Aye~ can you write a scenario with Chuuya's s/o who is a mafia executive but she is ambushed by another vicious mafia and tortured so Chuuya finds about it, loses it and tries to save her? Like he needs to take care of her after and he doesn't go back to the Port Mafia without killing every single one of the men in the mafia that even dared to kidnap his s/o? Maybe a fluff ending? Thank you~
has A/N:I’m going to warn you, this story gets a bit gory; if you are sensitive to blood or anything worse, I suggest you do not read this.
Another A/N: Your ability is fire based and is called Phoenix.
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(F/n) was given a simple mission; go to the edge of Yokohama to authorize a drug distribution event. An easy mission that she’s successfully done one hundreds of times before. This mission was only supposed to last at most three days, but something went wrong. (F/n) and had been given that mission three weeks ago, and she and the back up she took along are still not home. This worried just about everyone in the Port Mafia, considering (f/n) was an executive, everyone except one person knew she went missing. That one person was Chuuya Nakahara, (f/n)’s beloved boyfriend. There were many reasons no one told Chuuya about his girlfriend going missing, but the biggest one is how worried he’d become. Chuuya knew that she was going on a short mission, but when she went missing, everyone told him she extended the mission and had to go overseas to follow through with the mission. He understood, but there were little things that built up over time that made him realize that (f/n) wasn’t on a mission. First of all, she wasn’t answering her phone; no matter how many times he called or texted, he would never get a response. Second of all, no one gave him proper details of her mission; where exactly did she she go and how long will she stay? The third and final detail is (f/n)’s phone tracker, which said she’s still in Yokohama when she was supposed to be over seas. Nothing added up, so Chuuya decided to investigate by himself, only telling Kouyou what he was really doing. He decided to go to the location he picked up on her tracker (aka, her phone) which said (f/n) was currently in a deserted alleyway. Chuuya was confused and decided to search the area for his lover. The cracked, disabled street-light didn’t provide him any help as he searched the disgusting alleyway. Then he picked up something that made his stomach turn; the faint metalic smell smell he had grown accustomed to flooded his senses. Following the scent, he found that the entire back wall was littered with decaying bodies, bullet holes, and burn marks.
“(F/n) was here.” Chuuya stated knowing that your ability, Phoenix, was to produce and control fire. A strong ability that he, and everyone in the port mafia, had faith in, but you were no where to be seen. And at that moment he noticed your phone, right next to a gun he instantly recognized as a rival mafia’s. That’s when it all clicked and he started sprinting to base of their mafia rivals, grey mafia, who specialize in quick missions, such as assassinations or kiddanapings. Chuuya had never ran so fast in his life, but he couldn’t focus on that, all he could think of is if you’re alive, dead, or worse. As soon as he neared the entrance to grey’s base, he spotted three men defending the doors, three men who Chuuya quickly gunned down and continued his search. He barged through the heavy wooden doors and took out everyone in his sight, leaving no one left. “Wow, just as weak as I thought.” Chuuya mumbled as he continued searching every corner of the facility.  Grey’s base was confusing with lots of twists and turns, but eventually he found her. “(F/n)! O my god!” Chuuya cried putting his head down, not noticing the state she were in. Then he looked up, and his heart sank. There she was, unconcious, strapped to a tranquilizing chair (A/N, a tranquilizing chair is an old medical device that was  intended to treat the mentally ill by controlling the blood flow in the head), covered head to toe in bruises, cuts, and dried blood, and looked as she hadn’t eaten for more than a week or two. Chuuya knew this was bad, but he needed to remain calm and get (f/n) out. He undid the restraint’s from the chair and lifted her up as carefuly as he could, which wasn’t hard considering she most likely lost an unhealthy amount of weight. Chuuya then procceded to take her back to port mafia headcquarters, all the while softly crying and carrying you as close to him as he could. When he arrived with the injured girl in his arms, everyone stopped what they were doing and started to take care of her, rushing her to the recovery center where she was treated as best as the mafia nurses could.
(one week later)
 (F/n) had been in the recovery center for a week now, receivig surgeries and other treatments for all of the torture and pain she endured. She still hasn’t woken up, but the mafia’s head nurse was able to diagnose her with a countless list of injuries, which Chuuya was there to hear.
 “We were able to detect the following: a dislocated knee, fractured right leg, three broken ribs, bullet wound in left bicep, dislocated right shoulder, has many infected cuts, a severe laceration right below her lungs, a crushed right hand, has many abrasions most likley caused from a blunt object, severe malnutrition, and multiple brain injuries. She will wake up sometime this week, but she will propbably have to undergo a lot of mental tests. there is a 26% chance that she can be able to return to work, but only after time and if everything goes as planned, but even that’s a stretch. i’m deeply sorry.”  The Head nurse told Chuuya, who was currently trying to hold his tears back as much as possible. 
 “I understand.” He croaked, tears slightly spill out. He knew that (f/n) had undergone death defying abuse, but he didn’t want to except it.
 “I’ll leave you alone for a bit.” The nurse politely said, leaving the room with only Chuuya and (f/n.) Chuuya then proceeded to  move closer to the hospital bed his lover was laying in and began to cry over your unconcious body. He would never do this for anybody else, no one else are worth his tears, but this was different. It was his girlfriend of four years. He weakly grabed your hand remained that way for some time.  
“You have to wake up. You have to get better. People are depending on you,” Chuuya whispered, “I love you, and a I will always be here for you.” He then quitley got up, kissed your forehead, and left the room.
AhHHHHHH, the angst! So an update, I will probably go on a small hiatus since I started another blog dedicated to another anime, so if I’m not as active as I usually am, that’s why. I'm going to try to run the this one and the other one to the best of my ability!XOXO A. 
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Yo! I'm so happy to find a blog like that. Good luck with it! Can you write some headcanons for akutagawa, dazai, kunikida and mori about having S/O that 5 ft? Thanks 🎈
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- Really doesn’t care all too much; Aku doesn’t neccasarily care about your apperance.
-However, when he’s int the mood he does like to drape over you and loves it when you snuggle into his chest. He thinks either of those are adorable.
-Only downside is that he has to reach up to get anything, which can be a pain int the ass at times.
- May use you as an armrest while standing 
-Honestly just really chill with your height
-Constantly looks down at you since he’s so tall.
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-LOVES your small height and is not afraid to tease you about it. From nicknames to pranks, he will tease you. 
-Nicknames may include: pipsqueak, short stack, squirt, pocket sized, fun sized, mini, etc. The list goes on forever.
-Loves cuddling with you; he’s proud of the fact that he’s the big spoon.
-Piggy back rides are a thing with the two of you. If your feet are tired; piggy back ride. You’re hurt from something; piggy back ride. Just don’t want to walk; piggy back ride. He will litteraly use every excuse to pick you up.
-Doesn’t mind getting things down from high places, especially if you have to beg:
         “Dazai, can you get the chips out of the cuboard, please?”-You
         “What’s the magic word?”-Him 
         “Nope, try again.” -HIm
         “Abra Cadabra?”-You
         “Sorry, that isn’t it.”-Him
         “Godammit, just get me the fucking chips already or so help me Dazai, I will murder the shit out of you!”-You
-Will use you as a personal pillow or armrest whereever he goes.
-Since he’s a human tower compared to you, you have to crane your neck to see him (after awhile, it really hurts)
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-Thinks you’re very cute and can get easily flustered if you act adorable.
-Will gladly get anything from higher areas for you and will not complain.
-Kunikida would love to hold you tight and rest his chin on your head or pick you up for a hug
-If he starts ranting about his ideals, you can easily calm him down by hugging him and looking up to him.
-Overall a cute cudly couple
-You love to fall into his huge being and just stay there.
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-Finds you very cute and will compliment you about that fact often.
-Is very loving and will listen to your rants about being small, no matter how annoying or irrelevant they may get.
-Gives the best side hugs that fit all the needs for a short human such as yourself.
-Secretly knows all of your clothing sizes and loves to go shopping with you.
Thank you for the luck!:) I hope I did you justice; it was sort of difficult because I’ve always been on the taller side and am currently 5″7, so i had to think about it for a while, lol. Comments, requests, etc. are always appreciated! Ask box is open.  
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200 follower milestone!!!!
Just saw this today (obviously) and I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH! Each and every one of you deserve a special thank you! With this said, would it be fun if I did match ups or some random game or something (sleepover Sunday, idk)? Please let me know! (request, comment, or message.) I currently have 2 requests in my inbox so feel free to send more. Anyways, the bottom line is thank you!
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hi hon! if youd like requests can i ask for: poe and his s/o moving in together, and karl curling up in their lap more often than his? write however you want, hcs or imagine!
Of course! I hope you enjoy!
   Exausted, that’s how you felt. All you wanted to do was curl up in bed and call it a night, but your boyfriend, Poe, had other plans. He wanted to play board games and enjoy the new house you two moved into together. On any other night you would’ve had the common sense to oblige to your mind, which was telling you to hit the hay, but tonight was different. Even though you were tired, you decided to join Poe in a game or two of Clue. You know it was a bad decision, but you wanted to make your boyfriend happy. In fact, Poe’s been quite anxious about these last few days for weeks now. He wanted everything to go right and that the transition of moving went smoothly for the two of you. And now that you’ve moved in and everything was where you wanted to be, he had to release all this anxious energy somehow, so he set up a board game for the two of you in your new living room. The two of you got comfortable on the two opossing couches seperated by a coffee table which held the game board and it’s pieces.
 “You roll first, I’ll go feed Karl real quick,” You told the man across from you as you depart to the kitchen to feed his pet. Poe does as you said as you fed the hard food from the bottom shelf to feed the raccoon Poe calls a pet. As you start to put the food into a little bowl, you notice Karl eyeing you from under the kitchen table, as if he’s making sure you make his dinner correctly. Even if you’re sleepy, he expects his food to be done correctly. You soon finish up and set the bowl down, motioning to the creature to come eat before going out to join your lover in your game. 
 “I already figured it out, it was too easy. Guess we’ll have to play again.” Poe chuckled, motioning to the game board.
 “How? You only had on turn!” You asked, but you alreasy knew the answer.
 “Guess I’m just that smart, huh?” He teased, as he reset the board. While he was in the process of restarting, Karl walked out of the kitchen heading towards the two of you, eventually jumping onto Poe’s couch and crawls onto Poe’s lap. Karl always does this, but what he does’t always do is completely ignore Poe and continue to walk off the couch over to you. He then proceeds to jump onto your side and snuggle into your lap, where he stays. This catches you by surprise; you and Karl liked each other, but he always clung to Poe, so this was new. “ Heh, look like Karl really likes you,” Poe pointed out, “guess that’s his way of saying welcome to the family.”
 “But we’re not even a family.” You laughed. It’s not that you wouldn’t want to marry Poe, you would gladly and happily say yes if he wanted to be, but at this rate you were too tired to do any explaining and just left it at that. 
 “Not yet,” Poe inaudibly mumbled. 
“Huh, did you say something?” You tiredly asked, which Poe replied with a simple head shake as he continued to play the board game.
 “Well, thank you for the warm welcoming, Karl.” You yawned as you scratch his ears.
 “I won.” Poe blandly stated.
 “What? Again in one turn? How?” You questioned the genius detective infront of you.
 Poe then chuckled.”I could see your cards the entire time, you’re really bad at keeping them secret.”
 “You should’ve told me!” You tiredly argued.
 “I know you wanted this to be over quick. Come on, lets head to bed.” Poe suggests, coming over to you to pick up Karl and carry him into you’re shared bedroom. He then got into bed with the animal, you soon follow, snuggling into Poe, making Karl move in between the two of you. “Goodnight, (f/n), I love you.” You smiled as your body finally gets to relax after the long day of work.
Ahhhhh, this request was to cute! Thank you! I haven’t already, please go check out my last post, it goes over some stuff I want you guys to know. I would very much apprectaite if you went and checked it out. I also hope you enjoyed my first imagine. If you have any feedback, don’t hesitate to say something! As always the ask box is open.
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Please Read!:)
Hello Lovelies! I really hope you are enjoying my work, it really means a lot to see my writting being taken in so well. I just want to give you guys a heads up about the future of this blog and how I intend to grow. FIRST of all, I would appreciate it if you guys would also send in requests for imagines and other types of styles other than headcons , I would really love to venture out into that type of writing. With that said, I will still gladly take headcons as requests, I just don’t want to limit myself to only headcons. This also ties into my SECOND topic; I will be changing up my writing style. For the past requests I have noticed how much I need to grow as an author; if you find somehting I could work on in my writing, please let me know. My one of my biggest priorities is that I can grow as an author and that you guys like my work. Constructive critisism is always appreciated! With this in mind, I would love it if one of you youl’d like to be an advisor of sorts for me. If you are intrested please  private message me and we can talk about it. The LAST thing I wanted to talk to you guys about if requests. I currently have no requests, so if you could send some in (anonoumously or not.) The ask box is always open, so ask away! In the future (near or far) I would love to do some ‘get to know the author’ type of thing where you send me questions about myself or something. If you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty new to tumblr, this is asctually my first blog, and so far it’s been a great experience and I don’t want it to stop. Thank you for taking your time to read this, message me if you have any questions or comments!
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Hey! I love your blog! I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for Chuuya if he had a female s/o who's taller than him by like, 5-6 inches? And she loves to lightly tease him about it every once in a while?
Chuuya:-Would feel very self-conscious about his height, even more than he already is. -Enforces the rule that you are not allowed to wear heels when he’s around-To make up for his lack of height, he is very manly and polite. This increases his self-esteem and gives him a sense of power.-Blushes when you tease him, might even tease you back about how tall you are. -Sometimes lets peoples comments get to his head, which causes him to be really protective over you-If someone ever messes with you, that person will realize that the tiny are mighty-Likes to be the big spoon, loves the feeling of being able to protect you
Thank you so much for the ask! I’m also glad you’re liking my blog! As always the ask box is open, so feel free to send a request in! XOXO A.
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Hi I love your account! I was wondering if I could get first kiss headcannons for Akutagawa, Chuuya, Tanizaki, and Ranpo?
Akutagawa:-You’d be the one to have to initiate the kiss, which would probably be a quick peck-could literally be mistaken for a tomato; his blush is SO intense -needs a moment to collect himself before kissing you again
Chuuya:-It’s sudden and surprises you, but it’s very romantic and soft-takes you a few seconds to kiss him back-lasts from anywhere from 10-25 seconds -lightly blushed afterwards, but Chuuya enjoyed it
Tanizaki:-Probably asked for your permission before doing anything -it’s short but sweet-he turns bright pink afterwards, but probably goes in for another one
Ranpo:-a very unplanned peck, which makes you blush and confused -“Why’d you do that?”-you “You liked it, so why are you asking?”-Ranpo-teases you about it later on
As always the ask box is open, so don’t hesitate to request anything! Thank you for the ask!XOXO A.
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Headcanons for what kind of dates Chuuya, Akutagawa, and Higuchi like (ie dinner date, park date, etc), and how they would treat their s/o on them? ♡
Chuuya:-Dinner date (quite obvious)-being the high class gentleman he is he would most likely take his S/o to some sort of fancy restaurant -during this time he is respectful, charming, and kind making sure to impress his date-Chuuya would treat his S/o like royalty, pampering her in any way he can
Akutagawa:-Really simple, most likely the two would meet up at a coffee shop and maybe go see a movie-great listener and had proper manners-would probably keep his personal life to himself, but may later open up
Higuchi:-Park date-would pack a picnic and everything -nervous that her S/o won’t like what she packed, but soon calms down-very respectful and loves engaging in conversation -very interested in learning more about you
Thank you for the ask! XOXO A.
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Hey! Could I get childfree s/o head canons for Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, and Ranpo please and thank you!
Dazai:-would respect his S/o’s opinion -may ask questions but doesn’t go to far out of her comfort zone-may tease his S/o a tiny bit, but never goes overboard -will stand up for her opinion -overall ok with it
Chuuya:-probably agrees-may realize that having a kid and being a part of port mafia would be extremely difficult and dangerous -doesn’t tease his S/o what so ever
Ranpo:-questions her but will learn to respect your opinion -will tease her but not publicly -probably wants kids, but if his S/o is uncomfortable with it, he’ll let it go-already is a child at times, so having two would drive his S/o insane
Fyodor:-understands fully and respects his S/I’d decision -doesn’t mind it, considering the child may be put into harms way-won’t tease you directly, but may imply or mumble it
Sorry this one was a bit short. 😅 Also, would it be helpful if I made a master list of all of the tags and/or characters? Let me know. XOXO A.
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hello!! I was curious could you do an anniversary head cannon for Dazai, Chuuya, Akutagawa, and Tanaizaki's s/o? (also just curious do you only take requests in the form on anon?)
So to I don’t neccacarily have an answer for your question, I’m still a getting used to all the language. *akwardly laughs* I have two interpreted answers that may or may not answer your question. The first interpretations is that all asks must be sent in anonymously, which is optional. You can either send in asks annymously or not. The second interpretation is that i will always be anon; I will not reveal my name unless messaged, but I will, and sort of want, let you guys get to know me. I’m really sorry if I didn’t answer your question, please message me if I didn’t or want me to clarify anything. Anyways, to the part you really want to see.
(I’m going to do marrige anniversaries)
-Pretends to forget it, just to tease his s/o
-”Babe, it’s our anniversary today!”-s/o “No, it’s not, it’s next week! I have it on the calendar.”-Dazai (he bought a fake calendar and marked his their aniversary a week late.)
- Goes on until dinner time when he tells his s/o to dress nicely because “the agency pulled a suprise business dinner”, but he actually reserved a spot at one of the more luxurious places in town without you knowing.
-S/o is very suprised at the reveal and thoughrouly enjoys the meal
-Before the couple leave, Dazai pulls out a small gift bag, and hands it to his s/o which his s/o eagerly opens to find a beautiful diamond necklace. “Happy one year anniversary, S/o.”
-Romantic from begining to end
-Makes s/o breakfast in bed and cuddles with her before getting up
-Will take a day off from work to spend it with his s/o, making it as special as possible
-After a long day of fun, he will take his s/o to a nice restraunt to dine where the two share a wine sampler (A/n: It’s not neccasarily a sampler for Chuuya, considering he’s most likely had all of them before) and look at the veiw from the patio
-At the end of the night he will cuddle with s/o and make her feel loved
-Not as romantic as his s/o might of hoped for, but nonetheless is still romantic
-Will go to work, but come home early to cook his s/o a nice dinner
-Suprises s/o with multiple kisses and hugs throughout the day but that was nothing compared to the dinner
-Will lightly converse with his s/o before giving them a gift of sorts, probably a nice handwritten card and bracelet 
-Cuddles with s/o later on 
-Lots of cute little things throughout the day
-makes both breakfast and dinner for his s/o, but the two go out together to have a nice lunch
-Will go shopping with his s/o, even if he hates it
-Will take his s/o to a concert or performance of sorts to top off the night
Thank you for the ask!
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You guys are so fucking amazing!!! I honestly appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you so much!
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Can I get hcs of Ranpo, Fuku, Higuchi, and Yosano with a selectively mute s/o?
Of Course! I hope you like it!
-Would slightly tease his s/o about their situation, but knows when to stop
-If his s/o only talk around him, he feels special and may brag a little bit
-Softens up around her and cares for her a lot
-if someone tries to threaten or lull his s/o out of her comfort zone without her consent, he will get protective 
-Gets a little annoyed when he first meets her for this fact, but soon gets over it
-Is very respectful of her boundaries; never forces her out of them
-loves it when his s/o does talk, it relaxes him knowing that she trusts him
-definetley glares at people who calls her out for not
-is very understanding about her choices, and will always respect them
-Very respectful of her s/o’s boundaries 
-feels extremely special if she only talks to her; her self esteem raises significantly 
-will arrange quiet times for the two of them just so that they can talk in peace
-will go ham on people if they harass her s/o, unless it’s by her superiors, then she holds all of her nasty comments to herself.
-Might cross some of her s/o’s boundaries, but not by a lot and not all the time.
-When she first met her s/o, she actually thought she needed medical attention for this, and constantly pestered her about it.
-After realizing it’s not she does soften up and is releived when her s/o does talk to her
-Will beat anyone’s ass if they dare offend her s/o
Thank you for the ask! I definetley enjoyed writing about the girls, cause lets be real, BSD has some of the most badass women in anime! Anyways, the ask box is always open so feel free to drop a request or question or anything you want at anytime!
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Good luck with your blog. Can you do the curved s/o with fukuzawa, atsushi, chuuya, Hawthorne and fitzgerald? Thank you a lot💚💚💚
-I don’t think it would make much of a difference to him
-might blush every now and then if you force your body upon him
-will glare at people who make comments toward you
-(his glares are deadly)
-low key loves to use your ass as a pillow
-provacative clothing doesn’t phase him, which may disappoint you
-Blush at 110%
-still wonders how someone as gorgeous and perfect as you wants to date him
-unconciously looks at your curves
-Gets protective over you when people comment on your figure
-”Hey! That’s no way to talk to somebody!” 
-Rarely, if ever, teases you about your figure
-If you workout to maintain your curves, he might watch you through the window of the gym you go to. I highly doubt he’d be up for fully workingout though. 
-Never wear provacative clothing, little Atsushi just can’t hadle it
-Deep down, he likes to use your breast as pillows
-He loves it
-loves to tease you, but nothing to rough, he is a gentleman after all 
-Takes no shit from people commenting about your figure either in the form of sarcasm or threats
-”Yeah she does look great, unfourtunetley for you, she does’t date sleaze bags who only want to fuck her then kick her to the streets. She’s way to smart for that.” or “What the fuck did you say about her you little prick!? Do you know no God damn respect?” or the classic “ Say that again and I’ll cut your dick off”
-Loves to sneak up on you and grope your behind either at work (if you’re  in the mafia) or on little dates
-Loves to use your boobs as pillows (only reason he’d like being shorter than you) 
-If you’re shorter than him, he loves to pick you up and grab your ass
-You know those couple/workout goals? Yep that’s you guys. 
-Gets real aroused when you wear revealing clothing
-overall, loves your figure
-Not to distracted by it
-A lot like Fukuzawa
-Thinks your body is just another gift from God
-Does however get protective when people comment about it, just not verbaly, he’s more like reinforcement
-May have a bit of lust if you wear revealing clothes, but stops himself from going to far
-You’re on display almost 24/7
-loves your figure
-buys outrageous costumes and accesories to highlight your curves
-Will lowkey get irritated if people make fun of you or comment about your physique 
-Revealing clothes will honestly turn him on
-really loves your body
I hope you like this, and Im happy to see one of the old asks being used again! Also, would it be helpful if I created a ask idea post? You can message me the answer if you want. Anyways, thank you for the ask!
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Rules update
General Rules
-I will not do any nsfw asks, i personaly am not comftorable writing material like that so please refrain from asking me to do 
-I will, however, do almost anything else, as long as im comftorable with it
-There will be swearing so if you are sensitive to that type of stuff, you have been warned
-I will try to update every 2-3 days, if i don't, that simply means im busy, am stressed, or don’t have any requests
-I will not tolerate any negative comments, if you feel the need to say something rude or simply don’t like my writing, GO AWAY, you’re wasting your own time
-I am, however, open to constructive critisism. Either message me or send me some advice. 
-Please don’t get angry at me for not answering you request. There could be a million reasnons why I didn’t (misunderstanding, personal issues, time, etc.)
-At somepoint I will have to go back to school, durring those times I won’t be as active as I would be in the summer
Ask Rules
-Please try to limit the number of characters to 3
-Be specific if you want a headcon, one-shot, imagine, scenario, etc
-be specific with your ask
  ex: (not a good ask) Dazai fluff 
        (good ask) Dazai after a long day (fluff) imagine
-The s/o will be female unless upon request; if you want a gender-neutral, male, etc. s/o, put it in your ask
-I have the right to deny any request
-I am down to do most characters, I currently do not have the recourses to keep up with the manga, so if you request a charcter that doesn’t get a lot of development in the anime, I’ll be using the wikia page to help me
-Feel free to send me asks and requests. I would love to get to know you guys and vise versa, so feel free to either message me or send an ask about me
Overall, most of these rules will be flexible, just try to keep to them. Thank you guys for being so understanding and helpful! 
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hi hi!! can i please get jealousy headcanons for akutagawa, ranpo, dazai, and chuuya!! 💕💕💕💕 ty in advance and stay safe on ur trip!
Akutagawa:-acts like he isn’t, but he is-gets jealous over the simplest of things-“Hold a door for my girlfriend one more time and you’ll lose your head.” He says under his breath to a restaurant worker-gets very quiet and solemn if he is-may question your relationship, because, you know, anxiety-tries to play it off, but people will notice his change in attitude
Ranpo:-gets very protective and affectionate when he’s jealous -will kiss you in public if he has to-is very blunt that he’s jealous and will tell people off-“She has a boyfriend, fuck off”-trusts you enough to not get jealous too much, but that doesn’t mean he never is-may be irritated with you if you let it happen or are oblivious to the fact that he’s jealous -will do anything to regain your attention
Dazai:-doesn’t get jealous too often; he trusts you-when he does he’s very protective, but in a sarcastic manner -“(Name), I wouldn’t trust someone who only wants a one night stand buddy.” He says with a forced smile in a sickly sweet voice-Can, and will, become more dramatic (if possible)-really just wants to direct your attention away from the person making him jealous to him-Will pull you into kisses or display other ways of affection
Chuuya:-PROTECTIVE AF, but will never admit it-gets jealous really easily -“Hey, she’s not a fucking prize that can be won, and plus she already has a god damn boyfriend, so fuck off and learn some respect.”-will murmur for 10 minutes straight -his attitude shifts entirely and everyone notices -“Chuuya, you need to calm down!” “NO I FUCKING DON’T! THAT PEICE OF SHIT WAS HITTING ON YOU!!” -will eventually calm down, but after a lot of wine and coaxing
Thank you for the ask and travel wishes! I really appreciate it! As always the ask box is always open and feel free to message me about anything! I love hearing from you guys( it honestly means the world to me!) -XOXO A.
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headcanons for kunikida and a s/o who isn't really into order or planning (they just go w the flow) good luck w the new blog!!
Sorry for this being so late!
-Lots of little disputes over little things, but eventually things calm down-“No, (Name), we can’t stop there, we have to be at the agency in 3 minutes!” -Only let’s you tease him, but to a degree-If you try getting into organizing or planning he’ll help you along the way-PLANS THE BEST BIRTHDAY PARTIES FOR YOU-Would low key hate it if you forgot his-Tries to keep you on track if you forgot something like a date or any other event-Kunikida is very protective over you, so if you make reckless decision (like going out to a party), you better be ready for the stern talking to when he picks you up-Nonetheless, he would still love you, even if it means getting used to your free spirited ways
Thank you for the ask!!! This was fun to make!! I’m honestly very unorganized, so it was quite easy to know what could go on!XOXO A.
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I'M BACK!!!! Finally, I get to write and not have to worry about bloody noses anymore! Woo-hoo! Thank you to all the people that sent in requests during my leave, I will get right on them! XOXO A.
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