cassandra5hawol · 8 months
Reaction to: Xdinary Heroes - “break the brake”
Video link: https://youtu.be/EsT8nQtFHt0?si=h-BWtsG_9tw-awpq
I don’t know a lot of songs from this group yet, but they keep popping up at me so I’m ready 😄
(0:11) This is starting out so powerful already
(0:21) okay and now I’m already thinking about a collab between them and FT ISLAND. Just IMAGINE Lee HongKis voice with this omg YES 🙌
(0:42) the video is getting strange already 🤣
(0:53) I’m hungry too though 🤣
(0:59) okay okay the head banging I’m doing right now is fucking real 🤣
(1:33) at this point I’ve decided I’m gonna start getting to know this group more cause holy damn this song is a big ass vibe !
(2:18) 🤘🏼😎🤘🏼
(2:37) this guitar going rn is on fire ! So hot I love it !!
(2:57) omg now with the sound of the current guitar riff in the background is giving me hella MIYAVI vibes.
(3:04) someone bring MIYAVI in on this riff !! OMG !!
I’m so glad I decided to listen to this song. I nearly yet again put it on the back burner, again I’m really so glad that I didn’t. That was so hot and brought me into another group. I already listen to too much things 😅🤣
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cassandra5hawol · 8 months
Reaction to: INI - “HANA”
Video link: https://youtu.be/gX-kRZi2PXc?si=3dP7CpsC7gRtnCnp
This is my first time listening to INI so I’m excited and nervous at the same time 😬
(0:24) oh I know I’m gonna love this already. If I don’t I’m gonna be so over myself 🤣 the choreography we’ve seen already starting and the beat of the song 🙌 there are so many members though.
(1:04) this definitely had to be such a fun M/V to film with the little drive in movie, the fireworks and carts.
(1:24) taking off with the couch while a member is laying on it is too funny.
(1:45) okay, they are really so cute. I only look at BozzBozz though.
(2:30) get over that fence !! It’s so tall. That’s gotta take so much skill. Especially to not rip your pants or get stuck to it somehow.
(2:53) okay my shawol is coming out. That house looks like the one SHINee had performed in front of superstar MV. Correct me if I’m wrong.
(3:14) okay love that the M/V just turned into an animation.
This was such a mood this whole entire M/V and maybe it’s just me, but id so love a collab with them and either MIYAVI or JO1 😄
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cassandra5hawol · 8 months
Reaction to: Chanmina - “I’m not okay”
Video link: https://youtu.be/GqhijscBzKg?si=LVCKyQ28VySfHNvN
My initial thoughts for this video is the thumbnail is giving me very good vibes for what to expect but at the same time the title has me a bit on edge.
(0:36) the beat and tempo is giving me totally different vibes than I was expecting in the beginning but I’m digging it.
(0:41) there it is !! There’s the beat I was expecting !!
(0:55) HER FACE DISAPPEARED IN HER REFLECTION. I’m also starting to relate to the song as well.
(1:36) this chorus is literally me in my own head.
(2:45) wait WTF ?! No !!
(2:52) oh phew she looks like she is getting up ! I was worried in my 2:45 statement.
I would love to see this live !! I can only imagine what the stage presence would be like during it !! Also what kind of theatrics would be brought in to give off that of the M/V
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cassandra5hawol · 8 months
Reaction to TXT - “Chasing that feeling”
Video link: https://youtu.be/ISnyONG1dEc?si=S0GTEgEByH15pmt0
TXT is such a great group. My favorite song of there’s is “LO$ER LO❤️ER” the vibe of that I feel like can’t be competed with but let’s see 😁
(0:25) okay maybe I spoke too soon. The vibe is already hitting me and I feel like this could be too 5 TXT song for me.
(0:40) The choreography is hitting hard now ! I’m getting excited !
(0:49) the background of this video for some reason reminds me of a UKISS M/V 🤣
(1:11/1:12) This scene scared the shit out of me. I was hit by a car crossing the street back in middle school and the car that went by in my mind looked way too close to him that I jumped 🤦🏻‍♀️ sorry for that small PTSD moment 😅
(1:27) just running into everyone on the sidewalk 🤣
(1:35) HOLY SHIT !! I was focused on that blue ORB then almost hit by a freaking taxi 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
(1:52) holy Jebus these orbs are making them do crash shit.
(2:22) his balance has to be impeccable to be so god damn still up there on that light post.
(2:49) I’m so into this choreography. I can’t wait to see cover dancers try it and for them to do it on the stage. I wish that the orbs would be able to really fly from their bodies. That would make such a cool show !
(3:20) okay wtf just happened ?! The cars were going under the road they were dancing on like some kind of sorcery. The effects there ! Magnificent.
(3:25) they really took off like non of that just happened 🤣
Okay definitely in my top 5 or 10 for my favorite TXT songs ! So catchy ! I really need to see how would they perform all of this shit on the actual stage to get the message across from the M/V. Would they bring the feel of the orbs to the stage ? Would they do weird stunts ? Would it be completely different or maybe even JUST the choreography ?
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cassandra5hawol · 8 months
Reaction to IVE - “Baddie”
Video link: https://youtu.be/Da4P2uT4mVc?si=3-_qBNjQ8AZRLG8Q
I must admit I don’t listen to IVE very often, I’m not huge into girl groups but I’m always willing to listen 🫶🏻 I’m expecting a bop from this based on the name of the song alone 😆
(0:04) Uh oh this is starting with a news broadcast TV station thingy ?! This has got to be good !
(0:09) !!! The bunny hat ! I want the bunny hat !!
(0:26) this is already crazy ! (In a good way !) the cat ! The cart ! Whoa !
(0:53) this gets crazier by the second ! I’m living for these crazy and silly visuals mixed with their fierceness.
(1:16) now we’re a pink kitty ?! 🤣 this is fantastic
(1:31) the baddie has entered the cat house !! I am living for this !
(1:50) I kinda feel like the chorus tempo is slower than I expected from this video with all the chaotic characteristics but perfectly fine with it at the same time 😄
The milk was finished and the fireworks have gone off !! I love the visuals and chaoticness of this entire video. The crazy silly kitties were especially cute. The choreography near the end as well was also fun !
Last thing, I LOVE Reis pink hair in this M/V
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cassandra5hawol · 8 months
This is my very first text reaction. I’m sorry if it’s horrible 🤣
Reaction for Jeff Satur - “Black Tie” M/V
Video link: https://youtu.be/A_sC4V-Kpi4?si=9jhhzFs3-OGZEPGu
At this point I am only 0:09 into the video and the beat has caught my attention so hard ! It reminds me of music I used to listen to as a child ! Kinda spooky, kinda dark. I love it ! Like a more poppy version of a Psyclon Nine song.
I am really digging this black and white over the video so far. It adds to the spooky illusion I’m currently getting (at the point I’m 0:34 into the video).
Shit as soon as I spoke the black and white overlay has disappeared 🤣
I’m really for all of these visuals happening in this video. Especially Jeff’s hair !
(1:30) what the heck is happening right now 🤣 I’m so intrigued by whatever it is.
(2:04) I shouldn’t be shocked but I am ! I was not expecting so much English in a version of the song doesn’t specify it ! I love that !
(2:15) a new outfit has appeared into the video ! Jeff in red ! The overall look of it (since I’m a shawol first) reminds me of TaeMin (SHINee) holy water outfit on the stage which intrigues me even more.
(2:26) WHOA WHOA WAIT !! It’s raining buckets on him now ! What a twist !
(2:41) I just saw people doing choreography for the first time in the video (I may have been oblivious to it before as I was focusing mostly on Jeff’s actions and not people in the background)
I wonder if this song will have any choreography to it when it is performed live or if it will be a stage that shows us all so much emotion through our bodies. I was really late in seeing it before in the video. I’m almost tempted to watch it again just to see how much of background I really did miss out on 🤣
This was a great video overall which we all knew would happen already based on Jeff’s performances and his musical talent !
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