catlyst-reaction · 2 years
Is it me?, Is it her?
The extra roomate I wished never existed
All my nightmares combined, closely restricted
Existential crisis, Anxiety, double talks
Insomniac eyes, staring, as the hour stalks
We are so homogeneous I, sometimes forgot who's who
Can anybody out there will give me a clue?
When we talk the words doesn't separate
It haunts my every hour awake
Someday there will be a fight, which I don't know who will win
But I am afraid of the results when I see her grin.
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catlyst-reaction · 2 years
Daffodil meadow
The little butterfly in a Daffodil meadow
Jumping from flower to flower
Not knowing where to go
Ah! What a beautiful yet terrific arcane it was
Fluttering between the green stalks,
As infinite roads come to cross.
The worry of not being able to decide the left or right
Not knowing which path will lead to the light
Was it the one where all the older butterflies go? The big bright flowers in the north
Or she should take the road down in the mystic forest
To determine what's her own worth?
The sun finally sets
The night casting it's shadow
But there is no more fluttering
For the little butterfly has left the Daffodil meadow.
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