cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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Set of holographic stickers dedicated to The Holy Trinity.
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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When Dean knows he’s going to sleep on the couch.
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
We actually do eat dinkel bread sometimes. Because in Germany we have real bread! :P (Sorry, I have just been to England and I friggin love it, but what’s up with your bread.)
Hiya! Love your blog! Dinkelacker is German and means a field of dinkel wheat or spelt (not sure which one is the more common name). :) Have a lovely evening!
We use spelt here :D Now I will have to eat a bunch of spelt-based products to spite Dinkle. 
Sometimes a word only exists long enough to turn into a SPN meme in the year 2018
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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Destiel+Gifs+Text Posts
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
i saw in your tags you mentioned dean as dyslexic and while i can get on board with this, i just wanted to know your reasonings why, and if there was canon evidence of this? thanks :)
BRO yes, please hop on this bandwagon and embrace the beauty that is dyslexic!Dean with me. I even have a tag for it on my blog. It’s one of my favorite headcanons. I’ve read some meta on it before, but I can’t seem to find any right now? If anyone has any comprehensive posts about this, please send them my way
Dyslexic!Dean dates way back to the beginning of the series, along with several other permutations of Dean with learning disabilities. In the past, Dean’s been shown to be pretty well-read, but hated being in and did not generally prepare for school as a teenager. This is mostly attributed to his responsibilities to hunting, but it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that typical classroom environments have just never worked for Dean, who might read slower than other kids or had difficulty keeping up (and hated getting called on) and is usually embarrassed to ask for help. He got extremely defensive with Amanda in 4.13 when she said she felt “sorry” for him, and he still carries some resentment about not being perceived as intelligent, as if he’s used to carrying around the stereotype of the “ape,” used to overcoming obstacles to in fact read “a book or two.”
Dean has a tendency to squint, mouth words to himself, and trace words on a page while reading, along with counting on his fingers while doing mental math. While Jensen often plays these up for comedic effect (ha ha, Dean is the dumb one), these are all strategies that people with dyslexia use for better comprehension. He also mispronounces words sometimes (“Capitulum” in 13.17 for example, and here for another). Getting more frustrated and tired faster than Sam while reading intensively could also be accounted for with dyslexia, which is really taxing and frequently gives people headaches! It might be why he frequently proclaims to not like reading even though we KNOW he does actually read, because it’s just difficult and he likes to do it on his own time, read what interests him and what he’s willing to work for instead of breaking his back over boring research.
I think this might also be why we see Dean functioning as a lot more visual than Sam is, too. When there aren’t easy visual markers for Dean, tasks take him a lot longer. He gravitates more towards symbols that don’t need decoding and is very adept at visual memory. For someone that sees letters more as shapes like someone that’s dyslexic, a preference for visual learning definitely makes a lot of sense.
Dean’s incredibly smart, but his tendency to put himself down - I THINK - can also be seen as a manifestation of an undiagnosed learning disability. It’s not his fault, but he thinks that it is because he doesn’t know any better. No one holds Dean accountable for it but himself. Internalizing what is perceived as a flaw - “I can’t read very well so I must not be as smart as other people” - is totally in Dean Winchester’s self-loathing wheelhouse.
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
LOTR’s concept artists designed the films as a “journey back in time”
So (according to the concept art book) as the Fellowship travels deeper into Middle Earth, the places they pass through become inspired by progressively older periods of history. The farther along you are in the story, the more ancient the design influences
We begin in The Shire: which feels so familiar because, with its tea-kettles and cozy fireplaces, it’s inspired by the relatively recent era of rural England in the 1800s
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But when we leave Hobbiton, we also leave that familiar 1800s-England aesthetic behind and start going farther back in time. 
Bree is based on late 1600s English architecture
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Rohan is even farther back, based on old  anglo-saxon era architecture (400s-700s? ce)
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Gondor is way back, and no longer the familiar English or Anglo-Saxon: its design comes from classical Greek and Roman architecture
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And far far FAR back is Mordor. It’s a land of tents and huts: prehistoric, primitive, primeval. Cavemen times
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And the heart of Mordor is a barren lifeless hellscape of volcanic rock…like a relic from the ages when the world was still being formed,  and life didn’t yet exist
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And then they finally reach Mount Doom, which one artist described as 
“where the ring was made, which represents, in a sense, the moment of creation itself”
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
Cas: “I have to believe that I was brought back for a reason.”
Dean: "You were. Okay? Jack brought you back because I needed you back. When you were d- gone I lost my hope. I prayed to Chuck but he didn’t answer and as I realized that you were gone for good… I lost my faith, I didn’t believe anymore. I was in this really dark place and I tried to fight my way back but I couldn’t.”
Cas: “I don’t understand, Dean. As I came back you weren’t depressed…”
Dean: “I wasn’t depressed anymore because… Because of you. You were the win I needed, Cas. I need you. Not because of your powers or what you can do for us but because of you. You are my hope, my light in the dark and I know I never told you this before but I…”
Cas, smiling: “I know, Dean. Me too.”
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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So, I started watching “Timeless” today. 
Did Eric Kripke just take his own early DeanCas story, add some later Destiel scenes/tropes/parallels, and build a whole new romance storyline with practically the same basis? With one person believing in the mission/rules/fate/destiny, and the other teaching them what a lot of crap that is, and how individual people’s lives are much more important than “the bigger picture”? 
Did the other person quickly start having doubts, and breaking out of their already-established plan for the future while simultaneously developing feelings?
On top of all that, did he make the guy fix the girl’s tie while preparing her for their first undercover mission together?
Yes. I believe he did.
(Add this to the fact that Sera Gamble “borrowed” parts of the s6/s7 DeanCas storyline for her OTP on “The Magicians”, and the fact that Dabb put Destiel lines/parallels into every romantic subplot of the pilots he has written, and you get to the conclusion that they all agree how romantic AF these two fuckers are. Nothing to see here.)
(All of the scenes above are from the first five episodes of “Timeless”, btw. And these are not even all the parallels.)
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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Sleeping Beauty
Keep reading
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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apocalypse world!charlie in 13.18.
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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Sister Jo/Anael ripping Lucifer a new one | for @deanismypatronass
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
okay so you know the soulmate au where on your 21st birthday you wake up in your soulmate’s body? imagine if you were dating someone for a long time and on your birthday you wake up and you’re in their apartment so you’re like “yes it’s them!!!” and then you look in a mirror and you’re in the body of their roommate
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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Legolas & Gimli by 컴터고쳐/이맘
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cas-on-a-flat-bread · 6 years
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@JensenAckles | jensenackles
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