carcassi-studies · 3 years
does anyone have any recommendations for a habit/routine planner that actually works good? i got really excited for fabulous but I soon realized you couldn't add certain habits/make custom ones without paying for it
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
I'mma be real with y'all, I'm trying to be more active on here but its my first semester in college for Music Education and i'm failing four classses, dropping two, and I have a recital (despite freshmen being not allowed to do a recital their first semester unless you are a performance major) in like five weeks and I haven't even picked the pieces to play. I'm just not doing well mentally and lowkey feeling like a failure. Like I got a full ride to my dream uni and despite everything I'm doing, I'm still failing
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
I'm really just taking 2020 raw, unprotected. I don't have a nintendo switch so i can't play ac and I don't even have a dnd group to keep me going. I'm just. Doing a line of pure, uncut 2020 right down the kitchen counter.
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
I'm so glad that I'm not alone!! I'm in the process of making flash cards so I can study them so I don't forget! I've broken terms into categories to make it less overwhelming. I've been using Goodwin's High End for tempo, modifiers, & mood markings. But thank you for that website!!! I love how it includes pronouncations!!!! That's one of my biggest struggles with terms and such
I don’t know if it is just me or does anyone else struggle with music terms sometimes? Like I have basically no background in any foreign language so 99% of the time I don’t know what score markings mean
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
I don't know if it is just me or does anyone else struggle with music terms sometimes? Like I have basically no background in any foreign language so 99% of the time I don't know what score markings mean
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
Hey! Happy birthday!!! Hope you have a good one :)
18th Birthday!
Awww, thank you kind stranger!! I had a wonderful birthday, made my first d&d character with a friend, had ice cream cake, then went to a protest. Best birthday ever
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
Today's     my     birthday!!     I'm     super excited,     I'm     going     to     be     joining     one     of     the     blm     protests     in     my     hometown!!     Also,     I'm     in     the     process     of     revamping     this     blog     for     the     new     school     year     &     making     a     pride     icon!!
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren’t welcome here, and never will be.
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
today someone reminded me about this and I thought I’d share :)
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
classical musician asks
How many instruments do you play?
How long have you been playing?
How did you choose your instrument(s)?
What was the first instrument you learned?
What’s your favorite nickname people call your instrument?
What’s your instrument’s name?
What’s your favorite instrument to play?
What’s your favorite instrument to hear?
What’s your favorite instrument that you don’t play?
What’s your least favorite instrument?
Are there any instruments you’d like to learn?
What stereotypes about your instrument do you fit?
Is there a certain piece often associated with your instrument? If so, what are your opinions of it?
If you had to switch instruments for the foreseeable future, which one would you choose?
If you could instantly become the best musician on a certain instrument for a year, but after the year was over you could never play it again, which instrument would you choose?
How many clefs can you read?
If you can read more than one, which clef is your favorite?
Who’s your favorite composer?
What era of music is your favorite?
What’s your favorite musical form?
Do you compose?
Are you/do you plan on being a music major?
Would you rather teach music or perform?
What’s your favorite key to play?
What’s your favorite major scale?
What’s your favorite minor scale?
What’s your favorite type of minor scale? 
What’s your favorite mode?
Do you like playing scales?
Do you prefer sharps or flats?
Ideal number of sharps?
Ideal number of flats?
Which names do you prefer for enharmonic notes?
Do you have perfect pitch?
Band or orchestra?
Marching band or concert band?
Have you ever played in a pit orchestra?
Are you in jazz band?
How do you warm up?
Is there a particular piece that you played years ago but still remember very well?
Favorite pieces you’ve played?
Favorite solo you’ve played?
Least favorite piece you’ve played?
How often do you practice?
What’s your worst musical habit?
How are you at tuning by ear?
What’s something funny your band director/drum major/section leader/etc has said?
What’s something helpful your band director/drum major/section leader/etc has said?
Have you ever taught a private music lesson?
If you could travel back in time and meet a younger version of yourself, what musical advice would you give?
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
Help a highschool graduate out?
Hey! It's Melody. As a few of you may already know, I've been homeless off and on for several years now. During this times, I resort to giving guitar lessons and gigs as a source of income while looking for a job that would hire a minor however, thanks to COVID-19, I'm unable to both work or give lessons (I'm trying to move online but I don't have equipment). Please, if you are able, please consider donating to help with gas, food, and college supplies Thank you so much. If you can't help, please just share this! I don't have a GoFundMe because I am a minor but here's my paypal
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
*old man voice* back in my day tik tok was a ke$ha song
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
I'm working on my lit essay so... wish me luck lol
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
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I made a meme
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
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Sunday vibes …
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carcassi-studies · 4 years
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