btswritings1998 · 5 years
I hate u, I love u (Jhope au) part 2
Hoseok x Reader
Genre: angst/ fluff (eventually)
Summary: Hoseok was my soulmate. He had been since the moment I had met him in dance school. He loved me, yet he had another soulmate. No matter how happy we were and how many promises we both made, if she needed him, he always ran. I wondered, Was two soulmates ever a thing? The answer became clear on the day he fully walked out my life. Only thing is, what was I supposed to do now that I found out some life changing news?
Song recommended for this part: All I Want by Kodaline
I stand in silence looking at the guy before me. I stood there studying him. As if I hadn’t remembered every little detail of him the day he walked out. His features all still the same. The ears doing that little folding thing under the cap he was wearing and his nose was the same sharp thin nose it always was. His lips were the same with the little mole and cupids bow. His eyes, still the same brown that sparkled as they always had. My eyes trail down to the hand he’s holding, as I suspected my eyes then meet her. The one who always had him.
“Did you say single mother?” He repeated again
“I-I’m sorry. I think you have the wrong girl. I don’t know you.” I muster up the words as I hold Ariel closer to me
I walk past him rushing Taehyung and Jungkook behind me. I open the car door and start to set Ariel in her car seat. Tears started to form in my eyes. I didn’t want to hurt again. I finish putting Ariel in her carseat and close the door. I feel his eyes on me the entire time. A part of me wanted to walk up to him and yell how much I hated him. How raising Ariel on my own with a full time job and my mom watching after her was hell because I could hardly spend anytime with her. That I was working so hard to provide for her. Yet, I couldn’t. Yes, I hated him, but my love for him was still stronger. Pretending I didn’t know him, well it was just to protect myself. I got in the car and look towards him. This time tears running down my cheeks. I look at him and mumble “sorry.”
I turn to Jungkook “Let’s get out of here, please.”
“Why did you pretend not to know him?” Taehyung questioned me
By this time, we had made it home. It was well over Ariels bedtime, so Jungkook had taken her to her room and try to put her to sleep. He knew that seeing Hoseok had taken a huge blow at me and he wanted to help.
“Why should’ve I acknowledged him? He is married to that bitch after all isn’t he?” I imprudently questioned
“He deserves to know babe.” Tae says
I scoff drinking the red wine that was in my cup. A part of me knew that he was right. Correction, all of me knew that he was right. None of this was fair for baby Ariel and I knew it. So, why was I acting like it was?
Before I could speak Jungkook walks into the room.
“Okay Ariel is finally asleep. You sure you don’t want us to stay hun?” He questions as he grabs his black hoodie
“I’ll be okay. Jin is coming over. He said he wanted to have a movie night with me. I hadn’t seen the man since...well since Hoseok and I broke up.” I say lying straight through my teeth
Jin wasn’t coming over. He had moved to England to run his dads company. He was a huge CEO and barely had enough time to even visit his step-sister anymore.
“Right. We all know he’s in England. Keep in mind we all did grow up together, but okay.” Taehyung says
“Shit.” I say
“Do you want us to stay? We’ll keep you company.” Jungkook says as he winks
“Jungkook enough with the flirting. Now go! You both have work in the morning!” I exclaim pushing them out the door
“Love you!” They both exclaim
“Always!” I say back
As I close the door I hear my phone go off.
Hoseok: We need to talk.
Me: About what? I have nothing to say to you.
Hoseok: I know that was you. Please just let me see you.
Me: Who was me? I have been at home all day. You must have mistaken someone else for me. Plus isn’t your WIFE going to hate you for even texting me?
Hoseok: Don’t bullshit me. It was you. You were wearing the same bracelet I had given you when I promised forever. Now enough I am outside, open the door.
My heart stopped as I read that last line. I looked towards the door as the doorbell rang.
“Shit.” I spit out as I realize what had just happened
I checked the camera to see if Ariel was still asleep. Much to my surprise she was still asleep.
I get up from the couch heading towards the door. I stand there with my hand on the doorknob contemplating what is about to happen.
I open the door and there he stands. The same guy from earlier only this time tears were on the verge of falling. I stand there looking at him as I feel the knot in my throat form. The very one that hurts you because of you holding in your tears.
“Well, are you going to come in?” I harshly say
He nods without saying a word.
We sit on the couch staring at the blank tv and I sipping on the rest of my wine. What was I supposed to say to him? How was I even going to explain?
“So it was you?” He questions
“Yeah. It was me. Listen Hoseok I don’t need your pity or whatever it is you came for. I-“ just as I was about to keep talking I heard Ariel cry
I stop my words and walk towards the room. I pick her up and coo at her trying to calm her down. Her cries turn into whimpers as she snuggles in closer to me. I was used to this routine. There was no way she was going back to sleep until I laid her down next to me in my bed. But, I had an unexpected guest.
I grab her pink blanket and wrap her in it. Winter was harsh this year and in the small home I had, the heater was crap. I walk out into the living room hugging my babygirl in my arms.
I see Hoseok look up from the photo on the coffee table and look at me. His eyes were puffy and red. Seemed like he cried as soon as I left the room to get Ariel.
I walked towards the rocking chair I had in the room and sat down. The room was filled with the little breaths of Ariel and my slightly heavy breathing.
“When did you know?” He asks
“The same day you left. I remember you walking in and frantically looking for clothes. I knew it was her. It was always her. I had just seen the results when you had walked in. I was going to tell you, but when I saw your eyes looking desperately at me, who was I to get in the way of you and her? So, I let you go. It was what was best for both her and me.” I explain
“You know I would’ve stayed. If you would’ve just told me...I would’ve stayed.” He says
“And done what? Be with me for pity and hate us for the rest of our lives? No Hoseok, you don’t get to walk in and pretend like you would’ve been okay with that. Not after years of not even trying. Especially not when I know you married her.” I sternly say
“You don’t mean that. How can you?” He questions
“Is it not true?” I question him
Before he says a word Ariel starts to cry. I try and rock her and coo at her but to no luck she cries harder. I start to cry too as I hold her closer to me. I look up at Hoseok who starts to head closer towards me and Ariel.
“Don’t. You have no idea how hard I’ve had it. It’s best if you leave Hoseok. I’ll talk to you when I can.” I say as my voice starts to break
I get up rushing him out the door and slam it behind his back. I then turn around to turn the lights off.
I start walking towards my lightly dimmed room. Tears were fully running down my cheeks now. I was hurting again. The pain of seeing him was too much for me. I who loved him so much, was the one who ended up alone with Ariel. I who gave so much of my love to someone who could barely look at me at times, was still willing to keep giving him all my love until it completely broke me down.
I laid Ariel down next to me holding her close. Both of us were crying at this point. I try to calm myself down to get Ariel to sleep...This was going to be a hell of a night.
I wake up to a faint noise in the kitchen. I panic as I don’t feel Ariel next to me. I can hear her giggles coming from the kitchen and I turn to look at the clock.
Why the hell were one of the boys here this early? I thought they had work.
I get up from my bed fixing my hair from the birds nest that it was in. I walked out the room only to hear Hoseoks voice.
“What the hell is he doing here?” I ask myself
I shake the thought out of my head. Maybe I was only thinking I was hearing his voice. I continue to walk into the kitchen and there he is, handing me a cup of coffee. Now, anyone who has ever known me knows that One, I hate being woken up this early. Two, I don’t want anyone to talk to me until I had some coffee. I surely wasn’t up for either, because I had stayed up until 3am trying to get Ariel to fall back asleep.
“Why the hell are you here?” I spat out ignoring his offer of coffee and pouring my own cup
“I wanted to talk to you. The guys let me in.” He softly says
I turn to look at Taehyung and Jungkook who are peeking out now from behind the doorframe separating the kitchen and livingroom. At this point I wanted to yell at them, but baby Ariel was in the room and she didn’t have to see me like that.
“I still have nothing to say to you. You walked out. You made your choice. Instead of walking out you could’ve stayed. You could’ve helped me fix this.” I say tears starting to form
"I know I told you that I didn't tell you because you would've hated us. I still stand by that but you at least could've tried. YOU love her Hoseok! YOU CHOSE HER!" At this time I was yelling and dropped my coffee cup
"Shit." Jungkook says and rushes towards me
I stand there shaking while sobbing. What was I supposed to do now? Ariel was crying and Taehyung was trying to calm her. As soon as he picked her up she stopped. Meanwhile, Jungkook had cleaned up the mess and was now rubbing my back trying to calm me.
"Taehyung take Ariel to her play room please and close the door." Jungkook says
Tae does as told then reappears with the baby monitor in hand so he can check up on Ariel.
"I think it's best if you leave Hoseok." Taehyung states as he walks closer to him
Hoseok stands up and walks closer to me trying to grab my hands. I suddenly yank my hands away from his grasp.
"I believe he said it's best if you leave." Jungkook says as he gets in front of me
“Please.” He begs peeking over Jungkook
I knew it was genuine. If there was anything that Hoseok didn’t like doing, it was begging. He was never one to really beg unless he meant it.
"Please leave. I can't do this right now. And, I may never be ready to do this. I know Ariel is half of you, but I raised her. With the help of Tae and Jungkook she's had the love you couldn't give to her. She has enough love right now. So please just leave. I am begging you." I say fully breaking down
I see the glimpse of pain in his eyes. It was kind of the same pain I had seen before. The pain he inflicted on me for all those years. My words were harsh, but I was very hurt.
With that he turned around and walked out the kitchen, looking at the baby monitor that showed Ariel smiling while playing with her toys. He grabbed the door knob getting ready to turn it.
"She has your smile. The same smile that I loved seeing on you. The smile that I broke and regret that with all my h-heart." Hoseok says while crying
The words he spoke came like knives towards me. Those words were the ones to fully break me.
I drop to the floor crying curling myself into a ball. I yell out of all the pent up anger and pain I have. Jungkook sit next to me hugging and rocking me. I cry into his chest. Taehyung wanted to come but he at this point had to go check on Ariel.
What was I supposed to do now? Why did I have to wear that damn bracelet?
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btswritings1998 · 5 years
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stop that!!
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btswritings1998 · 5 years
I hate u, I love u (Jhope au)
Hoseok x Reader
Genre: angst/ fluff
Summary: Hoseok was my soulmate. He had been since the moment I had met him in dance school. He loved me, yet he had another soulmate. No matter how happy we were and how many promises we both made, if she needed him, he always ran. I wondered, Was two soulmates ever a thing? The answer became clear on the day he fully walked out my life. Only thing is, what was I supposed to do now that I found out some life changing news?
Song recommended for this part: i hate u, i love u by Gnash.
“So is that why you came back?” I say
“What do you mean?” He questions
“You only came back to tell me how much you love me, only to grab your things and leave again.” I tell him
He puts his luggage down and moves closer to me. I take a step back without realizing it and I see the glimpse of hurt in his eyes. The very brown eyes that used to look at me with such love now look at me with pain.
“You know that’s not what I mean to do every time. You know I love you and you know how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He says now looking down at the cream carpet we both stood on
I stayed quiet. To be honest I didn’t know what to say to him anymore. All the promises we had made slowly got torn down one by one and here we were at the last one. Again, getting torn down.
“If you leave...if you walk out that door Hoseok, you can’t come back. Yes you love me, but you love her the most.”
“You know that’s not true. You know you’re the only one my heart loves and will always love.” He says
Something about his words sound so sincere, but when you’ve gone through what I’ve gone through it becomes hard to differentiate sincereness and lies. I was done with the pain. I walked around him as tears start falling down my cheeks. I open the door
“You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it. Have a good life with her Hoseok.” I say avoiding eye contact
I knew if I looked at him I would die from the biggest heartbreak of my life. I couldn’t break now. I had to be strong for both me and the baby....
It had been two years since I last saw him. Last I heard from Yoongi, one of his best friends, he had gotten married to her. The news broke my heart, but I knew that is what was going to happen. After all I did pretty much send him into her arms. It was okay though. I had focused on my baby and after birth I finished dance school like how I had always said I was going to.
I looked at the little babygirl resting her head on my lap. She was still so tiny and I couldn’t believe it was about to be two years since I had her. He left that day, I had just found out that I was pregnant....
I was about to tell him the news when he came rushing into his and my room. He seemed frantic. He was searching for clothes not even acknowledging that I was standing at the restrooms doorframe excited to tell him the news. He finished packing a bag only then to turn towards me. Tears were forming in his eyes. I hid the stick behind my back. My excited smile quickly faded and the shine in my eyes went dull. I automatically knew what this was about. It was her, it was always her. Anger ran through my veins as well as pain. This was nothing knew to me,both him and I had been through this countless of times, yet it still hurt like hell like the very first time. He stood there not knowing what to say, but his eyes said it all. She needed him and like always he was going to rush into her arms.
“It’s her isn’t it?” I barely mumble out
His eyes shifted from me to the floor as he nodded
“What could she possibly need from you now Hoseok?” The words fell out my mouth like daggers coming at him
I was pissed and when I was pissed, I was the most ruthless person you’ve ever met.
“Come on, you know it’s not like that my love. You know I have to be there for her as much as I am for you.” Hoseok said trying to make sense of the whole situation
“....You know I have to be there for her as much as I am for you.”
The words replayed in my head over and over in that instance. Did he just say that to me? As if I meant the same to him as she did to him.
“You know I love you so so much, but you know what happened between her and I. I have to go. I’ll be back.” He picked up his luggage and started to walk away
I moved from the restroom doorframe walking closer to him. My feet allowing me to step onto the cream carpet. I wanted to spit out the words that I was going to have his baby. I held back though and words of anger came out instead...
I had told him to have a nice life with her. That was the last thing I told him and it haunted me. I remember crying for days not wanting to eat let alone shower. Jungkook came around often bringing Taehyung trying to cheer me up with games and food and stories. Much to my surprise, it often worked until they left then I felt empty again. Jungkook and Tae, well, they had been my best friends since I was little and they had grown very fond of Hoseok. They warned me from the start that it was a dangerous game I was playing. Yoongi, who had known Hoseok since they were little, due to them being neighbors, knew what Hoseok had with that girl. He also warned me, but I still didn’t listen.
They had met in kindergarten and grew up together, she was his soulmate. Yet, she betrayed him again and again. She was the only one he had ever known. Until, he met me. He would tell me I was his other soulmate, the one he was truly destined to be with. I always wondered how that worked. Was more than one soulmate ever a thing? I kept replaying the question in my head the whole relationship. He was mine, but was I really his?
“Mami?” The little girl on my lap barely muttered the words
I instantly shook all the thoughts out my head.
I look down at her and smiled “Is my little stinky ready to eat?”
She nodded and I giggled. I sat her up on the couch and started to play the movie. She loved watching The Little Mermaid. I mean her name was Ariel, because that was always my favorite movie too.
“I’m going to go cook my love stay right here.” I say
As I’m heading to the kitchen the doorbell rings. My heart races. Jungkook and Taehyung usually just open it because they’ve had a key for the longest.
I hesitate to turn around and open the door. Yet my feet carry my body towards the door before I realize it.
I take a deep breath as I open the door.
“Jungkook! Tae! You scared me.” I say
“Sorry dinglehead over here forgot his key at the house and we didn’t realize it until we were in your parking lot.” Jungkook stated
You laugh and welcome the boys in. Automatically they run to the baby girl watching the movie with her. They had been very good uncles to Ariel despite them being busy all the time.
“You guys got here just in time I was about to make Ariel dinner and then maybe make myself something too.” I say
“Why don’t we just go out to eat. You haven’t left the house in days babe. Plus Ariel looks like she needs some sun.” Taehyung states
“Taehyung I’m broke... they fired me from work, remember?” I say
“We’ll pay. It’s the most I can do for you.” Jungkook chimes in
I nod my head and head to the room to get clothes for Ariel and I. I always tried not to take long getting dressed. Especially when it came to going out with Tae and Jungkook. I tried my best to put on make up and simple jeans with a cropped black hoodie. I ended up giving Ariel matching jeans and a black hoodie also.
“Okay let’s go.” I say as I came back into the living room
Moments later we were sitting in the restaurant ordering our food.  
“I’ll have chicken strips and French fries please. Actually two but one kids meal for the baby. Please.” I say as the waiter takes our orders
“You say please every five seconds.” Jungkook says
I scoff and giggle. 
“So what if I do. I’m just very polite,” I pout
“Yeah, more like anxious.” Tae mumbles
Through the first half of our dinner we laughed and talked about how the past few years of our life had gone. Tae had started to paint and travel the world showing his art. Making him a famous painter. Jungkook well, he did YouTube and became a huge director. Most of the time he would vlog or I would do some videos with him. I, well I stayed at home with Ariel most of the time except when I needed to work. At those times my mom took care of her for me.
“Yeah well being a single mother wasn’t exactly in my plans, but it’s the way things worked out.” I stated as we started walking out the restaurants door
As I bump into a person in front of me almost dropping Ariel.
“Watch where you’re going ass-” I say as I look up to who I bumped into “-hole.”
“Did you say single mother?” A voice I hadn’t heard in a while rang through my ears
I tensed up as I stared at the the figure of the voice whom I just had called an asshole. My heart quickly dropped to the pit of my stomach.
“Hoseok.” I say
I hadn’t spoken his name in years and I was not ready for this type of pain yet again.
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btswritings1998 · 6 years
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angel :(
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
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Restored Taehyung- submission
Do not whitewash || Do not remove captions
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
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post practice
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
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Taetae’s thighs appreciation They’re so underrated
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
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Kings of Footwork 👑
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
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hi taehyung!!! ^_^
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
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♡ 🐯
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
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If Tae ever were to be on the run from the police, they wouldn’t find shit. This boy literally turn into a WHOLE new human with just ONE button down and a bandana
(Pic credits to @BTSculture on Twitter)
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
Changing Me (Hoseok au)
I sat on the edge of the hospital bed as nothing but silence filled the room. Was this the last time I would ever see him? Was this it? Was the man I had grown so attached to and love not going to be a part of me anymore? My mind raced through so many questions. None of which I wanted to know the answers to.
“Ma'am…ma'am!” a man spoke
I snapped out of my thoughts looking at the sight around me. The man who had spoken to me wore a long white coat and some scrubs under. This was the doctor who was trying to save my mans life.
“Ma'am, I’m going to need you to step out.” the doctor instructed me
I started shaking my head and held on to the blanket that covered the man I loved.
“No! No! I won’t go! I can’t leave him!” I exclaimed tears starting to escape my eyes
“Will someone please get her out of here!” the doctor once again shouted
I felt arms wrap around my waist and start pulling me out of the hospital room. I started kicking and screaming. It seemed like something you were to see in a movie or read in a book, but this was no movie or book, it was real. 
Suddenly the heart monitor went silent. At that same moment I felt my heart drop. The arms that held me let go. Time stopped once again. I ran heading for the hospital bed but fell to the floor, not even making it halfway towards the man that I love…loved. I guess this really was it. This was the last time I would ever see him…
A week had passed since that day…I was broken and under careful watch by all my friends. I kept telling everyone I was okay, but everyone, even myself, knew that was a lie. I was far from okay. I had loved that man with every piece of my soul and he was ripped from me. I was empty. I felt like I no longer knew how to breathe or eat. I would try to even put on a smile for others but it was no use. How was I going to pretend to be happy when deep down I was torn?
I stood in front of the mirror holding on to the last photo we took. We were so happy. Little did we know that the worst was yet to come… The black dress I was wearing fit me a little big. Back then it fit me perfect, but now it was a different story. Eating wasn’t much of a use to me. Most days I would just lay in bed. No tv, no radio, just me and the empty space in both my heart and the bed.
“You ready to go?” a voice echoed through the room
I nodded my head at my friend who gave me a comforting smile. Without a word I slowly started walking out the house to the car that would take me to where my love’s funeral was being held. This is where the goodbye would begin.
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
Hoseok as a Boyfriend (BTS as boyfriends series)
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He would always make sure you smile. He hates seeing you sad.
"Babe are you okay?" "Yes? I don't think so...you usually smile when we order pizza."
He would make sure to always tell you how beautiful you are. Like that boy tells you 24/7. He would always see you look in the mirror and see how your face expression changes. It brakes his heart every time.
"Baby you are so beautiful. I'm such a lucky guy."
When he's on tour with the rest of the members he is always texting you or calling you. He gets in trouble sometimes but he says it's all worth it.
He would suprise you with flowers just because. It doesn't need to be a special day he just loves flowers and he knows you like them too.
He takes you on the best dates!! Even if it's small and simple he makes sure that you have the best time.
He sneaks you into dance practices even though everyone knows you're there but they let it slide.
His kisses!! OH MY GOD HIS KISSES!!! I imagine his kisses to be very gentle and sweet.
He's a very gentle boyfriend.
When you are on your period he would go out and buy everything you need. He wouldn't care if he gets stares or weird looks. He was doing it for his girlfriend who means the world to him.
CUTE NAMES! "Honey" "Sweety" "my little peach" "my little sunshine"
He would probably surprise you with a puppy.
When he gets asked about you his face lights up a thousand times more. He loves talking about you so much.
Sometimes the rest of bangtan get so annoyed with him because HE! DOESN'T! SHUT! UP! ABOUT! YOU! But they secretly think it's so cute how he is with you.
He would ask you to practice choreography with him.
"But babe I suck." "Oh baby, you don't suck! Come on please!!!"
You finally give in and he gets so excited
COUPLE PICTURES!!! Lots of them!
He would play with your hair if you can't sleep.
I feel like Hoseok is very protective of you. Whenever someone hurts you he will always stick up for you.
I feel he is also very jealous when it comes to other guys being friends with you.
Whenever you wear shorts he always ties a hoodie around you because he doesn’t want any other guy trying to check you out.
When it's your anniversary he goes all out!
Make! out! sessions! He's gentle but can't keep his hands off of you. He's very romantic when it comes to the times he just wants to love on you. He would light candles and put rose petals everywhere!
Movie nights! He loves to watch movies with you and buy so many snacks!
97 notes · View notes
btswritings1998 · 7 years
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btswritings1998 · 7 years
Upcoming texts and scenarios
Hello! I know this is a bts based blog but I also want to include other groups so future texts and scenarios will include Got7, Pentagon, A.C.E, Monsta X, and many more! Hope yall have a nice day/night!!! ❤💛💚💙💜
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