chaos-family · 2 years
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chaos-family · 2 years
Wanna light some stuff on fire >:3
Evil nonbinary flags are carried with us
yes always >:) -Rern
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chaos-family · 2 years
hi guys
- mod anny
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chaos-family · 3 years
*burns down the house again* -Andy♠
Let it burn!!!!!
>:) - Niko
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chaos-family · 3 years
We really haven't used this blog lately huh
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chaos-family · 3 years
*Yeets a shiny sticker at y'all*- Niko
thank you
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chaos-family · 3 years
Sorry. The system Keren is in. So we're not in the server.
you won’t need to do your secret santa then, since you’re not in the server. We’ll find someone else to do your secret santa for you, i’m sure someone can last-minute. Please don’t try to interact with the person you have for secret santa, again if they have you blocked, it’s for a good reason.
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chaos-family · 3 years
Hey. Just wondering if we should still do our Secret Santa? Our person has us blocked though,,, -Anonymous System
aight i don’t know for sure who this is, but as long as you’re still in the discord then you’ll still be doing it. If the person you’re doing is still in the discord, then you’ll still be doing it. I’m sure that if your person has you blocked, they have their reasons for doing so. But i’d need more information on who exactly you are, anon, to better describe what you should do in this situation
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chaos-family · 3 years
Hey does the chaos fam support endogenic systems? I'm a member and I'm questioning plurality atm and I don't know if my potential headmates are traumagenic or not. (endogenic is an umbrella term for systems that aren't from trauma, traumagenic is for systems from trauma)
Hey, Moss here
From what I know, i believe you’d be accepted here, Anon! We have several systems here already, around 5 i believe.
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chaos-family · 3 years
Tumblr media
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chaos-family · 3 years
Uh, so, @camdencomeback doesn't seem to exist anymore.... does Ty have any other blogs I can tag...? Did something happen...? *confused fox noises* ~Ryan🍁
hgdhhgdshds i had a crisis :D
instead of camdencomeback i run @halloweencomeback which i might change the URL of yet again and just make it a blog for chaos family Things, idk. - ty
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chaos-family · 3 years
i can’t speak for everyone but that seems good!! - anny
hey uh, @chaos-family? me and some of the other members of @the-chaos-family have discussed about the confusion, and i think we got a solution!
our suggestion is that maybe you can change the url to some variation of the Sanders Sides Chaos Family?
we’ll be waiting for your response! ^w^
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chaos-family · 3 years
The following message was obtained from XXXXXXXXXX’s house while they were asleep. We are not yet sure why it was written.
It wasn’t my fault that I knew so much about the family that lived in the big house, not really.
Two parents, and a lot of kids is all I knew to begin with. (I had tried counting the children before. I never got very far.) They were always gathering more kids, it seemed. They were all…fascinating. Something about their family drew me in. I wanted to know more, about the mysterious girl in the suit, about the thing with horns I kept seeing in their attic window. “You know they’d take you in if you asked,” my brain whispered. “Hush.” I whispered back. I wasn’t a child. They’d never want to associate with someone like me, someone who had seen the horrors I had.
That’s what I told, myself, at least.
Maybe it was the loneliness. Maybe I just wanted something else to keep me awake at night than the guilt of my past. But I couldn’t stop watching them. They called themselves the Chaos Family. I wasn’t sure if that was their legal surname, or just a title they gave themselves. I couldn’t seem to find documentation that could confirm either anywhere. I couldn’t find any record of them at all, actually. For a while I was worried that I had hallucinated the whole story. A giant family, living in a mansion that was for some reason placed in a normal neighborhood. It was bizarre! A dream, something my head had made up to cope. But then I remembered that, well, you couldn’t find much of me either.
Bad things have to happen to you to erase yourself. Bad things have to happen for you to get erased.
What really got me was how none of them… seemed like people who would need to get erased? Sure, they constantly talked about “world domination” but they never seemed to actually try that hard when it came to actually doing it. And when they did, the changes were always for the better. Mostly there was arson and petty theft. As well as a couple of murders, but the people that were killed were all awful people, so who cares? Besides, they somehow managed to win all of their court cases! 
I don’t agree with burning down the whole world for the sake of a new one. However, the earth could use a controlled burn or two.
But the worst part of all of it, oh how damning it was, was that every last one of them was nice. The parent with blue hair (Ren, the kids called them) helped me pick up my groceries when I dropped them. The child with the scars steals my paint brushes when I’m outside and calls it hijacking. It’s hilarious. The one with the suit, who is their lawyer and also most definitely not human has a very nice smile. Cenn, the other parent, manages to keep all however many children in line, which is a feat in and of itself. The porcupine tried to prick me when I was out on walks. Me and the porcupine are not friends. Porcupines aside, nothing made sense. Why is the whole family wanted? What did the kids go through? How does Cenn have seemingly infinite funds? I needed to know more.
I continued searching. I found… concerning things. I put pieces together, went through lines and lines of coded messages, hunted down as much info on as many people as possible. I wrote their stories down. And the more I found out, the more I realized how dangerous it was to know. But this burning curiosity… I couldn’t seem to quench it. It was this curiosity that lead to me nearly dying. It was me knowing too much that got me noticed when I was 15. I swore that I would be careful. I swore never to get noticed by anyone again. But something in my treacherous head told me to keep going. Maybe it was because I saw myself in them. Maybe it was because I thought that they could bring leads on a different ongoing project. Whatever it was, I didn’t stop. I got noticed. It only got more troublesome from there.
I was painting when I received the letter. A plain white envelope, addressed to my name. Inside was a paper demanding I go into questioning. They said I had “very useful information.” I knew what they were talking about right away. I had seen the name of this organization in my research. They claimed they were doing good, taking down “villains and liars who want to hurt the common man”. They were delusional. I didn’t want to talk to them. I wanted no part in their plans. However… I was more scared of what would happen if I didn’t go. The organization is powerful. So I went.
I don’t wish to say all of what was said. The man interrogating me was tall, his blue eyes unnaturally sharp. He managed to take my weapons from my bag without me knowing. He knew things that he shouldn’t. I know the tapes of what happened when I was 15 are still out there, but he knew things that weren’t on the tapes. “You blame yourself for their deaths,” he said. “Bet you’re afraid of kitchen knives now, huh?” he asked, looking me in the eye, his cold blue ones piercing through me. I don’t know how he found out about the knives, about that night. He threatened to kill me if I didn’t help “take them down”. I knew he meant to kill them. I said I’d think about it. I got out of that room as quickly as possible.
It’s been a week since that day. I’ve made my decision. I won’t help them take the Chaos Family down. I’ll help the family burn the world if I have to. I am a strong believer in controlled burns, after all. I don’t know if I will die by not helping them. But I can’t bring myself to hurt that family. They don’t deserve what they’ll go through if they get caught. None of them deserve what they’ve already gone through. The Chaos Family will not be touched so long as I’m here. I will watch from the sidelines for now, but I will protect them. I’ve gotten this far. Maybe I am a liar,and a villain, and a danger to the world. Maybe I have gone insane.
I don’t know how you’re reading this if you are. But I no longer care if the world burns.
I’ve got nothing left to save from the ashes.
Not Yet In Custody
(Sooo, yeah! That’s the story! It kind of got out of hand, but now I’m tempted to write more because now my brain is just bursting with ideas for this character as well as others…)
W O A H -
Your writing is AMAZING- OH MY GODS- I love this soso much!!! Aaa if you want to I’d love to read more of your stuff if you decide to write more. Aaaa I love this,,,
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chaos-family · 4 years
I’m cold. Set me on fire!!! ÒwÓ ~Ryan🍁
what did i come back to what
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chaos-family · 4 years
Arson? -Shads
Arson -Maxx
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chaos-family · 4 years
There's way more than just the 50 in the server -Maxx
How many memebers of the chaos family are there? It seems like a lot lol
in the server there are 50 people there? That’s including kids, the parentals, neighbours, the cryptids, cousins, aunts and uncles, other family and family friends, etc.
Most of them are children I believe?
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chaos-family · 4 years
hello there, i am but a mere mortal looking to join this unholy group but strangers terrify me and i never speak in any server i join. will this family be coolio with my aversion to strangers at first or should i avoid it?
I think it’s chill! I tend to just vibe and not say anything at times either. I don’t mind at all! - Niko
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