chericammiguel · 4 years
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chericammiguel · 4 years
Help Through Prayer
Let us pray for those families who haven’t experience comfort for a while.
Let us pray for those families that shed tears in the middle of the night, thinking and asking how long they will endure so much pain and hardships.
Let us pray for those families who don’t have enough fuel for their empty stomachs.
For you who haven’t experienced those things, - be grateful enough.
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chericammiguel · 4 years
cravings: sea and its waves
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chericammiguel · 4 years
3 Things About Mistakes
1. Committing Mistakes
           It is typical for people to commit mistakes, for it is done consciously or not. Somehow, we have this notion within us that if we ever feel that it is not wrong then it is okay, if we don’t feel guilty then it is not a mistake after all. Not knowing that we have already crossed the line.
           Committing a mistake has a purpose, we may not know what it is but certainly, we will be able to know it afterwards.
2. Realizing Mistakes
           We are not robots not to feel the mistakes that we have done. I believe that we are not that so numb not to feel somebody’s pain that we have caused. Maybe we are just afraid of the truth, maybe we are just making excuses, and maybe we are just treating ourselves blind so that we can’t be able to admit what we have committed. However, no matter how much effort we do to bury the truths in the grave, still, it will keep scratching, it will keep haunting us until we will be able to realize what we have done.
3. Mistakes as life lessons
           There are a lot of things we can learn every day. We learn from the simple things that we have met and we cannot deny the fact that somehow, it gives us something that we can cherish. One way where we could get life lessons is from the mistakes that we have committed in life. Once we have committed those, we can guarantee that there’s a reason behind it. Then if the time comes that we were able to realize what we have done, we will not be able to commit it again. Lastly, we will learn from it, and we will consider that committing a mistake is not bad at all, but it serves as our life lessons at the same time.
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chericammiguel · 4 years
I always seek for an avenue to express my thoughts and perspective in life.
As a mere teenager, I randomly post some of my thoughts on Twitter and Facebook, as well as my photographs on Instagram. Recently, upon browsing on the internet, I encountered some information about this app and I find it very interesting.
From now on, this app will be one of my favorite spot to hang out with and I'd love to share some of my interests here.
I am Cherica M. Miguel.
If you have some spare time, you can follow me on my other social media accounts, I would be very pleased and of course I do follow back! 💕
Love ya!
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chericammiguel · 4 years
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chericammiguel · 4 years
Dose of Words
Things You Should Be Thankful For
Your family is safe
You have shelter to live on
You have something to eat
You have clothes to wear
You are alive
Great things comes from little things. Appreciate what's on hand and be thankful, not everyone have the privilege to experience and have these.
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chericammiguel · 4 years
Dose of Words
We miss people randomly, we miss the ones who is not around, but we forget to appreciate people that is currently around us. And I think that hurts, the most.
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chericammiguel · 4 years
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good memories x good people https://www.instagram.com/p/CAeitMkA--mGYTCdaY96si07Kv9xxl6bdPmNI80/?igshid=1pa0flvm95xc9
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chericammiguel · 4 years
Dose of Words
Learning is not just a mere scanning of pages of your book, neither sitting inside the four corners of your room. We have to learn everyday even in a simple way. I hope you find yourself meaningful and productive despite of this pandemic period.
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chericammiguel · 4 years
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chericammiguel · 4 years
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chericammiguel · 4 years
Dose of Words
One Sunday morning, me and my older brother decided to attend a mass celebration. Fun fact, I always end up wasting my time in choosing the clothes that I'll wear, even though I only have limited items. 
What should I wear? I asked him. 
Well, I'm not expecting that he would answer me this way but, here it is,
“God doesn't care on what you are going to wear, just wear your genuine smile and we're off to go, we're already late."
Whoa, okay.
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chericammiguel · 4 years
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chericammiguel · 4 years
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chericammiguel · 4 years
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It's been a while since I had this genuine smile.
Just like waves, I knew that the universe will help me to experience it again, to be with the correct compass where should I be.
By the way this is one of the memorable experiences I had because it was my first trip to Libertad, Antique.
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chericammiguel · 4 years
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