cc-9784 · 8 months
Biting the bullet as a writer and just using “birthday” in my medieval fantasy setting after looking up ye old Latin calendar for the pre-Caeser days and months.
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cc-9784 · 2 years
I love Harry Potter but I’m still laughing over the whole “Wait, the Ministry of Magic is corrupt???” bit in the later books like, really? Like 90% of the the Aurors flipped to Voldemort’s side and built him a massive statue in the main lobby as soon as he came back but this is somehow a surprise to to you? Not to mention that they sent a teacher who literally tortured you for speaking out of turn and tried to pull a coup against the school administration?
I would also like to know how in a world where almost every spell we see used requires two parts, a verbal part and a specific gesture with a wand, guns aren’t the perfect anti-wizard weapon. You cannot tell me that someone is going to be able to do a complex hand gesture while reciting a spell faster than something going over twice the speed of sound. Still waiting on my American Harry Potter series where he disarms a Death Eater (because that’s the only spell he ever freaking uses) and they just shrug and pull out like a 5.7 or something.
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cc-9784 · 2 years
Fleshing out the 208th Part Two: Speech
So I was recently rereading this post on clone legions developing their own dialects of Mando’a and Basic and realized that I haven’t really done any world building for the 208th or the version of the Star Wars universe they exist in.
Due to their prolonged stays on Coruscant, the dialect of the 208th has hints of a Coruscanti accent and puts hard emphasis on consonants when speaking in Mando’a, for example, “jetii” will have a hard “T.”
This has lead to the 208th being characterized (though not entirely undeservedly so) as cold and aggressive, especially when compared to more relaxed and easy going legions like the 501st who picked up on and adopted Anakin’s sense of humor and laid back personality early on in the war.
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cc-9784 · 2 years
My predictions for TBB S2:
I already gave my major predictions for season two of the Bad Batch in another post but the release of the trailer that I wouldn’t watch to completion if you had a gun to my head made me realize I left something out.
Everyone and their mother (cough Cody cough ) will continue to defect from the Empire and miraculously overpower their inhibitor chips because lore consistency is for losers who don’t want to make money off major characters. (Disney, probably)
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cc-9784 · 2 years
If this is you, you suck.
So I play a fair bit of Dungeons and Dragons (Play with some friends on Wednesdays and DM a game with some other friends on Thursdays each week) so I’m fairly active in the online community for D&D, mainly just as an observer, and recently I’ve noticed a lot DMs bragging about punishing their players or even outright changing the plot in drastic ways because they were able to figure out a loophole or discover a plot point.
If your players are discovering the plot as they play and being creative about solving problems, that’s not something to punish them for and should in fact be rewarded. Like, I get it, everyone DMs differently so what I do with my players won’t apply to everyone but having a story so needlessly complex that your players will never figure it out doesn’t mean you’re a good DM, it means you’re a shit writer who would rather write a book than run a game.
To summarize, if you do this, fuck you.
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cc-9784 · 2 years
General Update #2
Hey everyone, I’m still alive. Apologies for not posting in almost half a year, things have been interesting on my end. School started, I got a girlfriend, had finals (my school doesn’t give finals to seniors so we count midterms as our final exams) which was hell, just broke up with my girlfriend, got into my first pick for college where I’ll be attending next Fall (Yay!) and Covid has been a persistent bitch throughout the entirety of the last five and a half months though thankfully I have yet to get it.
I believe in my last general update I talked about starting a new story for Sharp and giving updates as I worked. Yeah, that hasn’t happened and the doc remains blank due to procrastination and like five other projects that popped up, mainly a For Honor sequel fanfic I’m using as a home-brew D&D setting for some friends. 
I won't make any promises about updates or a posting schedule even slightly resembling that of a functioning human being (mostly because I’m not one) so please bear with me as I try and get some posts out for you guys.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
Bad Batch fanatics have me dead.
The phrase “The Bad Batch Protection Squad” will never not be hilarious to me because “The Protection Squad” sounds like one of those stupid pep-talk groups that your high school would bring in to hand out condoms and talk about the importance of safe sex.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
See, I’m not a horrible person which is why I probably won't leak your username but since you had the chance to either ignore it and walk away or make an actual argument but instead chose to be a little bitch, I’m going to bully you a little. (In relation to my most recent post about the Bad Batch)
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First off, I really love how if you have and express a negative opinion of the show, it’s one, a tantrum and two, means you’re not a fan because nothing says “I deserve to have my opinion respected” quite like gatekeeping anyone outside of your echo chamber.
Secondly, funnily enough, I’m actually pretty happy with how the Clone Wars ended. It wasn’t perfect, nothing is, but I felt like it really packed a lot of solid story into not that many episodes and tied things up pretty well going into the rise of the Empire.
Also funnily enough, tagging clearly doesn’t matter when people like you still show up on my posts looking for a fight or when across multiple platforms throughout the years, I’ve gotten death and rape threats for far less than a post expressing a negative opinion of a show. You’re not the ones who need protection, trust me.
Back to your echo chamber you go, o’ white knight of Disney.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
Final thoughts.
The Bad Batch has left me feeling upset, tired and more than anything, sad. Sad that what we saw in Season 7 of the Clone Wars was hyped into oblivion and then told to fuck off and die once the show actually started.
Sad the best moments that we saw like Wrecker and Crosshair having a friendly rivalry got ruined by Crosshair turning evil which was about as subtly telegraphed as a carpet bombing campaign. I mean when you say, “toothpick chewing, lone-wolf behavior, sadistic personality with the only truly distinct voice in the squad,” I say, congratulations, you just described every basic villain/antihero starter pack out there and 90% of all of our first OCs.
But most of all, I’m sad that the show we were promised about some of the best soldiers to ever grace the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic living in the dawn of the Empire was thrown away so a little girl could be the main character and turn a highly skilled special forces unit into a bunch of bumbling idiots trying to play dad.
And God, I love the people that will write upwards of 500 words just to say that I can't criticize a show they like because “I need to be patient and give it some time” like they wouldn’t have a bad reaction if I sat them down and made them watch the entirety of their least favorite show while repeating “just give it time.” (Like this person) You can’t keep quiet but we all wish you would.
I am going to mock this person for one little thing and that is “Quit trying to ruin things for those of us who love it just the way it is. I'm begging at this point.” Keep fucking begging or go back to your echo chamber, either way, if people saying bad things about a show you like is enough to ruin it for you, you might need some help and not the self-diagnosed kind.
And I truly do love “The Bad Batch Protection Squad.” Like, protection from what? If complaints by Star Wars fans were enough to cause change, we wouldn’t be having this problem in the first place.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
Why I’m giving up on Disney Star Wars:
I haven’t sat down and watched the season finale for the Bad Batch but going off of what the clips I’ve seen online and the things I’ve heard, I’ve both missed nothing while knowing everything about that dumpster fire of a finale.
If I wanted to watch a show about a group of people who could have been interesting if not for the inclusion of an annoying child, running pointless errands that have no long term payoff just to prop up a larger and equally pointless group/person, I'd go force myself to rewatch Rebels. And to be clear, I loathe Rebels.
The only episodes I can truly say I enjoyed to any extent were the ones on Ryloth because of Hera and her family (Hera was one of the only two decent characters from Rebels with Kanan being the other and that’s because they’re the only two characters who act like real fucking people) but even that left a bad taste in my mouth when the writers conveniently forgot that the inhibitor chips existed so Howzer could give a speech without doing anything to explain why his chip failed or why the chips of all the men that followed him failed.
At least with the Bad Batch and Gregor, there are solid reasons why their inhibitor chips don't activate but we get nothing for Howzer or his men because the writers had such a hard on for a heartfelt speech that they forgot their own lore.
The writing in this show is so telegraphed that I’ve already predicted what Season Two will look like. The team will keep on running pointless errands for Cid, a character who’s more than worn out her welcome by this point, Crosshair will feel conflicted about staying with the Empire but never so conflicted that he’ll stop trying to kill the Bad Batch or do anything other than rub his head where his inhibitor chip used to be and Omega will likely develop some form of god-like powers or even just outright be revealed to be force-sensitive because why the fuck not, at this point, it’s clear she’s the main character.
So yeah, I won’t be going back for the next season, or the one after that or for however long Disney drags this shit out for. Personally, I’ve just added this show to the pile consisting of Rebels and the Sequel Trilogy that I’ve labeled “shit I don’t consider as canon” because it’s better for my mental health if I pretend that it’s nothing more than the bad fanfic its written like.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
Fourteen and a half hours later and my frustration over the bullshit that was the “season finale” of the Bad Batch burns hotter than ever. I posted a warning last night for people to use filters because this post is going to be anti-Omega and severely critical of the Bad Batch writing.
Scroll by now if you somehow didn’t heed that warning…
That’s what this episodes was. Thirty minutes of no stakes, no consequences, no emotional impacts or investment in the outcome (because you could telegraph they were all going to survive), little actual drama, and a massive copout in the end (which I predicted weeks ago).
There’s no build into season two (yay more of the same aimlessly plodding along and working for Cid shit we have gotten all this season), no hook to keep us interested (Nala Se working for the Empire was predicted back during Fives arc), the characters learned nothing and are essentially left as they were in the beginning of the season.
We got tweets hyping the hell out of this episode…
And that’s all it was: hype.
From episode one the characters of Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and especially Crosshair have been de-characterized, pushed aside for a child character that makes no sense (and who was also hyped up and fallen flatter than a pancake), sent on missions which were really cameo appearances to lead to Rebels (hyping that disaster in hopes of getting more people to watch it), wasted time on things that went nowhere (Omega being hunted as a prime example), and rehashed and repeated plotlines from other shows and movies.
Bad Batch did nothing but flatter the egos of Dave Filoni and Jennifer Corbett by highlighting characters from Clone Wars and Rebels. Characters that were unnecessary and best held for season two or three of BB to have worked in the larger scheme of things.
Rex was all but wasted in his few appearances. His only real purpose was the first of many glaring plot holes the show suffers from: the inhibitor chips.
Gregor and Howzer both were also wasted. Chekhov’s Gun, folks…. “details within a story or play should contribute to the overall narrative.” The purpose of this is to keep writers from making false promises by including details, events or characters that do not play a crucial role in the outcome of the story.
Cody, Wolffe, even Kix were kicked aside for the Martez Sisters, Hera and her parents, and the also wasted Cad Bane (who was bested by a child).
Cody especially should have been included in this show at some point since a) he was kriffin Marshal Commander and b) had a connection to Clone Force 99.
Folks, I’ve read over a thousand pieces of fan fiction in my time on the internet. I’ve seen better from the worst fan fic writers than what we got in Bad Batch. Those writers have passion for their fandom and the characters.
The writers of Bad Batch produced a soulless, aimless, plot-hole riddled mess that left me empty, cold, and unsatisfied by seasons end.
No big questions were asked or answered.
No big moments of revelations that changed lives occured.
No development of any of the characters.
No epic battles.
What we got was lied too.
The Bad Batch wasn’t about The Bad Batch.
It wasn’t even about the clones.
It was about one character and one character only: Omega.
The child created before the Bad Batch but who nobody, least of all Clone Force 99 saw until their magical return to Kamino following Order 66.
Omega who saved the day not once this episode but three times.
Omega who clearly wasn’t part of the original plans for the show and who was painfully shoehorned in just to pacify the Couch Warriors.
Omega who took up episode space and scenes needed to develop and cultivate an actual plot.
Omega who knows everything, can do everything, is loved by everyone she meets, has no flaws, is a pure genetic copy of Jango, learned no real lessons (outside of what dirt feels like) or experienced any real growth in sixteen episodes.
Omega who has thicker plot armor than even Ashoka Tano (who was also shoehorned into many episodes and arcs she wasn’t needed in).
When you remove Omega, the show flows in a way that almost makes it work. The finale would have functioned better if she wasn’t involved because it would have forced the BB and Crosshair into a higher stake situation. The element of fear about their survival actually comes into play and there’s an emotional investment built to see them find a way out of their predicament.
AZ was also a copout. It was the one character defining moment this show had to give Omega something to actually grow and learn from next season. Instead, he’s saved and the BB fly off Kamino in the midst of sunshine while leaving Crosshair behind (again).
Speaking of, a stronger finale would have had Crosshair go with them. Why? Because their struggles to overcome their differences, Crosshair struggling with his chip and choosing his brothers or the Empire sets up season two.
Lazy, inconsistent writing.
That’s all this season has been.
I will continue to say it despite the hate it inspires.
We got robbed, folks.
Again and again and again.
We should be blasting dear ole Dave and all the writers on Twitter for lying to us. They promised us Bad Batch, hyped up epic moments that’d leave us in tears and gave us a show that was anything but.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
General Update
Well, it is currently two weeks away from the start of school (god help me) which means I should probably get off my shebs and actually write Sharp’s story instead of just tossing ideas around in my head. I’ll be deviating from what I normally do which is just to toss him into the Republic Commando universe and actually put some effort in. I will be sticking with the no inhibitor chips or accelerated aging AU I always use because that allows me to have a character live past 40 and can cause fun moral dilemmas.
And since I’ll be writing this over the course of god knows how long and you guys seem to actually like the majority of my Sharp/208th content, I’ll be posting snippets from it so you can watch my creative process slowly crash and burn alongside me.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
So I’ve been trying to figure out how the 208th fits into the rest of the Grand Army of the Republic, especially with everything that was in my last post but here it is. In canon, the Coruscant Guard is massive, to the point where three different clones hold the rank of Commander and those are just the ones that we know of. Therefore, the 208th is a legion within the Coruscant Guard, assigned by the Chancellor for more specialized operations in addition to standard combat and defending Coruscant, hence the black trim on the armor instead of the standard red.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
Fleshing out the 208th Part One: Introduction
Scar and the 208th are a fairly serious bunch but they’ve also had some less serious moments and have played a part in larger events, though usually behind the scenes.
-Cmdr. CC-9784 “Sharp” (Leader) -Lt. RC-4855 “Vex” (Head of the 208th’s commando unit)
-Lt. CT-3268 “Pyre” (Sharp’s command staff)
-Lt. CT-4397 “Canner” (Sharp’s command staff)
-On a dare from Pyre, Vex filled his helmet with caf and proceeded to drink the entire thing while in a meeting, making direct eye contact with Mace Windu the entire time.
-While Fox and his men ultimately captured Ahsoka Tano, the 208th was also helping the search by sweeping the Financial District. However, given that they either never got or more likely, just chose to ignore Anakin’s orders to use stun rounds, it’s probably for the best that it was Fox who found her.
-Once while giving a report to Master Yoda, Sharp accidentally began talking like him.
-Given the similar nature of their work and the fact they both report directly to the Chancellor instead of the Jedi, Sharp views Fox as one of his closest friends outside of the 208th.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
✔️,✔️, and ❌.
Long live the Republic!
Reblog if you’re a clone, you support clones, or if you’d throw chancellor Palpatine off a very tall building
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cc-9784 · 3 years
We get it.
I will never understand this fandom’s rabid hatred of Commander Fox. Or for that matter, it’s insistence that anyone who doesn’t like the new movies is an incel. Seriously, you guys use that word as frequently and carelessly as I do with “fuck” and I’m completely convinced that you have no idea what it actually means. (Hint, it’s not someone who shares a different opinion about a movie trilogy than you)
Anyway, back to Fox. Yeah it sucks that he killed Fives but I still don’t see where the pure hatred is drawn from. I mean, go to just about any given Star Wars YouTube video and you’ll find people shitting on a fairly decent character, regardless of the relevance.
Maybe we need to take a step back and view the situation through Fox’s eyes. Imagine you’re Fox, chilling on Coruscant, just doing your job when you get word that an ARC trooper went crazy, attacked the Chancellor and escaped into the lower levels.
So you take a team of your best soldiers and track him down to a warehouse where he appears to have two hostages, a high-ranking clone and a Jedi General. He’s clearly unstable and starts waving a gun in your face so you, with no way of knowing it’s set to stun, shoot him center mass, killing him in self-defense.
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cc-9784 · 3 years
Writing Prompt #1
“Do you know what the main difference between you and me is? You're a warrior and I’m a soldier. You kill because of a set of beliefs, a sense of right and wrong. I kill because I’m told to by people who outrank me.”
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