chaos-collective-vents · 11 months
i love having to see my abuser claim they were the one who was fucking traumatized just to garner sympathy and for us to get hate from people who have never heard the actual story. meanwhile i have to sit here and actually live with the trauma they caused me.
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life is fun when you repress all your negative feelings for the sake of others
so much so you can't even manage to let out your emotions when you want to
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i wanna talk to you but i don't wanna be an annoyance
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please for the love of the gods just leave us alone.
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helloo <3
hi there, welcome to our blog
i'm chaos, a member of the DID system that manages this account.
the entire purpose of this account is so i can scream my vent thoughts into the void that is the internet either through my art or through text. we will try to use tags to differentiate which member is posting.
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our DNI
- basic dni criteria - @/ m11kuu/r4ts-bl0g, or anyone who associates themselves with them { system member's abuser } - mostly nsfw/18+ blogs
about me { chaos }
hai there, as stated, i'm chaos. i am a 16 year old trans-enby gay {mlm/nblm} artist with a particular interest in cutesy things and horror media. i primaraly go by they/it/rawr/doll pronouns. i mainly post on my main, @goth-d0llie here's my carrd for any other information about myself that i may have forgotten <3
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