I miss cons so much... I want to pose for photos with hundreds of sweaty people in anime costumes for 3 hours and spend 60$ on a couple of posters before returning to a musty hotel room and passing the fuck out still in my makeup and cosplay...
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Is there anything more liberating than sharing your deepest weaknesses, fears and trauma with a complete stranger at a con, never to see them ever again? Their memory, existence and experience more precious than their face and voice.
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Adding on: you don’t have to limit yourself to one or two types! Heck, I feel just about all of them except for fighting and ground. Or you can fluctuate depending on the mood, like mornings when you turn off the news because you can’t take it and just sit with your coffee feeling like a bulbasaur, or when the depression hits and you curl up in your coziest hoodie feeling like a dark/fire type waiting for the worst of it to pass. You are a Mew, an infinite realm of possibilities, growing and changing and shifting. Don’t box yourself in.
Fuck this high and low functioning nonsense, now we categorize neurodivergencies like Pokémon
Fire type: you associate warmth with comfort, love bonfires, and collect oversized hoodies
Water type: You find water soothing and could watch it for hours
Flying type: you love being up high and will climb anything.
Ground type: pressure stims are where it’s at; you could spend all day under a weighted blanket
Rock type: you’re easygoing and low maintenance so long as no one disrupts your routine. You’ll spend your day on amazon stocking up if your toothpaste is discontinued.
Grass types: You’re a bleeding heart and your inner world is incredibly detailed
Dragon types: you love fantasy and escapism and hyperfixate on children’s animation
Dark type: you feel isolated from the world and probably have a comorbid mental illness
Fairy types: you’re into cryptids and/or j-fashion
Fighting type: You work out to burn off extra energy.
Electric types: You’re always moving, and run on spite and inspiration
Ghost type: you grew up believing that your quirks and neurodivergencies made you a burden. You heavily mask and turn doorknobs before you close them. No one notices your presence
Psychic types: You take responsibility for the emotions of those around you, read too much into people’s moods, and overcommit for validation
Ice type: people tell you that you come off as cold when really it’s a combo of sensory issues and awkwardness
Poison type: either you self medicate with caffeine or identify with feral/goblin/gremlincore as a means to reclaim your childhood and escape expectations
Steel type: what the heck is emoting and how do you do it with your face
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i need a superhero who teaches themself to sew specifically so they can make their own costume, but then enjoys it so much they start getting into cosplay in their spare time
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I have a *slight* fascination with Jon’s scars 
My faves being- Nikola traced lines over where she would skin him, and after a month of that over and over, the lines wont go away. (Its one of the reasons why he wont cut his hair; bc the line goes up his scalp)
And- Jude didnt burn his whole arm or hand, but just where she touched him- aka- his palm and where her thumb wrapped around. 
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a quick costest of jonathan sims and his broad scar collection, AKA my ventures into the world of SFX makeup.
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Helen Richardson cosplay test!
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Here’s a chance to change some black trans lives
Saw this on facebook and am keeping the momentum going. I’ve copied all the fundraiser links below, and here’s the link to the original post in case you’d prefer to look at the list that way.
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Urgent ⬇️
Disabled Enby Needing Help For Top Surgery! organized by Atlas Raymond Ursen
Help me get home, please! $2,520/10,000 《《 high priority
Gender Fluid Human In Need Of Help $2,152/3,500 《《 escaping toxic environment; could use more recent donations
Adopted Trans Woman seeking safety & medical help $17,480/29,000
Shane’s Top Surgery $2,830/7,750 《《 this one has been up for over a year and he’s still waiting
Help J Remove Themselves from Toxic Household $1,817/2,500 《《 needs more contributions
Grace Mwangi’s Gender Confirmation Surgery $3,270/38,000
Nyne’s top surgery $3,164/8,000
Help Grayson start transition $1,276/2,000 《《 keep this going!
Skyler’s Transition Fund €603/3,000 《《 needs more contributions
Londynn’s New Life $8,913/15,000
Zoeys transition fund £4,840/10,000
Supporting Black Trans Elders cashapp $fakerapper $17,072/100,000
Top Surgery For Yadriel Acazio $1,922/11,000 《《 this one needs a boost
Coco’s Medical Transition Fund $4,030/15,000
Maya’s Transition & Recovery Fund $16,909/35,744
Help Create Corbyn $2,253/4,000
Flora’s Transition Fund $990/5,000 《《 needs more contributions
Amina Transition And Rent Fund €3,567/5,000
Help Guilly Get Top Surgery!! $3,150/7,500
Atticus’ homeless fund $5,723/10,000 《《 needs a boost
Ahren’s Top Surgery $3,976/7,500
Malakai’s Top Surgery $1,474/10,000 《《 needs more contributions
Top Surgery $8,000/8,000 FUNDED!
Community Housing Security $1,177/45,000 《《 needs more contributions
Kiana’s Gender Transition $2,520/35,000
Jacobs top surgery $6,960/8,000
Skye’s Top Surgery $2,160/8,500 《《 surgery is August 10th & he won’t know how much insurance will cover until day of
Hunter’s Top Surgery $5,600/12,000 《《 time sensitive, get this funded before September!
Alexandria’s Transition fund $3,562/40,000 《《 needs a boost
Myles’s Tracheal Shave Procedure $2,990/8,450
Zeke’s Top Surgery Fund $4,544/9,000
help koo start a new life $1,260/25,000 《《 needs more contributions
Landon’s Top Surgery! $1,130/2,000 《《 vital to covering what insurance doesn’t; deadline July 30th (read update)
Donate to Myla’s Breast Augmentation $2,177/6,000
Vanessa L. Naisha needs support to seek justice! $15,000/15,000 FUNDED!
Travis’ Transition Fund $18,166/75,000
Disabled Enby Needing Help For Top Surgery! $4,265/8,500 《《 NEEDS FUNDING
Tyler’s Transition Fund $14,040/30,000
Clarabelle’s Gender Affirmation Surgery $10,832/20,000
help deluca get top surgery ! $5,194/7,000
Help Black Trans Woman Transition $21,145/22,995
Wriply’s surgery/ continued living fund $8,900/26,520 《《 this one has been up since 2018. I found Wriply’s socials and she’s still active, still waiting. Let’s get this fulfilled
Help a black trans woman w/ advanced cancer in ATL $22,146/25,000 《《 needs to make rent this month
Help Harmony, a Black Trans Woman Survive $7,901/20,000 《《 urgent
Help a black trans-man get FTM top surgery! $6,448/15,000
Malikais Top Surgery $4,210/7,500
Finn’s Therapy & Wellness Fund $2,970/7,000
Kyo’s (aka Key) Transition Fund $13,554/25,000
Transition Funds for Dallas $6,930/15,000
Help a Black Trans Woman from homelessness $7,610/10,000 《《 let’s get this goal met asap
Bottom Surgery and Electrolysis $6,459/40,000
Noelle’s Breast Augmentation $11,200/15,000
Aeri’s Moving Out & Transition Fund $15,084/20,000 《《 more than 75%; keep it going
SAVE A TEENAGE TRANSMAN’S LIFE $4,585/25,000 《《 needs more
Cody’s Top Surgery $2,758/7,000
Help Kit get Top Surgery $1,985/6,000 《《 needs to be funded before October
Help Erika Begin Her Transition $10,278/10,000 FUNDED!
I will periodically update the progress amounts. As the goals are met, I’ll mark them as funded and change the colors from green to pink to make it clear. I’m also tagging the ones that could use more attention with red.
Been hearing a lot about “reparations” lately? Well, this is one way to start working towards that, since those in power certainly won’t.
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ok youtube just said “fuck you if youre deaf or hard of hearing or just want to watch a video in a different language”
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and you know what the fucking bullshit is  they’re replacing it with a ~6 months free of a subscription to a third party captions provider~ which of course you’d have to pay for after those 6 months are up and you KNOW random youtuber #9039 isn’t going to bother to keep paying for that either because they won’t have the money or they just won’t care. and youtube’s going to act like that’s a perfectly fine alternative that won’t result in the majority of the site suddenly going from “more or less accessible” to “Fuck You If You’re Disabled” 
“citing low usage” are you fucking kidding me nearly every worthwhile video i watch uses community captions. sometimes they’re kind of janky cuz they were made by some 14 year old who thought it’d be funny to put their own irrelevant jokes and commentary in there but that wasn’t a reason to ditch the feature entirely when its so useful and important
i’m not even hard of hearing and i rely on them to watch videos in other languages…this is literally how people have been making english subs for japanese songs and the like for years and it was great because you didn’t have to reupload the videos yourself and take away views from the original creators. many creators don’t allow reprints of their work whatsoever so if they go through with this (which unfortunately they seem pretty deadset on because lololol moneyyyyyy) it’s entirely likely that there just won’t be a way to watch that content with captions
there’s a petition to keep community captions…i don’t know if it’ll really do anything since they’re already going ~oh but we have Paid Alternatives!~ but don’t just let this pass by this should be a huge deal but i’ve barely seen anyone talking about it (not that i expect people to talk about things of any particular importance on tumblr but it’s not even getting attention on twitter beyond that one thread and like 2 other posts)
so like. sign this and shit don’t let youtube just actively get rid of accessibility features without anyone caring (though i’d say probably use twitter if you want to actually get their attention i don’t think they’d look here) http://chng.it/LN9HRNmnkg
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oh, i am. See, before, I was “hoarding” and “collecting pretty cotton prints with no regard for storage space or use”, but now, i’m considered “prepared for anything” and “responsible”.  
Avatar of the buried except no dirt, just my rapidly growing fabric stash.
i hope you’re making some masks! 
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Wear a mask.
Wash your hands.
Maintain social distancing when you can.
It's not just about YOU. Protect those around YOU.
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hey, i just wanted to say i really liked your addition about adora's hero complex/shadow weavers non-redemption redemption ark, it looks like you deleted the post (the op was kinda rude about it for no reason) but i really liked what you had to say and thought it was really well articulated (and pointed out a lot of things i didnt really see when watching spop for the first time) ❤️
Oh, yeah. I actually posted it to the wrong blog and was going to put it on my other one where I’ve been posting more about She ra and my various fandoms. Sorry for the confusion; I’ll fix it soonish
Edit: upon seeing that reply, I’ve decided not to re-post it. I have a pretty low tolerance for discourse/conflict so it’s best for me to keep a low profile. I’m here to escape that sort of thing.
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My quick and dirty plague doctor mask, made with the simplified pattern from @mctreeleth
I was also making pumpkin muffins at the time
anyways, my mom said it was cute, but a little disturbing. I’m not sure she understands the aesthetic, but she knows I put work into it and love it so she’s supportive.
The fabric i used is a fantastic cotton print with embedded gold sparkles i picked up at hobby lobby, but either it doesn’t photograph well or i’m not very good at photographing it. maybe both
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Phantom thieves are my new comfort genre, no I don’t make the rules and it’s scary how little control I have over my obsession.
Character is Kaitou Kid from Magic Kaito; it’s still a WIP and won’t be finished until after quarantine due to material shortages regarding interfacing, but I figured I should share. This is a cosplay I’ve been planning for a while and plan to put a lot of love and secret pockets into (also Pandora if I can figure out how to get resin suspension to work.)
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