bruce keeps the gloves and Dick keeps his Nu52 age.   
[FIC] The Temptation He Faces by synphstories Teens Prompt: #40. “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.” — Oscar Wilde  
[FIC] In Deviance by udontease Teens/Mature - underage, sexual activities with a minor Prompt: #75. Frank Miller’s All Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder ‘verse - anything, I’d just love to see them interact again.  
[FIC] A Glance by birdbitch PG-13 Prompt: #46.”The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories, that it has come to be disbelieved in. Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only.” [Victor Hugo]  
[FIC] That Which Cannot Be Written by silvertales PG Prompt: #3. Box of Letters  
[ART] Fine Lines and Graying Hair by wibblety SFW Prompt: #18. Aging  
[FIC] An Inner Fire by elisemadrid NC-17  Prompt:#68. Dick is severely injured on a mission, and it leads to Bruce realising a few things about his feelings for his ex-ward.  
[ART] Training by giallodih  SFW  Prompt: #10. Pirates  
[FIC] Use Your Words by Synph Explicit; Fisting, D/s relationship Prompt: 01. Safeword  
[FIC] If You Could See Inside my Soul by chaoticwaltz Mature; sexy times, vaguely dark thoughts regarding possession and BDSM. Prompt: #48. “And my better judgement tells me to say no” [Jerry Garcia Band - Poison Love]  
[FIC] Perils of Dating in Gotham by inrequimby NC-17 Prompt: #78. AU - Bruce and Dick meet as Batman and Officer Grayson.  
[FIC] Like Shooting Stars by birdbitch NC-17; rimming Prompt: #19. Lace Panties  
[FIC] For the Sound of Your Heartbeat (There is Nothing I Would Not Do) by redroseromantic R Prompt: #15. Headspace  
[ART] Tricky by jaiface T; sexually suggestive Prompt: Halloween  
[FIC] After School Special by Synph  Mature; age difference, future relationship between an adult/minor, power imbalance Prompt: 81. AU - Bruce Wayne is a teacher at Dick Grayson’s high school  
[ART] heroes’ day off by giallodih  SFW Prompt: #5, Cotton candy  
[FIC] Good Morning, Hypocrite by wibblety T; minor cursing and some macking Prompt: #35 [PICTURE, work-safe, click here for bigger] 
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  [FIC] He’s gold tipped and tinted by teakat/solakid G Prompt: #24. Sunshine  
[FiC] Timelines by RealHouseWifeTonyStark/ActualDickGrayson  SFW; violence and language  Prompt: #65. AU - Dick never left the circus  
[FIC] The Bat And The Angel by BradyGirl_12  G, no warnings Prompt: #11. Wings  
[FIC] Young At Heart by Synph  Teen  Prompt: #18. Aging  
[ART] Officer and the Bat by st00pz SFW  Prompt:  #78: AU - Bruce and Dick meet as Batman and Officer Grayson.  
[FIC] Overboard by kleine-aster  Teens; mansex  Prompt: #69: Dick and Bruce try to go on a date. It doesn’t go as planned, but they still have fun together (and possibly sexy times).
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brucedickfest · 12 years
Other Challenges
If anyone's on the look out for some challenges to inspire fic writing and art drawing, BradyGirl_12 over at LiveJournal has some ongoing challenges that might get your muses fired up:
2012 DCU Fic/Art Silver Bells Winter Holidays Challenge
2012 DCU Fic/Art Angels Challenge
2012 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge
Check them out if you can :D I don't believe you need to be a LiveJournal user to participate.
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brucedickfest · 12 years
Week 3 Recap
[ART] heroes' day off by giallodih  SFW Prompt: #5, Cotton candy  
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[FIC] Good Morning, Hypocrite by wibblety T; minor cursing and some macking Prompt: #35 [PICTURE, work-safe, click thumbnail for bigger]   
[FIC] He's gold tipped and tinted by teakat/solakid G Prompt: #24. Sunshine  
[FiC] Timelines by RealHouseWifeTonyStark/ActualDickGrayson SFW; violence and language Prompt: #65. AU - Dick never left the circus  
[FIC] The Bat And The Angel by BradyGirl_12 G, no warnings Prompt: #11. Wings  
[FIC] Young At Heart by Synph Teen Prompt: #18. Aging  
[ART] Officer and the Bat by st00pz SFW Prompt:  #78: AU - Bruce and Dick meet as Batman and Officer Grayson.  
[FIC] Overboard by kleine-aster Teens; mansex Prompt: #69: Dick and Bruce try to go on a date. It doesn’t go as planned, but they still have fun together (and possibly sexy times).
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brucedickfest · 12 years
All fics + art posted
So that's a wrap on fic/art posting for Bruce/Dick Fest 2012!
Week 3's recap post will go up over the weekend, and that'll be followed by a closing remarks post (and also an overall Masterlist). Thanks everyone for supporting this fest, and please do take the time to check out the wonderful fics and art posted, if you haven't already done so. :D
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