bubblyteathings · 8 years
Purposefulness in This Life
Purposefulness in This Life
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Not very many people know this, but I’ve spent a huge chunk of my (albeit short) life as a very spiritual person. I’ve made some posts on Twitter regarding this recently, but for the sake of this blog post I will start at the beginning with a little story. I grew up in a little town called Castle Rock, Colorado. Or at least, when I grew up there it was little. These days if you frequent Castle…
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bubblyteathings · 8 years
No one cares, but sometimes it’s just nice to share for the sake of sharing. My mental health has always been a struggle for me. I am part of a family where severe, damaging mental illness runs on both sides. I have struggled with accepting I have my own issues and dealt with the hard hit of consistently dealing with them on my own. When I was an infant, my biological mother dealt with depression…
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bubblyteathings · 8 years
Writing Prompt Wednesday: My Favorite Animated Characters Meet My Favorite Fictional Worlds
Writing Prompt Wednesday: My Favorite Animated Characters Meet My Favorite Fictional Worlds
Inspired by someone on Twitter, this weeks writing prompt started out as Disney characters meet my favorite video game worlds and then just… WELL I got excited and went a little too far. Remember these are not meant to be taken as polished works as they are extremely rough drafts and just like… creative exercises. My writing is also protected by the LAWS OF THE INTERNET AND WORLD SO BACK OFF.  SO…
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bubblyteathings · 8 years
New Years Resolutions
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I think many of us can agree that 2016 has been quite a kicker! And while personally, this year has been pretty scary for my family and I, I would like to continue moving into 2017 with a good attitude and some solid resolutions. Now, I don’t make new year’s resolutions the same way that many people do. For me, every day is an opportunity to be a better person than I was yesterday, and a new year…
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bubblyteathings · 8 years
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No Posts?! WTF. Hey Interwebs! Just thought I'd toss up a quick update! I haven't really been posting much of anything lately.
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bubblyteathings · 8 years
Coming Soon: Writing Prompt Wednesday
Coming Soon: Writing Prompt Wednesday
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Howdy there, interweb! I know. It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any type of editorial or update or anything that isn’t complete garbage (this post will only fill one of those requirements, unfortunately) but just wanted to do a quick update on something new I’ll be launching (hopefully) this week! Obviously, I’m terrible at writing “on the regular”. It’s something I used to be good at but since…
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bubblyteathings · 8 years
2016 Election: Some Word Vomit
2016 Election: Some Word Vomit
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Just a few minutes ago, the 2016 American Election was called for Donald Trump. There’s a lot of things going through my head, as there are for many, many Americans (and non Americans) tonight. I’ve spent the last hour effectively reading thousands of social media posts, trying to gather my own thoughts and take in the thoughts of the people surrounding me. I’ve questioned my friends, my family,…
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bubblyteathings · 8 years
In Response to an Outpouring of "I hate this community"
In Response to an Outpouring of “I hate this community”
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Dear VUP (very upset person(s)), I see you are upset. No, I don’t need you to go on a tirade about what brought you to this point to see that. No, I don’t need to be all CAPS’d at to understand you are very clearly frustrated. I’m sorry you feel that way. No, really, I am. You’ve let a few (usually just one) small things get in the way of enjoying your passion and your happiness. That amount of…
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bubblyteathings · 8 years
I am not my Anxiety
I am not my Anxiety
I am not my anxiety. A phrase I’ve said countless times, again and again, after countless ruined friendships, jobs quit, doctor’s visits, downed relationships, days without eating, and days spent sleeping. I am not my anxiety. A phrase I still cannot seem to wrap my head around fully after I’ve had another episode of word vomit or another panic attack. When I wake up in the middle of the night…
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bubblyteathings · 8 years
What's Been With Bubble?
What’s Been With Bubble?
Hey everybody. I know that I have been gone for a long while. but primarily it has been for a multitude of reasons. TL;DR It’s cause I’ve been getting bits of my life back together properly and into a routine. Now that I’ve got the major bits of the routine perfected I’ve got time to slip in things like these blog posts. SO YEAH. As some of you may know, I started a new job which is finally,…
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bubblyteathings · 9 years
Warcraft & the MMO Genre
Warcraft & the MMO Genre
As many of you already know, I am a HUGE fan of Blizzard games. I’ve been playing Warcraft and Diablo for ages and have recently developed a love for other Blizzard games, such as Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Starcraft. But, while I absolutely love all of these games, Warcraft has had a special part of my heart for a long time now. It all started with watching a now ex-boyfriend of mine…
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bubblyteathings · 9 years
An Introductory Synopsis
From the time of conception, I have been surrounded by fantasy worlds. Perhaps this is why I have been so in love with them, or maybe it’s the fact that I love to muse about the unknown and impossible. No matter the reason, I have always been enraptured by the strange and mysterious. Books and video games have been something I have always been surrounded with. When I was but a tiny parasite…
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