childofmewtwo · 1 year
"Oh, that's nice. I didn't know there were other Mewtwos. By the way, my name is Geno. It's nice to meet you, and your family."
"Huh? Are you perhaps another Mewtwo just like me, my Dad, and my older sister?" Asked someone from behind who was a teenage Mewtwo.
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Sorry for the long wait on this ask :< I'm not use to RP asks usually, and was unsure how to go about this
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childofmewtwo · 1 year
thanks for the reblog! your randomly generated pokemon is…
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Mya: "Hey... Geno? Chibi?"
Mya looked down on the object she stumbled upon.
Geno: "...?"
"What is the matter, Mya?"
Mya: "Um... You might wanna see this for yourselves, guys."
Both Mewtwo siblings looked at each other confused as they head straight towards where Mya told them to look. Upon checking what the strange object is...
Mya: "What do you think this object is?"
Geno: "I don't know but... This object looks very familiar..." Geno looked towards his older sister Chibi who has a surprised, and shocked look on their face. "Big Sis... Is there something... wrong?" asked a slightly worried Geno.
"... How did this PokeBall... suddenly appear out of nowhere... (I thought this place was supposed to be a secret, hidden area?) Does that mean..."
Mya: "PokeBalls? You mean objects that humans used for catching Pokemon?" Mya curiously asked this question as she has heard her Dad mentioned about Pokeballs before, but she hasn't seen one yet until now.
Geno: "Yeah, but.. why is it suddenly out here?"
Chibi, Geno, and Mya all stared at the PokeBall as the Shiftry inside the PokeBall was waiting patiently for his eventual release.
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childofmewtwo · 1 year
Chibi after a few hours of flying eventually made it to Kanto, and went to the secret location where her family are.
*Secret Location*
"Father? Mya? Geno? Are you in here right now?"
Chibi then saw her family except for her Father who wasn't present around his children.
Mya: "Aw! C'mon Geno! Don't be such a Tsundere! Tell me who sent you this love letter~"
Geno: "Sigh.... Mya, I told you. I don't have a crush on someone. Mewtwos are incapable of falling in love and have children unless it's a Mew flower. And this love letter-"
"Um.... Am I interrupting something?"
Mya: "CHIBI! ✨"
Geno: "Huh? Oh, Heya Big sis."
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Chibi's siblings Mya the Mew and Geno the Mewtwo are currently ready for asks!
Mya identifies herself as She/Her.
Geno identifies himself as He/Him
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childofmewtwo · 1 year
"I see. So I'm not too far from my intended destination, thank you very much Miss."
The Mewtwo thanked the Gardevoir for all her helped as they levitated up into the sky and flew away to Kanto.
A Mewtwo was flying in the sky when she saw a Gardevoir on the ground. She stopped midair, and slowly descended from the sky into the ground below.
"Greetings, can you please perhaps help me with something?"
Hm. I predicted your arrival.
Well, it doesn’t matter. What do you need?
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childofmewtwo · 1 year
"I am visiting my father, but I seem to be lost. Do you know where Kanto is? My father lives in Kanto with my little siblings."
A Mewtwo was flying in the sky when she saw a Gardevoir on the ground. She stopped midair, and slowly descended from the sky into the ground below.
"Greetings, can you please perhaps help me with something?"
Hm. I predicted your arrival.
Well, it doesn’t matter. What do you need?
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childofmewtwo · 1 year
((ooc: i want to do one of those pokemon giveaways too!))
((pokemon roleplay/ask blogs, reblog this post before friday (14/04/23) and a randomly generated pokemon will land in your ask box for you to add to your teams!))
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childofmewtwo · 1 year
You...are you made in a lab?
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"Oh my! Another Mewtwo? I didn't know there was more of us. Well, to answer your question my Father and Auntie were lab born, but I'm different and unique. I'm born from a special rare flower called a Mew flower."
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childofmewtwo · 1 year
Welcome! Have a lovely stay in the commewnity n.n
"Oh, why thank you. What a kind and warm welcome your giving me, I'm flattered!"
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childofmewtwo · 1 year
"Greetings, my name is Chibi the Mewtwo. Child of the legendary Mewtwo of Kanto and grandchild of the mythical Pokemon Mew. What is it do you wish to ask me?"
1. No NSFW or inappropriate questions.
2. No mean or rude questions.
3. Chibi identifies themselves as She/They.
4. Swearing is allowed, but please no slurs.
5. Anon asks are allowed.
Asks are open.
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