catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you
the kind of person that attracts me doesnt have to be muscular but the physical strength is really important cause it gives me the sense of security. the kind of person has to understand my thoughts... my feelings... and willing to be by my side no matter what the fuck happens. i guess thats the most important things
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why.
i guess its dodie sa. she gives me strength whenever im down, even just by a single word or a little hug. even though she never knew the details of what i was getting through but she always chose to trust me and be by my side. all she does cheers me up a lot. 
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 24 - Your favorite movie and what it’s about.
my favourite movies these days are actually the series, twlight. i love how edward and bella still got together after all the difficulties and challenges, esp the ep when bella was suffering from her baby. its just awesome.
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
this looks gross to me lol. im skipping it.
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?
the past two years was a big change to me, i learnt how to be mature, considerate, generous and less bitchy haha. people beside would have known how much had i grew up in the two years time, from a little innocent, naive girl to a girl who...always thinks before she does anything.
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.
i dont have a specific favourite show but i usually go addicted with taiwan shows and korean shows lol. they're awesome.
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 20 - How important you think education is.
People say education aint important but to me? education is important.. im not like those artist...musicians...that can survive without realistic knowledge. im going to be a person that works on the business field, meaning knowledge is...quite important.... yet, there are some subs that are really worthless and useless to me, like physics and chemistry and i hate them so much. they're just way too useless and irritating to me. bleh. 
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.
i guess it was when i refused to go in my current school. i didnt eat, i didnt drink... i was doing everything that makes my parents mad. i didnt do stuff that they told me to do, yet i did everything that they told me not to. it was a tough battle.
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 18 - Your beliefs.
ehh.. my beliefs...... i always believe that.... we gotta try before we refuse any possibility.
never say you cant do a thing until you tried. 
be true to yourself cause you can never lie to yourself.
stay strong and positive at anytime.
be supportive to friends?
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.
my low of the past day would prolly be sports day, leading my team getting the third in the cheer leading competition where i used so much effort and time in it even i was in my mock exams. tbh, i cut. so yeah, it gave my heart a break. and its my low of the past year.
my high of the past year is prolly getting back with my baby in a relationship and celebrating every single important day with him.
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.
im actually those kind of people that listen to mainstream music, so yeah i love mainstream? lol 
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 15 - Your favourite tumblrs.
im actually new on tumblr, so i'd say the one who brought me to tumblr, orcadreams. :) cheers xx
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 14 - Your earliest memory.
i think its when my grandpa took me to the park, the park downstairs his home.
i was asking him about he swear words written on the facilities, apparently i didnt know how to read those words that such a young age... lol
he was playing with me joyfully and stuff but thats also my last and only memory of my grandpa cause he died after then... yeah so... my earlier memory was also my last and only memory of my grandpa, how ironic. 
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
of course, UK. i miss UK so much. esp using my dearest UK passport lol.
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.
sleeping. eating. basically sick all day.
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
Adele, set fire to the rain
Ke$ha, warrior
P!nk, just give me a reason
GEM, someday i'll fly
Rihanna, where have you been
SNSD, i got a boy
SHINee, dream girl
Jason Mraz, im yours
Taylor Swift, we are never getting back together
Rihanna, we found love
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catloverxoxoo-blog · 12 years
30 Day Challenge
Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.
such an embarrassing  question.. lemme talk about my fist boyfriend in primary five.
his name is Jordan, i met him in primary four and i simply fell in love with him. he has everything that i didnt have and what i wanted, his maths talents, basketball talents... i've never seen a person that could help me in so many ways like this. his smile is sweet and healing. and we had our first ever kiss in a park that we always went during after schools. it was so remarkable. 
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