cannibalmfer · 1 month
does anyone know a vampire book that starts with the mc crawling through a stone cornfield with security guards looking for him and then it flashes back to show how he got there and in the vampire society there are good vampires(get blood from blood drives that they host), not great but not the worst(brainwash humans and keep them in basically farms), and bad vampires(kill people, typical depiction)
Also when the vampires brainwash people they leave marks on the brain and the mc goes undercover in one of the human farms
Yk what I'm actually not sure if the farms were the norm for the not great but not the worst or if that was like an weirdly bad thing for them to do and that's why he went undercover
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cannibalmfer · 4 months
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I swear I get sad if I wake up and one is on the floor
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cannibalmfer · 4 months
huh, thats a nice looking arm.
[starts consuming]
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cannibalmfer · 5 months
Friend one made me purple and friend two only likes dick
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cannibalmfer · 5 months
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🛑✋STOP👎🚫 Using Anti-Self Language, with Scara and Kabukimono
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cannibalmfer · 5 months
AITA for jerkin' it to Goya's Black Paintings?
Emojis for convenience and humor: 🎨🖼🍆💦
I know someone's gonna yell bait about this but idc, like, what? Do you want proof? Video evidence? Grow up.
So I (30x) really like Goya's Black Paintings. Like, Saturn Devouring His Son, Duel with Cudgels, A Pilgrimage to San Isidro. I think they're hypnotic, beautiful, evocative. They make me feel emotions I can't quite explain properly.
As the title says, sometimes I beat my meat to them. Whatever. It's not really about horniness. But the intent doesn't matter.
Recently (in a discussion about sexuality in art, I promise it was relevant, similar sentiments were being shared) I mentioned to my partner (33nb) that I do this. They were pretty taken aback.
Apparently, they find this 'gross' and 'kind of dodgy' because Goya's black paintings were never intended to be shared with a wider audience. They were art that he did not mean to share, painted on the walls of his house near the end of his life. They say it seems like the work is too personal to jerk off to, that it seems invasive or like a violation.
I don't think it's a big deal. The guy is dead, it's not like his ghost knows what I'm doing. It's a good thing to consider, but I don't think it ultimately matters, ethically.
So, I guess AITA for this?
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cannibalmfer · 5 months
I'm a child predator not in the usual fucked up way but in the unusual fucked up way where I hunt down children and eat them
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