I will no longer be roleplaying on this account, instead I’ve moved to a single muse blog where I’ll only be roleplaying Sydney. There’s a possibility I might make blogs for my other OCs as well, and when that happens I’ll advertise them here
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i love to daydream and be called baby
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Hit on my muse
Are you an interior  decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.
Did  you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.
Do  you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
If  I were a stop light, I’d turn red everytime you passed by, just so I could  stare at you a bit longer.
If you were a  vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber.
There  are people who say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Apparently,  none of them have ever been in your arms.
Are  you an orphanage? Cause I wanna give you kids.
Are  you my Appendix? Because I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me  feel like I should take you out.
I  was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there. So I’m  going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.
I’m  not staring at your boobs. I’m staring at your heart.
Can  I take your picture to prove to all my friends that angels do exist?
Your  body is 65% water and I’m thirsty.
My  doctor says I’m lacking Vitamin U.
Can  I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.
If  I were a cat I’d spend all 9 lives with you.
Smoking  is hazardous to your health… and baby, you’re killing me!
You  must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room.
Do  you have a twin sister? Then you must be the most beautiful girl in the  world!
You  know I’d like to invite you over, but I’m afraid you’re so hot that you’ll  skyrocket my air-conditioning bill.
If  I were to ask you out on a date, would your answer be the same as the answer  to this question?
Are  you a campfire? Cause you are hot and I want s'more.
I  bet you $20 you’re gonna turn me down.
I  like Legos, you like Legos, why don’t we build a relationship?
Would  you grab my arm so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel?
There’s  only one thing I want to change about you, and that’s your last name.
Did  you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!
Can  I borrow your cell phone? I need to call animal control, because I just saw a  fox!
I’m  no organ donor but I’d be happy to give you my heart.
Kiss  me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?
Do  you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
You  see my friend over there? [Point to friend] He wants to know if YOU think I’M  cute.
Can  I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.
Are  you my phone charger? Because without you, I’d die.
Are  you a cat? Cause you are purrrfect
You  know how they say skin is the largest organ on the human body? Not in my  case.
My  lips are like skittles. Wanna taste the rainbow?
I  have an “owie” on my lip. Will you kiss it and make it better?
Hey baby, I must be a  light switch, cuz every time I see you, you turn me on!
Do  I know you? Cause you look just like my next girlfriend/boyfriend.
Have  you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it?
Was  your father a mechanic? Then how did you get such a finely tuned body?
Apart  from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
Is  it hot in here or is it just you?
I  blame you for global warming… your hotness is too much for the planet to  handle!
You’re  single. I’m single. Coincidence? I think not.
Stop,  drop, and roll, baby. You are on fire.
Baby,  you’re so hot, you make the equator look like the north pole.
I  hope there’s a fire truck nearby, cause you’re smokin’!
I  just got dumped, and I think that you could make me feel better.
If  you were a burger at McDonalds, you’d be McGorgeous.
Your  hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you.
You’re  so hot, I could bake cookies on you.
Is  your car battery dead? Because I’d like to jump you.
I’m  lost. Can you tell me which road leads to your heart?
It’s  a good thing I wore gloves today. Otherwise you’d be too hot to handle.
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"Actually, it's a little embarrassing, but I managed to get sunburn from being on the beach for too long." Noel pulled her collar down slightly, showing the difference in her skin tone.
"This scene kept running through my head about one character trying to teach another one to swim. I started writing that...and I guess the sun was brighter than I thought it was." She took a small bite of the treat in front of her, making sure not to eat too much of it.
"I can't believe I got sunburn so quickly! Maybe I should carry a parasol with me..."
🍓(from Noel)
It was nice of Noel to invite her to the cafe, Yukako thought. AND she was sharing a parfait with her? How sweet, literally. The strawberry ones were her favorite. She’d tried making them on her own, but they never came out as good as the ones from the cafe.
“Thanks, Noel! So, see anything worth describing lately?”
She smiled and began to eat the confection with her friend. It was refreshing to just casually spend some time with someone.
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settle down / the 1975 ー for courtneydepatz
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“Ah, thank you!” Noel’s blush only got darker in color, but was happy to know that the other girl enjoyed her work. “It makes me very grateful to know that my hard work came across well. I always tend to focus on the negative criticisms that people give me.” 
“Though I can’t help but be a little embarrassed when I read my old story.” She looked off to the side, a sheepish look on her face. “I put a lot of my emotions into it, so I guess looking back on it reminds me of how I was back then.” 
“I’ve got that wanderlust.” (from Noel. I'm not even sure which song this lyric is from lol)
“Wanderlust huh? That’s always been a very pretty word. Too bad this place is pretty boring. I don’t know if you can quench it at all here.”
That was a lie, Morioh WAS the ‘Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town’ after all. But not to most people, considering they weren’t stand users. There had indeed been some strange occurrences here in the past, but that was taken care of.
She looked at the girl and studied her features for a bit. Not from around here, European, had a similar taste in clothes, exceptionally beautiful. This was someone she at least didn’t want to make an enemy of.
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Take My Breath Away - Berlin
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“A lot of creative people are like that. We get so caught up in our own heads that we forget that there’s other people around us.” Noel clicked her mechanical pencil a few times, just out of habit. “If I could write down each time I’ve run into someone while describing something I’d have a whole notebook filled by now.” 
She let out a small chuckle, but her cheeks were still slightly red. Though she knew that time it was because her accent was starting to come out. Despite it being quite obvious that Noel was a foreigner, she couldn’t help but get a bit flustered. 
“My name is Noel. You might recognize my name, though its hard to tell since my book was translated quite recently.” Part of her was almost hoping she didn’t recognize her name, considering the kind of books that Noel was known for. 
“I’ve got that wanderlust.” (from Noel. I'm not even sure which song this lyric is from lol)
“Wanderlust huh? That’s always been a very pretty word. Too bad this place is pretty boring. I don’t know if you can quench it at all here.”
That was a lie, Morioh WAS the ‘Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town’ after all. But not to most people, considering they weren’t stand users. There had indeed been some strange occurrences here in the past, but that was taken care of.
She looked at the girl and studied her features for a bit. Not from around here, European, had a similar taste in clothes, exceptionally beautiful. This was someone she at least didn’t want to make an enemy of.
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“Boring? That’s interesting, I haven’t been here long but that’s the last word I’d use to describe it. There seems to be some kind of mystery around every corner! I’ve been consistently late for school because of how many pretty things I see that I just have to describe!”
Noel quickly flipped through her notebook, filled with details about every piece of scenery she’d seen. Even something as simple as a pretty flower was described in painstaking detail.
She began to look over the girl in front of her, feeling her cheeks get slightly warm. She wasn’t sure if it was the embarrassment at what she’d said prior, or the realization that the other looked exactly like the romantic lead in her story.
“I’ve got that wanderlust.” (from Noel. I'm not even sure which song this lyric is from lol)
“Wanderlust huh? That’s always been a very pretty word. Too bad this place is pretty boring. I don’t know if you can quench it at all here.”
That was a lie, Morioh WAS the ‘Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town’ after all. But not to most people, considering they weren’t stand users. There had indeed been some strange occurrences here in the past, but that was taken care of.
She looked at the girl and studied her features for a bit. Not from around here, European, had a similar taste in clothes, exceptionally beautiful. This was someone she at least didn’t want to make an enemy of.
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me in public: super innocent and polite
me at home alone: *drops pencil* god damn it what the fuck stop fucking falling on the damn floor pull your shit together what the actual fuck
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