cadaverous · 8 years
literally word for word
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cadaverous · 8 years
Seriously Denmark?
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cadaverous · 8 years
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cadaverous · 9 years
Whatever Schlesinger’s critique might have been, it is evident that Trump has understood, or has at least intuited, that most Americans are not only suspicious of intellectuals but that they are also unmoved by ideas. They are, instead, animated by their emotions, their fears, and their hatreds. No one excels Trump at manipulating the passions of his audiences. But Trump is also more a creation of the Republican party than either he, or many Republicans, would probably care to admit. He has profited immensely from the longstanding Republican denunciations of government, even to the extent of now threatening the stability and cohesion of the party itself. Perhaps more important, Trump is the heir to conservative attacks on the intellectual elite. According to this argument, intellectuals are impractical and irresponsible. Adversarial, bent on revolution, accountable to no one, often consumed by envy and resentment, intellectuals, in control of both the media and education, assert virtually unlimited influence over the lives of ordinary persons. Most troubling of all, their ambition knows no bounds. The more power they achieve, the more they want.
The End of Ideas in American Politics? (via azspot)
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cadaverous · 9 years
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cadaverous · 9 years
Republican America is a dystopian hellscape in which evil, violent foreigners are trying to kill us in our beds while rapacious jackbooted government thugs try to wrestle our guns from our cold, dead fingers and Planned Parenthood sociopaths are committing mayhem on children and selling the body parts. And that’s just for starters. Democratic America is a very powerful nation struggling with a declining middle class and economic insecurity at the hands of the ultra-rich, requiring some energetic government intervention to mitigate income inequality, solve the looming crisis of climate change and manage global crises without plunging the nation into more wars. They also must hold off that anarchistic opposition which sees the world as a dystopian hellscape and that may be the greatest challenge of all.
digby (via azspot)
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cadaverous · 9 years
But other countries would be wise to adopt America’s generous policy. A welcoming approach to immigrants has conferred enormous benefits on the United States. Exhaustive studies by scholars and government researchers conclusively demonstrate that immigration’s benefits vastly outweigh its costs. Indeed, a University of Chicago poll of professional economists found unanimous agreement that immigration helps the American economy. Unauthorized immigration also gives rise to net benefits. Contrary to Trump’s assertions, unauthorized immigrants commit crimes at rates lower than the national average, they pay billions in taxes every year, and they do not qualify for government assistance programs.
Campaign of fear: Donald Trump’s battle against birthright citizenship (via azspot)
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cadaverous · 9 years
“Warren’s response was perfect:
The problem is not that I don’t understand the global banking system. The problem for these guys is that I fully understand the system and I understand how they make their money. And that’s what they don’t like about me.“
Elizabeth Warren, my hero
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cadaverous · 9 years
“In the days since this story broke, many people have been quick to point out that race is merely a social construct — as if that fact changes the very real impact of race on the lives of minorities. The persistence of systemic racism means there are penalties for blackness in America.
Black women — real ones — live at the nexus of that oppression and enduring sexism. The gender pay gap is steeper for them. They are more likely than their white counterparts to live in poverty, to be victims of domestic homicide and sexual assault. If Tyisha Miller and Rekia Boyd, black women who were victims of extrajudicial violence, had been able to slide into whiteness — for just a moment — they might still be alive. (Perplexingly, Ms. Dolezal told Matt Lauer that her decision to identify as black was a matter of “survival.” That is rich, indeed.) But racial oppression is not as easy to shrug off as racial advantage. This is partly because America has spent centuries ensuring that certain people can never be white.”
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cadaverous · 9 years
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cadaverous · 9 years
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cadaverous · 9 years
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cadaverous · 9 years
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cadaverous · 9 years
american historical films be like
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cadaverous · 9 years
Israel’s activities in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and East Jerusalem resulted in the deaths of 2,314 Palestinians and 17,125 injuries, compared with 39 deaths and 3,964 injuries in 2013…
Israel killed more Palestinians in 2014 than in any other year since 1967 (via azspot)
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cadaverous · 10 years
"What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it." ―Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who was born on this day in 1927
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cadaverous · 10 years
Zora Neale Hurston wrote that there are “years that ask questions and years that answer them.” At the top of 2015, I asked myself what was keeping me from living like the 40-year-old women I love, respect and admire. Aside from some arbitrary assertion that I had not paid my dues or lived enough years, why was I holding myself back from saying what I mean and asking for what I want? Who was I waiting on to give me permission to be me? My answer to myself was that life is too short to wait, and wanting to be 40 was never about aging. It was always about wanting to embrace a certain state of mind. I’ve decided that time is now. I asked the question, and I gave myself permission to answer it too. Now, I go to seek a great fucklessness.
Why I Want to Live Like I’m 40 In My 20s | Tue Night (via rachelfershleiser)
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