#Mya the Mew
childofmewtwo · 1 year
thanks for the reblog! your randomly generated pokemon is…
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Mya: "Hey... Geno? Chibi?"
Mya looked down on the object she stumbled upon.
Geno: "...?"
"What is the matter, Mya?"
Mya: "Um... You might wanna see this for yourselves, guys."
Both Mewtwo siblings looked at each other confused as they head straight towards where Mya told them to look. Upon checking what the strange object is...
Mya: "What do you think this object is?"
Geno: "I don't know but... This object looks very familiar..." Geno looked towards his older sister Chibi who has a surprised, and shocked look on their face. "Big Sis... Is there something... wrong?" asked a slightly worried Geno.
"... How did this PokeBall... suddenly appear out of nowhere... (I thought this place was supposed to be a secret, hidden area?) Does that mean..."
Mya: "PokeBalls? You mean objects that humans used for catching Pokemon?" Mya curiously asked this question as she has heard her Dad mentioned about Pokeballs before, but she hasn't seen one yet until now.
Geno: "Yeah, but.. why is it suddenly out here?"
Chibi, Geno, and Mya all stared at the PokeBall as the Shiftry inside the PokeBall was waiting patiently for his eventual release.
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When I think of most popular main characters in Poptropica, they're usually either black or white. But there aren't a lot of other races as the main characters for each island, and if they are then they aren't as popular :(
Oh, you know what? You right. That's unfortunate.
Also, I don't know how relevant this is to your observation, but you made me come to an observation of my own:
For the majority of the black and white characters, you can look at them and accurately guess what race they are XD
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Husbands <3
But for some characters, it's literally impossible to know their race unless the narrative makes it clear, or if it's stated somewhere else.
That's because the race of these characters doesn't really matter unless it's relevant to the locations the island takes place in.
When it comes to islands like Skullduggery, Red Dragon, Mythology, Arabian Nights, or Jade Scarab, the narrative/locations/outfits/names/etc make it clear.
Also, somebody once told me that they didn't know Mya was Asian until I started posting (way too much) about the graphic novels. Cause in the game it's impossible to tell that Mya is Asian and Jorge is Latino by looking at them, because Poptropicans all look the same pretty much. Also they don't say their last names in the game.
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I mean, if you knew nothing about those characters except for this image, would you be able to tell they were different races? Probably not.
In the novels, they draw the Asian characters with slightly more oval eyes. And Mya's family name is "Wong."
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Jorge's family name is "Flores". And his mother speaks Spanish at one point.
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I guess the point is that it would be great to see other characters in Poptropica that aren't black or white become popular.
Also, again, there are a lot of popular characters who's races are ambiguous.
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Let's get real though, Octavian is most likely Greek, or has Greek ancestry. The Protectors care about every little detail, so they wouldn't send a spy on an island who wasn't the same race as the natives. Even if it might be harder to tell on the outside.
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reccyls · 1 year
Sengoku Cat Cafe (3rd party characters edition)
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This is a translation of the bonus cat POV (!!!) stories that are from the castle gacha I got the above image from. There are 3 stories:
3rd party (starring Funiko ≽^•⩊•^≼, a cute little black kitten)
Kasugayama (starring Joururi /ᐠﹷ ‸ ﹷ ᐟ\ノ, a classy calico lady)
Azuchi (starring Kabutomaru /ᐠ ˃ ⤙ ˂ マ Ⳋ, a tough and proud tuxedo boy)
3rd party faction story
(This is a tea shop near Sakai port. Funiko's new home.) (The grandpa who owns this shop just adopted me.) (I'm this shop's maneki-neko, I guess? Anyway, it's time to work today!)
Kicho: I knew it. So this was the store Mai was talking about.
(Ah, it's Mr. Merchant!) (Funiko remembers him from last time, when he came with one of his subordinates.)
Funiko: Meow.
Kicho: ...You look like you're doing well.
(Now that I look closer, he looks like a kind person...)
Motonari: ! What are you doing here... Don't tell me you were taking her seriously...
Kicho: ...Isn't that what you're doing here yourself?
(Hmmm? 'Her'? Who do they mean? What are they talking about?)
Kennyo: This is the place she was talking about... Ah.
Motonari: You too, huh.
Kicho: We're bothering the other guests. Let's head inside first.
Kennyo: It does seem quite crowded, true.
Motonari: There's only one empty table back there.
Kicho: We've got no choice, then. We'll sit together.
Motonari: A "cat cafe", huh. The hell's so good about a place like this anyway...
(Eep, this person is a little scary, maybe...)
Kicho: Motonari, you're scaring the kitten. Don't be too forceful. You have to pet her gently.
Motonari: Hah? Don't tell me what to do.
Kennyo: Come here... There, there, that's a good girl.
Funiko: Mew...
(Ah, there, that spot on my neck, ahhh... He knows all of the best scratching spots...)
Owner: It's just about time for her to eat, so would you like to try feeding her?
(Yay, it's fish time! Funiko loves fish time!)
Motonari: She sure got a dopey look on her face all of a sudden. Reminds me of a certain someone...
(Ahh... He can smile like that too, huh. I wonder who he's talking about?)
Kicho: Pay no mind to Motonari. Come, eat.
Motonari: Heh, smart kid. 'Course she's running to the person holding the spoon.
Funiko: Mya, myaaa!
Kicho: Take it easy. If you eat that fast, you're going to choke.
Kicho: Good girl.
(Phew... now that I'm full, I'm getting sleepy...) (...That looks soft...)
Funiko: Meow, meow...
Motonari: What's she doing, stepping all over my cape?
Kicho: It's called kneading. I've heard that cats engage in such behavior when they feel at ease.
Motonari: ...Wasn't she scared of me a minute ago?
(Ahh, this kimono feels really nice.)
Kennyo: Cats are cautious creatures by nature... but this little one is still a baby. Kennyo: Perhaps she has perceived your true nature, and feels that she can trust you?
Motonari: ...The hell are you implying?
Kennyo: You like small animals, don't you?
Motonari: ...Who knows. Not like I love them.
(Small animals? So, like cats?) (Hmmmm.... sleepy........)
Kicho: ...She's asleep.
Motonari: Oi, don't sleep on that.
Kennyo: Motonari, leave her be.
Kicho: She'll wake up on her own eventually.
(I'm not scared anymore, good night...)
And so, curled up in a soft cape, Funiko had a very good nap.
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grokebaby · 1 year
Mewmew and Evilicus look at the night sky together.
Dark blue, dotted, lit by thousands of sparkly stars, covered in constellations like delicate lace. The moon, shining beside them with it's light so lonesome, yet amplified by the glitter around it, and fueled by the overlasting light of the sun.
"This is what made Mya want to do space travel in the first place. Ever since I was a little kitty, I looked nyout there with such awe. I've never recovered from it. It still takes my breath away!" Mewed the heroic one.
The dark lord, in turn, stands frozen. Indeed, their breath also taken away - but unlike in awe, it's caught hitched in their throat. It's wriggling like a caged snake in their lungs. The open vastness so dark and inviting, yet full of light. Full.. Of Stars - ones that function just like the one that could sear the demon's opened skin, if left to it's devices. The one that hangs over the earth with an oppressive heat. Stars like that one. Full of the lot of them.
The horror of it should almost be beautiful.
But it's not.
They take a step backwards, in stunned silence. But it's nothing. A hundred steps would be nothing. The same open sky would still engulf them. The open sky, so unbearably bleeding with light from it's dark flesh. It could fall. It could come absolutely, entirely crashing down, and there's nowhere to flee. It surrounds you. It suffocates you. Consumes you.
They attempt to take a step, and falter to their knees. The armor suddenly feels loose, and way too open around the demon. It should be tighter. It's not tight enough. It never will be, against all that.
"Nyevilicus?" the meow falls on deaf ears. Blood is too loud rushing through them.
The world is sinking around them.
Too big.
Too many stars.
The cosmos will swallow you whole and the earth is it's plate.
The tips of their fingers grow cold and numb with anxiety, as blood pools on the back of the dark lord's head. Thudding. Like a countdown.
Thudding. The dark lord falls to the ground in weakness.
They only come to again, in the fuzzy staticky darkness, of Mewmews guest room. The world slowly returns back to surround Evilicus, along with all senses - carefully crawling back in like a snail out of it's shell. Their chest feels heavy, but fortunately, so does the darkness around them. Evilicus falls asleep from the exhaustion soon after.
Next time Mewmew looks at the night sky alone.
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 2 months
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow mew mew mew :3
meow meow meewwww nya meow
meeeoowwww :3
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seariii · 9 months
Mew Mew meow meow meow mya mew mya meoww
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Miaumiaumiau miau miau miau <3 hi!!! Good morning or good day!!! I think?
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kaoharu · 7 months
Elie did you know. Meow meow mya mew mya meow meow mya meow mya nya meow mya meow mya nya
really :00 ?? meowmeow mew meow nyaa meowmeiwmeow . . . myan mew meowwww
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xhioru · 2 months
@positronic-tribadist tagged mew and idk how to do this but fuck it we ball :3
"Put your music library on shuffle, make a poll of the first 5 songs, and let your followers vote on their fave!"
The only people I'm not afraid to tag are already covered so I guess I just die!!!! At least I got one of my personal favs in here :3c
Spotify links below mya
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utterlybrainwrecked · 3 months
nyaw mew meow meww meowemowmew !! purrrr . mewm ..
myaw w
preoow .. mya ! mrrrooowww mow miooo
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09lover · 9 months
meow mya meow :3
mew meowmeow mroewww!! :D
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childofmewtwo · 1 year
Chibi after a few hours of flying eventually made it to Kanto, and went to the secret location where her family are.
*Secret Location*
"Father? Mya? Geno? Are you in here right now?"
Chibi then saw her family except for her Father who wasn't present around his children.
Mya: "Aw! C'mon Geno! Don't be such a Tsundere! Tell me who sent you this love letter~"
Geno: "Sigh.... Mya, I told you. I don't have a crush on someone. Mewtwos are incapable of falling in love and have children unless it's a Mew flower. And this love letter-"
"Um.... Am I interrupting something?"
Mya: "CHIBI! ✨"
Geno: "Huh? Oh, Heya Big sis."
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Chibi's siblings Mya the Mew and Geno the Mewtwo are currently ready for asks!
Mya identifies herself as She/Her.
Geno identifies himself as He/Him
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Poptropica characters that might be on the autism spectrum?
Some of my headcanons:
Annie Perkins (Cryptids Island book)
Edgar (Monster Carnival Island)
Ishmael (S.O.S. Island)
Mya (Mystery of the Map)
Oliver (Mystery of the Map)
Simon Cobb (Astro-Knights Island book)
Abe (Zomberry Island)
Amelia (Home Island)
Arthur Eraser (Pencil Warrior book)
Bert Shell (Virus Hunter Island)
Cactus von Garlic (Vampire's Curse Island)
Claria (Jade Scarab Island)
Daphne Dreadnaught (Ghost Story Island)
Dr. Beev (Mocktropica Island)
Dr. Hare (24 Carrot Island)
Duck Game Worker (Monster Carnival Island)
Harold Mews (Cryptids Island)
Joe Puddy (Zomberry Island)
Kevin (Mystery of the Map)
Dr. Lange (Virus Hunter Island)
Mark Hertz (Mocktropica Island)
Mordred/Binary Bard (Astro-Knights Island)
Myron Van Buren (Survival Island)
Professor Pendulum (Time Tangled Island)
Rachel Salerno (Lunar Colony Island)
Ringmaster Raven (Monster Carnival Island)
Vince Graves (Nabooti Island)
Alright :p
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mystic-sunni · 2 years
Hello Poptropica community I have arrived to post something that I was meant to post a while back but forgot until now...sorry about that hehe. Anyways today we have Poptropica's top ten moments that don't get talked about as much as they should. There's going to be spoilers about the islands and characters also a few honorable mentions that just didn't hit the top ten mark. With all that said and done let us begin with number 10.
10. Skeletons
So as our character explores several islands and many strange places we often stumble upon a spooky site. What's the spooky site you maybe asking well I'm talking about skeletons. We have seen them on several islands for example 24 Carrot Island and also we fight off skeletons in Red Baroness side quest before Rumpelstiltskin got her. Anyways this does indicate a bit of a surprising site to some people and I'm surprised nobody talked about it much on here.
9. Player's parents
So some of us og Poptropica players remember when we would create our character we would spawn from a box right? Well apparently we do in fact have parents or at least a mom because on Night Watch Island when we find chocolate soap we not only learn our player has a potty mouth but also we have a mom. Pretty surprising that isn't mentioned barely at all.
8. Mya missing her family (MOTM Books)
I honestly haven't read any of the books because I didn't have the money to get them but someone on here actually showed how Mya during the story was starting to break down because all she wanted was to go home to her parents. Sorry I can't talk much about this since I don't know a lot about it.
7. The space dog (Lunar Colony Island)
If you played Lunar Colony Island you might've found a few pictures that had some astronauts and a dog with them. But not a lot is mentioned about the dog. Did it leave space or did something happen?
6. "Are you looking for something?" (Ghost Story Island)
The first time Poptropica had some voice acting if we ignore Pop English heh...Anyways I am personally surprised by how nobody said much about the interaction before.
5. Octavian (MOTM)
For those like me who just played the island for the book series most of us might have believed that Octavian was just a evil adult but if you had read the books it turns out there's a lot more lore to him than we knew from the island.
4. Famous last words from Joe Puddy (Zomberry Island)
So apparently Joe Puddy was in a Poptropica comic and his last words before becoming a Zomberry were "I said I would." Most likely meaning that he was going to at least attempt to keep his promise to his wife to eat the fruit most likely but I'm not to sure.
3. What happens to "Honest" Gabe?
Most of us who have played or seen Monster Carnival Island playthrough have some sort of idea of who I'm talking about. By the time our player gets to the island Gabe is nowhere to be found. Where is he and what has actually happened to him?
2. Missing Kids Posters (24 Carrot Island)
So the missing kids that Dr.Hare has been kidnapped for around 6 months for some of them before we arrived to the island. Also the state of the island was quite concerning when we arrived.
Now before we hit number 1 let's me make a few honorable mentions!
1. Merlin's sacrifice (Astroknights Island)
2. Our player getting framed several times for crimes we didn't commit.
3. Almost becoming a trophy (Survival Island)
Now that the honorable mentions are said let's get to number 1!
1. Nearly drowning (Cryptids Island)
For most of us og poptropica players we might remember this scene where we were riding the waves with our kite board thing and then we see Gretchen on her boat. She immediately sets our kite device on fire and leaves us to nearly drown if Harold Mews didn't save us with his helicopter. So the reason this is number 1 in my opinion is because I see people talk about Gretchen but nobody really talks about how she nearly kills us.
Anyways that's my top 10 Poptropica moments that aren't talked about that much as they should be. Thanks for reading and huge thank you to those who sent in suggestions!
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librius · 8 months
did you know that you're a cat? a kitty cat?
me???? im a kitty cat??? yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! meow mew mew meowwww mya!!!!!!
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iqmmir · 9 months
meow :3
Mreoww mya mrew mew nya
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touhouweed · 2 years
meowwwwwwww meow mew mewo mow mrrrrph mew mew mya
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