cardsoffools · 5 hours
We’ll be out of town for a week so we’re gonna try and que some stuff.
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cardsoffools · 21 hours
We’re thinking of making a side blog that’s pro endo and make templates (steal templates too maybe from the anti endo folks) Cause fuck the antis lol
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cardsoffools · 1 day
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yes we are doing this again because we had a better idea than the halfass intro we did
Refer to us as Cards of Fools
Collectively we use He/They pronouns
Bodily we are 25yrs old, we’re Hispanic, and we live in the USA
For headcount, there is roughly about 20+ of us. We have Aphantasia, so we don’t have much of an inner world, it’s just black space inside.
Our current host is Adrien!
We are a traumagenic system and we support endogenic systems!!!
Mental disorders we have are; Major Depression, General Anxiety, OSDD1b, AUDHD, PTSD, and OCD
1. Pedophile/MAPS
2. Zoophilia
3. Racist
4. Homophobic and Transphobic
5. Anti Endogenic
6. Trump Supporter/Conservative/Alt Right/Nazi
7. Israel supporters
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Here is our pronounscc! Take a look if you want: https://pronouns.cc/@xfolcarx
If you’re interested in just following a more normal blog with like interests and such here our some side blogs we have. Each one belongs to a different alter so pick your poison I guess.
Kakaveh’s side blog (genshin impact/honkai star rail focused)
Mori’s side blog (TW: has lots of yandere/love obsessive stuff)
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cardsoffools · 1 day
Dunno if like a thousand people have told y'all this because scrolling is hard but Cards of Fools is such a awesome fucking name...
yo thank you anon! truthfully we came up with the name on a whim because no one really cared if we had a system name except for 4 of us lmao we are very proud of our collective name uwu
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cardsoffools · 1 day
If someone's response to you having a fictive from media they like(d) or an introject of someone they like is to go:
"OH MY GOSH! Let me meet them!"
And to ask questions about how they feel about their source or treat them as if they really were that person...
Run in the other direction... Or point them to us so I can hit them with my cane
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cardsoffools · 3 days
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Persona Mood Board;
Sunny ☀️
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cardsoffools · 3 days
How our system functions:
Quickly, all systems are different but we wanted to share how things work for us to show just how different systems can be.
(more under the cut)
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Let’s start simple. In our system we don’t have any type of “leader.” The closest to that kind of title would be Enternus, simply because he’s a protector.
The Alpha male if you would -💖
But yes, we don’t have anyone “in charge” here anymore. We use to with a really old persona Kit, but he retired because that method worked for us in the past as teenagers but not as adults. Changes were made and Kit was willing to pass the torch to Enternus.
So yes technically En is a leader of us but he’s just a protector and he lets us do things based on our strengths. So he doesn’t boss us around or anything, he trusts us to do what’s right based off our strengths.
That being said the way we make decisions as a system is all based on a vote, and sometimes who’s the loudest about their stance. This goes from serious decisions to the mundane.
A good example being how we saw two beach towels at Kohl’s a few days ago. One looked a lot like the lesbian pride flag but with just a weird singular blue stripe in it, and the other was orange and white stripes. Most of us wanted the orange and stripe towel but the 2 ladies of our systems yelled at us to grab the other. They rarely ask for things, and seeing the ladies that passionate about something surprised us so we crumbled, ignored the vote, and took the other one instead.
Back to us not having anyone in charge, this goes for the Host as well. The vessel, Adrien, isn’t in charge of us either. They are simply the one closest, personality wise, to the previous host, and thus has been the one forced into host position for consistency sake. If Adrien could have his way he would hide in the back corner of the mind and only come out for video games-
Instead he hides in our bedroom and plays video games and only comes out of the room to eat and take care of the body -🩸
Our system is also different in the sense that we can hear ourselves mentally in our head. We can talk to each other mentally but after awhile it becomes headache inducing so we switch to apps like Simply Plural and Antar. This is also for performance sake as to make it appear we are texting someone when it’s just us. The host lies saying, “I’m talking to some friends” as a way to cover this fact of us being a system. Usually the body’s parents don’t push forward about being too nosy after being told that.
If we could truly be alone with ourselves, even if we spoke outloud truth is we would prefer the messaging each other method or the mental method because we don’t change our voice when using the body’s voice. I mean there are slight changes but nothing so drastic. We sound more like ourselves through text or mentally so we pick those methods.
We would also like to add, this works for us but not everyone. There are systems out there that can’t speak to each other mentally at all.
I think the only reason we can do that is because this brain do be empty -❤️‍🔥
So yea we’re different from other systems and that’s normal for folks who are systems. No two systems are gonna be the same so there truly is no need to be angry at others for experiencing being a system being different from yours. Because each and everyone of our brains are wired differently from the person next to us.
We love being a system, it’s the thing that literally saved us. And we embrace who we are and will always be proud we managed to make it this far even though there were many times we wanted to throw in the towel and end it all.
We love being a system~
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cardsoffools · 4 days
Hi! I just have a question? I don’t know a lot about DID or OSDD, but I’ve been looking and I share a lot of symptoms? I don’t have switching though, and the people aren’t really. Fully People, if that makes sense? I don’t know. Is there a name for what I’m having?
(If this is uncomfortable in ANY way please void it. Thank you.)
From our research there are different types of plurality stuff. We’re not an expert by any means so take what we say with a grain of salt.
Let’s start with the basic, symptoms for anything will be different between person to person. This includes DID and OSDD. The way one person experiences it will be different from how another person experiences it, just like how people’s experiences with anxiety and depression is different from another person.
That being said, it’s possible you might be a system, but it’s best to be diagnosis by an actual therapist or by doing extensive online research from actual articles instead of social media posts.
We would like to add, folks with DID or with OSDD1a/1b are folks who are systems based off of some form of trauma. If you don’t know if you have trauma or not, that’s okay, I would simply recommend looking into Endogenic systems instead of DID and OSDD.
In truth, the only one who would know the name you’re going through would be actual professionals and your own research and not based off what folks on social medias are saying.
It’s possible you might be a system. What kind of system who’s to say, but maybe it could be something else entirely. Or maybe a combination of mental disorders.
If you suspect to be a system though, just know there is no “right” or “wrong” way to be a system. Just like there is no “right” or “wrong” way to go through Depression, Anxiety, OCD, BPD, ADHD, etc.
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cardsoffools · 4 days
Fictive culture is "he's so me-coded" (<- is literally him)
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cardsoffools · 4 days
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Just start responding to anti-endos that ask for sources with this. Seriously.
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cardsoffools · 4 days
The system: We want more system friends!
The system: *takes two steps away from front* no you weren’t actually to make us socialize wtf Kakaveh-
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cardsoffools · 4 days
Oh boy I sure do love solitude, it’s so great to just hang out with me and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “my-
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cardsoffools · 4 days
hello hello!! i made this post earlier but totally fucked up the advertisin so i'm redoin it SOB
i made!! an 18+ endogenic-friendly discord server!!!
it's called rat club, it's rat-themed (or at the very least, rodent-themed) :3 i have a hamper nd i love rodents to DEATh itty bitty guys !!! so i wanted to make it themed like that eheh
pls note that i wanna keep drama/discourse/syscourse outta the server!! this is supposed to be a safe-space, so i just ask that we keep things civil nd more oriented towards a positive atmosphere!! ^w^
the link below will never expire so take your time in joinin us!! but we'd really appreciate more members, as it is just myself nd a lovely friend of mine there right now! i plan to be vry active cuz i LOVE INTERACTIN WITH PEOPLE SO!! pls join omg i will KISS U
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cardsoffools · 4 days
being in love (not just romantically) with a headmate is like your brain tricking you into loving yourself by giving you someone else who is not yourself to love. "oh you wont shower and take your meds for you? well what if you were doing it for someone else?" and it works. its genius actually
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cardsoffools · 4 days
Technically, if you’re plural, every project is a group project. Give your headmates some credit too.
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cardsoffools · 4 days
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cardsoffools · 4 days
System to Host: damn bitch you LIVE like this??
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