campbell-rose · 9 days
Tiresias the Prophet
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Anybody else ungodly hyped for the underworld saga i've literally been listening to snippet song on repeat. Tiresias's voice is heavenly. i did research and Hera turned him into a woman because he hit snakes that were mating with a stick??? he's so goofy and real for that. i refuse to draw him as a haggard old man that voice and that backstory do not vibe with old man with beard.
Also if i ever did an animatic, his hair would be so fun because long hair like what I've given him would act like a living organism, swaying in the air and twirling like snakes.
side note - viv related stuff is dragging down my mental health so i'm going to indulge my epic fixation to feel better bc character design for greek gods is so fun
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campbell-rose · 1 month
Have you ever thought about redesigning Neopolitan?
Actually I have! Neo’s one of my favorite characters because her design is so good pre time skip (her atlas design isn’t bad, it just feels like a bit of a downgrade) so I all did was modify it. I gave her an allusion other than just ice cream too – I've seen it be mentioned she alludes to Hecate, so I won’t change that, but I also like the idea of her being based on the Land of Toys/Pleasure Island in Pinocchio (because the island looks super fun and has a whole guise thing going on and she can do illusions)! I've only doodled her once, but I think once is all i needed
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also i drew Roman because he's so baby girl
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campbell-rose · 1 month
what are Sera and Emily’s role in your rewrite?
I’m honestly not sure about Sera and Emily. In all honesty, the Hazbin rewrite has me a bit stumped because the heaven war plot is such ass it threw me off. But then i decided to scrap the heaven bad angle, and it made everything much easier. In my version what I've thought of so far is that Sera is the head of the Angelic court and is the one who has final say in decisions, so she is the one who agrees to Charlie’s idea and directly opposes Adam. Emily is Charlie’s friend who believes in her cause and sways Sera in Charlie’s favor. Since Charlie is an angel in my version, she interacts with them before she goes down to hell once she has her idea for the hotel approved! But then again, I’m not sure about them lol. For a slight redesign bit, I based Emily’s colors on albinism because I've always found people with albinism to be absolutely beautiful. 
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campbell-rose · 2 months
are we allowed to draw your hazbin redesigns? (with proper credit ofc, i just really like how you design them and if you say no its completely understandable)
Absolutely! Like, by all means I'd love that so much!
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campbell-rose · 2 months
Hi just waited to say that I love your redesigns/rewriting so much that now when I think of the hellavers the canon one is erased from my head and think only of yours💜💜 I especially like the idea of making overlords humans who made deals with devil/sins/goetias,I'm curious how Lucifer is in this version too. As a question when it comes to the form of the sinners like giving them animals or objects features, in your rewriting, is it connected to the main sin the sinners did when alive or something else?
Okay first off thank you so much omg ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Second, I haven't thought of Lucifer much, but from what I have done for him, he's just his show version without depression and he's had an unhealthy dosage of confidence injected into him. He and Charlie are in no way related in my version, just so that's clear. He becomes a beneficiary of the hotel later on specifically because he thinks of two different outcomes. A) Charlie's idea works and now heaven gets to suck it or B) It doesn't work and he gets to pop in and mock this dumb little angel for thinking it ever would. I imagine he does act fatherly to Charlie, but in a condescending way, treating her like a stupid child he wants to coddle instead of a grown adult with an idea. He's also not a sad boy dreamer because that's stupid. He genuinely believes he's the best thing that ever happened to Heaven and they're missing out because they couldn't handle him and kicked him out.
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He also still hates Alastor, not because of the battle of the dads thing in the show, but because Alastor's arrogance grinds Lucifer's gears. Like, Lucifer is a cocky piece of shit and he knows it, but seeing someone else try to carry themselves like that annoys him to no end.
For his design i just doodled a bit and gave him a halo with crown bits - actually i stole that from my design of Lucifer for my own thing. I just wanted him to look like a goofy guy.
Okay sorry that was a lot, onto the second bit. I'm not really sure how the animal/insect/sinner designs work but they definitely correlate to the person's life beforehand. Like, Niffty for example, in her life she hated filth and bugs and when she died her house was a hoarder mess, and now in death she's a literal roach. I like the idea that the universe itself enjoys irony. Or maybe the designs are specifically to torment the sinners.
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Anyhow sorry that was a lot of words. Thanks for the ask!
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campbell-rose · 2 months
Ya know, if I was Vivziepop I would've replaced the Veves with these instead.. If I get people complaining that the Radio/Schematic symbols look too similar to Voodou, ya know what I'll do? Replace them with music notes instead of blocking people for pointing it out or criticizing me.
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Plus, Alastor having Radio symbols instead of Voodou or simply just musical notes make a lot more sense since he IS the radio demon and I seen people doing redesigns of Al and giving him these symbols or music notes, and again, it fits so well.
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campbell-rose · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Redesign - Nifty
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My girl, my baby. I'll be honest, I had so much fun figuring out her colors and a backstory
Niffty died in a hoarder house that she desperately tried to keep clean. I’m trying to go for ‘charlie kelly but he does his job’.  
In the show, Niffty acts like a child. I’m not the only one who got that, right? I saw her and how she acted and thought she couldn’t be any older than 16. I’ve seen on some places (like the hazbin wiki) that she is 22 but like, idk. In my version she died as a teenager. I think making her young helps contextualize how dumb she is, because in the show she really isn’t that bright – in my version she isn’t stupid, she’s a child. Specifically, either 14 or 15 in junior high. She is Japanese and lived in Japan all her life. She’s also from the 1970s instead of 50s. 
I’m assigning sins to each human in hazbin, and Niffty’s sins were Wrath and either Sloth or Lust – subject to change. 
I’m basing what led her to sinning and going to hell off what the show presents, and making Niffty in her human life a, for lack of better term, yandere. She had a crush on lots of boys in her school, but one boy in particular caught her attention. She began to stalk him, collecting things of his like pencils and pens and notes, which escalated to chunks of his hair and pieces of his clothes. She would take photos of him and constantly followed him. Niffty eventually became so obsessed with him, she began plotting to kidnap him and keep him in her basement. She tried but hit a road bump when things didn’t go as planned. She tried to explain what she was doing to him, and confessed her ‘love’, revealing she’d been the one taking his things and stalking him. He is, of course, horrified. Niffty, perceiving this as rejection, attacks and kills him in a fit of rage and hysteria but also sustains multiple stabs in the fight, which she succumbed to. She died in her house, surrounded by trash and roaches. 
Her house was a hoarder house due to her mother’s deteriorating mental health. Niffty is constantly cleaning and hates the filth she lives in. I think if an episode was to show her backstory, the state of the house could reflect her mental decline as her obsession becomes deadly – the roaches and bugs become numerous as she becomes so obsessed with that boy she stops cleaning. 
Now for her design, the spots of what looks like blood make sense – in my version of hell the sinner’s wounds that killed them never heal so those blotches are Niffty’s actual blood from where she was stabbed and that are constantly bleeding. I’ve taken some inspo from oni in her design with the tusks. Her clothes beneath the apron are her school uniform, mainly because I want to show she is a child underneath the cleaning lady job she’s assigned to. In hell, she’s a bug, which she hated in life. 
I’m struggling to fit her and Alastor’s connection in this. She still is under a contract with him, and he basically owns her as he does Husk and – since he’s an overlord – torments her regularly. 
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campbell-rose · 2 months
What's your favorite color? Also.i love your work
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campbell-rose · 2 months
V's Redesign - 3/3
Ugh Idk why Valentino took me so long but here he is, worst boy! I can't decide which color looks better so I made three versions.
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His teeth should be gold in all pics, but I straight up forgot to go back and fix it, didn't realize until rn lol
I hate his accent in this show, like it's so inconsistent if i had my way his VA would be able to do a good italian accent.
Anyway, I've changed his demeanor. He's supposed to be a serious threat that abuses and assaults Angel Dust and in his first scene he's throwing a temper tantrum and being coddled like a toddler. In my rewrite he's more collected on the surface, but his temper does flare. But it will be more like when he's telling Angel to get Charlie out of his studio and beating him - that scene was well done (haven't watched Hazbin in a bit, might need to rewatch it, so it was good from what i can remember). He's like that when he's angry.
He's actually charming when he's being flirty
And i have nothing more to say. Which is odd, seeing as he's a major antagonist and I had a lot more to say about Velvette
Probably because with Velvette I was working with next to nothing.
Speaking of Velvette, and Vox by proxy, I think all three of the Vs need to be on the same level of god awful. Valentino sticks out compared to the other two. So, my changes for that - Velvette is a manipulative and verbally abusive person who puts down her models constantly and demands they hurt themselves to attain the perfect figure. Vox is like if Dr. Phil and Jeremy Kyle had a trash tv host hellspawn baby, he exploits those in need, lies about and abuses them for entertainment, and feels no remorse when his guests inevitably do something drastic. I want all three of them to be horrible people that thrive in how awful they are and enjoy hurting others.
Anyway, bye bye <3
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campbell-rose · 2 months
Woah. Are you, like, for real? I mean, yes in the show she's named by Adam. But the character of Vaggie has been around for a while and originally she was a dead sex worker named Vagyna in Zoophobia. Like
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Adam didn't decide to name her that, Vivziepop did. She had lots of chances but she doubled down. Adam isn't a writer for the show. Also, from the pilot and everything we knew about Vaggie before the show she was a sinner who never even knew him?
And before you say the pilot isn't canon or something, I don't give a shit because it flip flops every five seconds.
I mean, you can think I'm stupid and have no media literacy and that's your opinion, but that doesn't change the fact that media literacy has nothing to do with Vaggie's name being a bad joke before and after the show came out.
Hazbin Redesign Vaggie
Her name is V in my rewrite you will not catch me naming a character Vagina fucking vile
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On the glowing bits – Vaggie is decked out in angelic weaponry. I’ll be honest, her knife shoes are inspired fully by Camille from league of legends. To keep her silhouette but remove long hair (because long hair is impractical for a fighter character who risks having said hair grabbed) by using the wings as a cape! Clever if I do say so myself. Initially i gave her the skirt she has in her final design, but like, she can’t fight in it. Thus, i imagine a nice little scene where she tries it on then rips half of it off for mobility. Have some doodles i did as i figured out her design :)
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Also she is 6'6", tall queen to Charlie's 5'0" short king energy
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campbell-rose · 3 months
V's Redesign - 2/3
The tv dude took me a bit to color, but i think i like what i settled on
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Featuring Stolas and my hatred of his design.
So for Vox, I'm not changing much. Like, at all. His character is fine in my personal opinion, it's just his design that i hate. I'll be honest, it wasn't until i'd done his antenna and tails that i realized he's like one step away from a catboy. That doesn't matter, it's just hilarious to me. I wanted to bring more TV esc things into his design - hence the no signal screen colors. He keeps his hypnosis powers and the electric stuff.
I've decided he was killed from a TV falling on his head, because that's the most comical thing i've ever heard. The crack in his screen is from Alastor when he made the choice to try his luck at figthing the radio demon.
Vox is the head of Voxtech and mainly handles the programs it shows. He hosts his own segment where he interviews demons, and Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench work for his studio because i said so. He owns their souls, they do the news segment of his broadcast.
His antenna might be thinner when i draw him again, i don't like how girthy they're looking rn.
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campbell-rose · 3 months
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campbell-rose · 3 months
V's Redesign - 1/3
As a melanated individual and in honor of the month, I've redesigned my queen Velvette.
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in my rewrite Velvette was a supermodel, fashion designer, and social media influencer in the 2010s (when social media influencers actually became a thing) who made deals with a high ranking demon to get to the top, and when she died her connections allowed her to gain overlord status. She has abilities similar to Vox, in that she can mind control/hypnotize people. She is the media manager of the V's she's a girlboss pussy tits out type woman who died during a fashion show when she was showing off her new line. In life she was a bitch, in death she is THE bitch. She has a soft spot for her models, and calls them her girls. 100% honest, i gave her my hairstyle, it's braids sectioned into bubbles. She died at 29, the day before her birthday. She's six foot six, actual queen. I love women ugh tits are so nice so much I hope others find her as hot as i do.
Okay, now in terms of how she interacts with characters, it's the same. She's perfect. I just want her affection for her fellow V's to be more apparent.
Also show Velvette has the best line ever - "Burn it like the witches that wore it" that is the only line that got a laugh out of me
Side note, why are only Vox and Val banging? No poly rep?? Why can't the queen get some action??? In my rewrite they are her bitches.
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campbell-rose · 3 months
Im demented I spent three days on this shitty flipaclip animatic for a show I don't even like but at least my redesigns look crisp lmao
Edit: Also any part where Charlie interacts with V is my favorite, especially when she bumps into her i'm very proud of that. And now I'm in a better mood than when i posted this, and i can explain some choices. My main thing with this was making it less dizzying, that's one thing i can't stand about hazbin, the camera won't stay still for five seconds. holding on a shot can work but they won't and it's so hard to follow. I think mine is much better in that regard.
Okay second Edit: I wanted to brag about some things i did. So i tried to make Adam take up as much of the frame as possible, most of the shots are from Charlie's perspective and show him looming over her, even when she isn't in frame i wanted the viewer to feel like they're her - he's staring down at the camera and the angles are low. Especially when he gets on her level and shoves himself in her personal space which i tried to have him do as often as possible. I wanted him to come off as domineering and a total jackass. Tbh Adam was actually a character i found myself enjoying in the show and now that he's dead idk how tf i'm gonna make myself sit through season 2.
ALSO Charlie's pose at the beginning where she's trying to reprise happy day in hell is mirrored by Adam later when he first says hell is forever and not to suck my own dick or anything but i thought i was very clever for that
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campbell-rose · 4 months
Hazbin Redesign Vaggie
Her name is V in my rewrite you will not catch me naming a character Vagina fucking vile
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On the glowing bits – Vaggie is decked out in angelic weaponry. I’ll be honest, her knife shoes are inspired fully by Camille from league of legends. To keep her silhouette but remove long hair (because long hair is impractical for a fighter character who risks having said hair grabbed) by using the wings as a cape! Clever if I do say so myself. Initially i gave her the skirt she has in her final design, but like, she can’t fight in it. Thus, i imagine a nice little scene where she tries it on then rips half of it off for mobility. Have some doodles i did as i figured out her design :)
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Also she is 6'6", tall queen to Charlie's 5'0" short king energy
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campbell-rose · 4 months
Helluva Rewrite Returns
drew the imp gang
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god above, Blitzo looks so wack but i couldn't be bothered to fix it. I'm going to draw him a bunch to try and figure out how tf his head/face are going to look. thankfully Millie came out thicc af and she looks beefy, and Moxxie is small compared to them both.
Loona looks stellar she is my baby <3
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campbell-rose · 4 months
OMG this is amazing. i can't even express how flattered i am and your style is so CUTE! I saw this and gasped out loud this is so amazing
Charlie Redesign!
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I want charlie to look super out of place in Hell. I wanted her color palette to resemble the sky, as the sky can symbolize infinity and is usually associated with the place gods reside, high above it all. The main point is looking super out of place in Pride, which will carry over to Vaggie. I made her colors bright because i can’t be bothered to alter the colors of Viv’s hell to dull it down and from the trailer it doesn’t seem like shading is that important. Not shitting on that btw, i hate shading my drawings. 
The way I imagine this version of Charlie is that she helps do the paperwork side of things, since Viv’s hell is just earth but red, I'm just assuming her heaven will be similar. Charlie helps schedule things, she’s kind of a secretary and works under Adam to help make sure the Exterminations go smoothly. She takes stock of weapons, sees what was lost, tallies up the total deaths, general stuff like that, you feel me? She doesn’t like the Exterminations; she thinks it’s horrific and that the people in hell ought to have a chance to come to heaven. 
So it’s basically the exact same plot as before and her personality is the same because Charlie was the only character i liked from the pilot the others all had something that threw the vibes off slightly. Charlie’s relationship with Alastor will be a little different, because he’s one of her benefactors. He wants to watch the pretty little angel’s plans crash and burn, and she is determined to prove him wrong. Side note while I'm thinking of him, I’m changing the overlords – they aren’t sinners that got powers because sinners don’t have powers in this version. Well, no, they are sinners, just sinners that made contracts with demons and gained favor with hell during their lives, earning their own place in the hierarchy of hell. Speaking of which, it goes: Sinners, Overlords, Hellborn, Ars Goetia, Princes/Seven Sins. Overlords are given the power to torture other sinners (so it makes sense that Valentino makes Angel’s life miserable, it’s his job to torment other sinners) 
Once the show actually drops, I might add more benefactors in my rewrite. Like, since Alastor is backing Charlie, the cannibals from cannibal colony will be friendly towards her, things like that. Hell, maybe Val backs her, idk don’t want to jump the shark. 
Either way, i think Charlie being an angel sets her up for a better character arc with her naivete and attitude towards sinners. Also i think my design for her is literally beautiful she’s so pretty, she’s my baby i love her. And for the sake of making things easier, i fused her little goats Razzle and Dazzle with the key cat KeeKee because i think having three cute little pets is too many and R/D didn’t really do anything in the pilot. I’ve doodled them a bit, haven’t settled on a design yet. In my mind this little kitty is a cherub thing that Husk adores as his first hint of not being a complete ass. 
Any who. That is all. 
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