casisstillavirgin · 7 years
SPNFamily Christmas Card Project
Want a Christmas postcard from another SPNFamily member? Do you have a facebook account? If yes please join the group (link below) and share your home adress with us - you find more information there -  So that we can add you to the mailing list. (don't worry - it's free - Share it with your friends :D ) You can also get a few adresses to send out postcards - that means you would have to pay for it but that’s not expensive and imagine the happiness you bring to another fan - maybe someone like me who doesn’t know and SPN fans in Reallife www.facebook.com/groups/1678960085745125/
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casisstillavirgin · 7 years
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Posted this on facebook and... someone replied.. OH MY GOD Vote for Jensen here: http://voteformost.net/contest-photo/8558/
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casisstillavirgin · 7 years
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casisstillavirgin · 7 years
PLEASE SHARE THIS! We can do this and make him win! <3 Our family can do this!
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casisstillavirgin · 7 years
You're a great person, thank you for existing :)
uhm. thank you O_o
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casisstillavirgin · 7 years
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The YAWI - You Are Worth It - Fanproject
Why should you take part in our project? Do you want to thank J2M? Thank them for helping people with their projects #AKF #YANA ? Take part in our project in honor of them. What is the project about? The project is supposed to make people think about the question: Why am I worth it? How are we trying to reach that goal? The project has different parts: 1. YAWI Video Collage How to take part: Send us a video of yourself answering the question “Why Am I Worth It?” simply starting with “I am worth it, because ...” 1-2 sentences are enough. Upload the video to a dropbox, youtube (not listed), mediafire, uploadfiles and send us a mail with the download link. You can also write it down and send us a photo in which you’re holding the piece of paper. 2. Fan-Albums for Jensen, Jared and Misha How to take part: -Send us a photo in which you are wearing their campaign shirts or holding up a sign saying “YAWI - You Are Worth It Project” and “In honor of the campaigns #AKF because #YANA” -Please also send us a personal message to the actors (one-two sentences) -We’d also love getting fanart to put it into the albums. 3. Special part of the project for all JiB attendees / YAWI T-Shirts We would like to give away free bracelets or something else to the fans and actors for free. The actors are also getting YAWI t-shirts for free. We’re also planning a meeting of YAWI members in rome. But to be able to afford buying these things we need to collect donations. We hoped we could get about 300€ - No worries, we donate what we don’t need or maybe give it to a person who’s not able to afford con tickets... I just don’t think we even reach our goal. #pessimist If just a few of you donated 5€ we could simply reach the goal and make an amazing project.
DONATIONS www.gofundme.com/yawiyouareworthitproject
We’re also sending people who are interested in YAWI t-shirts the logos so that they can search for their fav. website to order them 4 example spreadshirt. We’re not earning anything with those shirts. We’re just hoping that many people actually wear the shirts at next year’s jib con in rome. Thank you for reading all of this ^^ Please share it for us so that this reaches many people. We want to do this together. We want you to be part of it and help us with decisionmaking and stuff. Thanks <3 -Ramona and the other two leaders of the YAWI Project (Gif by paola - yawi project members)
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casisstillavirgin · 7 years
THANK YOU - Jus in Bello
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casisstillavirgin · 7 years
Why We Like Misha - Mishappreciation Day
We asked fans to tell us why they like Misha so much. That’s the result:
(in one or two sentences)
Ramona Mayer – Bavaria, Germany – Everything about him is great. He’s funny, kind and helps other people. He is inspiring.. so  I think Misha got the perfect role because he actually IS an angel. I don’t just like him because of his role in Supernatural. Of course I would LOVE to meet him one day …in future I want to volunteer to help people in need and to inprove my English… HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR COLLINS!!! YOU CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD! #MishaForPresident
Alina Müller - Nordrhine-Westphalia, Germany - You’re a great actor, a lovely father and husband and a wonderful man. Thank you for all you’re doing … you’re amazing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Misha Collins and have a great day with your family and friends.
Melissa Leiner - Berlin, Germany - Misha has made me feel proud of who I am. He made me push my boundaries every year with Gishwhes and helped me find an abnosome family in my team. He’s a brilliant actor and the world is a better place for that he’s walking it.
Sandra Kainz – Vienna, Austria - Because he is Misha. He’s funny, handsome and more… Happy birthday Misha
Stacy Robertson - Scotland - :) misha is handsome funny kind and lovely happy birthday :) xx
Subrenna Marbrey – Tennessee, USA - Honestly, I like Misha for who is he and what he does. He’s an inspiration to everyone he meets and even those that haven’t met him. He’s not afraid to be himself and have fun. He’s caring and one of the kindest people around. With both Random Acts and GISHWHES, he really brings out the best in people and helps people be the best that they can be. On top of that, he’s an amazing actor and he adds such a wonderful dynamic to Castiel’s character.
Sophie Barratt - United Kingdom - Misha Collins is 1 in a million. He does so much for charities, he has got such a big heart and loves to help people in need. Misha is an amazing actor … always does it 100% no matter which role - he does he is truly inspirational. We love you Misha x
Daiana Viale - Italy - however, the message is this: Happy thirty-ninth birthday Misha …. I write from Italy! I wish you a beautiful day together with your wife, your son and your daughter will turn 1 year next month ….. I would love to meet you and do some random acts with you! you would like to come with you to do good with you …you’re not an angel only on TV …… you’re an angel in life for many people for many children! W OUR ANGEL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Emmalea Boyde – Scotland, UK - Misha is an awesome funny actor :)
Sandra Engstrom - Wales, UK - I love Misha because he is a living example of Random Acts Of Kindness and he I nspires us all to be more like him.
Kodi Pooka Cheshire - I Love Misha because he isn’t afraid to show who he really is. He didn’t let fame or fortune  fuse his personality. He is an amazing actor and has a kind heart. He inspires me greatly and is truly one of a kind.
Janina Tiainen - Finland - I love Misha Collins, he is just an amazing actor and he really cares about people who need help. He does such an amazing work with GISHWHES and Random acts. I wish Misha very happy birthday, have an amazing day! You’re an angel walking in earth
Sonja Piechel - Germany - I adore Misha because he’s faithful to himself! He do wonderful/amazing things like Random Acts and Gishwhes and he’s a brillant actor!
Aya Al-Abasery – Egypt - I love him because he’s an inspiration for me! his sarcasm, his personality , C'mon people he’s like an angel on Earth!  he inspired me to act like the way I am whatever it was, and never to be ashamed about it, and you’ll find the people who love you for this!  Because of and Random Acts , I’m trying to encourage myself and everyone to do random acts of kindness! they’re so many many thing I can say it can’t be enough! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MISHA!  Stay Awesome as the way you are!
Brielle Bisson – Saskatchewan, Canada - I started watching Supernatural because of Misha. I’d heard so many great things about him and I was not disappointed! Happy Birthday Misha! I hope every year has something new and exciting to offer!
Laura Adelaar - The Netherlands - I really like Misha because he was the first one i hugged at a convention and he was SO sweet!!
Linda S. Qualls - California, USA - Because he’s a wonderful person and an independent thinker who has used his fame to help people.
Paul Clark – Newcastle, England - I love Misha because he brought Cas to life and AssButt is my fav word!
Visan Adriana – Romania - I love Misha for just being here for us.
Anita Hempler – Hudson, WI, USA - He embodies the whole “treat others as you would like to be treated” while being off-the-wall-crazy-in-a-good-way inspirational. Since I discovered Misha Collins (and subsequently met him), I have become more creative, pushed more boundaries, asked more questions, done more random acts of kindness, eaten more kale, and slept much less than I ever had before.   
Victoria Stewart – Ireland, UK - He lightens up my highly stressd life and makes me laugh and smile (even if it is to myself). He shows us how easy it is to brighten up someone else’s life with small kindnesses. Pretty abnosome man.
Caroll Harfouche Yazbeck - Beirut, Lebanon - Great actor! Great person! Not hit by the star syndrome
Umang Sharma - India -  One sentence??? I’d rather write a book  
Kym Morgan - Thanks for being you and creating a feasible way for your fans to help the world - one Random Act at a time. xoxo @kymmer7691  
Belinda Antonenko - Australia - Misha’s awesomeness is a riddle, wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside taco. You can’t figure out how he’s doing it, but you know it blows your mind. Stay awesome, crazy, fun, random, and as silly and adorable as you are perfect.     
Magan Jordan Lynn – Indiana, USA - I love Misha Because of his great sense of humor, his love for helping people, His smile can brighten your day, and he is a wonderful actor.
Emily Donaldson – Australia - I love Misha because not only is he a great actor, but he is one of the funniest, kindest, strangest and most amazing people I know of. He is doing such amazing things with Random Acts and is an inspiration to anyone to just be yourself, be weird and be happy about it. Thank you Misha     
Josephine Ploug Hintze - I love Misha because of his warm and generous soul, he is a kind and funny man, great actor and soooo hot  Thank you Misha for making this world a better world for us all
Cheryl McCoy – Kansas, USA - I love Misha because he is a positive force on this planet, and he inspires me to be the same.
Charley Gordon – England - He gives so much and is adorable and funny and brilliant and just loveable.
Moriya Dichter - Because he is so funny and quirky and how he just turn his personality off and be Castiel, who is just a total opposite of his persinality
Sarah Gallimore - California, United States - I love Misha because he is such a great person! He adores his fans and helps out those who are in need, he is caring and intelligent and funny!!
Sejuti Mitra - India - I love Misha because he is a great human being. He is adorable!!! Misha, I love you!
Renee Kohler – Australia - I love Misha because he is not only a great actor but also a great person, father and husband. Plus, he is so kind to his fans which is a big bonus!
Delani Murphy – New Hampshire, USA - I adore Misha because he is funny, creative, caring and knows the meaning of fan service.
Eloise Cheney - Avoca, VIC, Australia - Because of his kooky hats.
   Christelle Morvan - France - Because, Misha Collins is… Hum… Misha is a multitasking person (lol). Someone special. Totally apart. Unique in everything he undertakes. And most importantly, it is an excellent actor. That’s all that I love this man. Misha can be considered as an ideal man… Just kidding … Or not ^-^   
    Rebekah Moore - Oklahoma, USA - I love Misha because he reminds me that there are good people out there, and he inspires others to be good. He has a big heart, and dose not let the fame and the money change who he is, it shows by way he interacts with his fans. He is an amazing man just by being who he is.
   Sonia Seara - Portugal - I love Misha because besides being a talented actor he has a big and caring heart.  The way he inspires people to do good shows what a beautiful human being he is…oh let’s not forget his great sense of humor and the way he interacts with his fans. All in all Misha is simply an adorable man, it's  impossible not to love him. 
Mandi Bennett - Tennessee, USA - I love Misha because he is caring, funny, and a brilliant actor.
Chilton Beasley - Colorado, USA - I like Misha because he is humble,crazy (in a good way), a great father, and patient. His acting skills are amazing as seen in Supernatural, and his ability to play characters who are nothing like himself and engage your emotions is spectacular.
Ali Jumah – Jerusalem, Israel - Because he is an angel of the lord , then a god , then human. Because he is a good actor and because he played a role as an angel.
Jackie Misha Mitchell – Northampton, England - I love him cos he is just so wonderful and damn hot. 
Lilly Garcia - Shirley, NY, USA - He is a great actor and a great human being with a wonderful heart, an inspiration to young people.
Jenny Lafontaine - I Love Misha Collins because he is an Amazing Actor,  and he has such a Good Heart,   he truly is an Angel… ^________^   XO xo xo Xo
Valèrie Denaro - Italy - I adore Misha Collins because he is Misha Collins.
Hille Pervaiz – Estonia - I love Misha coz he is handsome, excellent actor and yes his craziness and the way he has fan loving power which most actors dont bother to have.
Gen Aquino Oganiza – Philippines - Because I love how he acts like castiel, he’s goofy and WEST IS CUTE AS EVER. LIKE OMG.
Pratiksha Nath - West Bengal, India - I love Misha Collins because everything about him is simply awesome! Now I have to stop myself here,otherwise it’ll be hard for me to stop bragging about him!
Faye Bergh Liljehammar – Sweden - I love Misha because he does not only changes people in a good way, he also changes the world. His amazing charisma, big caring heart, crazy mind, wonderful and inspiring pesonality makes the world a better place day by day. And on top of all that he’s and amazing dad! Happy Birthday Misha, and thank you for being an inspiration to us all.
Jennifer Antilli - Buffalo NY, USA - Because Misha is an awesome human being!
Celian Quintero – Puerto Rico - Im a Misha Collins fan cuz he brings the balance to Supernatural
Michelle Russell – West Virginia, USA - I have to say I love Misha cuz he is an awesome individual that donates so much time to charities and organizations..he is funny, handsome and an awesome actor…he is such a diverse human being. Did I say handsome? Lol
Heather Nichols – Maryland, USA - I love Misha because of his generosity, how he is always sweet to fans, his sense of humor and how he has made you fall in love with Cas.
Christine Hamilton -  Tasmania, Australia - Because he is a cool funny guy someone you could have a good laugh with I reckon and like how he plays cas.
Billiejo Mcmann – Albuquerque, USA - Misha Collins, is a very talented actor and IS hot as hell. ..
Chelsea Alejandro - Philippines - I love Misha Collins because he inspired me to become a better person by helping other people and being kind to everyone I meet. Also, he immediately cheers me up because he’s just a really charming person from what I see in interviews and panels and he’s really kind to his fans. And GISHWHES— I’m super excited to join next year, and get out and have fun. 
Ana Hunter - Spain - I love Misha because (only one or two?) he makes me laugh, and because he’s so kind and wonderful with us  , I have to love him. And he’s so hot and handsome……    and a lot more.    
Susan Ladigo - Arizona, USA - I love how outgoing, compassionate, and giving Misha is. He does so much good with his Random Acts Charity and he’s an awesome actor also. I am honored to share the same birthday with him.
Mercy Bush - I love Misha because he is caring,considerate of others,and he is a talented actor.He is not afraid to be himself and he has a great sense of humor.
Bethany Ridley-Duff – UK - I love Misha Collins because he is a massive, interlocking web of all things beautiful and brilliant - he is almost other-worldly, a being constructed of talent, wit, compassion and wild, untamed madness.
Vanessa Doak - He came on the show and only made even more perfect. Then I got to know his personality through Twitter and realized he was HILARIOUS. Then he started using his power over all of us to do great things for other people and I realized HE is actually the funniest angel in the garrison. Ask anybody.
Deborah Bryant – Indiana, USA - I absolutely love/like/adore/am a fan of the awesome Misha Collins because he is an amazingly caring human being, as evidenced by his charity work and his treatment of others, and he is a tremendously talented actor. “Supernatural” is blessed to have Misha in the cast.  
Mai Mahni – Cairo, Egypt - MISHA is cute and very sensitive ………………  
Makenzie Jo Wolfram – Michigan, USA - I love misha Collins because of his acting, personality, and generosity. I even named my computer after him!!!!    
Ronda Atkins - Cause hes so dreamy  
Aaron Wenzel - Misha is friggin awesome and so is his character. They are both hilarious.  
Ashley Stouffer – Pennsylvania, USA - He’s an amazing actor & he is gorgeous! Never had the chance to meet him, but just reading about him I found out how down to earth & laid back he is. He’s also a little eccentric…. Like me!!!  
Casey Rowe – Victoria, Australia - Cause he’s a good soul, he works hard for what he’s got and he loves to make people less fortunate than him smile. I"ve loved him in everything he’s done especially how he made me fall in love with Cas by drinking a liquor store.
Charlyta Flores – NC, USA - I love Misha because he’s caring and extraordinarily weird. He’s made me change the way I used to see things and become a better person in the process.  
Jelena bračić - croatia - I love misha because he does something not many would do. He helped so many people. He’s got talent!  
Jessica Woolley – Liverpool, UK - I LOVE like and adore misha Collins because, well, how can you not? He’s got every quality going for him in a human being that the list is eternal, I’d give anything to meet him, the closest I have is a tattoo on my right shoulder, he’s an inspirational person.  
Kati Biering – Germany - I love Misha because he shows us, how good life can be, how we can make life better for others and ourselves, he inspires the best in so many people and myself.
Ally Cooper – West Sussex, UK - Misha is my inspiration to be a better person, to show kindness, to follow my dreams and do crazy things in the name of art. I adore him because he’s talented, funny, generous and kindhearted. He’s a beautiful human being, inside and out.  
Gloria Bisignani Eremo – Pennsylvania, USA - Way too many reasons !! Great actor, person, and dad.  
Lindsay Waxman - I absolutely love/like/adore/am a fan of misha Collins because he is a hysterical person with a humongous heart and puts others before himself.  
Nicolas Liegard – France - I love misha collins because he is a perfect actor and he play to supernatural very good ’ astiel PS. I’m sad because cas is dead i’m live magny le hongre
Gal Etzion – Israel - I love Misha because of how he promotes donating and helping people.
Rudro – Bogra, Bangladesh - He is a very talented actor, because of that i’m a fan!  
Shekinah J. Valencia - i like him cause he good and helps people and hes a great actor and funny too  
Tannith Leppard – Scotland, UK - I love Misha Collins because he doesn’t just play an angel, he quite clearly is one. He cares for others in a way that is so rare now a days. We should all take a leaf out of his book.  
Sulagna Bhattacharjee – India - He’s different and proudly accepts it. He’s a down to earth person as well!  
Suzanna Amy – Wisconsin, USA - I love Misha because he is such a great person with an amazing heart for helping others and making everyone’s day.  He truly is an angel of the lord, in acting as Castiel to helping people in person.  
Jennifer Antilli - Misha is an amazing human and a goofball  
Kristýna Blažková - Czech Republic - I love Misha because of his generosity and kindness. He doesn’t care about being different and it’s so rare in these days.  
Suzanne Jackson - St Louis, Mo, USA - He is an angel both on and off screen.  
Sandy Manley - Richmond VA, USA - He is an amazing actor and humanitarian intelligent and beautiful inside and out.I love his humor wit and compassion.    
Jennifer Bennett – North Carolina, USA - I am in constant pain and sometimes its more than i can bear, mishas smile is like a drug for me, it helps me laugh and eases the pain so i can deal with it.
Laura Liegard – France - I really adore Misha because he is so cute  and he is lovely. He’s a great man and he love take care of the peoples  He’s a wonderful actor and he really has a lot of skill  And I really love him because he’s simple and not pretencious . He’s an angel for me.  
Elizabeth Lewis – NY, USA - He genuinely appreciates the good things in his life and tries to make the world a better place.  
Laisha Myel García – San Juan, Puerto Rico - I Love Misha because he is beautiful person. His kindness and humumanity is just wonderfull!  
Sarah Emily Green – Tonasket, Washington, USA - I love Misha because he cares about people so selflessly and all he wants to do is be a good father and help others. He is a beautiful person, inside and out.  
Lea Russo – SC, USA - He is an amazingly beautiful person both inside and out. He will rule the world with kindness someday.
Sara Ysh – Tehran, Iran - I adore misha because he is the coolest person ive ever seen and hes amasing in every way
Jennifer Pracht - North Carolina, USA - He’s super generous, and has a wonderful heart. I’ve never seen anyone with the type of compassion he has. He’s adorable in every way, I just can’t get enough of him! And his son is so cute, you can tell he loves his family so much!
Fran Meador - I love the way he doesn’t take his or anyone else’s celebrity too seriously, but he takes VERY seriously the power it has to improve the lives of others!! Good for him!!  
Amy Boyce - Just a fan, love the character, the real person interesting too  
Swagata Biswas – India - Bcz hes so down to earth & a really talented actor & really cares for his fans & ppl who love him.
Amy O'brien - He is so kind and generous and such a loving husband and Father  also he is hilarious and cute     
Ana Beatriz Mendes – Curitiba, Brasil - Cuz he’s MISHA COLLINS! what else can I say? I love him just the way he is!
Wendi Jo George - I love Misha because of the great things he has done for the world. He’s a celebrity but doesn’t act like it and isn’t above spending time with his fans.
Vaidushi Gangadhara – India - I love misha because is such an amazing person. He is so kind, and I absolutely love what he does through random acts org. He is also the coolest, awesome at person I’ve ever known! And he is damn cute too!
Dharmin Shah - India - impossible to explain also in 1000 sentence…he is god for me
Christa Seidel – Germany – Misha is special and a wonderful human being. People like him are very VERY rare. (MESSAGE TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY AN ADMIN)     
Ally Williams - Because he is so very weird and kind.
Christie Lyles – South Carolina, USA - I love him because of his personality and his sense of humor. He doesn’t take himself seriously and he is not afraid to take risks and be himself. He’s a beautiful soul inside and out.
Mishel Kross – Kiev, Ukraina – He’s the most stylish, chic man I know. With a funny smile! Misha’s cute, beautiful, determined and Misha Collins is awesome. You can watch him for hours,Laugh.. He spreads a lot of joy and happiness, I love him, I’m at his mercy. (MESSAGE TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY AN ADMIN)
Emily Moore – Missouri, USA - Everything about Misha is great! He helps people, he’s a wonderful actor, and he has a nice sense of humor!
Melissa Rothman - I love Misha because he is witty and sarcastic, but also selfless and warm hearted.
Claudia Barbieri - I love Misha ‘cause he’s spontaneous, hilarious and extremely generous..
Christina Sachs - Sioux City, Iowa, USA - Totally one of my favorite characters on Supernatural. But I also luv the work he does with charities and organizations like Gishwes, and with Hope for Haiti. You just seem like It would be so much fun to hang out with you. You rock so hard!
Brittany Daniel – Georgia, USA - I love Misha because he is a kind, caring, goofy, intelligent humanitarian.
Tihomira Kirova - Sofia, Bulgaria - I love Misha because he’s so adorable and he’s himself, he gave he’s phone number and i’ve seen so many prooves that he’s awesome
Sabine Eberhardt – NY, USA - Because he is an angel on the show and in life…
Sarah Leveque – Reunion Island, France - I just love Misha because he’s such a sweet and funny person, he has a great heart. He really enjoys all the treasures life has given him. I love him because he’s an amazing actor, always ready to help people,. We love him coz he invented Ghiswhes, he knows how to bring people together in a great way.
Mandi Rust Bennett -  I am a fan of Misha’s because he is caring, funny, a brilliant actor.
Tabatha Kislanov - São Paulo, Brazil - I think Misha has the power to make everything funnier, better and adorable. That’s why I like him so much. He’s the kind of person I want to take a cup of coffee with, wearing bunny costumes, talking about life while we make sword fights in the top of a castle in Scotland.
Dee Brock – Athens, GA, USA - Misha is a beautiful person, inside and out, so giving and caring, and unafraid to be himself despite being in the celebrity spotlight, and that reminds us, that celebrities are human, too, and I love and respect him so very much for that.
Jess Nicolazzo - Canberra, Australia - Because there is no one in the world quite like him; he’s kind hearted, funny and just a genuinely amazing person who deserves every bit of love on his birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISHA!
Judy Jacopetti Perella - I like Misha for his sense of humor, his love of family and his great big heart. He aint bad to look at either.
Amy Husband – LaVergne,Tennessee, USA - cause Misha is the funniest angel.
Will Spurling - You’re wrong Amy, Uriel is the funniest angel in the garrison. Ask anyone.
Danielle Owen - Birmingham, UK - Misha has so many amazing qualities. The way he is able to interpret the scripts he is given and create such wonderful characters that anyone can feel a connection to. He has influenced so many people to perform acts of kindness with his amazing Charity work and he makes such a difference to a world that truly needs to change. A role model, an Angel of the Lord and an amazing Father!
Wolfgang Römer - Germany - I love Misha because he brings it to life Cas is my favorite at Supernatural Misha is truly unique and so wonderful.
Geronette Choi – Manila,Philippines - I love Misha Collins cause he’s cute funny adorable and smart and he makes me sound like an infatuated teenager lol.. wish he would visit me.
Kerry Mildenhall - North Wales UK - I love Misha because he is selfless, kind, adorable, always thinks of others before himself, he is an angel in real life and a great actor.
Fatima Fernandes - Madeira Island, Portugal - I love Misha because he is a fighter. His childhood wasn`t easy and because of that he tries to make life easier for other people through acts of kindness. He is also a great actor, father, he’s got this very particular sense of humor wich is hilarious  and above all he`s got a good heart…great human being and i wish him the best birthday ever.
Patty Polo Lima - Peru - I love Misha Collins…for many reasons: because he has a huge heart.. because he puts smiles on the children’s face and help to people who has lost hope…because he is a simple, amazing, hilarious and unique human being.
Larra Anne Specter Alleshia Estebat - Cavite, Philippines - I love Misha because he’s Misha. He helps people, making them smile through his acting, and through Random Acts. He remains humble and kindhearted no matter how well-known he has become.Happy birthday to our Supreme Overlord.
Kelli Anne - New Zealand - I love Misha because he’s an amazing person and amount of things he does for Random Acts, and just to help others is insane! He has a huge, accepting heart and I wish there were more people in the world like him.
Leoni Anne Kempen – Essex, UK - just because he is Misha  xx
Laryssa Fiu – Fiji - I like Misha Collins because he embodies the role of Castiel perfectly. He has become one with the Supernatural Family ever since he raised Dean from Hell. Supernatural would never be the same if Misha ever left and I also just wanted to say thank you for being such an awesome person and for adding extra humour to the show. Love you Misha #TeamCastiel  
Sarah Gallimore - California, USA - I love Misha Collins, not just because he is on the best show ever. I love him because he is such a great person, he adores his fans, he helps those who are in need, he is a caring, intelligent, funny, great man who loves his work, his family and his fans!  
Allison Flores Martinez - México - Why I like Misha? He has a big big heart - he isn’t a normal person - has a wonderful smile - is funny - its so damn handsome - he is an angel on supernatural and in real World - he is a great dad  - he is just MISHA
Caterina Orfanò - Italy - I love Misha for so many reasons! I can only say that he’s awesome in everything he does. He is such a great person, an angel on and off the screen. He is also so open with his fans like few other actors. I’m proud to be his fan! God bless Misha Collins!     
Orla Lavelle - to me misha is a funny kind hearted guy and also another thing that makes him amazing is his charity work and the fact that he has not let the fame go to his head
Lila Winchester – Asia - Misha’s really kind; his kindness is genuine, as opposed to the faux kindness some actors have. Not to mention that he’s multi-talented, witty, and a really good man. OuO   
Gillian Collins - Misha always put others before himself, he’s open minded, caring, supportive, talented and always being himself. He teaches us to just embrace the strange and smile.   
Marion Kasper – Germany - I love Misha because he is a great actor and a he is a very amazing person. He has a big heart and love for all people of the world .   
Julia Kubon – Germany - I adore Misha because he really isnt just one of the best actors ever; the way he talks to other people and fans makes him really an angel. he is caring, and an inspiration and always makes his fans smile.    
Christina Kamjalova – Bulgaria - He does the best russian accent I’ve seen, he makes me and my best friend (which does not watch SPN) smile and laugh, his eyes are beautiful, he can think of some pretty nice pranks and a thousand other things that I could write for hours…     
Jade Rigby - South Africa - I like Misha because he creates a funny atmosphere on the SuperNatural set. one word to describe him- Hot
Tiffany Timmerman – Illinois, USA - Misha Collins is the reason i strive to be different, kind loving generous and all in all better person. he has truly changed my life and he is an inspiration to us all. i adore and admire him as a human being. he does not think of himself only others and how he can make the world a better place. he treats his fans as equals. alot of people talk the talk but misha shows anyone and everyone how to walk with being who he is which is without a doubt an angel. my life would be on a complete different course right now if not for misha Collins. thank you for changing lives and for.being an amazing person.
Alyssa Cianflone - Canada - I love Misha because he show is true self and not afraid to say or do want he does and he is a Awesome actor he just good to do want he want to do he love to be his self every day and doesn’t care what people say and he encourage people to do is best and loves children and is a best friends with everyone and he is the only one that can be himself so that’s why i love him
Rithvik Rajan Nair - Misha is so epic!!!!He’s half the reason why Supernatural is so freakin awesome!!
Amy O'brien – Ireland, UK - I love Misha Collins because he’s such a kind funny loving person.
Deborah Blinder - We like Misha because he may harbor a real decent guy under all of those snarks as actions are louder than words AND he covers his Mass accent very well.  
Valentina Mentil – Milan, Italy - He’s a special man, a great actor, with a rare big heart . He’s himself in every little thing… not so common these days! Thank you Misha to be an example.   
Lisa Ravenscroft – Alabama, USA - I love Misha because if not for him I would not have had a pool party in a dumpster, drove an adult baby to a fast food drive-through, ordered food from a fast food restaurant speaking in Shakespearian verse, or any of the other crazy things I’ve done this past week. I love Misha because he is random, crazy, caring, kind, generous, and so appreciative of his fans.   
Gen Aquino Oganiza - I love misha because He is cool. He plays Castiel very well and I love how goofy he is. PLUS WEST IS SO CUTE AND ADORABLE.
Selina Minter – Scotland, UK - I love Misha for all the obvious reasons. He’s a wonderful man who cares about his fellow human beings. He has a lot of positivity about life and how people should live it. He’s not just one of those people who says they’d like to change the world, he lives up to his words. That in itself is such a strong characteristic to possess. His acting abilities are wide stretched and he seems to really love getting right into the work. He is a huge inspiration to millions of people just like me who have been through bad times, and his faith in life is contagious. He’s hilarious and very easy on the eyes too.
Codi  Dennis – SC, USA - I like Misha because he is brilliant , he makes me wanna be a better person. He has such a kind and caring heart.
    And last but not least … that’s my favorite: 
Lukas Jordan - Who is Misha Collins?
  Thank you Misha Collins!
Got more? Message us www.fb.com/SupernaturalSeason9 or comment here: www.facebook.com/SupernaturalSeason9/posts/521209297950956
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casisstillavirgin · 7 years
#YAWI in honor of #AKF because #YANA Help us starting a big Project to thank the Actors of #Supernatural Please read this text and help us giving something back. We won’t earn money with this. Join us on facebook or send us things for the Fanbook. We stand together. One Family, One Fandom and once Cause to always keep fighting because You Are Worth It (#YAWI)
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casisstillavirgin · 8 years
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253 notes · View notes
casisstillavirgin · 9 years
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14K notes · View notes
casisstillavirgin · 9 years
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For the Watch
911 notes · View notes
casisstillavirgin · 9 years
Imagine if your follower count turned into money
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casisstillavirgin · 9 years
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In my time of dying 2.01 random captures
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casisstillavirgin · 9 years
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3K notes · View notes
casisstillavirgin · 9 years
in the tags, put 
- where u live
- ur first language 
- what u call this:
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casisstillavirgin · 9 years
Misha knows exactly how it feels without a home :’(
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The look in his eyes will forever break my heart.
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