catmilf4life · 4 months
am in fact wondering if all of these imagines will haunt me in the future LMAO 😁😁😁
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catmilf4life · 4 months
☾ gifted cigarettes 𖤓
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chris sturniolo x fem reader (nameclaim)
nameclaim: aurora
TW: blood mentioned! (a lot!!), drugs, cigarettes, alcohol (slightly), self harm, overdose, addiction
synopsis: u were the most perfect girl in the world, you didn’t see yourself as that, but chris did.
!not proof read! - sorry for grammatical errors I wrote this really late at night. Am gonna be fixing them before i make a masterlist! dw!
chris’ pov.
I was coming back from work. It was pretty late maybe 9ish? I spent the whole day at the warehouses just going through some merch designs, with my team. I didn’t see Rori, since this morning. Oh, how i missed her.
I missed her touch, how she touches my neck when we kiss, i missed her soft plum lips. In fact i missed everything, she was just so perfect.
I stopped on the red light. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song in the background, tv girl cigarettes out the window was playing. It immediately reminded me of Rori.
she was a heavy smoker. I tried to talk her out of it, but it never worked. After a while I got used to her late night smoking sessions.
She would sit in my window, looking at the street infront of our house.
i would study her silhouette. Sometimes i would join her and smoke too. I never really wanted to get attached tho.
Since me and my brothers hit 21 we still tried to keep our promise and not drink and smoke if it wasn’t necessary.
But well sometimes, life was too hard. Rori got addicted when she was 18 and never stopped since.
She hated herself for it. Or well that’s what she told me.
My mind drifted way back. I came back to reality when I heard a car behind me honk. I look up and see the red light turn green.
I open my door to our house slowly closing them behind me.
“Rori? am home!” i yelled as i waited for an answer. I was so excited to kiss her and hug her until she couldn’t breathe.
“rori?” I yell once again. Where is she? she always texted me when she left the house so i wouldn’t worry.
I come to our living room just looking around. I see her phone on our living room table. I look at it, i see many messages from her friends.
My breath slowly changes rhythm. As i start to panic. I got scared. Where was she.
“rori?! where are you? this is not funny!” i yelled as i tried to stay calm. I go to our bedroom, nothing. I go to our closet, no one in sight. i go to our guest room,bathroom nothing.
I walk all around the house shouting her name hoping she was just playing. I pick up my phone and try to text her friends.
My last option was the main bathroom. The last place where i haven’t looked.
I feel sweat form on my forehead as i slowly walk up to the door. I put my hand on the handle and slowly put pressure on it.
I open the door. My pupils get huge and my eyes get automatically teary at the sight of rori sitting at our cold tiles. She had slits on her palms, hands her arms, everywhere.
I kneel down to her, looking at her lifeless body. “rori, please wake up. Please please don’t leave me.” I hug her body still feeling her heart beating. Tears fall down my face.
“please don’t leave, it’s gonna be fine. It’s going to be alright. Stay with me for a second.” i stuttered as i tried to hold myself together.
“am gonna call an ambulance, and and they are going to help you, i promise.” i sobbed.
Rori fluttered her eyes open. “rori? it’s going to be alright, i promise just stay with me.” “am scared, chris-“ “don’t waste your breath rori. ambulance is on their way.” i sobbed seeing rori slowly fading away.
“I love you chris, I always have, thank you.” Rori mumbled as she coughed. She had dark eye bags and her eyes were more closed than opened.
More tears fell down my cheeks as i couldn’t calm myself down. “i love you too. I always have. Just be here with me, please i need you.” i kissed her forehead as i tried to calm myself down.
I hugged her almost lifeless body as she rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her beautiful hair. As tears fell down my already red face.
“don’t leave me.” i whispered to myself. “don’t leave me please. I need you here, with me.”
Rori died 1 minute before the ambulance came. I counted it. She died right on my shoulder on the cold bathroom tiles. As i hopelessly begged her to stay with me.
She overdosed herself and then slit her palms. i had so much rage and anger built up in me. How could she leave me here? How could she do it.
After that i promised myself, that i’ll never forget. Never forget about her sweet soul, about her beautiful face and how much i loved to cup her cheeks in my hands. And that i never forget what killed her.
i didn’t enter my apartment since. I didn’t want to remember that disgusting night.
After few weeks of living with my brother Nick I got my shit together and came to conclusion that i should move out.
I came to my old apartment as i was packing up our bedroom i came to the nightstand she used. I opened her drawer to find some weed and cigarettes.
When i saw it i wanted to burn them, I hated that shit. It ruined everything.
I took them out of the drawer and threw them on the bed.
As i came back to the drawer i saw a white envelope right under the place where the weed was.
I take it and slowly turn it around .
To my only real love Chris
i slowly opened the envelope. Inside i found a paper that had something written on it.
dear chris,
If you are reading this, am already dead.
I know it sounds crazy. But just know I will always love you no matter what.
You will always be in my heart. I hope that i will still have a small place in your heart too. I hope you find someone who deserves you. Who loves you as much as i did and even more. I accept that you are mad and angry at me for taking my life this way. Or taking my life at all. You think it was a selfish act. It was my escape. Now am finally free. I hope you’ll never forget about me. I’ll always love you. remember that.
your girlfriend Aurora.
ℒ𝓸𝓿𝒆 𝔂𝓸𝓾
My tears fell onto the white paper as some of the letters smudged from the salt water coming from my eyes. All the memories came rushing in my head. I really was angry at first. But now. It’s all gone. I just want her back, to be here with her.
I take the cigarettes and weed.
I sit on the window she used to sit.I opened her cigarettes pack and put one in my mouth and light it up.
The only thing rori left me was cigarette packs and an addiction.
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- My first chris fic?!
What are we thinking?
oh! and this is even my first angst! am really excited cuz i never wrote something like this and it just motivated me to write more! love you all peace out
should i do one with matt?
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catmilf4life · 4 months
✦ Call me if you get lost ✦
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
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matt sturniolo x femreader (nameclaim)
nameclaim: Madison
mentions of abuse (slight), drug mentions, underage alcohol usage (18)
!no smut!
synopsis: you feel different, lost. Lost in your thoughts lost in yourself. Until u found him.
My room hasn’t felt the same me and my old boyfriend broke up. It has been almost a year it happened.
I hated the fact it mattered. He mattered. He moved on, he has a girlfriend now. She is absolutely stunning.
Where am i? Still stuck on the past. My mental health got worse. I got worse.
i walk through school corridors. Not really caring if i come to my class on time.
Some people were staring at me. I had dark eye bags under my eyes.
I come to my class and sit down in the last row. The class starts as my teacher started blabbing about something stupid.
“Sorry am late.” a voice said. I look up from my desk to where the voice was coming from.
It was a tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes. “oh, are you the new student? Matthew Sturniolo?” the teacher asked as he simply nodded. “alright then sit wherever you want.” by that he walked right to the back of the class as he sat right next to me.
“hi, am matt” he whispered. At first i didn’t answer as i hoped he would just give up and leave me alone. I wasn’t really looking a for a friend right now.
After few second he poked my arm. I didn’t react. After some time he did it again. “what?” i asked him a little bit annoyed. “what’s your name?” “Madison.” I answered calmly. I don’t want to be mean. I hate being mean. “i like your name madison.” “thanks” u mumbled as u laid your head down on the desk once again. after that the class went silent.
most of the classes passed really quickly. But what I realised was that me and matt shared many of those classes. He sat right next to me in math,biology and music.
right now we were in the middle of lesson. It was music lesson. “so i wanted to talk to you about your project for this week it will be eighteen percent of your grade. So you will get to know your partner and write a small poem about them, it can be a poem or a simple text. It’s on you.” the teacher said. I sighed and looked at matt, he was already looking at me.
the lesson ended as i started packing up my stuff. “so you wanna go somewhere? to get to know each other?” matt asked. I rolled my eyes feeling annoyed once again. why do I need to do this stupid project. “sure, we can.” “Alright you have a car?” “no.” “perfect am taking you.” matt answered as I looked at him. “where are we going?” i asked now leaving the class as he followed.
he shrugged not really knowing. I sighed “alright. We can go to the milkshake place down the street. Of course if you want to.” he nodded as he lead me to his car.
As i came closer to his car i realised i see two identical people to matt stand right beside his car? he has two brothers noted. triplets? i suppose.
“where have you been so long matt?” one of the boys asked him. “i was talking with madison.” they didn’t see me as i was walking behind him.
“hi.” i mumbled. “oh? hii” the boy said awkwardly. I didn’t judge him tho. “am nick, and this is chris we are-“ “triplets, i figured.” You butted in with a small chuckle.
I suppose nick smiled at me and nodded. “aint no way she can smile? and chuckle?” matt said as he over exaggerated my smile.
I rolled my eyes. Nick had a piercing in his nose and the other boy…. oh yeah chris had longer hair than matt.
We sat down in his car me in the backseat right next to nick. He was really friendly and sympathetic. i didn’t really want to get attached tho.
matt dropped nick and chris at home, since me and him were allegedly supposed to get to know each other.
we sat down in a booth and ordered milkshakes. “is strawberry your favourite?” matt asked me. i nodded as i added “is chocolate your favourite?” “yeah, it just sticked with me since childhood. Always been my favourite, always will be.” he smiled at me.
we talked and talked, i felt like we were talking for twenty minutes but in reality we have been talking for almost three hours. Just about us.
i never knew i could talk and get to know a person so quickly. he started to grow on me. And that thought scared the hell out of me.
What if matt would be the same as my old boyfriend was? I mean he was sweet at the start too. And look where we are now. Me and my body covered in scars i cannot hide with any makeup.
After that he dropped me off at my house. In fact we lived only few block from each other.
I went inside showered and then went right to bed. All the talking was tiring.
I tried to sleep but the thought of matt growing on me was still playing in my head.
It took me some time to fall asleep but after that the night was peaceful.
I woke up, got ready and left my house. I was already late to my first class, perfect.
I basically ran to my first class. I swiftly opened the door walking in, the whole class turned their head at me. Well that’s awkward.
“miss Thompson please sit down at your seat” the teacher said as i walked down the desk isle to find my seat. of course matt was already there sitting right beside me. “hey, wanna go out today?” he whispered. I looked at him.
“sorry am going to party my friend invited me.” lie. i wasn’t invited to any party. I just can’t get attached. simple.
“oh, sure just text me when you can or something.” he mumbled shifting his gaze at the teacher.
was he mad or something? Well. It’s time to find a party. I really want to forget about anything. Maybe a few shots will help me. Who knows
the whole day went by really fast. I walked home and texted one of the party makers. (a person who knows or makes parties)
he answered me within minutes saying that there was one 20minutes from here. It started at 8:45pm.
now it was 7:30pm i better get ready. I dressed myself, did my makeup, my hair etc.
I had on simple outfit, i was going there to get drunk not to look hot. I checked the time it was 8:15pm. I should probably go.
i came there a little late, but who really cared anyways.
“where is the kitchen?” i asked one of the students dancing right beside me. “down the hall then go right.” the student slurred. i nodded as i made my way to the kitchen. i could smell weed and alcohol everywhere.
i came to the kitchen looking for shot glasses. I found some vodka and one shot glass. This should do the trick.
I poured some of the liquid into the shot glass. “cheers.” i mumbled as i drank the shot.
I did some more of the shots until i felt my knees get weak and feel dizziness. I tried to walk out of there but it was harder than I thought.
“you need help?” a random man asked me. I nodded my head as he putted my arm around his. We walked together for a few second until he changed the directions. we started going up the stairs.
“hey! this is not the way out of the house!” i yelled slurring my words. “come on baby.” the man pleaded as he tried to grab my hand. “get off me!” i yelled now getting out of the man’s grip and stumbling down the stairs as fast as i could. i stumble my way out of the house. Small tears started falling down my face.
i felt so overwhelmed, because of everything. I felt bad that I pushed matt away, that i got drunk, and that i just got lost. Physically and mentally.
I sat on a curb crying into my hands. I didn’t know who to call, what to do?
i sat there for a few minutes. I picked my phone from my pocket as i found his number in my contacts.
i clicked it seeing his name pop right up.
‘Matt❣️ ringing’
i watched the phone ring over and over and over until i lost the last bits of hope i had.
i was about to stop calling him until see he picked up.
“matt?” i almost whispered. As i tried not to cry right there. “yeah? Madison where are you?” matt asked me. it was really late so i guess i just woke him up.
“sorry for interrupting you. Am sorry, for not going out with you today. So much had happened, am lost matt, am scared.” tears slowly started falling down my face as i slowly sobbed.
“hey, it’s okay. It’s absolutely okay. Iam here, just stay calm Madison, am right here with you. Can you tell me where are you?” i sniffled. “yeah, maybe a block from my house? i don’t know really where. There is a small bridge here, and a few houses. And a beautiful oak tree hanging right above me.” i smiled at the thought. “alright madison i think i know where are you. Right now am starting my car i’ll be there in a minute, don’t move. Be right there.” matt said as i heard his keys jiggling and his car starting. “okay.” I sniffled as he ended the call.
I waited for a few minutes just crying not really knowing what else to do. Everything what had happened til now had just crumbled in my hands. Everything.
“here you are.” a person said. I turned around seeing one and only matt. I tried to stand up but my feet failed me. he sat right next to me.
“am so sorry matt. So sorry, for being mean to you, for not trying more-“ i was interrupted by matt indulging me in a bear hug. My tears started to stain his white shirt. I hugged him back after few seconds.
we hugged in silence for a minute as i got my thoughts together. “it’s alright, i mean it. Am glad you are okay.” “thank you. thank you for being here for me.”
“you can always call me if you get lost.”
this is kind of a recreation of my before post
anyways this one is way better in my opinion. And it took me way more time to write this uppp!
tyler is my lover😁😁
love you all!! 🌲🌲🌲🩷
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catmilf4life · 4 months
⋆♱Drunk apologies. ✮
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡
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matt sturniolo x fem!reader (oc, name claim)
nameclaim: Riley
no smut, arguing, yelling and cursing, drug mentioned and alcohol
!not proof read!
synopsis: Matt and you got into heated argument you storm out of his house and get drunk…
“Matt for the past month the only thing you did was sleep work on your youtube channel, and again! I tried so so much, so much to be the great girlfriend that supported your decisions! But this is too much on me! when was the last time we went somewhere just the two of us? Without you worrying about work? I don’t really remember!”
I felt your eyes get teary, I didn’t want to yell at him. But I was so fed up with him and his needs. When will be my time to take care of MY needs?!
“i don’t know.” matt muttered. His eyes were fixated on the wooden floor in his living room.
“that’s what i thought, maybe just stop being selfish and think about people who are around you who care for you.” You answered trying to prove your point.
“Me? Selfish?! How could you even say that! all i do is work for you for us. So we can go anywhere so I can buy you the jewels and clothes you wanted! How could i be selfish?! Stop talking for a second! Literally i don’t want to hear your stupid voice. I got a lot on my plate without your stupid complaints!”
Matt was now standing right infront of me looking down at me. He was raging mad. My vision got blurry from the tears in my eyes. I sniffled as i tried to look for a clue in his face.
“fine. you can go and do your work, you won’t hear from me.” After that I took your hoodie and left his house.
I started walking towards my apartment. Matt was the one who drove me here and since he doesn’t want to hear from me , I need to walk back.
I have been walking for the past 15minutes. When i hear my phone ding. I pick it out of my pocket with hopes that it’s matt.
It wasn’t. It was my friend she sent me a text inviting me to party five blocks away from here.
I thought about it for a second. Should i go? Matt would be mad. I shrugged and answered with a simple see you there.
After some time i arrived. It was a big mansion i never seen something bigger, it was beautiful. I could hear music blasting through the windows. I came close to the front porch as a smell of alcohol hit my nostrils. I slowly opens the door seeing many people dancing singing smoking weed and drinking alcohol.
I walk around trying to see my friend.
“Riley!” my friend yelled from behind me. I turned around seeing her. “hii!” i said trying to cover up the tears stains under my eyes. she was too drunk to realise perfect.
I have been at the party for some time. It’s around 2am am taking a shot. It was one of many. I wanted to drink away the thoughts of my argument with matt.
I was stumbling down their front porch. My vision was blurry, and i felt dizzy, oh so i was drunk, drunk?!
I started walking down random street hoping i would get home.
after sometime i started recognising the street i was walking on. It was matts. Matts street.
I don’t really know how i got here and why did i get here. I came to an _ and i wasn’t sure if i was supposed to go to the left or right.
my vision started to get foggy once again, as i felt tears drop from my eyes.
I pick out my phone and dial his number, hoping he would answer.
After some rings i started to give up my hopes. As i was about to hang up i see his name pop up. He answered. I immediately put the phone right next to my ear.
“hi,” i sniffled into the microphone. “Riley where are you.” matt asked me. “do i go left or right? am on your street silly.” i mumbled some of the words partly because i was drunk and partly because i was crying my heart out. I missed matt more than anything.
“stay where you are don’t move, i’ll be right there i promise.” he said reassuringly. “okay.” i whispered lowly as i sat on the sidewalk waiting for him.
It was cold and my body started to shiver. I waited for a few minutes just crying and mumbling some stuff under my nose.
“there you are.” I hear similar voice come from one of sides. i stand up and ran to him slowly.
I embrace him o a hug immediately covering his shirt with my tears.
“am sorry, so so sorry i shouldn’t have said that you were selfish, i just missed you.” I slurred.
“that’s fine darling, and i should have said that your complaints were stupid. They never were and never will be am sorry, if anything like this ever happens i wanna know how you feel okay?” he smiled down at me.
sorry short stuff And not the besstt
but it was really fun to write it. Anyways i didn’t have a proper introduction!
Hi! Am lily or catmilf
am new to tumblr! and i write small imagines and stuff like that. Am not really big fan of smut so you won’t be really seeing that here but if a request catches my eye am open to anything!
also i really hate writing stuff with y/n so i use name claim it will be probs a random name. (maybe new oc?)
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catmilf4life · 4 months
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“welcome to wonderland”
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Living on mars right now🌘
masterlist in tge making‼️
0 notes
catmilf4life · 4 months
I wish i hated you
Matt sturniolo x fem reader
!no smut in this oneee!
!enemies to lovers!
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★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆
I hated matt. I mean it. He always picked on me and made fun of me in school, at my house on the internet he blabbed in his ‘car videos’ about how stupid i am and blah blah blah.
Practically he was a pain in the ass. Maybe just stop talking to him? ignore him? well, I fucking can’t. I really like nick and chris, they never were mean to me or anything and if they did, it was at LEAST funny. Matt was just straight up mean.
“are you fucking kidding me matt?!” I come speed walking through the hallway. My eyes were fixated on matt and his stupid smirk. How could he do this to me! this is too far.
“matt are you an absolute child or are you just stupid and have no brains?!” I yell at him now standing right in front of him. He looks down at me with a smirk lingering onto his face. “what.” he absolutely knew why was I mad and I knew it, he just wanted to piss me off even more push me through my limits and further.
“you said to MY best friend that i fucked with her boyfriend?! how could you!“ I held back my tears as i realised he made my best friend hate me. the one and only friend i had before chris and nick.
She was with me since day one. AND that fucker had to ruin it. “i don’t think she is a real best friend if she believed me instead of you, that’s really fucked up you know?” he said with a small laugh. That laugh made me even more furious. “fuck you, don’t you dare talk to me, ever ever again.” I pushed my tears.
His pupils get bigger as if he was showing some sympathy or sum. I rolled my eyes and left their friend group alone. I didn’t have the energy to fight with him in front of his friends.
It’s afternoon and am sitting in our living room binge watching brooklyn 99 for the fourth time just trying to not think about matt and my best friend.
I didn’t really answer anyone or actually i didn’t even check my phone when i came home. I heard it ding some time to time but nothing i would care about. It’s not my best friend so i don’t give a flying fuck who texts me. I was mad at myself, mad at matt, mad at the whole world.
i was in the middle of the episode when i heard my doorbell ring. I wasn’t expecting anyone my parents were supposed to come later. I put on my bunny slippers and went to the door.
I slowly open the door just a little incase it was a killer or something like that. I peek through a small hole and see the one and only matt sturniolo on my front porch. I roll my eyes as am not in the mood to be fighting and getting laughed at. “what now matt? don’t you know when too much is too much?!” I say now with fully opened door. “i just wanna talk.” he kind of whispered. Was he scared and anxious? The Matt sturniolo being scared? “i don’t want to talk to you remember? I don’t want to talk to you Ever.” i answered now feeling angry. “please let me just talk, you just need to listen. Please.” he pleaded looking at me.
I rolled my eyes as i moved to the side so he could come inside. I leaded him to my living room automatically sitting down on the couch. He sat right next to me.
there was a few second silence. I didn’t want to speak but he wanted so here we are. “am sorry for the thing with your best friend. I know she meant a lot to you. But i can promise i can fix it and i will.” I didn’t believe one bit of his bullshit.
Maybe a bet? Is his friend recording it somewhere? I looked straight into his blue eyes. “I don’t believe you one bit. First of all you come here randomly, just to say sorry for something you did and thinking i’ll be fine? Second why would you now apologise you did so many things why this one. I call bullshit.” I answered speaking the truth. “Look, it’s true i just felt bad after i did it. I took it too far and i realised it, so i came and apologised. Simple.”
i rolled my eyes still not believing one bit of this play. “what can i do for you to believe me?” he asked me waiting for an answer. the truth was there was nothing in this god damn world that would make me believe him. So let see if he is so ‘real’ and means this whole conversation well.
“kiss me.” I reply smirking as i knew he would never put up with the play if he was supposed to kiss me. I wasn’t even his type. I smiled from ear to ear knowing I won this game. He sighed as he looked into my eyes, he looked for a clue or a hint if i meant it or if i played with him.
I closed my eyes as I laughed to myself feeling the victory and a good feeling come back to me.
Until I felt cold lips on mine. I opened my eyes as my pupils went huge. Was Matthew Bernard fucking sturniolo kissing me, his greatest enemy?
So why didn’t he pull away right after? Why didn’t I pull away after the first second i felt his lips on mine? The right question is why did I like it?
I felt butterflies in my stomach swirling around. I kiss him for a second until i pull away.
He looked at me with a smirk crawling onto his face. “you meant it?” I asked him. He nodded his head slightly feeling the embarrassment come to him.
i picked up his chin and melted to the kiss once again. It felt right. This moment felt right.
“God how i wish i hated you”
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