camerondgarriepy · 5 years
Romancing Our Readers Giveaway!
Romancing Our Readers Giveaway!
If you’re going to vanish from blogging for months and months at a time, I say come back with a giveaway!
A whole bunch of small town romance authors have banded together to present a giveaway full of pampering, cozy reading-themed goodies worth $250, and you could take it all home!
Rear View of Young Couple Sitting and Kissing on a Bench in the Beautiful Autumn Day. The man is embracing…
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camerondgarriepy · 6 years
A sleigh ride on a cold, dark December's night--Part Eight: Juliet #ThorntonVermontSeries #Christmas #romance
Photo by Jill Heyer on Unsplash
It’s an actual sleigh.
Juliet hadn’t really known what to expect until Hamish took her hand and they walked up from the parking lot at West’s Christmas Tree and Maple Farm. Just past what a sign declared to be the sugar house, a long, forest green and gold sleigh, with benches like a hay ride wagon, was hitched to a pair of massive draft horses.
“There are…
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camerondgarriepy · 6 years
Fed Chickens. Took a beautiful woman on a sleigh ride. #ThorntonVermontSeries #Christmas #romance
Photo by Jill Heyer on Unsplash
Hamish picked his way across Kate’s yard with a bowl of kitchen scraps in hand. His feet swam in Ewan’s boots, borrowed from the boot tray by the back door.
Chickens. Kate Pease keeping chickens. It boggled the mind. He had to admit the eggs were fantastic. He opened the chain link gate and stepped inside the large fenced in enclosure. The hens’ prison yard…
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camerondgarriepy · 6 years
Juliet considers alternatives to a sleigh ride... #ThorntonVermontSeries #Christmas #romance
Photo by Jill Heyer on Unsplash
Her mother would have been appalled. Nice young ladies didn’t drop hints the size of hot air balloons. Good girls didn’t suggest romantic outings with scruffy Scotsmen who were barely more than strangers.
Juliet and Hamish were swallowed up in the crowds applauding the newly lit tree, and Hamish was absorbed into Kate Pease’s circle of friends. He’d sought…
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camerondgarriepy · 7 years
A Book By A New Cover
#coverreveal #Kindleromance #ebookromance A Book By A New Cover
It’s been a crazy month, punctuated by nor’easters that closed school and threw our family routine into a tailspin, but that’s meant more time to work on the writing. Always a silver lining! And to give an old story a facelift. Buck’s Landing is almost six, can you believe it? To celebrate, I have a new cover, and a snappier blurb. Sofia Buck fled Hampton Beach a decade ago, never looking back…
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camerondgarriepy · 7 years
Cinnamon Girl: A Thornton Vermont Christmas Story, Part 2
“You know, Moll,” Jane said, pulling the car into Molly’s driveway. “Walt Fuller has something going for him.” Cinnamon Girl, Part 2 #ThorntonVermont #amwriting #Christmas #romance
Continued from Part One: Jed Fuller was laid to rest the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Nearly everyone in Thornton was there at the burial ground on Fuller Creek Road. To Molly it seemed half of Vermont was huddled there by the half-frozen creek, heads bowed around the Fuller family stone while Reverend Shutter prayed for Jed’s immortal soul, though his body would wait in the crypt until spring.…
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camerondgarriepy · 7 years
I Cleaned My Microwave
That #glamorousauthorlife: I Cleaned My Microwave
I guess it’s arguably better than carrying a large fruit to a hot, staff-only after hours party at a Catskills resort. via GIPHY Sweet Pease came out today. I know you’re all imagining me jumping in my private jet and flying off with my girls to drink champagne and eat macarons on my private island, but no… that #GlamorousAuthorLife looked more like tossing a coconut curry in the crockpot, going…
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camerondgarriepy · 8 years
The Soloist: Part Five
“Did you just say, ‘tizzy?’” #TheSoloist: Part 5 #amwriting #Christmas #romance
Continued from Part Four: Reilly finished printing requests and recipient numbers on the Gifting Tree tags somewhere between two and three in the morning. He yawned, set his desk back in order and left the pile of tags on Jojo’s desk for the morning. The need in the community broke his heart every year, but it was always mended when the congregation provided. On the way out to the barn to warm up…
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camerondgarriepy · 8 years
Post for Remy 
There was something about her voice. Same Bat time, same Bay channel – in my case, TV-38. Early morning reruns of Adam West and Bert Ward ZAM!ing and POW!ing their way through the villains of Gotham were my first exposure to superheroes. There was always something in Batman eyes that let you in on the secret. Something naughty and conspiratorial.
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camerondgarriepy · 8 years
Post for Remy 
There was something about her voice. Same Bat time, same Bay channel – in my case, TV-38. Early morning reruns of Adam West and Bert Ward ZAM!ing and POW!ing their way through the villains of Gotham were my first exposure to superheroes. There was always something in Batman eyes that let you in on the secret. Something naughty and conspiratorial.
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camerondgarriepy · 9 years
Star of Wonder, Star of Night: Part Seven
Star of Wonder, Star of Night: Part 7 #amwriting #holidaylit
Continued from Part Six, or you can start from the beginning. A gentle tapping on the barn door’s frame pulled Ivy’s attention away from Iphi’s hooves. She was least docile of the quartet when it came to pedicures. “Last stall on the right,” she called. Phlox, she imagined, back from her spa trip to Stowe with her college roommate, or Tony dropping by to look at one of the endless projects the…
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camerondgarriepy · 9 years
There is something magical about the light in October. I can’t ever quite articulate it. Something about the clarity — a hushed, soft clarity, a dignified kind of quiet brightness…
Perhaps it’s to do with the effect of sunlight falling on the painted leaves that, while green, were merely a canopy of sturdy summer shade. Cornflower blue skies, low golden light in bars as those leaves, like the Phoenix, burst into flame and burn for a glorious turn of the calendar page, before they are gone, leaving those maple and oak limbs the same muted gray as the ashy sky behind them. The knowledge that the very quality of the light is fleeting, that the sunlight is sinking, makes me nostalgic for the summer even while I can feel my soul reaching for the early dark and deep, starry winter skies.
October Song There is something magical about the light in October. I can't ever quite articulate it. Something about the clarity -- a hushed, soft clarity, a dignified kind of quiet brightness...
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camerondgarriepy · 9 years
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Here, Have A #Free #Kindle copy of #damselflyinnbook Today through Friday, you can pick up a free Kindle copy of Damselfly Inn. I'm celebrating back to school, and the late summer inspiration for the events that bring Nan and Joss together for the first time. Enjoy!
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camerondgarriepy · 9 years
Summer Brain is a Thing
Summer Brain is a Thing
It’s been a busy summer between camp and a too-short week at the beach and work and our feeble attempts to have a social life, too busy to blog, or so it would seem. I’ve forgiven myself. Without my life, what would I write about? Because even in my fictional towns, full of people and places who exist outside the parameters of my day-to-day, my life is present. You don’t have to know it’s there,…
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camerondgarriepy · 9 years
Anxiety Dreams of the Terminally Nerdy
I have a new friend who has a PR background. She has been helping me some with Damselfly Inn in the real world. She recently reiterated something I know, but need to hear frequently, because it doesn’t stick: The worst thing that can happen is they say no.
So, they said no. One inquiry. One no. Seriously, not the end of the world. Not the first. Certainly not the last. Marketing a book is a long,…
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camerondgarriepy · 9 years
Damselfly Inn Launches Today!
#DamselflyInnbook Launches Today! #Kindle #newrelease #romance
Damselfly Inn, releases today. It’s official. It’s all for you now. I hope you fall in love with the town and its people like I have.
The book is available right now both in paperback for Kindle/Kindle app on Amazon. Readers abroad, the book is being released in all of Amazon’s foreign markets, too! You can also order a signed copy directly from me. 
Want to hear me work on my public speaking? Up…
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camerondgarriepy · 9 years
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#DamselflyInnbook: The #PrintCoverReveal! One week to launch day. Can I just say how happy the paperback cover makes me? Because it really, really does.
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