willowser · 1 year
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he's making progress lads !!! (i'm he)
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monmuses · 4 months
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i got a possible character(s) to draw in Hazbin lore from the Ars Goetia ................... and it's a big wolf with wings (Marchosias) and a raven (Raum)
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nix-sacrificium · 7 months
Thinkin’ ab the catchpole again ,,,,
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eternalergo · 8 months
viridianbane → eternalergo
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siliconforbrains · 8 months
I'm finally reading the ISAT spoiler qna @/insertdisc5 did ( I have no idea why I didn't do this before but better late than ever am I right) and the amount fo ideas I am getting for one of my wips is astronomical y'all are not ready lmao.
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kamil-a · 11 months
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ankhlesbian · 1 year
The westher tirned bad so fast glad i alrdy sid my hrocery shopping tofay
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xavedean · 1 year
barely finished this muslin :/
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septimus-heap · 2 years
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[Image Description: A photo of a hand holding a copy of Magyk by Angie Sage. End Image Description.]
at last, the time has come
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trivamix · 2 years
Did you know that blurry vision can be cured?
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Researchers from UC Berkeley School of Optometry discovered a special eye massage technique which already improved vision in 53,512 people, eliminating the problem plaguing 99% of all people with bad eyesight.
The doctor explained: "If you touch some essential points around the eyes for a few days in a row, you can activate a little-known reversing switch in our eyes, which leads to solving most of the ophthalmological problems."
Both men and women responded to this remedy and age is not an issue either.
You’ll be able to feel its effects immediately.
 => Learn About the Root Cause of Vision Problems in This Revealing Short Documentary
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p0tat0-g0ddess · 6 months
(Ok, spoilers for anyone who hasn't read FAF but)
And Mumza had something else planned for him?!! Ajhffhjdhdnfbbgngn
i can't respond to asks privately anymore but HAHA YEAH. MAN. THIS GUY IS A MESS
Her plans probably aren't too bad...
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a-canceled-stamp · 2 months
traumatized tim and dickhead dick :blurryeyes: STAMP I NEED THE DEETS :kittynomreg:
I probably should've been a lil bit more specific about this one - it's basically what Animus Infectus is called in my WIP folder :3 Two chapters are already posted, but I might need to rewrite them a bit before I post the two remaining chapters.
The plot of this one is that Dick and Tim are investigating an abandoned warehouse and Dick inhales some weird version of scarecrow's fear toxin. And then he starts attacking Tim. He nearly kills him too, would've strangled him to death if the other bats hadn't intervened.
The rest of the fic is basically Dick being haunted by the fact that he almost killed Tim, and Tim dealing with the nightmares and the unwanted fear he now has of his big brother :3
Thank you for the ask, Al babes! :kittyblep: :smeek:
Ask me about my WIPs!
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wip game valo-kas?? :blurryeyes:
So the other day I was playing DA:I as a qunari Inquisitor and read the first of the War Table Operations that concern the Valo-Kas, the Vashoth mercenary group that Adaar was a member of at the time of the disaster at the Conclave.
And these little letters from Shokrakar, the leader of the group, are fucking hilarious and hint at a rich history with interesting people.
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Anyways, Shokrakar is hilarious and I am in love with a woman you only learn anything about is through these little missives and I wanted to write a little prologue for Adaar.
Here's a little taste:
Bahek mixed the thick carmine body paint with a brush, her nose wrinkled up harshly as she did so. Crushed rashvine always made her eyes water and sinuses sting, even if the plant didn't irritate her skin or make her sick. At least this mixture wasn't made of deepstalker venom. Deepstalker venom stank something awful and yet Katoh insisted it was her favorite vitaar base. Bahek wasn't the kind to judge a person for their preferences, but she was fairly certain that Katoh only liked it because it made whichever Vashoth was unlucky enough to help her paint the vitaar on grimace. One time it had made Kaariss wretch. That had made Shokrakar laugh until she nearly wretched herself. That is, until Kaariss announced that the experience was inspiration for a new sonnet. “If you continue your fidgeting, Katoh, the lines will be crooked,” Bahek chastised as she deftly painted small tesselated triangles on the Vashoth warrior’s forehead, centered between horns cut down to harsh stumps just above skin. “I do not fidget, Adaar,” Katoh answered with her naturally grim and stony tone. Bahek Adaar, a qunari of tall and muscular stature with horns that curled under and pointed up above her head, was downright dwarfed by the statuesque giant whose face she currently painted. Katoh was so large, she made the chair on which she sat, a human-crafted dining chair that groaned beneath her weight, look as though it had been specially built for the child of a particularly small dwarf. Adaar clicked her tongue as she moved to cover Katoh's broad neck and bare shoulders with the thick paint, “Right, and I'm the Prophet Koslun. Just because you can tell a lie with a straight face doesn't make the lie a truth.” “You are not the Prophet Koslun.”
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outpost51 · 9 months
playlist game "to be anointed in gold" and "cat::mouse" :blurryeyes:
to be anointed in gold is one i made for another ask game -- i think you actually sent me the prompt so enjoy that throwback! conceptually, it's a story of betrayal, of being cast out of the palace, of returning in the guise of a concubine and ultimately getting revenge.
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cat::mouse is the turning point for frankie and foxy, wherein their game starts to feel a little too real and hits a little too close to home.
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this one doesn't have a tracklist yet, but my favorites on this one are:
just a game by cathedrals [youtube]
headlights by ivy & gold [youtube]
games by reptile room [youtube]
and the passage (from Blinding Neon, chapter 13) that inspired this playlist is one of my favorites, actually:
Frankie slams both hands on the table, and when that doesn’t even get a reaction, she grabs his ear and rattles the table with his head. “Look at them! They weren’t a fucking threat to the mob!” she shouts, holding him down. “These were innocent people just trying to live their lives! Graves was executed on his fucking knees, Key spent the last few moments of his life drowning in his own bathtub, Nolan and Molly had their throats cut for the crime of inhabiting an apartment the murderer wanted access to, Katrina had her eyes stolen before she was strangled, Jazmin just got her fucking skull caved in, Charlotte was orphaned before she got a chance to take her first breath, look at them!”
“The fuck does any of this shit have to do with me?” Foxy finally shouts back. He doesn’t struggle against her hold, but she releases him anyway. She got her reaction.
“Oh, is that how we’re playing it?” Frankie throws her notepad on top of the murder collage, then flips to the first page. “Yeah, you didn’t think I’d keep the detailed copy of my notes on old fashioned paper, did you? You got what the fuck I wanted you to get and nothing more.” She ignores his wide eyes and hanging jaw. “Subject 1 admits primary material is a bulletproof alloy. Subject 2 admits leaving invitation. Ambushed in hallway by Subject 5,” she reads off. “Unidentified red stains on shirt collar. Stains were not present at lunch. Whereabouts of Subject 5 unknown during meeting with Subjects 1 and 2. Coincides with Graves’ time of death. After pursuit by unknown assailants, Subjects 1 and 2 admit Subjects 3 and 5 engage in illicit activity for the organization. Subject 5 took decoy drive.” She licks her thumb with a flourish and turns the page.
“Frankie, it’s not–”
“Subject 2 admits knowledge of active investigations,” she interrupts loudly. “Depth of knowledge unknown. Subject 2 admits Subject 5 engages in espionage. Subject 2 admits Subject 3 and 5 have ‘done hits’ for the organization.”
Fear looks out of place on Foxy.
It makes her mouth water. She’s not sure if she’s about to vomit or wants to eat him alive. She keeps reading so she doesn’t have to think about it. “Subject 2 elaborates further on relationship with Victor Malone, see addendum to case file. Subject 8 admits all Subjects capable of taking a life. Subject 8 suggests verifying the investigating officer of the Malone case. Subject 5 demonstrates physical capabilities at full capacity. Subject 5 implies passive observation of Detective Malone. Subjects 3, 5, and 7 imply Government involvement in theft of civilian data. Investigating officer on Malone case was Joseph Bianchi.”
A fan kicks on in Foxy’s chest. The handcuffs clink together with his subtle movements. Good luck breaking out of those, asshole. Those are designed specifically to restrain droids before decommissioning. The thought makes her uneasy. She pushes it aside and turns the page.
“Subject 5 gains illicit entry into Detective Malone’s apartment. Subject 5’s whereabouts unknown while Detective Malone is not at Plex. Subject 5 arrives from unknown location as Detective Malone is leaving for homicide call. Shirt uncharacteristically plain. Unknown red stains on collar, stains prove to be red-brown in color when rubbed away. Fur on face wet and tangled, scrubbing suspected. Unknown antiseptic odor present in vehicle. Subject 5 knows address of crime scene. Subject 5 was not informed by Detective Malone of address prior to arrival.”
“Yeah, okay, that one looks bad–”
“Molly Burch resembles Detective Malone. Hesitation marks noted around fatal laceration.”
“Subject 5 picks locks and disables cameras of precinct station. Subject 5 admits organization resources may be helpful in investigation. Services declined. Subject 5 allegedly investigating scene of droid decomm. Subjects 6, alias ‘Helena Gallus’, and 7 called to scene as backup, source unknown.” There’s no interruption this time, so she turns the page and carries on. “Subject 5 suppresses distress signal and informs Detective Stone of alias ‘Jack Cassidy’. Forensic Tech Reynolds checks background of alias. Impressive.”
“Thank you.”
Frankie sucks her teeth. Turns the page. “Subject 2 gains illicit entry into Detective Malone’s apartment. Subject 5 has connected mismatched information in Victor Malone case. Information not acquired due to interruption.” Turns the page. “Subject 3 put in alleged extended maintenance cycle–”
“Are you implyin’ I did somethin’ to–”
“-- to recuperate after assault of Detective Malone. Subject 5 witnessed at scene of Stafford and Mercer double homicide–”
“Suspected to have escaped scene through window–”
“For fuck’s sake–”
“And then you were at the fucking scene today, and you just keep showing up everywhere! Are you following me? Are all those notes supposed to throw me off my game? Are there fucking cameras in my apartment, is that why Freddy had me moved in? The breaking in, the sneaking around, you did something to Monty, I know you did–”
There’s a loud, scraping clatter as Foxy tries to stand, gets tugged short by the cuffs, and promptly faceplants into the table, shoving it forward a few inches. “Fuckin’ listen to yourself, Frankie!”
She doesn’t speak.
That’s fine, he’s got enough words for both of them.
Foxy pops his replacement hand off to free his wrist, laughing bitterly as Frankie takes a few steps back from the table. He doesn’t go after her. One of them needs to take the fucking high road for once, and their little game of cat and mouse isn’t fun anymore now that it’s got a body count nearing ten and left them both in paranoid pieces. 
He picks up the photos of the first scene, commits them to memory, and taps the gathered edges on the table to neaten the stack. “This is the one with the conspiracy room, yeah?” He’s not expecting an answer. He doesn’t get one. “Did you go through all the shit in that room?”
“There hasn’t been time–”
“Did you,” he enunciates, sliding the photos back into their case file, “go through all the shit in that room?”
“No. Sawyer did, and she found the connection between Graves and Key.”
Foxy picks up those photos next. “Grey market dealer?”
“What does that have to do with–”
“Everything,” he clips. “I’m not sayin’ he deserved to die, nobody does.” The surprise on Frankie’s face cuts a lot deeper than if she’d have just shot him. “But I am sayin’ it’s a risk of the profession.”
“And that’s your excuse? He had it coming?”
Oh, she’s venomous now. “Careful, Detective,” he warns, holding up his uncuffed wrist. “I’m half-free.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It might be.” That surprised face plasters over the first. “I’ll go ahead and assume you didn’t go through his shit either.” Foxy glances at his arm as he slips the photos back into the case file. Frankie is roughly the same color. “Now them,” he moves on, holding up the thickest stack of photos, commits them to memory. “That… that’s just unnecessary.”
“Is it ever?”
He shrugs. “It might be.”
She doesn’t have a retort to that.
“But not for this. There were at least thirty more efficient ways Key could’ve been taken out.”
“Nice, Foxy, that’s so fucking charming.”
Ah, there it is. “You had it wrote down in your lil notebook, Detective, no sense dodgin’ the truth now.” He puts the newlyweds’ file back together. It leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. “This is an official interrogation, ain’t it?” 
That shock is all for him. She bounced his head off a metal table like she was in an action movie, he can have a little retaliation. As a treat.
Foxy clucks his tongue. “Ohh, Frankie, Frankie,” he coos. “You gonna read me my rights?”
He sees the answer in her coal-dark eyes before it leaves her lips, but he wants to hear it. He wants her to hear it out loud, from her own mouth. There wouldn’t have been one anyway , her memory echos. She’s a droid. Frankie gets credit for the hesitation, at least. “You’re a droid,” she seethes. “You don’t have any rights to read.” 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. You ain’t changed a bit, have you?” A crack forms in the angry shell she’s formed over her heart. Now he needs a chisel. “Let’s tear these notes apart next, shall we?”
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Another day of asks to send you say? :blurryeyes:
Sending grand ☆☆ vibes ☆☆ to your digital farm and all the beauties of your lil' land. ^-^ - ✨️ Enc
hello and how are you, fellow Wanderer?
Thank you for the vibes, my dear, we will give all of the plants and animals within the Farm love from you! And for you, our wonderful and amazing Enchant, we give you a few wishes on the wind chimes!
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This ask motivated 557 Words of Random Writes.
Into the Word Box: 4,585 Total Words
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duranduratulsa · 11 months
Gavin Magnus - "Hello"
Album of the day 2: Blurry Eyes by Gavin Magnus (2023) featuring Hello #gavinmagnus #blurryeyes #hello #2020s
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