bubblebleuberri · 6 days
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team future you all Suck
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bubblebleuberri · 6 days
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this took way longer than it should have
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bubblebleuberri · 9 days
Just for context, this is a clip from a longer highlights compilation on my YouTube channel! You can watch it here:
alright y'all we gotta get these eggs-- wait, what are they doing over there?
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bubblebleuberri · 9 days
alright y'all we gotta get these eggs-- wait, what are they doing over there?
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bubblebleuberri · 14 days
Agreed with most parts with this post, except for Grizzco Stringer.
The Stringer is good at laying large strips of paint down and inking Fishstick walls (like you said!), and its biggest strength is that it's fantastic at dealing significant damage to most bosses like Stingers, Drizzlers, and Scrappers, if not outright defeating them with a single, concentrated shot. That being said, it sucks at taking care of Steelheads (you are NOT consistently hitting the bomb with this weapon) and has trouble if it gets surrounded, but otherwise it has its own applications here. It's a comfy Support weapon at best.
I love how for this Big Run all the weapons work well in their own facets, and anyone can use whatever playstyle they'd like since the cannons permit players who are super far away from the basket to still contribute effectively. The stage is pretty good for SR, but I do question the layout for Tri-Color. Idk, maybe they'll do some additions when the time comes, but it's a little iffy right now (honestly it's giving Saltspray Rig vibes, more than what Lemuria Hub gives off).
also also i got 172 eggs in my first game, then with my friends our personal best is 179. It's pretty easy to get gold this time around - let alone making it past Wave 3 - especially with the cannons and being able to conserve your ink for your actual weapon, and not to egg throw. And I like that it's less of a complicated grind - now it's just about setting new records and contributing to the greater goal of getting those sweet scales.
splatoon devs: we're gonna set the big run quota at a ridiculously high number!! we're gonna make it so high that it'll force everyone to grind the event for the whole weekend! we're gonna be generous and let everyone pool their eggs together, but they'll never reach 700,000,000 eggs that easily!! we gottem!!
splatoon players, barely 2 hours into the event, already 1/7th of the way there: i'm sorry did you say something
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bubblebleuberri · 15 days
only reblogging this because of the replies to the comments
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bubblebleuberri · 29 days
Hey at least Nintendo said that they're working on something to port save data to an offline version of the game, without any of the online features
THAT BEING SAID literally the only thing I really liked doing recently in PC was finding players with Market Box items and effectively buying them out. so like. Yeah that experience is probably dead
Anyway, three months before Pocket Camp goes bye-bye, so grind up those Leaf Tickets and do something with them before they're gone too
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2017-2024 RIP 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。
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bubblebleuberri · 1 month
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bubblebleuberri · 2 months
hey, wait a minute...
I've been seeing all this fan art of Summer Nights Frye on here
Did she really have... Blueberries... on her head??????
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...was this meant to be...?
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bubblebleuberri · 2 months
I think it's crazy how people still attribute the character minimization in PM to Miyamoto's fault, when the design teams could've interpreted his suggestions differently (why not take another route in minimizing the new characters that doesn't result in forty-thousand versions of the same Toads, Goombas, and Koopas??? Or just reuse old designs again?)
Let's be real, Paper Jam was ass because Paper Mario was included, which came with the series' progressive mediocrity in story, characters, and setting, with the writing being more self-aware and hypercritical for the time (which didn't age well); also, Alphadream was HARD FLOPPING with both remakes, making unsavory, milquetoast changes to each of the beloved games. Honestly, I still wish they made a PiT remake (an underrated game that got screwed by being one of the first DS games in the console's lifetime, with minimal utilization of the console's features that the later games WOULD USE), but that's neither here nor there.
No comment about NSMB (it's a pretty formulaic platformer series, I agree) or MK8 (I don't know the context so I shan't speak on it)
Wonder was alright (it gives me SMW vibes), the remakes are remakes of older games, and Brothership is inconclusive so far (though it may be going back to the M&L series' roots with its expression). I'm glad Nintendo is reigniting the old passions of the past, but let's not get nostalgia-blind and start pointing at one "bad guy". They made shit decisions that they thought their fans would like instead of experimenting with refreshing ideas that go against the current grain.
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The Mario franchise of video games is the only series I've ever seen where the franchise's creator is also it's worst writer. Any time Miyamoto is given full creative control over a Mario game its the same bland cookie cutter vanilla shit over and over again. That's how we had that NSMB oversaturation era, that's how Paper Mario got ruined, that's how Paper Jam became so bland and led to Alphadream going bankrupt, and it's also why Mario Kart 8 almost didn't have guest racers… The sudden resurgence of Mario games being creative again has led me to believe that Miyamoto has been kidnapped and locked in some basement somewhere, and is now replaced with a clone. SMB Wonder, SMRPG Remake, TTYD Remake, and M&L Brothership all contradict this man's stupid-ass mandates.
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bubblebleuberri · 3 months
tumblr users coming for the fandom (or whatever idk)
tumblr users staying for the blogs
tumblr users love reading. you literally stopped for this post just because it has words in it
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bubblebleuberri · 3 months
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bubblebleuberri · 4 months
To be fair, the Splatoon community has always had trouble with "defend and maintain" objectives like Splat Zones. Remember the "Defend the Orb" objective from Octo Expansion? The Cruel Sisyphian floor is the new Girl Power Station 😅🐙
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There's also a reason people don't like Drizzling Capricciosos lol
I think side order really showed how most popular people playing the game know absolutely zilch about splat zones and probably never play it so it’s mighty funny as a splat zones enthusiast to see them complain that a stage is too hard when they literally have almost all the upgrades, sooo many inkrails to bail out of there, and a literal free get out of the enemy cluster button called flying with the pearl drone, it’s just so strange to see these pretty famous YouTubers play like a newbie kid who got splatoon for Christmas and has never ever played anything in the series before on splat zone floors, I am trying my best to not be a backseat gamer but buddy, if you’re going to max out some chips on a cruel sisphieon splat zone’s floor and you come in with a blaster of all things with no ink coverage or ink refills by killing enemies or moving, I think you should probably just skip the floor instead of spending 7 whole minutes trying to finish a simple inking floor
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bubblebleuberri · 4 months
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wow! i forgot i repressed that memory!
That reminds me, I played a Splatfest (the cryptid one) with Big Swig for the entire time, because I too usually stick with a weapon for funsies. I ended up being stuck in my base the entire time (entering mid would result in a death) and lost a majority of those games because of my skill issues and how the kit can't do much on its own outside of a support position. This was still in my phase of adjusting to S3's playstyle so I was really miffed on how dystopian it felt to face off against really aggressive kits with an unparalleled shit kit.
I archived the game and immediately went on a +4 month break away from S3 lmao
my one regret with splatfest is i thought about playing it with a slosher because team bucket list, but since i spent all that time in salmon run and didn't have much time left to reach ruler i decided to just use my usual mains
after all, last time i decided to commit to the bit like that--using a roller on team autobots (and changing my name to AUTOBLOT)--i only won 44% of the time
though i did win 7 times with bloblobber when i 1-starred it (if i'd won every time it'd be 8) so maybe it would work out with that
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bubblebleuberri · 4 months
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Dearly Beloved
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bubblebleuberri · 5 months
what the fuck is that-- *copy and paste link into incog tab*
oh, okay. 3.4 stars -- not bad, but that reminds me of a relevant story.
A long time ago, when I got a new phone and saw it didn't have a music player app already on it, I hunted down a new app on the Play Store -- and I landed on a music player that was discounted down to free dollars and pocket lint cents (who can complain about that). The same version is now permanently free and without ads too, so like, yeah.
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So yeah. I use this now. Neat suggestion though - but I'm comfy with what music player app I use now.
While we're on the topic, why do phones just come with LESS apps now??? I got another phone (had to upgrade to one that supports 5G) and that shit did NOT have a Gallery app (on top of also not having a music player). I ended up finding one online that I liked and trusted, and I took the APK from the GitHub page and installed it. It still gets updates so I don't have a reason to switch from it.
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bubblebleuberri · 5 months
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running into whirling accelerando at inopportune times
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