chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
Summer Love Pt. 2 (Raja x Raven) - Chardonnay
A/N: The second part to my pride series. R&R travel to Silicon Valley pride, cute fluffiness and as always a little sexiness ensues. Set shortly after Raja won s3. To anyone who still reads these, enjoy!
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
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Love a good throwback.
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
Petition to bring these videos and them back.
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
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The benefits of quitting smoking according to Raja.
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
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Name a more beautiful, legendary drag duo…
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
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Finally finished this piece after probably 10+ hours worth of work. And it’s of the wonderful David Petruschin, aka Raven
Medium: Graphite
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P.S: I accept any and all forms of constructive criticism!
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
PSA: the only thing in this world that matters is how happy Raja is to see her Raven 😭😭💖💖
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
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Okay but how fucking cute…?
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
Another "what if": what if Raven was anxious because of something, and Raja had to find a way to make her relax and calm down, like a massage.. or smth else too? 😏
Ooh this was a fun one! Sorry it took so long anon, life is always busy.
WARNING: lots of smut below the cut.
Sutan was sitting in the living room of his West Hollywood apartment, lightly engaged in an old documentary on TV while he was sewing a garment for one of his upcoming shows when he heard the door slam suddenly. He practically jumped out of his skin thinking that some idiot had managed to break in before he remembered that David had texted him earlier in the evening asking if he could come over for a drink. Sutan was never one to turn down a beverage, especially so late at night, and even over the phone David sounded like he needed to unwind a little as emphasized by the careless closing of the front door. Sutan turned the volume down on the television and yelled to let David know he was in the living room. He heard David’s footsteps heavy on the hardwood before he flopped down on the couch beside him. Sutan glanced to the side for a moment as he finished up the stitch he was working on, and he saw David laying with his back against the couch, head pointed towards the ceiling with his eyes closed. He looked stressed as hell.
“Are we mad at someone tonight?” Sutan inquired casually as he continued to sew, unsure of what he was in for tonight. With David you could get very different sides, sometimes a very explosive rant and others just a quiet but boiling recollection. 
“No.” David answered but didn’t open his eyes. “Just a bad day.”
Sutan smiled slightly. So he was getting whiny David tonight, always so dramatic about everything. “I’m sorry love, tell me what happened.”
“Ugh, can I get a drink first?”
“Yeah. I’ve got a bottle of wine in the fridge, or there’s some Jack in the cupboard. Bring it over.”
David rolled his eyes at Sutan making him get his own drinks. Clearly they were comfortable enough that Sutan didn’t feel the need to play host when he was around. He got up of the couch and went straight to the cupboard, this was a whisky kind of night. David grabbed two glasses even though they would probably end up just drinking it out of the bottle, and came back to sit on the couch as Sutan finally put his sewing away.
“So, tell me the t. What’s got your panties in a bunch?” Sutan asked as he poured them each a drink, always that tiny bit of sarcasm in their interactions.
“Well, I got an earful from my manager today, literally right as soon as I woke up!”
“And what time was that at? 2pm?”
David hit him hard in the arm with a small smile. “No bitch, I actually get up during the daytime unlike you. Now shut up and let me rant.”
Sutan smiled over his glass of whisky as David launched into a story about turning down a tour his manager was trying to organize for him. David had never really been much of the travelling type. Unlike Sutan who’s dream was to travel the world and show off his talents, he much preferred to stay in and around California and perform locally where he could remain in the comfort of his own home (or on occasion Sutan’s apartment).
“I don’t want to be stuck on a tour bus for weeks with 4 other drag queens. I think I would probably lose my mind having to spend that much time with other people and have zero privacy.”
“Awe touring life isn’t that bad. When I was out with Adam we had a great time just drinking the nights away and partying it up in different cities every night.”
“Yeah but you liked them…” David countered, making Sutan laugh. He definitely wasn’t a people person. “I don’t know, I’m just not interested. But then my manager is yelling at me for ‘wasting opportunities’ and telling me they won’t be around forever, like bitch I don’t give a fuck! I’ll perform at Micky’s for the rest of my life if that’s what I wanna do.”
Sutan nodded as he sipped his drink “hey it’s your life, you should do what you want.
“Exactly, thank you!” David huffed and finished his own drink. “And then my mom called me to come have lunch with her and her new boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend? Damn, get it mama Petruschin.”
“Ew, please.” David looked disgusted at the thought.
“What? You don’t like him?”
“I don’t know, he just gives me a bad vibe. He’s like, super fucking religious.”
“So? Isn’t your mom too?”
“Yeah, but she’s still like cool y’know?” David answered while he poured himself another. “She isn’t some right-wing nutcase who hates people.”
“Is this guy like that?”
“I don’t know, I’ve only met him once! I just get a bad vibe.”
Sutan shook his head and laughed as he held out his drink for David to pour him more whisky as well. Once again David was making things more overdramatic than they needed to be. They sat on the couch a little while longer, David continuing to rant about everything that was going wrong in his life while Sutan occasionally poked fun at his theatrics. Eventually they just abandoned the glasses completely and began passing the bottle between them, feeling a slight buzz from the warm brown liquid. David was already feeling so much more relaxed, Sutan always had such a calming effect on him whenever they were together, like it was almost impossible to stay angry in his presence. They had such an easy rapport, and David always found himself laughing at something even when they were complaining to one another. He also couldn’t help but notice Sutan slowly inching closer with every pass of the bottle, and the casual touching of his knees and thighs as the liquor continued to flow freely. 
“Ugh, and you know what else has been just getting on my nerves lately?” David started as he put the bottle of Jack Daniels back of the table in front of them. “Some of these fucking queens that think they-“
David stopped abruptly when he felt Sutan’s lips on his, grabbing onto either side of his face and pulling away slightly from the unexpected kiss with a soft smile. 
“Is this your way of telling me to shut up?”
Sutan smiled back as he grabbed David’s hands, bringing them down between them. “No. Well maybe a little…but you just seem so stressed out.” Sutan was definitely feeling a bit of a buzz as he moved even closer and continued to kiss David’s jaw and ear, his hands leaning on David’s thighs. “I just wanted to help you relax a little. Isn’t that why you called earlier?”
David closed his eyes at the feeling of Sutan’s mouth so delicate against his skin. For a second he couldn’t find any words to answer, momentarily lost in the sudden haze of affection before coming back to his senses.
“I only texted you saying I needed a drink. I didn’t ask for anything more than that.”
Sutan pulled back in front of David’s face, their noses brushing against each other as he smiled and breathed into David’s slightly parted lips.
“You didn’t have to.”
This time their kiss was deeper, with David now expecting it he buried his hands in Sutan’s short hair, pulling him closer as he felt Sutan’s tongue in his mouth. Sutan groaned softly at the unusual display of force, and he crawled slightly overtop of David to maintain at least some control over him. He could practically feel the need pouring out of David as they made out on the couch, constantly touching Sutan’s face and chest and tugging on his hair. At one point David even grabbed Sutan’s hand and slipped it under his own shirt, seemingly desperate for more. He wasn’t used to seeing David like this, almost dominant in their interactions, but Sutan wasn’t about to give in so easily and decidedly pulled away, standing up off of the couch.
“Come on” he reached out and took David’s hand “I have this new stuff I bought that’s so good for your muscles. It heats up on contact and it smells amazing too.”
“Ooh, I’ve always wanted a happy ending massage.”
“Excuse you, I will be the one deciding what kind of ending your massage will have.” Sutan was trying his hardest to keep his usual composure and control, but David couldn’t help the knowing smile spreading across his face. He knew first-hand that Sutan would never be able to resist his naked, oiled up body in his bed.……………………………………………………………………………………………
After Sutan had instructed David to remove all of his clothes, attempting to play the role of masseuse, David laid face down on the bed covered in soft, fluffy towels and rested his head on one of Sutan’s hand-stitched pillows. Sutan was fully committing to this fantasy, dimming the lights in his room, spraying chamomile aromatherapy scents around the room, lighting candles to create an ambiance. He said he wanted David to feel completely relaxed as he waited for whatever was coming next. David closed his eyes for a moment when Sutan slipped away to retrieve 2 very different kinds of lotion, relishing in this rare moment of being pampered and fussed over. He had also taken a quick puff of Sutan’s vape before getting undressed, so he was feeling especially calm and even a bit lightheaded as he rested on the bed. David peeked his eyes open as he heard Sutan rustling around back in the room and smiled while he watched him discard most of his own clothes, admiring Sutan’s lithe body wearing only his briefs. As he stood back up and began sauntering towards the bed, Sutan noticed David’s eyes on him.
“Enjoying the show?” he asked with a smug smile on his face as he crawled up into the bed. 
David just smiled back in response, feeling Sutan crawl up over his back, his knees on either side of David’s hips. He felt the warmth of Sutan’s body so close to his and his breath against his cheek as Sutan leaned down overtop of David. He pressed a gentle kiss to David’s temple before speaking low in his ear.
“How are you feeling?”
“Mm, so good” David closed his eyes again when he felt Sutan run his fingers through his hair. Sutan admired David’s serenity for a second, like a satisfied cat almost purring under his touch.
“Good, I’m glad. But I promise I’m gonna make you feel even better.”
David smiled again at the thought while Sutan sat right on the dip in David’s back. He reached down for his special warming lotion and squirted some out into his hands. Sutan leaned forward slightly and pressed his hands into David’s shoulders, feeling him jump slightly at the cool sensation.
“Sorry, I know it’s a little cold at first but it’ll heat up once I start rubbing it in.” 
Sutan began doing just that, rubbing the lotion completely into David’s back and shoulders. Despite seeming very relaxed, Sutan could still feel the knots and tension in David’s shoulder muscles. He leaned over, putting almost all of his weight onto David’s back which still wasn’t a lot, but despite his small frame Sutan was very skilled with his hands. Muscles developed from years of sewing made him great at finding pressure points and putting the perfect amount of force behind his massage. He started out heavy-handed, which he knew would probably cause a tiny amount of discomfort before it released into pleasure and relaxation, but Sutan knew from previous experiences that David was great at handling that type of situation. Eventually he felt the knots begin to break up and Sutan was able to lighten his touch slightly, getting more lotion and travelling lower down David’s back. Sutan wasn’t exaggerating when he said the stuff smelt amazing, the scent of it mixed with the aromatic fragrance in the air was making every touch feel even more intimate and relaxing. 
Sutan intentionally took his time and pressed into every muscle rippling through David’s back and shoulders, admiring the way they felt under his soft skin. His thumbs traced circles in the small dimples in his lower back, and Sutan eventually let his fingertips distractedly trace up David’s spine, starting from his tailbone all the way up into his neck. He had completely covered David’s back, shoulders and upper arms with his warming lotion which tingled against David’s smooth skin, and now Sutan began to very gently press against some of the pressure points in his neck, every so often leaning down to kiss the most sensitive spots.
David’s eyes were closed and so heavy with relaxation, he was actually surprised he hadn’t fallen asleep. The only think keeping him awake now was the occasional feeling of Sutan’s mouth against him and the heated contact between their bare skin. David hadn’t even realized how hard he’d grown until he felt the front of Sutan’s chest against his back and heard his voice whispering in his ear.
“You feel so soft.”
David felt himself move as Sutan began to crawl down the bed, periodically pressing kisses down his spine, ending just at the bottom of the arch in his back before coming to rest between his legs on the bed. Sutan reached out and touched the back of David’s calves, giving then a gentle rub and feeling the muscles before travelling higher to the backs of his thighs. His fingertips softly brushed against the skin, running all the way down to the backs of his knees and then back up just below his cheeks. David was feeling constant shivers up his spine at Sutan’s gentle caress, and when he felt Sutan lean down and press a kiss to the inside of his thigh, David thought for sure he was going to lose it right then and there. He gasped at the feeling, and then again when he felt Sutan press another kiss even higher on his thigh, involuntarily arching his back slightly. Sutan smiled at the natural response from David’s body, admiring the way his ass was now of full display for him as he moved up a bit higher. He leaned all of his weight on one hand, the other coming up to run over the peak of David’s ass cheek and down between the crack. David made a sound as he felt Sutan’s fingers brush around his entrance and begin to massage him, his hands now gripping the towels and pillows underneath him. Sutan continued to watch, always happily entranced by the way he could make David react to his attentions.
“Doesn’t that feel good?”
David made another soft sound and nodded his head, arching back slightly into Sutan’s touch. After another moment of massaging, David felt Sutan’s left hand come up to join his right, spreading him completely before burying his face in David’s ass. His tongue circled around the entrance, teasing David with soft licks just outside his hole before running all the way up to his coccyx and back down again. David couldn’t contain his gasps and little screams at Sutan’s touch, practically begging for more as he just felt the tease around the outside but Sutan refused to give in. He continued to just delicately graze the skin around David’s hole with his tongue, torturing him until he knew David couldn’t take anymore, hearing him verbally beg Sutan to keep going. After what seemed like eternity, Sutan finally plunged his tongue as deep as he could into David, his moans echoing through the apartment at the initial sensation. Sutan was hungry and eager to keep those beautiful sounds in the air, pushing his tongue in and out of David’s hole and pausing to lick around the sensitive outside. He slipped his hands underneath both of David’s thighs, hooking his arms around his legs and pressing down into the arch in David’s back, forcing it more while he continued to work his tongue. David gasped in surprise at his new position but closed his eyes in pleasure at the feeling of Sutan’s mouth on him. 
After a good 15 mins of ass eating Sutan finally released David from his grasp and let him lay collapsed on the bed in pleasure. He was unbelievably hard now but didn’t have the energy to do anything about it. David laid there quietly for a couple of minutes, letting himself regain a bit of his composure as he listened to Sutan’s laboured breathing behind him, sure that he was touching himself to prep for what was coming next. Suddenly he felt Sutan’s warm body against his back, his cock now hard as a rock and pressing against his lower back as he spoke to him.
“I hope you haven’t fallen asleep yet. I promised I’d make you feel good but I’m not done with you yet.”
David smiled but kept still with his eyes closed. “Don’t worry I’m still awake, my eyes just feel kinda heavy.”
His eyes shot open along with his mouth when he felt 2 of Sutan’s fingers suddenly push inside him.
“Sorry, was that too fast?” Sutan’s voice dripped with sarcasm but still he was very gentle, being careful not to hurt David too much as this night was meant to be relaxing.
David shook his head no, actually enjoying the sudden roughness in contrast to how unusually soft Sutan had been with him all night. He pushed back trying to fuck himself against Sutan’s fingers but his light touch let David know that he was to stay still. Sutan was still laid across David’s back as he moved his long fingers in and out, eventually inserting a third and feeling his hole stretch and contract around him, making sure David was sufficiently lubricated and ready for him. Finally he pulled his hand out and pushed himself up on all fours, positioning himself perfectly behind.
“Don’t worry about doing anything tonight babe.” Sutan said as he lowered himself down slowly and reached one hand out to stroke David’s hair. “Tonight is your night to relax, you let me do all the work. Just lay there and be good for me, okay?”
David leaned into his touch and nodded, enjoying the momentary tenderness before the inevitable sharp pain of Sutan’s dick pushing inside him that followed. That initial discomfort came with every hookup session, but a skilled top knew how to make the pain dissipate quickly. With Sutan, David never felt pain for more than that first moment. He knew exactly what to do to let David regain his self-control, he instinctively knew when to take it slow and how long to give him in order to let the pain pass and the pleasure to take over. But even still, that initial ache was always there.
“Fuck.” David cursed and gripped the pillow underneath him, hissing while he tried to think of anything but the uncomfortable intrusion in that moment. He took a deep breath and waited for Sutan to continue to move and make the pain melt into pleasure. Luckily tonight seemed especially easy as David stayed sprawled across the bed while Sutan took over completely. He moved himself slowly out, almost all the way to the point of falling out, then after checking to make sure David wasn’t hurting too much, he abruptly pushed himself all the way back in. David yelped in surprise, but as soon as he felt Sutan hit that spot they both knew he liked, he instinctively rocked back with a breathy moan. He was instantly overtaken by the subtle movements of Sutan’s hips, feeling the head of his cock rubbing back and forth over his prostate. 
Sutan leaned down and kissed the side of David’s neck and the soft spot under his ear as he continued to rock his hips gently. He was trying his best to control himself and take things slow tonight, insisting that David have the relaxing night he was looking for, but as usual it was proving to be difficult not to lose control at the feeling of David’s tight pussy around him. Sutan groaned into David’s shoulder after a particularly deep stroke, the feeling of him squeezing Sutan’s cock as he slowly pulled out becoming almost too much for him to handle. David reached his left hand up to bury in Sutan’s dark hair, pulling him closer and urging him on.
“More Sutan” he pleaded. As much as he loved the special attention he was receiving, David needed a good deep fuck right now and these thrusts were just too gentle and slow for his liking.
Never one to disappoint, Sutan raised back up onto his hands and knees and began to pick up the pace. His thrusts were quick but deep, doing everything he could to make sure David was completely satisfied, and judging by the sounds escaping his throat, Sutan could tell that he was successfully achieving his goals. David had been letting Sutan do most of the heavy lifting tonight, but he also couldn’t help his inherent need to fuck back, arching to meet his hips on every thrust even while laid out on his stomach. As Sutan began to fuck him even faster, David arched his back even more, bending his knees and raising his hips higher in the air. Normally Sutan would punish him for this and make David do as he was told, but tonight was about his pleasure and the arch gave Sutan better access anyways. He let his arm slip beneath their joined bodies, wrapping around David’s lower stomach and steadying them as he increased his thrusting even more, fucking hard and fast into his backside. 
“Uhhh, fuck David.” He groaned as he felt himself getting closer, trying desperately to hold off just a little longer. But it was almost like his hips had a mind of their own. Sutan let go of David’s body and leaned both hands up on the bedframe while he pushed deep and sharp into him. David’s face was still buried in the pillows while his ass was arched high in the air, and Sutan couldn’t help but admire how beautiful and submissive he looked moaning beneath him. He ran his fingers through David’s sweaty hair once more. 
As he felt the pressure building in his lower stomach, Sutan let his hand run from David’s hair, down his back and circle around his front to find David’s erection, stroking it in time with his quick thrusts. He heard David scream a satisfied “yes” before Sutan lost control completely, closing his eyes and leaning forward as he shot his warm cum deep inside David with a loud groan. Even through his own orgasm, Sutan continued to kiss and suck on David’s neck as he stroked him faster, feeling him so close to the edge before watching him fall off, David’s cum squirting all over his hand and on the towels underneath them. 
David breathed a sigh of relief finally being able to release all of that tension building up throughout the day, and after a moment of serenity he flopped over onto his back, watching Sutan clean the soiled towels off of the bed before coming back and snuggling in. He wrapped one arm around David’s waist while the other pushed his hair off of his forehead. No longer was he dealing with whiny David, now he just had soft and satisfied David, who he enjoyed a lot more. 
“Y’know you should give massages more often, you’re really good at it.”
“Is that so?” Sutan smiled as he continued combing through David’s hair. “So you’re satisfied with what you came here for tonight?”
David just nodded his head, still in a dreamy and satiated state. 
“So…does that mean you’re leaving now that you got what you came for? Or are you actually gonna stay?” Sutan was hesitant. Recently David hadn’t been staying over as much and he didn’t want to scare him away. 
“Are you kidding me? That dick puts me right to sleep, I’m ready to pass the fuck out.”
Sutan looked offended “Are you calling my dick session boring?”
“No, tiring you idiot.” David laughed at him but Sutan could see that his eyelids were already heavy.
“Alright you brat, go to sleep.” 
David didn’t need to be told again before he was softly snoring in Sutan’s arms.
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
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I've always been a whore for redheads 😈
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
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Fashion Photo Ruview Live!
why are they like this?
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
Pride pt 2 coming soon. Lots of fluffiness and a liiittle bit of smut 😏
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
I have no words. You guys are so lovely and motivating. More is definitely on the way very soon!
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
your newest fic is some of the best angst i've ever read bitch I love it
Oh thank you so much 🙈 believe it or not, this was my first time ever writing an angsty fic. It was a bit tough at first, but the final dialogue really flowed out easily. I only write because I have an audience so THANK YOU for your lovely words. It means the world ❤
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
Omg this is so nice THANK YOU! I do have some new works on the way, I'm actually almost finished part 2 of my pride fic series, and it's a lot more fun and fluffy and sexy than this one was haha. But I'll definitely try to scrounge up some more angsty ideas for you guys since it seems to be a hit. Love you all
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chardonnay-sin-blog · 5 years
Another Soulmate (Raja x Raven) - Chardonnay
A/N: Got a request from one of my lovely followers for a more angsty fic involving old feelings being looked back on. This isn’t set in present day (in order to be respectful to all current partners of the queens) so I’ve set it a little while back, maybe 5 or 6 years ago. Its definitely much sadder than anything else that I have written, but I really enjoyed trying something a little bit different. Enjoy! (disclaimer: quote at the beginning is not mine)
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