chimerainthemirror · 5 years
((Not even this will bring me back))
((Whole state is on lock down on account of the coronavirus and nobody in state following what the government been saying. Still not coming back until the cunt that started this path to hell admits she lied about me threatening her.))
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chimerainthemirror · 5 years
Au Revoir
When this posts, I will be long gone from this website. I wish I was stronger than this but I’m not.  I would love my last words on this hell site to be of love and comfort and encouraging but I have lied long enough. I’ve stayed silent all this time but no longer. I’ve scheduled this and queued it on the blogs I could make do as I desired.
This is not for the ones I love. They don’t deserve this. I will miss them greatly. The ones that made me smile every day and tried so hard to keep me going will never be forgotten. 
I feared that my past, during a time where I was at my worst, a weak excuse at the best, was coming back. My fear got the best of me and I acted out of selfish desires, acting like I knew best for others when I clearly did not.  But my problems, personal or otherwise, are not what is important. None of it is. What is important is I am tired.
Tired of the rumors, the back stabbing, the spite, the hair-brained schemes all of it. I’m too old for this high school drama. And I’m done. This time, I am not coming back. Maybe, with me gone, people will heal and maybe, maybe grow up and move on from whatever this was.
To Cecil and Tasha, I know mentioning you both in the same sentence will cause you a great irritation. I sincerely thank both of you for making me the person I am today. It is only appropriate this debacle ends the way it began, a needless shite storm started by a Secret Santa.
From the bottom of my tired heart, I hope you had the time of your life.
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
“I am too tired and I miss you too much.”
— Simone de Beauvoir
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
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Reblog with your favorite Electric-type Pokémon!
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Magnemite’s obviously my favorite, but Stunfisk is a close second 💙
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
                               psa - - if you rp a character that   - was only in one episode or a movie little known   - is hated   - a female muse   - no one knows bc the fandom is small or nonexistent   - an oc continue !!!! writing !!! your !! character !! there is a reason you love them like you do and if you feel like no one wants to write with you or other wise i can assure you !! that people love your writing and that they enjoy seeing you on your dash and that they love screaming about plots and branching out your character !!
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
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June 4, 2019. 
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
youve seen romance repulsed asexual now get ready for…..
hopeless romantic asexual that gets crushes on everyone and probably watches bad romance movies and loves love just without the sex parts because despite what society says romance and sex can 100% exist without the other
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
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Ink (Avogado6)
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
Reblog if your blog is ace/aro friendly...
So that I can follow you. 
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
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As an OC mun, I’d just like to give a shout out to those canon muns who put ‘No OCs’ up front on their blog and their rules. I know it’s a great way to risk getting a lot of whining and hate, but I actually appreciate knowing point blank so I can move along. Thanks!
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
You made me rip myself open, piece by piece. Every secret, every past memory…only to say I’m too much to hold onto.
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
Mun had a most excellent birthday. Many thanks to the birthday well wishes received.
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
Happy birthday to the sweetest man💗
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Happy birthday, Jensen Ackles❤️
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
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chimerainthemirror · 6 years
How about a chia pet? Water them once or twice a day and they will do fine with your. Quirky lifestyle."
What is your ideal pet?
He had to think hard. “I mean.. I like all kinds of animals, but something that’d not be too hard to take care of would be good. I’m out at weird hours so I couldn’t feed something at certain set times, y’know?”
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