celestial-imagines · 1 month
im going through my list of people i follow to clear it out and just wanted to shoot you a message here to give you a heart attack here lol
thank you for the intended heart attack, unfortunately for you i am on desktop and it clumps all my asks for all my blogs together and i did not know what you meant until i looked at the url you sent the ask to. oh well! good try!
‼️this blog is dead i'm sorry to everyone who followed me here for something but the fe3h interest has left the station*‼️
*about 2-3 years ago at this point
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celestial-imagines · 3 years
A Matter of Morality
Hihi I'm not dead (yet), but I wanted to post a fic heavily inspired by a comic made by the amazing @fic-art-blurbs which everyone can check out here! Anyways, without further ado, here it is!
Edelgard was not unused to the strangeness of Askr, not for as long as she had resided there at least. She had seen multiple versions of the same person, all taking different paths, and she was no different. Seeing the older versions of herself filled her with hope and determination, the path that laid before her was the right one, the one that would bring Fódlan to its senses. Or so she thought. Edelgard was initially intrigued by the announcement of a new version of her, a version that differed greatly from the ones she had met before. Now she could see why. What stood before her felt like some twisted caricature of the other versions of she had met, part human and part beast. Too much like one to be the other, but wholly strange no matter what it was.
“I am Edelgard von Hresvelg, emperor of Adrestia. And soon, the emperor of Fódlan.” She introduced herself, her face twisting strangely into a facsimile of a smile.
Her voice sent chills down Edelgard’s back, she felt sick at hearing that voice. It sounded so much like hers… and yet it was so wrong at the same time. Scratchy and warped, it truly sounded monstrous. Did she..? No. There was no way. There was no way she would ever work with them. She would sooner die than to stoop to their level, to sink to the level of the rats and vermin she hated so much revolted her beyond words. She had to find out though, just in case. She was afraid of the answer she would get, but she had to know the truth. No matter how unsightly.
Marching towards the towering figure of her older self, Edelgard did not miss the way the hegemon’s (was that the word the summoner used for her? whatever it was, she refused to share a name with it) smile widened as she approached.
“You would dare to call yourself an emperor?! A leader, myself no less?! Have you truly fallen so far in your future that you would resort to becoming this?! How dare you call yourself the leader of Adrestia when you’ve sunken to the level of the lowest of the low?” Edelgard screamed shrilly, losing her normal composure.
“...A monster?” the hegemon replied quietly.
“You dare to call me a monster? Tell me, what gives you the right to judge and cast such barbs.” She bellowed at her younger self, a growing outrage poured from every word.
“You who have allied yourself with those who ROBBED our siblings of their lives, you who have been torn apart and put together again in their twisted image, you who let them run amok in your ranks, do you truly have any RIGHT to judge me? You have taken their power, taken their axe, all in the name of eventually biting the hand that feeds. I merely rose above what you have done, I took every bit of accursed power they had and made it my own. Once I finally achieve my ambitions for Fódlan, I will destroy them all with the ruinous power they’ve wrought upon this land!”
Edelgard trembled in the wake of her anger, shaken by what she was just told. But the anger she felt in response drowned out any fear she might have held, rage enveloping her vision.
“How can you claim to lead humanity, when you’ve given yours up?”
“I am still human.” the hegemon replied softly, in a voice that almost sounded normal.
“I have simply gone above and beyond the limitations of a normal body in order to bring order to Fódlan. Humanity needs to be freed from their reliance upon false gods, and the strong will lead them into a brighter future. Who else would be best fit to lead them down this path than the strongest of them all?”
Edelgard’s blood boiled at the calm way her older self spoke now, the hegemon spoke as if this was fact and not the terrible agenda it truly was.
“Are you listening to yourself?! You’ve lost your mind! The way you speak, how can you be sure you’re no different from Rhea and the Church of Seiros?!”
“I have never seen so clearly, and I am NOTHING like the BEAST that ruined Fódlan!”
The hegemon hunched over as if out of breath, before she started laughing. And laughing, and laughing, and laughing, and why won’t she stop?!
“What’s so funny to you?!” Edelgard barked.
“Ah, my apologies. I couldn’t help it. I can’t believe I used to be so naive.” the hegemon sighed, wiping at the corner of her eye.
“You claim to be from a possible future, but I refuse to accept it! I have seen what I can do, and as long as I know those paths exist I shall take them! I will never become like you.”
“Well… You certainly may not share my appearance, but we share the same eyes.” the hegemon leaned in close to Edelgard’s face, paralyzing her with the sight of glassy red eyes.
“Continue as you are,” Purple met red, blending together into one. “and you already have.”
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
I just saw this but AAAAAAA thank you???? And thank you too @felixmyheartu I’m just ??????? Y’all are too nice to me I barely post here.
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To all of you fic authors out there. Happy Fic Authors Appreciation Day. Thank you for everything!
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
Hey, hey! Guess who’s back again with more Sylvain content. Writing for him is fun until I realized that I relate to him on a far more personal level than is comfortable for me. Huh. Oh well.
“Oh I’m terribly sorry you have to go through this because of something I did wrong…” Marianne mumbles worriedly to you.
You simply waved off her concerns.
“It’s quite alright Marianne, you didn’t do anything wrong, at least it tells us how well you’re doing with reason magic!”
You were trying to stay positive for the sake of Marianne so she wouldn’t feel too guilty, but it didn’t seem to be working.
“Ah yes, I guess you’re right, but it still doesn’t change the fact that your leg is encased in ice from the knee downwards… I’m still terribly sorry about that.”
“Oh, it’s really quite alright! At least we know that you can cast a Blizzard spell effectively, now we just have to work on accuracy.”
You mentally thanked the goddess that it was a warm day today, it would help melt the ice faster. But not fast enough…
“Say, Marianne? Could you go find Sylvain for me please? I think he can help me thaw the ice enough so I can get to my next class on time.”
“Oh! Of course. I’ll go find him right away.”
And on that note, Marianne left the training hall to go find your classmate. Sighing to yourself, you casted a small fireball and held it over your leg. It would take a while for Marianne to find him, so you might as well get started.
“I’m back! And I’ve brought Sylvain with me.” Marianne said breathlessly, not even five minutes later. Huh, that was quick. You blinked in surprise at how fast she managed to find him before regarding the tall redhead.
“So, I heard you needed help with something. What can I- ooh that’s a lot of ice.” Sylvain grimaced at the sight of your leg, but quickly hid it when he noticed Marianne’s flinch.
“It’s not your fault Marianne, it was a complete accident. Training accidents happen all the time, I’m not injured either so everything will be okay.”
You gently reassured Marianne again, sighing with relief when she seemed more relaxed. Turning to Sylvain, you spoke with a serious voice.
“Sylvain, I know the professor has been teaching you reason magic lately and you know a few spells. Can you please help me thaw out my leg so I won’t be late to our next class? I know you’ve learned a lot of fire spells recently, you can call it magic practice if you’d like.”
With a lazy grin, Sylvain considered his options. He could offer to carry you to class, but knowing you, you’re more likely to stumble to class on your own, even if your entire lower leg was rendered immobile. Or… A devious glint appeared in his eye, one that you didn’t like at all.
“Say, let's make a deal. I’ll help you thaw out your leg, and you can pay me back my going on a date with me. Sounds good?”
You internally groaned at the proposition. Of course, he would try to weasel a date with you out of it. But, time was ticking, and you’d really rather not have to limp to class and wait til the ice melted. Sighing, you turned back to Sylvain.
“Fine. I’ll humor you this one time. But! You have to start helping me right now, there’s little time to spare.”
Sylvain winked at you in response.
“I hear ya loud and clear, let’s melt this leg of yours. And maybe, we can melt the ice around your heart along the way~.”
Ignoring the urge to slap him, you rolled your eyes and continued to focus on melting the ice on your leg.
“Come on, help me already. The more you help, the more likely I am to go on this date you want.”
Turning back to Marianne, you smiled at her.
“Thanks for bringing me help, Marianne. I’ll be fine now, you don’t have to stay around if you don’t want to.”
Shaking her head, Marianne continues to wring her hands.
“Of- of course I’m willing to stay. Please, if there’s anything I can do to help, tell me. I’m the one who got you in this mess in the first place…”
“Then the best way you can help me is to accept that you aren’t at fault here. It was a minor accident and I’m not hurt. Please don’t take the blame here.”
Shakily nodding, Marianne relaxes a bit more.
“Of course, I’ll try my best to keep that in mind.”
Smiling gently at her, you begin to focus more on the fireball in your hands, keeping the fire steady but also keeping it small enough to where it wouldn’t blow up in your face. You were distinctly aware of the people getting up and leaving the training grounds to head to their next classes, and of Marianne’s mumbled goodbyes and well wishes. Locking eyes with Sylvain, you both began to slowly increase the power of your fireballs and melt the ice enough to free your leg. As soon as your leg was freed, Sylvain helped ease you back on your feet again so you can get used to having feelings in your leg. After walking around the bench you were sitting on a few times, you turned back to the red haired man.
“Thanks Sylvain, I guess I’ll have to make it up to you with that date huh?”
Sylvain grinned at you as you both began to head to your next class.
“Ah, it’s no worries! Although a date would be nice, I wouldn’t be so rude as to force you to do it, you know?”
You smiled at him, grateful that you didn’t have to go on a date with him. And yet… you still wanted to make it up to him for helping you.
“How about we just meet up for tea as friends? You’re not as bad as Ingrid makes you out to be, so I’d like to get to know you better as a friend.”
“Sure! I’d like to get to know you better too! But uh, let’s get to class first. The professor would have our heads for being tardy.”
You shuddered at the thought of it, the impassive expression of your professor’s face made them all the more terrifying when you’re late to class.
“Yeah, let’s hurry up before they give us detention for being late.”
With that, you both quicken your pace and rushed to class. Now no longer as mere classmates, but as friends. Maybe something good came out of that accident after all.
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
Hello! Could I please get Dimitri with a SO who is Claude’s best friend. They’re trying to keep the relationship secret but Claude is a nosy busy bee
Dimitri x S/O whose best friend is a very nosy Claude
note: I apologize if this seems more Claude-centric than Dimitri, I tried finding a way to balance both and this is the result of it.
• Dimitri was a very popular person, not just for his standing as the crown prince of Faerghus, but for his kindness and looks
• you weren’t immune to his charm, he was both a very kind and a very handsome person, and so you felt attraction to him like so many others did
• the only difference was that he felt attraction to you too, much to your surprise
• knowing the sheer amount of jealousy your relationship would bring, you both agreed to be discreet about your relationship
• it was hard, Dimitri often expressed his desire to be openly affectionate with you, but you made it work
• you were both content to keep it a secret until you both could find a way to reveal it without putting you in jeopardy
• ...except you forgot to factor in the nosiness of your best friend, one Claude von Riegan
• he loved a good secret, and he wasn’t unwilling to snoop around for them
• so obviously, as his best friend, you were searched more thoroughly for those secrets he loved oh-so-much than most people
• hiding a relationship was hard enough already without someone like Claude hot on your trail
• no matter what lie you’d give him, not matter how many excuses you’d make, he saw through them all; he never believed you for a minute
• it was extremely frustrating for both you and Dimitri, you were stressed by Claude’s persistence and Dimitri was upset because you were upset
• the only one who seemed to get a kick out of this was Claude, the cheeky schemer, but it was probably because he didn’t realize how badly this bothered you
• you finally gave Claude the cold shoulder after weeks of unending frustrating and pent up anger, you refused to show him how angry you really were because it would make keeping your secret that much harder
• Claude thought that you would get over yourself and apologize if he bribed you with enough gifts and favors… until you didn’t
• he didn’t expect you to keep up the act, so he came to you instead to ask you about your troubles
• he’d never seen you like this before, and he still cared for you as a friend despite his snooping around
• you still adamantly refused to tell him about your relationship, so you merely told him that you wanted him to keep is nose out of your business
• Claude agreed… on one condition
if you told him about that one little secret you were so keen on keeping from him, he would lay off for the rest of the year
• you weighed your options, trying to find a good way out of this while pointedly ignoring Claude’s self-satisfied grin
• you hesitantly agreed, telling him to meet you in a secluded location and to tell absolutely no one where you would meet him
• despite his jokes about how cloak-and-dagger the whole situation was, Claude upheld his end of the promise and came without telling anyone
• when you two met, you reluctantly told Claude about your relationship with Dimitri, and your mutual desire to keep it secret because you knew people would target you for it
• Claude was very understanding of the situation, he knew (more than you would ever know) the fear of having a target painted on your back simply because you wanted to be yourself around others and so he agreed to keep it a secret
• you thanked him sincerely for his secrecy, and Dimitri was also relieved to see that your problem had resolved itself smoothly
• Claude was still a bit wary of Dimitri, he had to look out for you somehow, but otherwise didn’t bother you like you asked
• you were finally able to relax, you were in a happy but secret relationship with the man of your dreams and your best friend not only supported you but respected your boundaries
• as long as you had them, you felt that everything would go well
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
Hmm. How about fjorm with a male manakete S/O who’s the son of the flame dragon muspell from a different world, who fights off surtr in her honor.
Fjorm x Flame Manakete! S/O
note: It’s been a long while since I’ve sat down and written requests, so apologies if the quality of this is… questionable. Will try to do better in the future!
• you felt that you were summoned to this version of Askr for a reason, you found that reason in Fjorm
• though Fjorm was initially wary of you, you looked like someone related to Surtr, she became less wary of you as time went on
• you were unendingly kind to her, rightfully concerned about the atrocities that the king of Múspell has committed and the way he had impacted the lives of so many people
• it wasn’t until you became her lover that your desire to stop Surtr became actions
• throughout your battles together, you reveals your power as a manakete, specifically as the son of Múspell, the Flame Dragon
• so it was only fitting that you would be the one to fell the tyrant who was ravaging the domain of your kin
• Fjorm pleaded with you not to fight him, the Rite of Flames made him a threat equal to even you as a demigod
• you had seen the pain Surtr has caused, to not only his own subjects, but to Fjorm and her people
• you felt rage for Surtr’s subjects, seeing them as your own people who are under your protection, and great sadness for the people of Nifl who were victims of his cruelty as well
• you knew this had to stop, and you would be the one to stop it
• seeing the pain in Fjorm’s eyes, the stories she would tell with a bittersweet smile, the burn scars she tried to hide from you, all of it only served to fuel your determination
• as you took your draconian form, one only seen in myths and legends, you charged at Surtr with a great roar of righteous fury
• never again would he hurt innocent people, never again would he hurt the ones you loved
• you would make sure of it, if not for yourself then for Fjorm
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
A Lost Ballroom of Gold: A FE3H Rarepair Zine’s Interest Check is LIVE! It will end on August 25th or if the form reaches 100 responses! Fill it out here.
The FE3H Rarepair Discord is free to join as well! Zine channels will only be available to contributors, however.
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
Some good ol’ Summer Sylvain content I made because I saw him and went 👀 really, really hard.
“I won’t ask if you like my swimsuit. I’ll just say...you’re welcome.” Sylvain said with a smirk and a wink.
You pretended that you weren’t staring at him (although both of you knew that you very much were) and coughed into your hand to try and disguise your blush.
“By the saints Sylvain, put on a shirt! Do at least that if you’re not going to do anything else!”
You darted behind him and tried to shove him towards a changing room. Man, his back is really warm...stop it! Get a hold of yourself! You can’t fall in love with Garegg Mach’s most infamous philanderer, there’s no way he would ever return your feelings. Right? Right. He’s just unfairly attractive and that’s all there is to it.
“Whoa, hey! Calm down back there. Goddess, you’re almost as bad as Ingrid, you know? It’s a nice summer day, come on! Relax a little, you can have one of my drinks if you’d like.” He held up one of his fruity cocktails for emphasis. You didn’t even know how he hadn’t dropped them yet. Flinching at the sound of Ingrid’s name (you two weren’t on the best of terms, never have been) you sighed and gave Sylvain some space.
“Are you just going to go like that? With just those swim trunks and that...towel thing you have?”
“Sure! I don’t see why not? The ladies love to see some abs, and I’ve got ‘em. Hey, why don’t you get dressed in a swimsuit too, hm? I’m sure you look great!” Sylvain somehow had the time to put down his drinks and start pushing you towards the changing rooms instead. Scrambling to get out of his grip, you protested loudly.
“Hey, wait! I don’t have anything to change into! The rooms don’t come stocked with swim gear you know! Besides I don’t have my coin purse on me, I couldn’t buy something even if I wanted to!”
You struggled harder to get out of his grip before he suddenly stopped and twirled you around to face him.
“Hey, hey, easy there. No need to get all worked up about it. How about I pay for some of your things here, and you pay me back by enjoying the beach with me today. Come on, it’ll be fun!”
The bright smile on his face, the genuine eagerness in his eyes...ugh why was it so hard to say no to him?! This wasn’t fair! He still had his hands on your shoulders and was waiting for an answer. You sighed in defeat.
“Fiiine, I’ll do it for today, but you better not use me as a shield in case you try to hit on a girl and it goes wrong.” Sylvain grinned.
“Great, there’s a vendor over there selling clothes that you can use to swim! Come on, the day won’t last forever. And uh, here, you can have one of the drinks. It’s kind of hard to do anything when you have one in each hand all the time.”
Rolling your eyes, you accepted the drink and took a small sip of it. Hey, that was pretty good. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise at the flavors of it, it didn’t even have alcohol in it! You didn’t know what you were expecting, but it was better than whatever your expectations were. Walking side by side to the vendor, you picked out a comfortable swimsuit (that unintentionally matched Sylvain’s, much to his enjoyment) and went to a changing room to put it on. Upon stepping out, Sylvain wolf whistled at you.
“Well hello there, good looking. Are you free today?”
Your entire face was red and you swore your ears were on fire. He’s just joking, yeah that’s it! A good banter between friends! He’s always like that to the others so of course you’re not different. Haha… Sylvain slung an arm around your shoulders.
“Hey, I was kidding! No need to get all red already! Joking aside, you look great! Nice of you to match with me.”
And then, and only then did you realize that your outfit was in fact a match to Sylvain’s. Oh. You turned redder if that was even possible, and Sylvain was starting to get worried.
“Hey, easy there. This was supposed to be a day of relaxation, you look like you’re about to pass out. Come on, let’s go sit in the shade, you could use a break from the heat.”
Gently guiding you to a nearby tree, Sylvain handed you your drink back. Taking small sips of it, your face began to return to a normal color. As soon as you were done with your drink, you turned away from him.
Mumbling half to yourself, you said, “I’m sorry I ruined the day for you, you could be out having fun right now if you weren’t stuck with me.”
Sighing, Sylvain settled closer to you.
“Hey, you’re not ruining anything for me. I don’t mind spending time with you, you know? I honestly didn’t mean to rile you up that badly, so it’s kind of my fault too. How about this, we agree that none of us are at blame for this, and move on. Deal?” He held out his hand for a shake.
Turning back to him, you gave him a small smile and shook his hand.
“Great! Now that we’ve reached an agreement, how about we go for a walk?”
He pushed the empty glasses to the side and stood up, brushing the sand off his legs. You blinked in surprise before narrowing your eyes in suspicion.
“Is the main purpose of our ‘walk’ to go hit on girls?”
Sylvain shook his head.
“Nah, not this time; the sun’s about to set and the sight of the ocean at sunset is one of the most beautiful things here.
“One of them?”, you asked.
“Yeah,” he replied, “you’re obviously better looking than it.”
Whacking his arm with a blush, you yelled in embarrassment. Grabbing the arm that whacked him, he pulled you to your feet.
“I’m not joking when I say that, you know. You’re a lot nicer looking than you give yourself credit for. Heh, I’m actually kind of glad that I made you blush a lot today, you’re also pretty cute when you do.”
As if on cue, you blushed. Sylvain chuckled at your expression with a fond smile. You two began to walk down the beach, chatting the whole way.
“Careful now,” you teased, “a walk on the beach at sunset like this could be seen as a date you know. How will you explain that to all the poor girls you’ve strung along?”
Sylvain snorted. “Are you saying you didn’t realize this was a date the whole time?”
You stopped in your tracks. Wait. What?! This was a date the whole time?! Catching on to your internal screaming at this new revelation, Sylvain smirked again.
“Based on your expression, I’m guessing not. Why do you think we never met up with the others? I asked them to give us some space today.”
Still hung up on how the whole day has been a date, you physically back up.
“Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Why are you trying to date me in the first place? Aren’t we just friends?!”
Sylvain sighed. “I’ve been trying to give you hints that I liked you for weeks. I don’t just fall in love with anyone, you know? You’re pretty special to me. So when I told the others that I was going to take you out on a date today, they readily let me go because apparently watching us dance around each other was getting painful to watch.”
“Wait, so you like me?!”
Sylvain rolled his eyes. “Yes I like you. And I know you like me too, don’t worry. You’re not as subtle as you think you are.”
Blushing madly yet again, you buried your face in your hands. This was the worst! He knew you liked him this whole time?! Well, it’s a good thing he liked you back, or else you would never be able to live with yourself. Sylvain drew you into a gentle hug with one arm, prying your hands from your face with the other.
“Hey, it’s okay. It all worked out right? Let’s enjoy the sunset while it lasts, okay?”
Sylvain spoke in an uncharacteristically soft voice and gently took one of your hands in his own. Despite the warmth of his hand, you began to shiver as the sun’s warmth began to fade. Without thinking, Sylvain draped his… towel thing (what is that anyways??) around your shoulders and you two began to walk back to where the rest of the group was gathered. Walking closer to Sylvain, you sighed contentedly. Although today hadn’t gone the way you expected it to, you were glad that it turned out the way it did.
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
Hi! Can I repeat fe3h prompt 12 with Caspar please? Thank you!
Caspar + ‘broken foot’ (12)
note: Uh, this is one of my first times writing a scenario instead of a headcanons piece so apologies for the janky format. I’m still learning how to write them correctly;;;
It was a warm, sunny day, and it was perfect for a sparring match. You and Caspar slowly circled around each other, your weapons held aloft. You expertly twirled a lance in your hands, and Caspar carried an axe in his. You both grinned at each other, you were good friends who had a friendly competition with each other and loved to spar with each other to sharpen your skills. Unlike Ferdinand, both of you knew when to stop being rivals and simply be friends. But today was not one of those days. You were both evenly tied with 3 wins each and neither of you were willing to lose to the other. Cleanly lunging forward with your lance, you feinted a jab to his chest and instead opted for a slash to his side. Grunting at the hit, Caspar raised his axe above his head and tried to swing down at your shoulder in retaliation. You were quick enough to avoid the hit, but you were shocked when Caspar’s axe kept going… directly into your foot. Upon contact, a tidal wave of pain flooded out from your foot and up your leg.
“Ouch!” you cried out sharply, stumbling to the ground with your lance clattering loudly to the side.
Caspar immediately dropped his axe and knelt besides you.
“Oh jeez! I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to swing that hard, I promise! Here, I’ll take you to the infirmary to get your foot checked out.”
Nodding weakly, you tried to get up only to fall again with another cry of pain.
“I think...I think my foot might be broken.” you panted.
Caspar frowned.
“Oh, man. I must’ve gotten you harder than I thought I did. Well that’s okay! I can just carry you to the infirmary, easy peasy! Up we go!”
Your eyebrows shot up in alarm.
“Caspar- wait!”
But it was too late, Caspar already had you in a bridal carry and was rushing out of the training grounds as fast as he could. Which, considering that he was carrying you and with his height, was pretty fast.
“Make way!!” Caspar yelled, startling everyone in the immediate vicinity.
If it weren’t for the fact that you were currently being carried by your longtime crush, then you would’ve died on the spot in embarrassment. In fact, you were already on your way there. You hid your bright red face out of both embarrassment and the desire to remain unknown to others, unable to look up around you. You were lucky that Caspar was running as fast as he did, no one recognized you before you got to the infirmary. What you didn’t realize was that everyone was able to recognize you, you were just too busy trying to hide to notice. Oh well. Manuela approached the both of you once you arrived.
“What’s all this racket for? This is an infirmary, so please be quiet and respectful.”
“Professor Manuela!” Caspar shouted. Clearly, he did not get the memo. “We got into a training accident and their foot got hurt, can you heal them?”
She nodded.
“Sure! Put her down on the bed here, we need to get their shoe off so we can properly assess the damage.”
After a long and agonizing process, your shoe finally came off to reveal a very swollen foot with a nasty bruise on it.
“Hm, significant swelling, severe discoloration…I'm afraid you’ve broken your foot.” Manuela said to you.
You sighed. You knew this would be the result.
“Luckily, because something is broken here, we can employ the use of white magic to fix it. Now please, hold still.” Manuela raised her hands up to your foot and began to slowly seep the magic into your foot and repair the bone. You gripped Caspar’s hand tightly in your own, the feeling of bones pulling together and healing was not a very fun one. After what felt like hours, Manuela finally lowered her hands. Stepping back and turning to you, she spoke.
“There. The bone should be sufficiently mended now. Please spend a couple of days resting and avoid heavy lifting or intense training.”
You nodded, beginning to get up.
“Wait!” Caspar shouted. “Professor Manuela said to have bed rest right? You shouldn’t be on your foot so soon! Here, I can carry you back to your room!”
You smiled at him fondly. He really did remind you of a puppy sometimes, loud but eager to help.
“I will be fine, Caspar. I can’t burden you more than I already have.”
Caspar scowled at that.
“You’re not a burden at all! I enjoy sparring with you, you help me grow stronger! Besides, I’m the one who broke your foot, so it’s only fair.”
Sighing in defeat, you relented.
“Fine, you can take me to my room. But just for today, okay? I don’t want to make this a habit and rely on you too much.”
Caspar nodded.
“Sure thing! Grab your shoe and then we can go!”
Picking up your shoe, Caspar lifted you up again and headed to your room, now at a more relaxed pace. Manuela sighed as she watched you two go.
“Ah, young love. They’re really quite adorable together…”
As you two headed back to your room, you thought back on what had happened today so far. Despite breaking your foot and being put on bed rest, you were glad that Caspar was there to help you, and that you got to spend more time with him.
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
Laevatein dating hcs?
Laevatein Dating Headcanons
note: Ah;; sorry it’s been a long whole since Ive been active, but I hope that you didn’t mind that I added some Laegjarn to the mix. I looked at them and went ‘do not separate’ so uh yeah...
• no matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you’re doing Laegjarn can and will confront you
• she will give you the shovel talk of your life and she will not hold back
• “hurt my sister, and I will make my father look like a saint”
• she doesn’t mess around when it comes to her sister, Laevatein is dear to her and she will always be there to protect her
• that aside, Laevatein is very inexperienced at romance… or feelings in general, so you’re going to have to lead her through the relationship
• anything related to affection, whether or be hand holding or cheek kisses or anything, it will make her blush
• she’s used to the fire of Múspell but this warmth… it’s different to her, she’s not used to it but she likes it
• she’s very shy about pda and prefers to keep your relationship private
• please be understanding with her, Surtr essentially raised her to be a weapon so emotions are very unfamiliar to her
• later on in your relationship, she will be more confident with being affectionate with you, but things will be very slow at first
• it’s not that Laegjarn hates you, she’s just far too used to cruelty at the people she used to trust
• when she discovers how serious you are about your relationship with Laevatein, she becomes protective of you too
• you’re now family to her, and you make her sister happy, so she’s happy too
• Laevatein is honestly very happy to be with you, she never expected you to be attracted to her due to her nature and the standing she had as a general of Múspell
• in terms of dates, neither of you do a whole lot, you both simply prefer to be in each other’s company and that’s all either of you need
• Laevatein would try her absolute hardest to protect you if you go out on the battlefield with her, she wouldn’t hesitate to take a hit for you if you were in danger, no matter how much you don’t want her to
• it reaches a point where you two begin to look out for each other on the battlefield, unwilling to see the other get hurt
• it was through your bond that you two became an unstoppable force, nothing could get in your way as long as you two had each other
• Laevatein didn’t have any nicknames for you, but didn’t mind if you gave her any
• you two were an odd couple, but as long as both of you were happy and satisfied in your relationship then that’s all that mattered
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
this is a psa 
if any of you have ever sent anon hate to anyone please unfollow, block me, i don’t care what you do, just get out.
the fact that i have to post this is so stupid because its common sense, basic human decency and i’m tired of it. 
a friend of mine is dealing with this bullshit and its pissing me off because they don’t deserve any of this hate. no one deserves hate. if you think you’re entitled to send rude things to someone over the internet, do it with your account showing because if you wanna ruin someones day with your words might as well take the fucking credit. 
don’t be mean just because you can hide behind the anon button. 
if you’ve sent anon hate to someone. you’re horrible.
just don’t be fucking mean. 
that’s it.
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
So! I finally decided to make a rules page. (took me long enough) so here are the ground rules:
will do:
- reader x character
- chcaracter x character
will NOT do:
- nsfw
- inc*st
- pedoph*lia (any characters shipped with adults will be post timeskip)
other notes:
- my default for requests is headcanons, so if you want a scenario please tell me!
- my other default is gender neutral reader so if you want a gendered reader please tell me that too!
I know it’s a lot to ask for,,, I can’t handle vague directions very well,,,, but I hope you can bear with me here as I continue to write!
Happy reading! Love, Azure.
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
I think the real thing you should be worrying about is wether that presentation was made or not 🙂
if that presentation does exist, dm it to me. also, after you dm that to me, turn in your location. i want to talk. if it doesn’t, i still want to talk.
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
ignatz for sentence thingy :)))))
Celeste, you Seteth simp supreme, you better not break into the Louvre to steal and eat the Mona Lisa or else you’ll have more things to worry about than the international police. istg you have this fascination with eating the Mona Lisa/paint and i don’t know why but i’m not here for it. just go back to simping Seteth, at least i know that won’t kill me before i hit 20.
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
oh look, things that shouldn’t be one sentence prompts that are being used as one sentence prompts. i love these and i love celeste so send some in if you’d like!
Three Houses Characters as Text Messages I’ve Sent (Part Two)
You all seemed to enjoy the first one (a lot,,,, thank you for all the notes) So I decided to look back at my stupidness and give you more content. I hope you enjoy!
Part One: HERE
Blue Lions:
Dimitri: And then I realized … Not everyone could see him. Then I cried. 
Felix: Okay but who wants a ring? If they don’t bring me a sword how else am I supposed to know I’ll be protected.  
Sylvain: HAHAHA please I actually hate all the attention I’m getting please shut up before I make you
Dedue: I don’t know how technology works. Please don’t text me. 
Mercedes: I don’t know what you’re doing, but you worry me sometimes 
Ashe: I’m proud of you but also,,,,,, why 
Ingrid: Wise words from a hypocrite 
Golden Deer:
Claude: “I was in a band” … Well I dreamt of a war, see our differences? 
Hilda: Can I have your spine to use as a toothpick someday? 
Lorenz: ONE DAY PEOPLE WILL LIKE ME, and even if they don’t I’ll convince myself they do. 
Marianne: Why does he sound like the squiggles … They’re called the wiggles aren’t they … guess I’ll die
Leonie: Am I supposed to be impressed or angry, your answer will determine if I have to hurt you
Raphael: I don’t see the problem. He’s buying me food why would I say no?
Ignatz: Will I die from eating the Mona Lisa and is it worth it, a presentation by me
Black Eagles: 
Edelgard: … Anyways so that’s my plan to take over north america, any questions?
Hubert: The evil side of you wants to shine, it’s not your time child,,,, one day, one day 
Bernadetta: spotify I’m not in the mood to feel nostalgia angst please stop playing Hannah Montana I will cry
Dorothea: I’m sure there’s some physiological reason why this is my favourite song, but I’m choosing to ignore all the flags 
Ferdinand: I didn’t want to ride it …”WHATT” … I’M TALKING ABOUT THE HORSE YOU DUMB FUCK
Caspar: We’re out here snorting charcoal 
Petra: okay I’m from a different country not universe 
Linhardt: All I ask is for people to SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME SLEEP
Ashen Wolves: 
Yuri: People give me too much credit, I may look well put together but have you seen my room?
Balthus: Oh wow look at that, I’m so cute 
Hapi: It’s okay I forget everything too
Church Of Serios:
Byleth: the goddess really said fuck off
Seteth:  I’m afraid of the L-Word 
Flayn: Gutting fish is fun … I’d make a good serial killer 
Rhea: No, you’re getting enlightened 
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
hey! could i request what felix and yuri would be like falling for reader in the same house as them? 🥺
Felix + Yuri x House/Classmate!Reader
- Felix -
• normally Felix doesn’t bother with romance, either with people in or outside of his house
• but because you were in his house, he got to know you a lot faster than someone who was from outside of the Blue Lions
• your professor insisted on doing team building exercises with the entire house so everyone could cover each other’s weaknesses in battle and fight as one cohesive unit
• so Felix knew what you were good at and what you weren’t
• being in close quarters with each other also meant that he knew a lot more than just what you could do on a battlefield, he knew some aspects of your personality and what your personal preferences were
• but Felix is obviously more focused on fighting
• luckily for him, you were no Sylvain and actually kept up with your training regularly
• if you were good at swords or any other weapon he was proficient at, Felix would insist on sparring with you all the time
• and if not, he’s content with training side by side with you as you hone your individual skills
• you two would develop a schedule around each other; training together, eating together, and even having tea or going to the marketplace together on your days off
• it’ll reach a point where Sylvain will tease the both of you about your relationship, but neither of you are aware of your feelings and just chalk it up to Sylvain being his usual self
• much to Sylvain’s (and everyone else’s) dismay, neither you nor Felix got the hint
• it took a painfully long time for either of you to realize your feelings, or if either of you knew about your feelings then you simply suppressed them which was even worse
• by the time you and Felix got together, Sylvain had a betting pool set up on who would confess first and the other two houses got roped into it too
• (it was you, let’s face it, Felix is terrible at processing his emotions)
• you finally get with Felix, gold changes hands, Sylvain is throughly threatened with murder by your new boyfriend, and life is good
- Yuri -
• if you are a part of the Ashen Wolves, there’s a good chance that you are already on good terms with Yuri
• the Ashen Wolves are usually a tight-knit bunch, being the protectors of the Abyss meant that you guys had to stick together a lot and to work well as a team
•!although the other members of your ‘house’ were...eccentric, Yuri wouldn’t trade you guys for anything
• there was never a dull moment in Abyss, not with the Ashen Wolves around
• though Yuri’s life has never been easy, those who lived in Abyss never did have easy lives, he wouldn’t trade it for anything
• Yuri did his best as the protector of Abyss and the leader of the Ashen Wolves, but he trusted you guys enough to handle yourselves so he didn’t stress much about that
• yeah, all of you were a rather strange bunch, but you interested him the most out of your little ragtag group
• maybe it’s because your personality wasn’t nearly as abrasive or perhaps loud as the others, but something about you drew Yuri in
• he’s no stranger to secrets, if you have any then he’s not going to pry unless it involves his gang
• but if your background is more on the benign side then he’ll let it slide
• it wasn’t until the professor recruited you and the rest of your group to join their class that your relationship with Yuri changed
• now that Yuri had more time to interact with you in the form of classes, he found out that you were more than you seemed
• if you got Yuri’s attention before, you definitely had it now
• he didn’t want to interact with you just because you were part of the Wolves, he wanted to interact with you because he genuinely enjoyed your presence
• he’s always been one to hold his cards to his chest, so if he did hold any romantic feelings for you then you wouldn’t know it unless he showed it to you on purpose
• it took quite a long while for your relationship with him to get to that point, the most charming of people are the most distrusting and he’s no exception
• but after you get through his barriers and earn his trust, he’ll gladly stand with you by his side
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celestial-imagines · 4 years
Comfort with Sylvain Time ft. the reader
taking a break for some good old fashioned brain worms, provided by @celestear11 aka @starberrywrites. you’re welcome celeste. note: this is platonic so no romancing here yet
• it’s really late at night, you had just gotten into a particularly nasty fight with one of your good friends and you were running back to your room to avoid crying in front of them
• except...you really didn’t want to be alone right now
• why would you? you just came back from a veritable shouting match with your friend that half the school would’ve heard if the doors to the greenhouse weren’t shut tightly enough
• so now you at the dormitories, shaking and desperately holding back tears
• who could you go to for comfort? it’s late at night and just about everyone is asleep
• then you see a light from under Sylvain’s door and without thinking, you knock on it
• when Sylvain opens the door, he doesn’t expect to see you there, trembling with barely held back tears in your eyes
• he doesn’t expect you to wrap your arms around his waist and start sobbing into his chest either
• he doesn’t really understand what’s going on, but he’s a smart guy underneath his exterior and he knows better than to push the subject right now
• Sylvain tries his best to comfort you, telling you soothing words and rubbing you back until you’re able to calm down enough to speak coherently
• the first thing you do is apologize to him, you really didn’t mean to just start sobbing then and there but you couldn’t hold back your tears
• Sylvain’s brushes off your apologies and assured you that it’s fine, that you’re welcome to talk to him about whatever you want to
• you were good friends with him before, his easygoing attitude and hidden intelligence and seriousness matched well with your personality so you two got along well
• you told him about the disagreement you had with your friend, who didn’t trust Sylvain to be your friend
• as it turns out, your friend was one of many victims to Sylvain’s flirting and they didn’t want you to get hurt either
• you tried to reassure that you were just a friends and in no danger of becoming one of his many exes who gets dumped after a week or so
• they wouldn’t listen and the argument escalated from there
• Sylvain felt a bit...guilty about hearing this, he’s indirectly responsible for your problem and yet he’s here comforting you anyways
• you could see the guilt in his eyes and you tried to reassure him that it’s not his fault, you just had some things to work out with your friend and neither of you went about it the right way
• Sylvain was hesitant to believe you, you weren’t one to hold back your thoughts or feelings (it’s why he found himself at ease around you, you didn’t have a hidden agenda with him) so he trusted you
• whatever work he was trying to do before was now long forgotten, he was more intent with chatting with you for the rest of the night even though you both had an early class tomorrow
• and even though you both woke up half-dead the next morning and got scolded at by your professor, you both thought it was pretty worth it
• good friends are hard to come by for Sylvain, so he’s glad that you’re there for him like he is for you
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