catacomb14 · 9 months
Milo Murphy's Law Headcanon #2:
Milo has trouble with things like reading, writing, and pronouncing complicated words. Murphy's Law must have made it hard to keep books and papers intact for very long. He tends to hide it and really only his parents, Sara, and Melissa knows. Whenever he can't pronounce a word he pretends to forget it and just waits for someone else to fill in. This is the main reason he calls Cavendish by his last name. Apart from it feeling weird to use his first name, Milo doesn't think he could pronounce Balthazar.
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catacomb14 · 10 months
Milo Murphy Headcanon #1:
Milo is the mom friend in training. The current mom friend is Mort.
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catacomb14 · 1 year
MML Incorrect Quotes Pt. 2
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catacomb14 · 1 year
MML Incorrect Quotes
It's mostly just the Time Travel Trio.
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catacomb14 · 2 years
So i decided to make some Bluey ocs using the picrew. They're all friends and call themselves " The MAD Dogs".
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This is Dallas Heeler. He's Frisky and Rad's adopted son. He has Tourettes. It's mostly face twitches with the rare verbal tic.
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This is Magnolia. Her nickname is Mags. She is very tomboy-ish. She gives Dallas the nickname Twitch. He loves it don't worry. She has trouble making friends and is clingy with the other two.
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This is Atlas. He's very cheery and has ADHD. He makes friends easily and knows Honey.
More info soon. 😁
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catacomb14 · 2 years
I just got back from watching this movie and it was so awesome!!!!
I did however have one problem with it..
There was absolutely no Luis in it! Like seriously!? I need my Luis back! No mention of him! No cameo! What the heck?!
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catacomb14 · 2 years
DT17 Oc Gang as Incorrect Quotes! 🙃
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That is all. I might post some info on them later.
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catacomb14 · 2 years
Alright! I need to rant!
So Ducktales Santa right? How is he still alive?!
I mean he met Scrooge when Scrooge was a young adult. Santa was still older. He had the pure white beard and everything! Scrooge's adventures keep him young seeing as he's over 150. How does Santa stay that way?! If he were normal he would have just died! But no! He's still very much alive! I can't be The Feliz Navi-Diamond because that only works to slow time on Christmas Eve! How the hell do you work Claus!!?!
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catacomb14 · 2 years
Okay so whenever I watch a show or movie or read a book I do this thing where I replace the existing characters with Ducktales characters. I am doing this with Milo Murphy's Law and let me show you something.
So I had Cavendish and Dakota as Gyro and Fenton and I had Milo as Huey.
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I found supporting fanart of BOTH!!
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catacomb14 · 2 years
So I have a new obsession.
Anyway here's some Milo Murphy's Law incorrect quotes. Credits go to EndigoLikesArson.
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That is all! (Dakota's my favorite)
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catacomb14 · 2 years
Crackshell-Cabrera family as incorrect quotes. ( Also yes I did include Huey because hes Fenton's brother and anyone who thinks otherwise can go die)
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That is all!
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catacomb14 · 2 years
Allow me to help
🕯🕯Gustholomule 🕯🕯
Everyone's manifesting Raeda and Huntlow for season 3 but I don't see anyone manifesting gustholomule so I'll do it myself
🕯️🕯️Gustholomule 🕯️🕯️
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catacomb14 · 2 years
So I did a thing........
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In memory of Flapjack. R.I.P You Little Rascal.
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catacomb14 · 2 years
So I did a thing.....
I made an Owl House oc!!
Full Name: Felina Mary Deamonne
Other Names: Kitty, KitKat, Holy Mary ( By Luz )
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Ace and Lesbian
Race: Half-Demon Half-Witch
Hair Color: Light brown with a white streak
Eye Color: Green-ish Gray
Skin Color: Pale
Appearance: Medium hair length. Cat ears. A brown tail with a white tip. Fangs. Casual wear is t-shirts, jeans, and a jacket sometimes.
Personality: Creative, Brave, Obnoxious, A bit insecure.
Occupation: Student at Hexside.
Affiliations: Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, Emperor's Coven ( formerly).
Goal: To become a famous author and adventurer.
Relatives: Unknown
Allies: Darius ( adopted father), Hunter, Steve, Eberwolf, Raine, Eda, Lilith, Luz, Hooty, Gus, Ed.
Enemies: Belos, Kikimora, Odalia, Terra, Graye, Emperor's Coven.
Likes: Hanging with Eber and Ed, annoying Hunter, Her palisman, rebelling, books ( secretly ).
Dislikes: Kiki, vegetables, Dogs, Her sigil.
Powers and Abilities: Her magic, enhanced Agility and senses.
Tracks: Abominations, Oracle, BK, Bard, Healing, and Construction.
Palisman: Harlen the Duck.
History: Found by Coven scouts when she was 3. No one knows who her parents are. Darius ends up adopting her. Eberwolf is like an uncle to her and Hunter a brother.
Quote: More like you're the Golden Git.
Trivia: Is fine with any pronouns but usually uses She/Her.
Love interest: Sam ( One of Vee's human friends)
BFF: Edric Blight.
That's all for now! I did do two visuals. I'll post those later tho! I hope you guys like her. Byeeeeeee!!!!!
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catacomb14 · 2 years
I think I'm the first to say....
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catacomb14 · 2 years
Yall are probably annoyed by me by now but.......
Do you ever imagine Fenton's reaction when he actually got to know Huey.
The kid is very smart and helping his uncle at the bank. Not so unusual.
The bank robber knows him.
He traces the GizmoSuit back to Gyro and rerouted it to your brain.
He doesn't know who his parents are and used to live with his uncle on a houseboat.
Just roams around town sometimes. Travels the world with his 150+ uncle, two brothers, spy child, and pilot who crashes the plane every single time.
Fights villains and ancient evils.
Fenton was probably so confused and concerned about this kid. I swear it's all I think about sometimes.
Then he finally meets Huey's mom only to discover she's been on the moon for 10. Years.
The kid fought a sorceress, an alien, an evil organization, ect.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who has thought about this.
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catacomb14 · 2 years
Does anyone ever think about something like this happening?
Like at some point Fenton ends up having to pick Huey up from school. Dewey's already gone home with Launchpad for a Darkwing Duck marathon. Louie ends up going to a friend's house for a bit. Donald is busy and Della doesn't have a new driver's license yet. So Donald has Fenton go get Huey.
Huey is just sitting outside the school with a teacher and some other kid waiting on a parent. The kid is trying to make small talk and is like " So, who are you waiting on? "
Huey: My big brother. You?
Kid: My grandmother. She forgot again.
The kid's grandmother eventually pulls up and asks " Do you need us to wait till someone comes dear? " and Huey's just like " No thank you ma'am, he'll be here eventually. "
At that moment Fenton arrives, but as Gizmoduck. He's says " Sorry I'm late Huey. Sudden robbery. I hope your uncle doesn't chew me out if you aren't back soon. " Huey low-key forgets the other people are there and is just like " It's alright. He'll understand. Uncle Donald is busy nowadays anyway. "
Then they just fly off.
After people got word that Gizmoduck was apparently Huey Duck's big brother and after a few more of these incidents, people just stopped bothering Huey all together. Sometimes kids would request staying late on days Huey told Violet or someone that his brother was coming to get him to try and see if the rumors were true or to just meet Gizmoduck in general.
This has definitely happened a some point. Change my mind.
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