cat-bees · 2 years
Concussions/traumatic head injuries. Literally my favorite thing to write about when it comes to whump prompts. 
But recently I came across an article regarding concussions that talked about how trauma on different areas of the brain can determine the symptoms. So me, being an over-analyzer with too much time on my hands, decided to look more into it. 
I unpublished my original post for this because it was too wordy and felt complex, so I’ll try to keep it simple. 
Character A gets hit over the back of the head. The areas in the back of the brain control balance, motor function, and sight including a direct connection with the optic nerve. A wakes up with temporary loss of sight and an inability to walk in a straight line because they’re so dizzy. 
Or, contrarily, they get hit on the side of the head. This might cause them to wake up with short term memory loss and a horrible ringing in their ears. 
It just depends on the area of trauma. Just something to keep in mind for the future when writing head injuries
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cat-bees · 3 years
deadly nightshade
so I was rewatching a show called Lincoln Rhyme and one of the characters was poisoned by a plant called deadly nightshade, so I decided to research into it further just out of curiosity 
and boy oh boy am I glad I did
deadly nightshade is a seemingly harmless plant with small, either purple or lavender, colored flowers and small berries
however, despite it’s appealing looks, it’s extremely poisonous. it only takes consuming two berries to kill a small child, and ten to twenty to kill an adult. 
but you see, my friends, the symptoms of deadly nightshade poisoning are the real kicker here
symptoms that follow any sort of consumption of the plant (which, no matter what part you take, it’s gonna so something bad) include the following depending on the amount taken: dilated pupils, fever, delirium, hallucinations, spasms or convulsions, blurry vision, dizziness, and/or loss of consciousness 
definitely don’t think about your favorite character collapsing suddenly and caretaker/their friends scrambling to figure out what type of magic/technology was used to hurt them while they slowly descend into a mess of confusion and trembling as they murmur quiet pleas for their misery to stop
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cat-bees · 3 years
[insert creative title idk]
so ignore the fact that I disappeared
anyway, I have a hella bad canker sore and thought “hey let me make this way more angsty that it needs to be”
canker sores are essentially sores/ulcers that you can get in your mouth. they can hurt like hell and stay for up to days or weeks at a time. 
they can make it really hard to eat at times, even soft foods. anything salty or tough irritates it more, and it can make your jaw hurt when active near the base of your gums or if it’s just that bad. 
they can cause other symptoms such as fevers and can generally just make you feel like crap. 
these things also make it hard to talk or smile sometimes, so there’s a cherry for your angst cake
like seriously these things hurt when will mine leave-
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cat-bees · 4 years
I saw this mentioned somewhere else (idk where sorry) and wanted to add my own spin on it. 
Cauterizing is when you burn someone’s flesh to stop bleeding and/or prevent infection
But instead of caretaker using this to save whumpee, whumper uses it to torture them further after beatings. 
Whumper deliberately leaves deep gashes on whumpee to hold the heated object there longer. Maybe he mixes up said object every once and a while. A hair curler would work best for this scenario in my mind. 
Whumper enjoys watching his weakened pet squirm and attempt to get away from him, getting weaker and weaker after each session of beatings until the pain barely provokes a reaction. Whumpee finally just gives into the pain. 
When (or if) whumpee is rescued, they’re afraid of hot objects such as the stove or maybe even the asphalt driveway on a sunny day. Every thing brings back memories of whumper. Heck, maybe even warm baths make them nervous. 
Poor caretaker tries to help them relax by the fireplace, but whumpee just starts trembling and presses themselves against the wall on the opposite side of the room. 
So maybe they get a cozy blanket and sit out on the back porch together instead, enjoying the chilly night breeze.
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cat-bees · 4 years
Whumpee finally gets away from whumper and quickly realizes that they know where they are. So, beaten and dazed, they begin limping towards caretaker’s home. It’s a long walk through the dark, but they finally make it to the front door. Whumpee gets inside using a key under the door mat. 
But caretaker doesn’t know who it is, and thinks that someone is breaking into their house. They grab a baseball bat before quietly making their way to the front room of their house. 
Caretaker suddenly emerges from around the corner with the bat raised, my to the surprise and terror of whumpee, who collapses to the ground and presses themselves into the corner. They start frantically apologizing, saying ‘I’ll be good!’ or ‘I’ll behave I swear!’
Caretaker immediately drops the bat to the ground and runs to them, only scaring whumpee more until they begin speaking softly to them despite the tears in their eyes. 
Whumpee eventually relaxes and lets them approach, where caretaker engulfs them in a tight hug. The injured figure doesn’t care about their wounds, they’re too touch-starved at the moment to do anything other than hug them back and start sobbing. 
Caretaker shushes them and apologizes constantly for scaring them. They tell them how happy they are to see whumpee, and they they’ve been looking for weeks. 
But whumpee is too exhausted to hear them anymore. All they know is that they’re finally safe, and pass out in the safely of caretaker’s arms. 
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cat-bees · 4 years
Caretaker waking up one night to the sound movement in another room. They go to see what it was, only to see whumpee on the floor instead of the bed. They cry out and rush over, worried that something’s horribly wrong, only to be told by the unconcerned whumpee that they like sleeping on the floor.
Whumper used to make them sleep on the floor, and that idea is still burned into their brain. 
Caretaker scolds them a little, but mostly reassures whumpee and helps them back into bed, where they cover them up with a blanket and sit there with them. They stroke whumpee’s hair gently and continue reassuring them with sweet, soft words until their companion falls asleep. 
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cat-bees · 4 years
adrenaline shots
So I think I came across this ideas a few years ago while watching Arrow, and of course I had to turn it into a whump prompt because that’s just the kind of person I am
Shots of adrenaline exist primarily to treat allergic reactions, but of course, it also keeps people awake. 
Instead of using it for it’s intended purpose, whumper is constantly injected poor whumpee with shots of adrenaline to keep them awake- no- they’re forcing whumpee to stay awake. No sleep, not even a wink. 
It’s to the point where whumpee’s to exhausted to stand, but just can’t fall asleep. All they can do soon is sit there and take the shots and beatings. 
When they’re team or caretaker finally get to them, whumpee is exhausted, but the previous shot hasn’t worn off yet. As they’re being led out of the location, they finally collapse, much to the worry of the team. 
But for them, the sweet relief of sleep is better than anything else. They fall asleep in caretaker/their teammates arms, finally feeling safe at last. 
(I don’t know if adrenaline shots can actually do these things, but it’s a fun whump idea to me)
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cat-bees · 4 years
Hi, so I have no idea what I’m doing here, I barely know how tumblr works, but I want to talk about one of my favorite tropes 
It’s a little over the top but bear with me here (even though I don’t watch a lot of television and a stuff, I get my ideas from fanfics)
But seriously, best whumperflies for me is when whumpee walks into a room, not knowing that something explosive is in there. Maybe they left caretaker after a fight. but they’re down there now (legit my favorite when whumpee gets hurt after an argument).
The next thing they know, they’ve been slammed so harshly into the wall from the blast that they’re almost instantly knocked out. 
Whumpee quickly wakes up, lying under a piece of heavy debris. They can’t breath from the pressure of said object. The weight makes their entire body just hurt more. Maybe they were close enough to receive burns too, only making their pain worse.
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