Strange Love
Part 5/?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Damian Wayne!Older x Reader
Words: 1193
(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/L/N) - Your Last Name
Summary: An aspiring young novelist captures the attention of a certain billionare. 
A/N: So it`s been 2 years since the last update. I think my English got better, but certainly not the writing.
The waiter couldn't do a thing but to look at two young people exiting the restaurant.
“Please.” with this Damian opened the doors of a passenger's seat of an onyx McLaren. With Y/N sitting in his car, Damian landed himself in a driver`s place.
“That`s funny.”
“Funny? What exactly?” Damian asked confused while starting an engine.
“I`ve always thought of a man like you having a personal driver.” Y/N said with a little chuckle.
“A man like me? Do I look like somebody who is not capable of learning things?”
“I just meant that billionaire thing which is always shown in movies, that's all.”
“So a driver comes with a first million in your bank account? Didn't know that.” now it was Damian's turn to have his fun.
“Well, maybe, if I had a car i would know that.”
“You already have a million?” the young man was teasing.
“Yes, I do. And what, that must be a surprise? Like, yeah, books aren`t those things you make in Wayne Enterprises, but they sure can bring you some coin.” Y/N said while being slightly offended by the fact Damian didn't think of her writing as a serious business. Like yes, she was lucky to have the thing she loves as her job, but it never meant that she couldn't prosper on that.
“Those things? I'm offended. We provide almost all of Gotham with ‘those’ things.” maybe without those curled into a smile lips on his face, Damian would not have sounded that funny. “And that must be a lot of coins for you, then why you don't have a car with a driver?” with slightly irritated Y/N Damian still remained in a very good mood, good enough to make bad jokes.
“Saving up for a decent vehicle. And why don't you have one?”
“Never needed one.” Damian shrugged. “Been driving since I was eight, so...” with this line some child-ish features have appeared on his face. At that very moment he looked soft enough to make an impression of a person who has never worried about a thing.
“Sure.” a little laugh escaped Y/N`s mouth and she finally relaxed.
“What? I'm not joking!” now it was Damian's time to have his good time. “By the way, we're almost at my place.”
“Oh, so fast.”
Really, it was a quick ride for both young people as there was quite a warm atmosphere like they knew each other for a good while. Damian felt delighted with Y/N being near. It was never awkward or binding for something. For once nobody expected anything from him but him personally: no planning for the next rescue mission, or the explaining and distributing finance among all of the Wayne Enterprises units, or the never ending meetings with the shareholders since his father has left to France with Selina.
Father. Damian has been thinking about it for a long time. Bruce leaving the mantle for his youngest son after so many years of refusing to leave the post. Now this must be strange for him to live a normal life with the woman he loves without any obstacles in the way, raising a child with no further training and no vigilante road for her. Yes, that must be totally weird for his father.
Now it feels so different from what it used to be. No sneaking from the manor, no Alfred to catch Damian doing that, no Bruce to shut his temper - now it's only Damian making all of the decisions and commanding both the Justice League and Batfamily. Now he, Damian Wayne, is the Batman. But at least he can rest at day before the night comes and he puts on a cowl.
The Wayne Manor welcomed them in the face of Charles, Damian's new butler. When Alfred had left with Bruce and Selina to Rennes Damian obviously needed somebody to look after such a huge mansion: sure, he had the cleaning company contacts Alfred always used, but there had to be a person who would control everything. So with Mr. Pennyworth`s recommendation, Charles Hunnam got the position.
Damian didn't need him to be around the house all the time for obvious reasons, but Mr. Hunnam been there all day and sometimes stayed for a night.
“Nice to see you home early, Mr. Wayne.”
“Charles, this is Ms. Y/N Y/L/N, she is my guest. We'll be at the library, could you arrange some lunch for us, please? I didn't have a bite since morning.”
“Sure, any preferences here, Ms. Y/N?”
“I`ll have whatever you`ll bring. I'm not that picky. Just, please, make sure I won`t be hungry after.”
And with a little nod the butler excused himself in a direction of the kitchen.
“Shall we?” there was Damian's huge hand taking Y/N`s and leading her upstairs to the room where all the books in the manor were stocked. He opened the door and let Y/N go in first.
“Feel free to raid the place.” that little smile of Damian grew strongly on Y/N even for such a small time she knew the man. For a few seconds he looked younger than he truly was, or maybe it was just the weight of a burden that have made him feel and act way more mature than he should`ve been. And only now it lightened for a little bit.
“How many books are here exactly?” she asked while approaching the shelves near the stairs. The library was big: it even had a second floor inside the room, and that huge window for a whole wall which showed a beautiful garden.
“Can`t say exactly. But I think enough to find something to read.” Damian shrugged while looking at Y/N`s figure from behind. For some good seconds he caught himself admiring her smooth lines which drew her perfectly. The heels definitely emphasized her beautiful legs, the muscles of which drew his attention. Damian now wondered how many other people saw Y/N as this gorgeous woman and if there was somebody to tell her that every day and night.
“So, have you read all of them?”
“Obviously not, Y/N” with this he took a few steps forward.
Y/N only took a little breath to say something witty in response when she almost bumped into Damian's chest while turning in his direction.
“Damian.” she breathed out.
He didn't respond. At this moment they both were standing extremely close to each other. Damian with his a bit opened mouth and a chest going up and down from a sudden heavy breathing was looking at Y/N with his fierce eyes which were sheltered with his long black lashes which shadow made it hard for her to take a look at his greens.
Not that it was a much eye contact for her now. Her bravery was only enough at his sharpened jawline and not a centimeter higher. But Damian had courage for both of them and now was shamelessly shooting looks all over her face.
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Strange Love
Part 4/?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Pairing: Damian Wayne!Older x Reader
Words: 1611
(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/E/C) - Your Eye Color
Summary: An aspiring young novelist captures the attention of a certain billionare.
Tagged: @zhang91yixing
A/N: I know this was really long since the last update and I’m sorry for that. 
On the next day after Damian’s birthday you got an email from him in which he asked you to have lunch together. The thought of him wanting to see you again has flattered your heart. And you were happy to have the opportunity to enjoy his company. Damian seemed to you as a person who had a lot to tell about. Moreover, he had this calming aura which affected you all the time. In your life it was one of the most needed things right now: since the announcement of your new book`s output you had no spare minute except for the past three weeks, on which you didn’t have any interviews or fan meetings but you were working really hard to put it in order before publishing. So it goes without saying that having lunch with Damian was one of the most pleasurable things for you today.
“Good morning, Mr. Wayne.”
“Good morning to you, Eveline, too. What’s today agenda?”
“You have a meeting with Mr. Dillum at 10 o'clock and an Expert Meeting on Policy Advocacy in Investment Promotion on 4 p.m.”
“Good. That`s all for today? Feels weird.”
“Yes, Mr. Wayne, that is all. After all, it’s only the beginning of the month, you`ll have your time to miss days like these later.”, with these words the woman headed to the leave the room. “Oh, and that would be cruel to have laid it all on a birthday boy.”
“Thanks for that, Eveline.”
The man approached the big picture window behind his chair. It was unbelievably sunny in Gotham today. There finally was a warm morning despite the series of cold surprises from usual Gotham`s weather. Damian closed his eyes for a single moment to enjoy the warmth of the sun rays which were currently bathing his face with themselves.
It was a nice morning for Damian Wayne.
Thankfully, today was your legal day off which you demanded first time in months, so you were absolutely free. As the time has passed it was already 11 a.m., and you decided to start getting ready for the lunch with Damian which was planned on 12.30. Not that you wanted to make an impression on him, you just didn’t want to be late on that one (or maybe that was just what you were telling yourself).
You have chosen a cropped lilac fur sweater and a maroon middle-length leather pencil skirt with a pair of black high-heeled court shoes. You decided to keep your hair loose. It was a surprise to you how fast time has passed and it already was near 12 o`clock and you rushed to leave your flat.
When you entered the restaurant you immediately saw Damian. He was sitting at the center table and had an unreadable expression on his face. The restaurant was good. It was large and light with big windows. Damian noticed your approaching. He smiled mischievously to you while he stood up and suggested you a hand. When you took it he placed a quick kiss on yours.
“Good to see again, (Y/N).”
“Good to see you too, Damian.”
He led you to your sit. When you both sat down you saw that Damian was about to say something but the waiter who had come to your table to take the order interrupted him. You only sent Damian a little playful smile.
“Good day, my name is Liam, I’ll be your waiter today. Are you ready to make the order or would like the menu?”
“I`d like to take a look at a menu, please.” you responded.
“Me too.” Damian followed your example.
“Sure. Maybe, you would like a drink while you`re choosing?” Liam asked you when he handed the menu to both of you .
“Yes, please.”
“Could you please bring a glass of water?” you said it while watching at the irritated Damian. You didn’t know what made him like this in the nick of time. Was he really that annoyed of the waiter?
“Of course.” the waiter finally left you two alone.
“What are smiling at?” Damian asked you with a lighter tone.
For a second you looked each other right in the eyes. One pair of them, (Y/E/C), were light and had an open merriment in them, the other, emerald green, had its joy hidden deep down so that could only be seen in the glares of the chandelier’s light which were hiding there. This so comfortable for both of you moment was suddenly broke by the waiter who brought your water.
“Here, take it please.”
“Thank you.” when he was handing you the glass you accidentally dropped it. Suddenly for you and the waiter, Damian caught it. It was so fast that you didn’t even realise that it was about to hit the ground, so what can be said about Damian’s speed unpredictable to you.
“Wow! I should say it was real fast. Nice reflexes, Mr.” the waiter was the first to wake up while you were staring at Damian who still haven’t recovered from his half bent position with the glass in his hands. When he caught your eye Damian straightened his position and placed the water on the table. His actions were followed by complete silence.
“Have you chosen what would you like to eat?” the waiter was the first to break it.
“Not yet, we’ll call when we are done.” after these Damian’s words Liam went to the other tables.
“Now I think I know who has been hiding behind the Flash’s mask all this time.”
“Yeah, now my secret is revealed.” Damian awkwardly laughed off your joke. He rubbed his neck with a crooked smile which somehow affected you. His dark blue shirt wasn’t fully buttoned up and it showed off his collarbones a bit. You flushed a little on this and you were more than just sure he noticed that. “So, will you keep it?”
“Keep what? Oh, yeah. Sure.” you slightly nervously laughed.
“He’s looking at us again.” Damian conspiratorially whispered to you.
“The waiter. We better finally chose something or he may turn out to be Superman and we’ll know this by his laser eyes.” it was unusual for you to hear him talk in such a joking tone but at the same time you wanted Damian to be like this more often.
“Well, then we could assemble the whole League here.” you supported his joke. By the time you finished looking through the menu Damian had called the waiter.
“I’ll have this terrine of duck with truffles and pistachios and for a desert I’ll take warm Valrhona chocolate soufflé cake.”
“Good choice. I’d recommend you this Beaujolais wine to your duck.”
“We’d prefer Pinot Noir.”
“You’re quite an expert Mr.”
“Yeah, and I’d like to have a split pea soup but please make sure that the cook will prepare it without a ham bone. I’m a vegetarian.”
“Sure, anything else?”
“No, we’re done here.”
With a little bow the waiter headed to the kitchen.
“So, you’re a vegetarian? Didn’t know about it. And never would think you were one.”
“Because this is you.” Damian only gave you a puzzled look. “Looking all tough, you know.” he just softly smiled to you.
“Decided to become one after one incident.”
“An incident?”
“You know, I just…” in Damian’s memory have risen old flashes of his early Robin days, and the fight in the slaughterhouse was one of the most clear images for that moment. “…was on the farm with my friend and accidentally saw this process. And on that day I have claimed myself as a vegetarian.”
“Oh. How old were you?”
“Maybe eleven or twelve.”
“Well, I’m an aggressive meateater. And fortunately or not, I probably will never neglect this.”
“This is who you are, (Y/N).”
The other time you spent by talking and you got a feeling that something inside you have melted and now you could feel how this something was floating through your veins bringing the volcanic warmth with itself which was growing as far as Damian was talking and more mainly looking at you.
“So, books?” he rose his eyebrow.
“Yeah, not that I’m a big reader but when a book is good… It’s good. So I grew to write.”
“You place yourself as a really good author. Am I right?”
“If I don’t do it, no one will.”
“Can I ask what’s your favourite book? Except for yours.” Damian made a soft chuckle.
“The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie. I hardly can be called a detective fan but that book had me captured. I remember when there was a hundred pages left before the end and I was reading it till three in the morning on the kitchen.”
A dreamy smile appeared on your face and you half closed your eyes while looking away. Damian was sitting right across from you and the sight of you talking about small yourself loving just the books’ form and flipping their pages to hear the author talking to you. The man caught himself caring about you more and more.
“You know, I have a great library. Maybe, you want to take a look at it?”
“Damian, normal people look at the books, not the room where they are stocked.” you shared a small chuckle. “But if that’s an invitation I’ll take it.”
“Then, shall we?” as he stood up from his chair and approached you and held out his hand asking you to go with him.
You only smiled to Damian and took his hand.
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Strange Love
Part 3/?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Pairing: Damian Wayne!Older x Reader
Words: 1188
(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/L/N) - Your Last Name
(Y/E/C) - Your Eye Color
Summary: An aspiring young novelist captures the attention of a certain billionare.
A/N: This chapter might feel kind of abrupt than previous ones.
As you were looking at a night sky full of stars Damian was looking at you. He felt warmed up inside as you had shared your child memories with him. In the white light of the moon your appearance opened completely newly to him. The features of the woman standing next to him seemed so purely clean-cut as his katana. The pale skin was clearly underlining from his naturally tanned skin of his arm as he put it above hers. She turned her head to him.
There fell a comfortable silence for a good couple of minutes. Damian was looking at (Y/N) and (Y/N) was looking at him. There was nothing in the Universe except for the green and (Y/E/C) eyes looking into each other. It wasn't weird for neither of them. And if back to the old days (Y/N) would try to break a long eye contact because of feeling awkward now she would never do that towards Damian, the look he gave her was calming enough and full of trust.
For Damian it was a moment of time when he wasn't looking for anything, he wasn't trying to solve it or find any kind of a trick. He just looked in the eyes and began to sink slowly. And he wanted it badly.
“If you are not about staying here, maybe I could give you a ride.” his mouth and throat were dry so he swallowed and you could do nothing but to take your eyes from his to look how his Adam's apple flinched due to his previous actions.
“You don't have to do this or don`t you want to stay with your guests?”
“My friends whom I wanted to be here couldn't make it. And I guess Jon won`t notice it fast since he was occupied by a certain model girl from the beginning of a party.”
“Well if you want to and-”
“I do.” Damian interrupted you but what bothered you more was the seriousness of his tone as if he really wanted to escape from that party.
“Okay then. I could really use your help.” you said with a hardly seen smile. “Save a lady, Damian Wayne.”
“You want me to be your hero, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” now he responded with a playful grin.
Damian suggested you a hand and you took it. His big one felt extremely warm when yours was cold. You just wrapped it tighter around his as Damian led you to the elevator you hadn't seen before. As you walked in, Damian pressed the button and the lift immediately started to go down. Both of you were keeping silence till the elevator stopped and you were in the underground parking of the hotel. You curiously looked around trying to guess which car was Damian's. You thought it might be a newest sports car but when he led you to a red motorcycle which obviously wasn't so new and expensive, you felt slightly surprised by his vehicle.
“Here.” Damian handed you a helmet.
“Is that bike yours?” you asked when you took a helmet.
“Yes. Why you asked?”
“Nevermind.” his a bit confused face looked funny to you so a little grin formed on your mouth. “Seriously, Damian. It's nothing, just a question. What if it wasn't yours and the whole GCPD would chase us, ha?”
“TT. They can't even find their ears.” he responded as he got on and was putting on his helmet on.
You sat back and did the same. When you hugged Damian from the behind he started the engine and went out of the parking lot.
Night Gotham was beautiful. The lights were so bright when they cut the city's usual darkness. The people were different at night. Some took off their mask and showed their true nature, the others did otherwise - they pretended and that was their little act which in the morning they would remember like a sweet aftertaste. Just like a provincial actress thinks about her first premiere night as a main heroine.
In this cascade of a strangely fresh air and a smell of a simple human happiness you felt overwhelmed. Your arms and legs were weak as water. Your hands weren`t gripped on Damian as tight as they were at the start of your ride. You extend one hand just of a curiosity and right away the feeling of being unsafe took over you. You hurried to return your hand on it's previous position, at first you placed on Damian's knee, gripping it tightly. Then you moved it slowly on his thigh and finally placing it where it was - on his chest.
Some time later Damian stopped the motorcycle at your house. It was a grey 12 floor building near the city center. As you took off your helmet you get off the bike and it to Damian with a happy childish smile which you hardly could hide from him.
“Thanks for the ride home, Damian. It was a nice one.”
“If you want one you can always ask for it.”
“Well, I won't hesitate.” with these words you turned and went home.
“Good.” Damian said it looking as you entered the building.
“Where the hell did you go?!” Jon already was waiting for Damian on a rooftop where his friend was seen last.
“TT. Calm down Kent. I was on a ride.”
“Aaaaa… I think I already with whom you were on that ride.” he said this with a knowing smile.
“You serious now?”
“Don't I look serious enough to you? Anyway I'm happy for you.” Damian just rose an eyebrow at this statement.
“Don`t look at me like that, Wayne. Having a girlfriend is a normal phenomenon and you don't need to hide her. She's cute, by the way.”
“She's not my girlfriend and we are not dating. Oh, and what are you doing here? Got tired of Anastasia`s company?” now it was Damian's time to tease.
“Oh, shut, billionaire boy. If you want you can join her, you were the one thing that had her interest anyway.”
“Don't be sad about it, we'll find you somebody.”
“I don't ask for it, actually. Damian, you okay?”
“Jon, why I wouldn't be okay?”
“I hope your dad at least called you. He did call you, right?”
“Yes, Jon, he called me. And don't worry, I grew familiar with my father`s absence. I'm not a little boy anymore.”
“Sometimes I think you never were one.” this phrase had something what called a response from Damian's inside and he frowned at past memories. “I-I mean, remember how you once dressed up as my teacher and how you always were so adult-ish. It was real fun to me, to be honest.”
“I know.”
Suddenly Damian had noticed his present which he left there previously. When he approached it he also saw (Y/N)`s leather jacket which she obviously had forgotten there.
“What's there?”
“My “girfriend`s” jacket.” Damian used air quotes when he said that.
“See! You finally admitted that!” Jon widely smiled.
Damian smiled back.
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Strange Love
Part 2/?
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Damian Wayne!Older x Reader
Words: 1712
(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/L/N) - Your Last Name
Summary: An aspiring young novelist captures the attention of a certain billionare.
Two weeks have passed after Wayne Gala. During this period you caught yourself on a thought of meeting Damian Wayne again multiply times. You wanted to properly apologize for being abrupt to him. You found this rude and were blaming yourself for not thinking before saying. But you had no time for actions. Working on editing your book wasn't something easy and fast in doing.
It'd be honest to say that Damian have thought about you too. When he saw you at first he thought about you like a one night stand but in a process of your conversation he had changed his mind. How you spoke about him buying forgiveness reminded Damian about his past. The weight on his shoulders has renewed. And it was hard not to notice. Especially, when it was his birthday week and his friends were around.
“So, are we going to have a party in manor or somewhere else?”
“Is that really the most bothering thing to you right now, Jon?”
“No, but considering the media mails which are constantly asking about that, you must be bothered with it. Or are you planning a getaway on your birthday?” a playful smile appeared on Jon`s face. “If the answer is yes, I`m in.”
“What? Got tired of being on front page?” now it was Damian`s turn to smile.
“You know I'm always ready to pose but I did actually get tired of being the… how they say? “The less expected friend of Damian Wayne”. I hate it.”
“I love it. And no, I'm not planning any getaway.”
“What a pity. I've already thought about all possible ways how I could exploit you on my father`s farm.”
“Seriously? With your powers your farm could take the first place in some stupid farm competition.”
“There is no farm competition held.”
Damian skeptically looked at Jon saying with his eyes: “Really?”
“Okay, maybe there is, but we don`t take part in it.”
For some minutes there fell silence between young men. Damian and Jon have been friends for more than ten years. Jon was the first friend for Damian and he was more than just grateful to him for that. Even when he became a part of Teen Titans Jon still was a true friend to him. Damian, in his turn, was a person with who Jon could share his life and he didn't need to hide his superhero side from Damian.
“I'm renting a penthouse with a rooftop in Gotham Hotel” Damian was the first to break the silence.
“Cool. I gotta prepare a smoking suit or what?” replied Jon without any enthusiasm.
“Don't bother. It doesn't matter, you'll still be my friend even if you wear a sack. Wear what you want.”
“Well, then be ready for newspapers` headlines which say that your friend is a homeless.” at this time Jon joked.
“Like I wasn't ready before.” Damian mumbled.
“What? You brought this on yourself, Wayne.” with these words Jon jumped on his friend pretending to fight him.
At this very time when the man you thought you had deeply offended had fun with his best friend you were having a little break after arguing about the book cover with the chief designer of Simon`s publishing house. These two weeks you felt unbelievably exhausted. You had no sleep, no rest.
“I talked to Daniel and convinced her to take your idea for the book cover.” Simon entered the room where you were half sitting-half lying.
“Oh, you serious? It`s my book, so I decide what goes on a cover. And if Daniel is a designer she should has a better understanding at her job.”
“Touche, (Y/N). She's a genius designer, you're just being nervous.” Simon responded to you with his calming smile. “Maybe a little party will cheer you up, how do you think?”
“What party?” you asked with no intentions to go anywhere.
“You don't know? It`s Damian`s birthday. Not to brag but I'm a usual guest on his parties even with my age. I think he just feels the immortal youth of my soul.” Simon proudly informed you.
“I honestly didn't know about his birthday coming. And I'm not surprised I'm not getting the invitation.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Um, I kinda offended him last time we talked. But I wouldn`t have time to go there anyway”
“(Y/N), firstly, I think Damian have forgiven your little mistake, secondly, you are going to that party, and thirdly, if you go there, you'll have a chance to apologize.”
“How can you be so optimistic, Simon?”
“I just have a forever young soul. That's it. And now when we're done with personal stumbles I guess we can get back to work.”
You just followed his lead back to the Daniel`s office to clarify the details of the book cover of which you were already sick.
When you finally got home and checked your email first time in three days you was surprised. No. You were shocked. There was an invitation from Damian Wayne to his birthday party at Gotham Hotel. Simon was right but you truly wanted him to be wrong at that moment. You knew you weren't going there. You didn't know what to give Damian as a present and you didn`t want to show up at his party when you were feeling so guilty.
The day of Damian's birthday have come fast. You have decided to go there only to apologize to Damian and to give him a present. You thought that not coming to his party would even worsen the situation. But you wasn't about staying there and having a good time. No. No fun for (Y/N) (Y/L/N). You weren't punishing yourself, you just were too tired for this.
So you put on a pair of ripped on thighs skinny black jeans, a laced silk top with green and black floral print and a pair of high heeled court shoes with the similar print. Having left your apartment you grabbed your black leather jacket and a wrapped in black paper with a red bow wrist watch for Damian.
You already could hear a loud music by approaching Gotham Hotel. Inside the hotel there was a lift specially allotted lift for Damian's guests with a man who checked your invitation, so you knew where to go. When you finally stepped into the room you saw a lot of people partying there and what was really surprising there was no paparazzi. The more you were looking around the more concerned you become, you couldn`t find Wayne anywhere but you caught a sight of his friend as you concluded by photos from newspapers` you had read. You decided to ask him about Damian.
“Excuse me, I`m (Y/N). I can't see Damian anywhere. Can you help me?”
“Sure, I`m Jon, by the way. (Y/N)? I guess I've heard of you. Damian is on a rooftop if you need him.” the man told you with a friendly smile.
“Thank you. But where can I go on the rooftop?” you asked him with an awkward smile.
“Oh, there are stairs in the next room, you'll see it.”
“Thank you again.”
You quickly found the stairs and went up to the rooftop. You instantly caught Damian`s silhouette. He was leaning on a handrails which were put there for safety. His pose perfectly showed you his broad shoulders and how his black shirt stretched on his back showing off his muscles.
He turned his head in direction to the noise you did. Damian greeted you with a tired smile. For a second you got a need to make him happy.
“Happy Birthday” you said, suddenly not knowing what to do next.
“I guess you you brought me a present, (Y/N)” you could swear you caught little hints of tenderness in his voice.
“Yeah, so take it before I`ve changed my mind” you honestly didn't know why at that moment why you acted like that.
A funny confusion appeared on his face.
“I want to apologize” unpredictably for you it just slipped out your mouth.
“For what?”
“I said what I didn`t mean when we first met.”
“You've apologized for that then. And it wasn't that much of insult to me. So you can forget about that.”
“Oh, good. Maybe you'll take your gift already? I`m feeling uncomfortable still having it” you said it in a joking tone handing the gift to Damian.
“Sure and thank you for this.” he took it while slightly laughing. “You always dress like this for parties?”
“You always spend your birthdays by running away from people?” you replied feeling a bit offended but suddenly you caught an expression of sadness on Damian's face, so you quickly decided to change the theme. “I wasn't planning on staying actually. And you know how I dress for the parties.”
“I didn't mean anything bad. I like how you`re looking.”
“You need to be more cheerful it`s your birthday after all. I remember how my grandmother was preparing my birthdays when I was a little girl” you remembered your childhood while looking at the night sky leaning on rails next to Damian. “It felt like a real fairy tail even without any of it's attributes. I loved my grandmother, she was an incredible woman and every day with her was a happy day to me.” Some tears escaped your eyes and Damian noticed that. He was looking attentively at you and you felt confused. “Sorry, I'm emotional person. Cry at movies, cry at advertisements.”
“It's okay. I was close with my grandfather too. But we got our disagreements at one moment.”
You didn't know what to say, you just suggested him a sheepish smiled when he looked at you with all his seriousness. His explicitly outlined cheekbones looked to you even more clearly than previous time. In lunar light he looked unbelievably handsome but that wasn't in your mind then. You looked at his tragic expression and all you was beauty coming from the inside. There was something hidden deep down, something he was disguising. And you wanted to acknowledge that.
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Strange Love
Part 1/?
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Damian Wayne!Older x Reader
Words: 1420
(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/L/N) - Your Last Name
(Y/B/N) - Your Book’s Name
Summary: An aspiring young novelist captures the attention of a certain billionare.
A/N: This is the slowest burn ever.
You were a new up and coming author who has just released her second best selling book. You've always wanted to be a novelist and you worked hard for it. When your first book was released you immediately become famous. You got your fame and fortune. You got to travel around your country presenting your book, so you also got a chance of looking for your new home as you wanted to create your own cosy nest. There were only two cities you dreamed of living in: New York and Gotham. So when you got an opportunity you immediately moved to Gotham. Why this very infamous city? Being a little child you've always heard about this city, about its bad aura, its villains, its heroes, its Batman. You were always living inside your dreams and one of those dreams was, if not meeting, then just feeling the presence of the Dark Knight somewhere close. You've been living in Gotham for four months already and none of your nights went without hearing the “superherovillain” news in which most of the time appeared the unchangeable name of Gotham's safe keeper. You liked that feeling. Even though you never had a chance to see him live in action.
The other side of Gotham amused you not less. As a media face which was known you got a lot of invitations to charity events, parties, brunches etc. To be honest, you were thrilled with all of these gigs, it was totally another side of the city: people sure were talking about crime and vigilantes but their talk was distant.
Tonight was another charity ball you got an invitation to. It was the Wayne Annual Gala which was held every year in the middle of autumn. You, as a Gotham fan #1, sure had heard of Bruce Wayne, his tragical backstory and, of course, his company. But the most interesting of all his sides was his family side. You knew he had adopted a lot kids and didn’t have his own. They were all different but somehow still similar. But the media were all like one declaring that his youngest one was his biological son. Damian Wayne. Even without any of DNA results or journalists' researches you knew, only by looking at Bruce and his son's photos, it was nothing but true. You had some thoughts why the man hid the origins of his son but it didn't affect you at any level and airing in somebody's dirty laundry, even world's most known billionare's, wasn't your thing, so you just let this story pass.
There you were. Approaching the main entrance of the Wayne Manor's biggest hall. You weren't nervous like at your first appearance with cameras, journalists, celebrities, you have actually grown familiar with it. Instead of nervousness you felt thrill of meeting some familiar people there. One of them was Simon Brown who apparently was your publisher in Gotham and he was kinda enthusiastic to become your fulltime manager since you didn't have one and were handling all ongoing meetings and gigs on your own. You were really glad you met Simon, he was this easy-going, optimistic man in his early fifties. He was standing next to an old lady who was wearing a poofy lilac dress which was over decorated with feathers of the same color. They were laughing  at one of Simon's jokes, the woman's face was covered with wrinkles which formed as a result of her hard laughing and Simon had his firm half smile he always kept on his face which was growing wider as you were approaching them.
“(Y/N)! Long time, no see!” a man shouted to you, slightly tilting his head.
“Oh, Simon, we literally met yesterday” you responded to him.
“My dear (Y/N), business meeting doesn’t count even if it was my pleasure working with you. Let me introduce you to Mrs. Mitchell.” Simon led you the woman he was talking to previously “Mrs. Mitchell, I’d like you meet (Y/N Y/L/N), she’s a good friend of mine who apparently happens to be one of my clients.”
“Nice to meet you, (Y/N). Simon has already told me about you and your new book. I think it will bring you a huge success.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Mitchell. I hope so.”
Almost the rest of the evening you spent with Simon and his friends. He was presenting you to the Gotham elite. Practically all of them were arrogant and narcissistic people. Of course not all were like this, sometimes there were really nice personalities like Mrs. Mitchell but mostly you had to deal with pompous ones.
“Oh, Mr. Wayne!” suddenly for you Simon shouted in direction to a young man standing with a group of serious businessmen how you stated, maybe they were possible investors to his company. “Mr. Wayne! How good to see you! It’s been an eternity. And I’m finally more than just happy to see one of the most generous sponsors of my publishing house. Where were you hiding from me?”
“Was busy doing business, Simon. And in my defence, I wasn’t hiding, you just weren’t looking good enough for me.”
“Well, my dear Damian, I was busy with work too. You sure have heard of (Y/N). We were working on releasing her new book (B/N).”
“Ms. (Y/L/N) I guess” at this time Damian addressed to you. He took a quick look at you. You were looking good tonight: you had a middle length black dress on which almost reached your ankles, it had a cut which started with a middle of your thigh and showed your left leg in a decent position. There was another little cut looking like an inverted triangle under your сhest but it didn’t show much. The edges of your dress were decorated with white lace. Your hair was done into beach waves which were nicely coiffed with a little amount of gel behind your neck. You looked classy. “It’s nice meeting you. I’m really happy to see new faces here”
“It’s mutual” you responded. Damian looked exactly like his father except for his emerald eyes and lightly tanned skin. In his dark blue suit with a black dress shirt and a bow tie of the same color he looked handsome.
“Oh, it looks like Mr. Brusewitz is here, I’ll go say hello. Excuse me.” with these words Simon went to a man standing at the table with drinks.
“So, you’re a new in Gotham?”
“I actually have already lived here for some time but in general, yes, I am new to this city.”
“Planning to settle here? Or local psychos had their influence on you and you changed your mind?”
“No, they didn’t. I kinda enjoy this city’s night and day activities. And I always was keen on Batman, you know.”
“Really?” Damian asked with a little grin while stopping a waiter with a tray full of glasses with champagne. “Some prefer staying away from him and Gotham. But not you as I see.” he suggested you a drink.
“And not you as I see” you accepted it. “As far as I know your father is the founder of Batman, Inc. and you continue his cooperation with masked crimefighters.”
“I’m not the one to ruin traditions.” he took a sip of champagne. “And with them Gotham feels safer. I am just doing everything possible in my power to help my hometown. That’s it.”
“Well, then you’re doing a good thing Mr. Wayne. Or maybe you just expiating your sins? You know, something like building a church for a murder.”
“We all have our bad sides (Y/N). Maybe you’re wrong, maybe you’re not. But I’m not buying a place in heaven by doing good. And investing money in your books doesn’t sound like building a church. Now if you excuse me I should go.”
“Sure, it was pleasure meeting you. And I didn’t mean to offend you. ”
“I know.” he replied and went back to his previous interlocutors.
You were delighted you got to know Damian. He made an impression of a good man and you truly wanted him to be one. Even though your conversation went roughly in the end, talking to him felt nice. For a second you fell for him and this attraction to a stranger was typical for a young woman who sees a decent man, so you got rid of your thoughts but somewhere deep inside you secretly craved a hope for meeting him again.
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