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i hope this is a relatable enough post
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okay the thing about the tumblr sexyman finalists
i've seen a LOT of (presumably younger/comparatively newer tumblr users) say that they have no idea who Cecil Palmer is. you know what? that's fair and that makes sense if they joined in like 2016 or later.
welcome to night vale peaked around 2013-2015. but it was UBIQUITOUS on this site during that time period. you could not use tumblr without being exposed to WTNV in some way shape or form. there are still traces of WTNV absurd/horror humor in a lot of posts that circulate today.
let's take a look at the peak of WTNV popularity:
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so, yeah. definitely a HUGE spike in 2013 when it first got popular, then it starts to drop off in 2015 (with a bit more drop off around 2017)
comparatively, let's take a look at the other contestant, Reigen Arataka.
being a tumblr user since the beginning of time, i personally have never heard of this anime boy.
so i did some googling to find out where he's from
the manga for this series was released from 2012-2017, but let's be real and admit that way more people watch anime than read manga. the first season of the anime was released in 2016 and JUST had its third season released at the end of 2022.
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here we spikes of popularity where each season was released.
NOW let's take a look at direct comparisons.
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here's a comparison of popularity in search trends of the two projects over time. mob psycho 100 has a slightly higher average, but WTNV has a noticeably higher peak.
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now HERE is where things get interesting. a comparison of search popularity of the two characters themselves. Reigen Arataka's peak is both very recent and comes nowhere CLOSE to Cecil Palmer's peak in popularity.
and Cecil's peak was so long ago, yet he STILL has a big enough hold on the tumblr community to be relevant and holding his own in a competition against characters who are much more popular now in 2023.
Cecil Palmer and WTNV are a lasting influence on this website. the height of his popularity on tumblr made him literally inescapable on this site. you could not scroll through your dash without seeing some weird tentacled fanart of this man.
the fact that he held such a big role in early tumblr for so many people to still vote for him now is a testament to his role as a pivotal and true tumblr sexyman. he has passed the test of time. he is eternal on this website. will the same be true for Reigen Arataka? maybe someday, but as of this moment he is simply the popular anime boy that people are obsessed with.
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Let’s go Cecil you got this!
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Tumblr Sexyrematch info
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i did not have “born in the wrong body” childhood transgender angst i had “blissfully unaware of the concept of gender until the world lucifer’d me and made me bite that fucking awareness apple and then suddenly everything was Wrong” angst
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Boys will be boys
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will the rain ever stop?
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Day 76 - Kazuha 🍁 ( ´∇`)
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Kaedehara Kazuha for Genshin Impact’s fanart competition
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meow meow
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I come bearing cursed thoughts.
I shall start with two statements.
One - I have seen the belief that a young Neil Gaiman, Himself, was the artist's inspo for Dream. Looking at them side by side it makes a lot of sense.
Two - I have seen someone say that Dream is the blueprint for Tumblr Sexyman. Amazing. Radiant. Very correct in my humble opinion.
However. Wait.
This makes Neil, Himself, the proto-blueprint of the Tumblr Sexyman.
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Mercy winking to bless your dashboard
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I'm showing my software engineer flatmate tumblr code and glitches and he just keeps getting more and more agitated
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love languages
cut up fruit on a plate
doing work at the same table
adjusting someone’s collar, brushing off lint on their shoulder, fixing their hair
bringing home leftovers
excited text messages 
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It has arrived!
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A compilation.
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