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A meme I stole from Reddit and made into mysmes lmao
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Don't ignore me
|| 707 route when he pushes MC away ||
You didn't like how Seven ignored you. You thought him saving you from his brother would have brought you two closer. Or that him staying with you in that apartment with the bomb would have allowed him to be more open with you.
You hoped that it would have. But it wasn't the case.
You got out of bed, ready to face another silent filled day with Seven and his memories.
"Did you sleep well?" You walked into the kitchen where Seven was grabbing a soda from the fridge.
He didn't respond and you just nodded, making your way to get coffee, not in the mood for food.
"You should eat something MC," Seven pointed the stove where eggs and bacon were already made.
"Thanks," you nonchalantly said, feeling yourself go into one of your moods before having met the RFA.
The silence that clung to the early morning was disrupted by Seven's phone ringing. And like that the morning went by. Seven left to work in his corner, and you left to the bed where you slept.
707 entered the chatroom.
Jumin: How is MC? Any progress with the security?
707: I am almost done. MC is probably sleeping again...
Jumin: Are you two fighting?
707: ... No. But it's for the best. If MC gets too involved with me, danger will always follow them. I can't allow that. So. It is good.
Jumin: If it's what's best for MC.
Zen entered the chatroom.
707: Oh, MC just woke up. I'll talk to you guys later with updates!
707 left the chatroom.
It was for the best. He told himself that as long as MC was safe, none of the rest mattered.
But he began to notice a pattern in MC. The odd hours of sleep, the odd eating schedule, and the odd times MC would disappear with whispers.
At first he thought it was because MC would talk in the chat and that the chat was the cause of MCs odd habits.
Until he caught MC in conversation.
"No, everything is good. The semester doesn't start for a few more weeks and I found a good apartment. It's not too far from the university... no, you don't have to worry. All is good! Yes. I scheduled an appointment for that. And that too. Okay, love you. Bye."
It wasn't in MCs regular tone of voice. But maybe MC too had demons they haven't dealt with.
707 continue with cooking food for MC, stocking the fridge with fruits and healthy snacks, and even making MC coffee before they'd wake up.
But no matter what, MC wouldn't budge. They'd budge when trying to get him to eat and take a break or maybe to even talk, but the more he pushed MC away, the more MC tried.
Until MC stopped trying.
Maybe it was when he said he wished MC never downloaded the app, or when MC saw him breaking the robot, or by avoiding conversation. But MC stopped trying too.
MC would still remind him to eat, take a break, relax, and even leave him food. But it was the lack of sticky notes that worries him.
"Everything is great! I sat in one of those dog cafes and it was the greatest! Oh he is? That's great. I miss him so much, he has no idea... yeah. Don't forget to take him walking! Okay, bye."
He noticed MCs voice fluctuation when they lied. When they were sad. When they were done.
"Do you have a dog?" He found himself asking before he could stop it.
"Sure. Yep. I'm sorry, I'm so tired. I'll use the bathroom first, I hope you don't mind." MC said in regular MC voice. It made him wonder how much else he didn't know about MC.
MC entered the chatroom.
Yoonsung☆: MC! How is everything?
Zen: Is Seven being a gentleman? Tell me if I need to call and yell at him.
MC: ^^ everything is good! Seven has been so nice. Honestly, he's such an honest fellow~
Yoonsung☆: Still, I'm so jealous he gets to see you first!
MC: Should I send a picture? ^o^
Zen: YES.
MC: *picture of 707 in another wig*
Yoonsung☆: Wuah! I am really jealous now!
Jaehee: Honestly, you and Seven have an odd sense of humor.
Zen left the chatroom.
Zen entered the chatroom.
Zen: Ha ha. Very funny. I'm going to practice some lines.
Jaehee: Good luck!
MC: ^^
707 entered the chatroom.
707: That was my favorite picture!
MC: ... Yes, well it was fun! But I am tired guys, I should go to sleep. Sleep well everyone! ^^
MC left the chatroom.
You didn't try to be awkward or anything, but you didn't know what else to do. It was obvious Seven didn't want you around.
So you did your own digging.
You thought that if you could do your own research, it would make Seven feel less stress and maybe even be less avoidant.
You talked to a few of the guests, asking for nonchalant questions of previous RFA parties, going through the drawers of papers, and even getting into Rika's email.
And what you found was astonishing. Times 10.
Through he files there were coordinates, pictures of Seven and his brother, of everyone in the RFA crossed off, and of her manifesto.
"Crap." You didn't know what to do with this information. Should you go there yourself? Or should you tell someone? Should it be Seven? What if you called Jumin? Maybe Zen?
"What're you doing?" You closed the laptop quickly and took your glasses off, facing Seven at the door of the room.
"Research." You technically didn't lie. You knew he'd look into the web searches later.
"On what?"
"Previous RFA parties. I don't want to mess this up. You've all been so helpful and if this does a lot of good, I want to do it better." Again, not really a lie.
"Oh. Well. It's late. Go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning."
"Wait!" You stopped him before he closed the door, building that barrier again.
"I'm safe to leave the apartment, right? I mean. You're hiding from the agency so it isn't safe for you. But say I wanted to go to the library for some books or to get some snacks, I'm free to go, right?"
Seven thought about and then nodded.
"Yeah, just don't go with any strangers and stay in the chatroom so we know you're okay. Better yet, here. Give me your phone and I'll add a tracker."
"No." You say quickly and add, "You don't trust me? And besides, you already put a tracker in my jackets after I left that one time."
"It's not about trust but your protection. Someone is still after you and if we know where you're at, it would be useful."
You hand him your phone, scared that he'll go through things you never told anyone.
"I promise I won't go through anything."
And like that he left you with your thoughts at night.
MC was at the library, which meant that he could have a few hours of snooping
He's happy MC took his advice to ignore him but he didn't think he'd feel worse than before about it
Not like this.
He decided now would be the perfect time to go digging into MC's background.
He promised he wouldn't but he needed to make sure they were not already from a bad situation
He read about their life, their family, their situation, and their reason for leaving
"OH shit."
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Every time MC reset, the RFA knew.
Each time the same, with the same timeline, same words, and same feelings.
But this time was different. After MC reset, they never logged back on.
The RFA continued their lives: Yoosung taking classes more serious, 707 taking on more work, Jaehee divulging more into her work and hobby, Jumin taking more cat projects and meetings, and Zen taking more roles.
Yoosung☆ entered the chatroom.
"GUYS!" the alert from the now rarely used chatroom lit everyone's phone.
707: typo!
Jaehee: are they well?
Zen: did you talk to them?
Jumin: How can we be sure it's MC?
Yoosung☆: Believe me. It's MC. I would recognize MC anywhere. Don't believe me, here look at this.
And they did.
It was MC. MC was laughing with some guy, moving their hands as they talked. MC looked the same, except for a scar that stopped at that left eye.
Zen: Who is that lowlife with MC?
707: what happened to their eye?
Yoosung☆: From the introductions, MC had an accident and went back to their home country. They returned to study abroad for the year. That guy is MC's host brother. They're staying at his family's house.
707: WUAH! MC was hit by a car. That's why they stopped talking to us... I thought ...
Jaehee: I thought MC wanted to move on.
Jumin: 707 what did you find?
707: ... MCs memory has been altered. MC doesn't remember anything before the accident. Not even her family. I didn't want to look, but yeah.
Zen: you knew?!
707: Not for certain. I respect MCs privacy, but I installed a notice for MCs face in the street cameras. It pinged a few days ago. I didn't want to say anything until I looked into it.
Yoosung☆: Oh CLASS is about to start! I got a seat behind MC! Message later, bye
Yoosung☆ left the chatroom.
Then the wait came for updates on MC by Yoonsung.
It was also divided. Half wanted Yoonsung to befriend MC, the other half thought it best to spare MC a cycle of pain and love for their selfish reasons.
Each approached MC at different times throughout the days and weeks.
Jaehee noticed MCs coffee patterns and when they'd go and where to get coffee.
Zen would disguise himself and shop at the same places MC would.
707 paid more attention to MC through cameras and even asked MC for directions to the nearest convenience store in the guise of an old man. His heart almost melting when MC offered to help him carry his things to the car.
Yoosung found more opportunities to work with MC in group projects or at lunch, making sure their group of friends interacted.
Jumin made sure MC had a good scholarship, requesting for interviews with MC, but he'd just watch from a screen while his employee would question MC.
They all wanted to tell MC, to reach out and hold MC, but understood that maybe it was for the best.
Until one day MC fell asleep at the local library.
Sometimes the rest of the RFA would be at the library to watch MC and to make sure they were okay. Rarely did all 5 appear at the same time.
They sat around MC doing their "work", and stopped when they heard MC talk in their sleep.
"RFA, I have to help them... RFA..."
Yoosung☆ entered the chatroom.
707: Why? Is something wrong?
Yoonsung☆: we are going to a club and MAGICALLY run into MC there
Jaehee: Is it safe? Wont it be too much for MC?
Jumin: I'll send a car for everyone at 6.
Zen: GAH! I have to get ready. Bye!
Zen left the chatroom.
You were dragged by a few friends and your hosting brother.
"Come on MC, all you do is study!" They whined until you conceded.
"Only for an hour. Then I'll go."
But no one took you serious.
Once at the club you got the feeling of being watched, but it made sense since you were a foreigner.
"This your first time here?" You sat on the stool across from the bar keep, smelling the alcohol and sweat from the people around you.
"That obvious?" You told the barkeep how it was your first time at any club. He gave you advice: "Relax. Just drink this and dance."
After the first song and dance, you felt it. You felt the calmness and the wave of letting go.
Surprisingly, you were asked to dance a lot. First it was a pretty lady with glasses and short pixie hair. It was fun and you laughed. But it left you longing for coffee.
Then it was a handsome guy who you think you've seen on TV and plays before. He was tall and had a flare for the dramatics, initiating a dance with a rose.
Sometime after, a business looking man offered you his hand. He twirled you and danced with you to a different beat. His aura screamed: CEO.
Soon after, it was the guy from your classes. He was surprised to run into you and you wondered why you never bothered to talk to him much.
Finally, it was the bar keep. All save the red hair. He looked like the barkeep but with red hair and glasses that were unique. You felt this sudden need to drink PhD Pepper and some Buddah chips, something you were told to avoid.
After all the dancing, your friends joked, asking you how you got good looking people to dance with you and only you.
You shrugged and drank water by the gallons.
"MC?" A tap on the shoulder startled you.
"You have been requested to the VIP section. This way"
You eyed your friends who yelled at you with encouragement. Joking about how you'll for sure have fun now.
"Enjoy," the security man opened a door for you leading into a karaoke room full of the people you danced with.
"What's going on?" You felt a headache appear as it did when you'd stare at cats, LOLOL, roses, wine, fireworks, coffee, honey buddah chips, and cigarettes.
Your classmate stood up to you.
"A karaoke match?"
"No. Just look please."
You turned to the karaoke screen, flashes of you smiling and dancing in dresses swarmed the screen.
You laughing with the lady covered in flour and drinking coffee.
You with a pretty white cat with blue eyes as some guy puts on her a collar with a bell on it.
You cheering at some guys performance, jumping and clapping but elated while holding a bouquet of flowers.
You with your classmate at a kitchen table doing homework together but asleep on the open textbooks instead.
And you driving a nice expensive car while a red headed man is laughing and holding onto the seats tightly.
Then there is you in the middle, between these people, posing for a portrait.
Pictures of you hugging them, kissing them, celebrating with them, crying with them.
"You... you guys..." You cry.
"Do you remember us?"
You turn to them and while wipping your tears ask:
"Does Jumin Han is gay?"
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In honor of Lord Byron’s birthday I would like to remind you all of the time that Shelley and Keats, having not heard from him for some time, became concerned for his safety and it was determined that Shelley would go looking for him. Keats received a letter some time later that Shelley had found him in Venice, where he’d been having so much sex that he’d nearly died from malnourishment and dehydration. Keats’ entire response amounted to essentially, “You should probably have let him.”
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
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I really love your writings !! Keep up the good work!!, if you have time can you write about a scenario where jumin thought he had protect or shield mc from getting shot or an accident ',your choice, but at the last minute mc turn the table around and protect him instead. Whether she survives or not you choose. I really want to know how our jumin will respond during and after the incident if it's convenient for you.
Hi! I hope this is what you were looking for. If not, shoot me an ask for what you were really looking for!
It would have been easier for her had she been able to forget.
She often reassured them that time was her greatest medicine.
Time and you guys, is what she would often say after one of them would watch her non-stop.
She didn’t seem to understand the full efforts of what Jumin had been trying for:
“If we send her there, she may never come back to us!” Yoosung cried out.
“She never came back to us!” Jumin shouted back; “Don’t you see, we lost her. The day we let her slip, we lost her. And I don’t think we will ever get her back.”
Jumin wanted to send somewhere far away. Far from South Korea and far from her family.
MC didn’t talk about them too much, but what little she said, made them sound ambiguously dangerous.
After the latest death threats sent to MC, Jumin felt an even more urge to protect her.
Though they recently got engaged, and with the possibility of it backlashing, he didn’t expect it to have been this bad.
It wasn’t fair, Jumin would sit and think about which bodyguards to use for the next day.
It wasn’t that the engagement that caused this but more like her past coming back to haunt her.
It’s nothing serious- honest! MC would reassure the RFA. Let’s just say that my family back home has many secrets and many jobs that were completely underground and above the law.
None of the RFA knew just how bad it had been and what exactly it cost MC by leaving them behind.
“This is another level of ‘ride-or-die’,” 707 would often say during the nights that he would watch MC.
Each member took turns watching her in the suite.
707 would spend his time trying to hack into her family’s “business” but just as MC said: It is highly impossible! I bet even they once reached out to you for some software protection. Whether it was true or not; 707 began to believe  it.
As the weeks went by and nothing eventful happening, MC persuaded Jumin to be a bit more lax and to let the guards and RFA take a break from her.
“MC,” Jumin would caress her cheek,”there is no way in any world or universe that anyone could get bored of you.”
I love you too. MC would relay what Jumin would mean.
It finally felt like Jumin found the perfect person. Someone who was sweet, caring, thoughtful, intelligent, funny, sincere, and extraordinary above any human could ever hope to achieve.
That’s who MC was. Is.
All she needed to do now is open her eyes and live.
All his life, Jumin knew he would go to hell. But never did he think he could drag MC down with him.
After she convinced him to lay off with security, MC began to fight more.
“I don’t feel comfortable with you fighting my love,” Jumin would say as he bandaged her fists.
You forget that I was born for this. My whole life had been about being the fastest, strongest, and smartest opponent to anyone ever. Fighting and strategizing has been in my blood for as long as money has been a motivator for people. MC reached to touch Jumin’s cheek and cradle it, making Jumin feel more distraught than ever.
He wanted to protect her yet there she was, protecting herself.
“Then promise me you’ll always win. No matter what, you will always win and come back to me. I don’t ever want to go back to an empty house.” Jumin pleaded.
As long as you promise me that you trust me completely. My family is not like yours or anyone else’s. They never stop and would rather die than quit. I mean it Jumin, we may be in over our heads. Just because they went quiet, it doesn’t mean they left. They’re planning something, and it’s going to be big. I know them. MC gave Jumin a small smile, full of so much hope yet promising so little.
And she was right. As always.
Her family sent in the only ever weakness she had before she left: her little brother.
Jumin didn’t notice it immediately.
He thought the business man across from him looked oddly familiar,  but he didn’t connect the dots quick enough.
“And how is my sister?” He leaned across the table, a look of mania and interest in his eyes.  “I do miss her terribly. So does father. You see Jumin- is it alright if I call you that?” He didn’t wait for Jumin to answer.
“You see, our father doesn’t like to lose valuable assets. Especially the most lethal weapon in his possession. When you see her again, ask her about why she left. What made that last mission any different from the rest? What made this one target change her? What did you do so differently that the rest didn’t do?” Her brother left Jumin, disappearing so easily, and leaving behind terror.
I should have told you from the beginning Jumin, MC hastly tried to block Jumin from leaving, I was sent to kill you. But I didn’t want to! It wasn’t until after you let me in that I realized I’d slowly been letting you in as well. I never thought I could live a life where I wouldn’t have to hurt people or be nice for real. I am sorry Jumin for lying to you. I just knew you would see me like everyone else did: The gangster’s daughter.
“Once a gangster, always a gangster, right?” Jumin in his anger left her and went to get some air to cool off.
He knew his words hurt her, but he wasn’t sure how badly it was.
He shouldn’t have said what he said, but in seeing red and green, when he returned to apologize he only saw a note:
Now that you know, I can’t stay. If you know, they know I am with you. I swear I won’t stop until they are dead and you are safe. I wish there was more I could tell you. You don’t know how many times I wanted to tell you the truth about me. But I was selfish and wanted you to see me as your MC and not theirs. Despite all that you know and all my lies do believe this:I will love you for as long as the universe exists and for as long as infinity continues.- MC
He searched for days.
And every time he felt like he was closer to finding her, as if she felt what he felt, she would slip away far from his reach.
He’d almost given up.
After stopping by Jaehee’s cafe, he thought he finally had lost his sanity. RIght there, sitting next to him, MC was ordering her favorite drink.
Unspoken words and misplaced anger lingered between the two, making it impossible for Jumin to reach out for her.
I miss you too. MC reached for his hand.
Her cold hand seared off his skin, undoing him inch by inch.
“When will you come back?”
Until I finish this. MC squeezed his hand, bringing it to her lips.
“Well, well, my sister seems to really have lost it!” Her brother eagerly went to stand next to Jumin, placing his hand on his shoulder.
This has nothing to do with him!
“Oh but it does! Don’t you see? If you hadn’t fallen in love with him, we wouldn’t be here. We’d have been off to Germany or Italy to have some fun and maybe even fought for the same guy like usually.”
I don’t know what you think you can get at, but don’t forget that I taught you everything you know! If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be his right hand man. MC knew what would have gotten her brother angry.
Despite the age gap between the two, it was MC who raised him, and looking at him the cafe, she realized she failed as his sister.
“Well I can fix that!” He took out a gun with a muffler and aimed for Jumin.
Jumin, scared for MC and for himself, was glad it would be him who left first. He’d rather die a thousand times than see MC die before him.
What felt like not even a second, the gun was already across the cafe, out of sight.
Don’t you dare accept this Jumin! You made me a promise too! MC called out to Jumin, already attacking her brother for control of the situation they never had.
Jumin didn’t know what to do or how to help and in being so preoccupied with saving MC he didn’t pay attention to the extra figure at the door.
Father! No! Let me go! MC shouted at her brother, elbowing him hard enough he fell to the floor clutching his chest.
Please father! MC pleaded to her father, who looking like her, had no kindness in his eyes.
“You had one job, sweet girl.” Her father said coldly and no heartfelt warmth with the last few words.
Jumin instinctively moved for MC and she to him, but when he heard the gunshot, he thought it was like it was often said: He felt nothing.
And then, he felt it all at once, over pouring from a wine glass.
“You promised me you wouldn’t get hurt!” Jumin cried out, trying hard to put as much pressure as he could on MC’s wound.
Neither did you. But it’s okay. MC said, grabbing onto Jumin as he felt her hands grow cold and her breathing ragged.
“We almost had it all MC.” Jumin said, as her family in seeing her like that left before trouble began with the police.
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Hey I know you're probably overwhelmed with things and I just need to know if there's gonna be a part 6? Not trying to rush u or anything, I'm just very emotional about it, thank you so much for writing one of the best fic I've ever read, you're fucking amazing
Ajsnakd thank you!!! I'm honestly shook that people haven't given up on me yet lol I have DRAFTS of various headcannons and I just haven't finished them and yeah ;; BUT I am planning on a part 6 but who knows, for once it may not be angst lol (I'm kidding, that will be the day 😂) it may just be a biiiiiit angsty :3 -P
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MEU DEUS ESTOU MORTA (Sorry it's in Portuguese too because I cant control my emotions and I'm literally dead RN) OMG OMG really I cried so much with the Rika came back fic I love your blog OMG. Anyway, just here to say you are freaking amazing
Hey! Eu sou uma amiga da Panda, brasileira. Estou a ajudando com perguntas em português e ela me pediu pra te responder em português pra você se sentir melhor e consequentemente mais convencida que é verdade. Ela realmente agradece pelo carinho e por você ter gostado do que leu, de verdade! Por favor, continue dando suporte a ela.
- Daephine
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Has anyone seen this new update? THE NEWS WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR THE ONE WHERE I SAW IT AND SCREAMED (really did scream because I was excited that there was an update) .. And extension to the release of the V Route! Wow. I honestly didn't suspect this?? But anyone know why? Upset? Excited? Full of, oh I don't know, confusion?
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"If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I." - Michel de Montaigne, 'The Complete Essays'
MC’s playlist: “I'll be with you until the end."
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"But beauty is about finding the right fit, the most natural fit. To be perfect, you have to feel perfect about yourself --- avoid trying to be something you're not" - Rick Riordan, 'The Lost Hero" (Heroes of Olympus, #1)
Zen's playlist: "My beauty is so perfect that I can have such arrogant thoughts...”
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"I keep feeling like everyone wants me to apologize for something. But I'm not going to. I don't have anything to apologize for. They're the ones who screwed everything up. Not me. I didn't ask to be saved." - Michael Thomas Ford, ‘Suicide Notes’
Unknown’s playlist: "I'll destroy your pathetic make-believe world."
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“There are so many fragile things, after all. People break so easily, and so do dreams and hearts.”- Neil Gaiman, 'Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders'
Jumin Han’s playlist: “I don’t want to give up... I don’t want to let go...”
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“Hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing, but he thought perhaps he liked it.” - Nora Sakavic, ‘The Foxhole Court’
707′s playlist: “Life gets easier if you just think about fun stuff!”
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"And that's just it, isn't it? That's how we manage to survive the loss. Because love, it never dies, it never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it." - Gayle Forman, 'If I Stay'
Yoosung Kim’s playlist: “Good deed of the day: wasn’t late for class!”
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"The best things aren't perfectly constructed. They aren't illusions. They aren't larger than life. They are life." - Nina LaCour, 'Everything Leads to You' 
 Jaehee Kang’s playlist: "I want to be... friends forever with you."
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