chuuyqs · 4 years
i’m opening my askbox! send in all your worries, triumphs and desires~! i’ll be here to listen to them all, with along with a lovely note just for you
~ Dazai
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chuuyqs · 4 years
Hello hello! I'm a newcomer to the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom (just started watching the other day) and I just found this blog and I love it!
Hi!! Awe thank you!! Welcome to the fandom and I hope you enjoy your stay :))
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chuuyqs · 4 years
ok hi,,,so sorry for leaving like FOREVER. the pandemic literally had me dead and then i transferred universities so everything has sorta been a mess. i totally didn’t mean to neglect this account lol. but uh holy crap??? i didn’t expect it to get this much attention lmao. anyways! i’ll be finishing whatever i have in my askbox even though its been like 80 years. so sorry bout that 😔 anyways thank y’all! i’m gonna try to get back to it now that things have settled 💗
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chuuyqs · 5 years
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Need Financial Assistance!
Hi, I’m Danneil John Flores (22 years Old) and I’m asking some donations for my sister’s condition since me and my parents are incapable of supporting her right now and most of my savings are all dried out now. Both of my parents does not have a stable Job, my father is just a pedicab driver and my mother is a housewife. I had a job way back a year ago. I can’t find a job in here since I’m the only one who can do the labors of getting her oxygen refilled daily and also in case of some emergencies, most of the donations go through her medications our family needs and expenses, if you are looking for more proofs don’t hesitate to contact this blog or contact us personally here.  My sister Sharmaine Ann Flores 26 yrs old suffers from PPAH (Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension) for near 3 years already which is a lifetime disease, read more here. For proofs just check this link, we can provide documents and such but please email it to [email protected] (this is my email) Update: January 2020  Our Doctor told us to get her checked as soon as possible in Manila Heart Center, Hopefully We could save up a lot of money for the trip and possibly the operation, thank you! 
FOR DONATIONS Remittance: Full name: Danneil John Tiano Flores Birth: December 3, 1996 Address: La Carlota City, Philippines Contact Number: +639506420580 Paypal: [email protected] or Use this Link  Gofundme: Campaign Link
For my Bank Information Please Kindly Contact me on this blog
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chuuyqs · 5 years
hi guys, sorry if i’m slow! school has been super busy this week, but i should be getting what i have in my box done tomorrow! ty!
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chuuyqs · 5 years
Fanfic Ideas
So I’ve had a few ideas for fanfics, and I’m not sure which one to go with! Let me know which of these y’all would rather see by sending the letter beside it. All feedback is appreciated! 
A: 1920s gang au;
characters: chuuya, dazai
(i’m literally a sucker for this time period; plot will be the same for both characters, but written in different POVs)
B: titanic au; 
characters: dazai, chuuya, akutagawa, atsushi
(i’ve always wanted to write one of these; each character will have their own plot)
C: social media au;
characters: chuuya, dazai, akutagawa, atsushi, ranpo, yosano
(each character will have a different story with the reader, but the concept will remain the same (they’re all part of a youtube/twitter group and y/n is a fan))
FYI: I will be adding a second part to my Dazai x Reader as well!
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chuuyqs · 5 years
You're a good writer! I hope you continue your blog :)) Anyway, could I request a Dazai and Chuuya with a crossdressing s/o? Where she dresses like a man and they find out somehow?
Hi! Thank you sm! I’ll try my best to continue for as long as I can :)
Dazai Osamu
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he does not know what privacy is
so after an assignment for the armed detective agency, his s/o said that they were going to get changed
at the time they had only been a couple for two weeks at most, so they were still getting to know all about each other
dazai suddenly remembers that he had to tell them something (most likely something completely unimportant)
and thinking that his s/o is a boy, he assumes that it was okay just to walk in
he’s completely shocked to find his s/o - with their hair down and only in a tank top and shorts
they both, in short, freak the fuck out
dazai starts to complain loudly about how she hid her feminine beauty from him, and that’s how she knows he isn’t really upset
but of course, his s/o is worried that this will change things
dazai, on the other hand, doesn’t really care, claiming that he’s attracted to her either way
he doesn’t really comment on it much, just tells her that she looks pretty either way
he’ll adjust his pet names for her accordingly, calling her either “m’lady” or simply “darling
Chuuya Nakahara
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chuuya found out right after his s/o began living with him
they actually start living together early on, mostly because his s/o had nowhere else to go
his s/o went to the bathroom to shower, and he went to go ask them something
luckily, (or unluckily) he only caught her with her hair down
it takes him a full five minutes to process the fact that she’s not actually a man, and another five to come up with any coherent words
in that time, she’s already led him to the couch, where he sits staring blankly at the wall
he’s only a little upset, because he feels lied to, but it’s nothing they can’t work through
he’s probably more upset about how good she looks as both a boy and a girl, he doesn’t hesitate to make this known - loudly
it’s honestly unfair
he’ll mutter about it angrily under his breath for a while, while his s/o sits there looking concerned
should his s/o ask if this changes anything, he’d be adamant about the fact that he’s attracted to her for her personality, not looks or gender
he claims that he “swings both ways, violently”
they eventually grow comfortable with the fact that she likes to crossdress
he tends to keep things gender neutral, but he’ll adjust accordingly if he has to
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chuuyqs · 5 years
Hi! I really love your writing. You have amazing talent. 🤗 May I request what a daily routine while living together of Ryuunosuke and his kind and nice fem s/o who is a civilian would look like? 🥰 I would be really grateful. 😊
Hi! Thank you! I hope you like it!
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he’s always the one to get up first, and he may be up for hours before his s/o
he doesn’t normally stay in bed, but he will on rare occasions
they have cats!! also
i could just see akutagawa owning a bunch of cats
he’ll typically put one of the cats in the bed by his s/o so they aren’t alone in bed
he can’t cook, so he settles for making tea for his s/o and himself
mornings tend to be pretty quiet, because despite the fact that he wakes up early, akutagawa isn’t necessarily a ‘morning person’
he’ll typically wait for his s/o to wake up on the couch with their cats
sometimes he has to go into work, so he’ll leave a note for his s/o next to their tea
he cares alot about the little things
days off are slow, and akutagawa likes to spend as much time at home lazing about with his s/o
he’s pretty moody about cuddling: he’ll either act super touch-starved, or like he doesn’t want to be touched at all
he likes when his s/o is in the mood to spend the whole day watching movies or doing activities indoors
he will accompany his s/o on errands, but not without a little grumbling
getting him tea or boba will typically stop the grumbling, and keep him content enough for her to shop for a while
he pretty much just follows her around while she shops, and he doesn’t like to be by himself
he’s a bit like an overgrown kid
he’s not one for public affection normally, but he doesn’t mind holding hands
in fact, he might (emphasis on the might) even go as far to admit that he likes it, just a little
he likes when his s/o cooks, and he’ll come and look over her shoulder while she does so
sometimes, if he’s in the mood, he’ll rest his chin on her shoulder while she’s cooking
he eats alot when she cooks, and he’ll often go for seconds or thirds
he tends to stay up pretty late at night, but he will asleep immediately on rare occasions
he likes to lay his head in his s/o’s lap and let her play with his hair (he loves that, but he’d die before he admits it)
on days when he works, he’ll text his s/o throughout the day
people at the Port Mafia make fun of him because he gets this bright look in his eyes when he texts her
he’ll send her pictures of cats he sees on the streets or videos of chuuya nearly getting into fights with rude middle schoolers
he’ll also send her simple texts like “everyone here is irritating” or “i don’t know why they made me come in today”, which, in akutagawa language means “i miss you”
he’s always pretty tired when he comes home, and these tend to be the days that he’s more touchy
his favorite part is coming home to his s/o’s cooking, and the little kiss she places on his cheek
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chuuyqs · 5 years
Hi there you know those fanfics where the read ends up in her favorite anime can you do a headcanon of the reverse where Astushi ,Dazai ,chuuya meet the reader who is a fictional character in the BSD world and meet before her adventure .They accidentally spoiled what's going to happen to her. Her origins could be similar to the cliché shounen mc
yooo i love this idea! tysm! basically what i did was replace the reader with each character from the ask and tweak their stories a little bit! I hope that’s okay, but let me know if there’s anything i can fix~ 
(also, i may actually turn this into a full on fanfic if you’d like, because i have so many ideas for this now lol)
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Atsushi was absolutely ecstatic to end up in his favorite anime, Bungou Stray Dogs
And he was even more ecstatic when he accidentally bumped into the main character on the street
She was even more beautiful in person, and he found himself stumbling over his words - trying to communicate how amazing he thought she was
She was a little freaked, albeit flattered, but she was concerned about how this random boy knew so much about her
After all, she was only a simple orphan, so how come somebody she had never met knew so much or even bothered to care about her?
So she decided to interrogate him, only to find out that he wasn’t from her world at all
Atsushi prattled on and on, so entranced by her beauty that he accidentally let it slip that she’s a weretiger
And that she’ll join an organization called the Armed Detective Agency
And also that she’ll have an enormous bounty on her head, which causes several dangerous groups to come after her
By this point, the MC’s head was spinning, and she sat motionless in a state of shock
Atsushi tried his best to get her attention, when suddenly she leapt to her feet, tugging him along with her
He could only stutter out a quick “Where are you going?” as he was dragged along behind her, still somewhat in shock
“To the Armed Detective Agency,” she gritted out, “So you can explain to me who the hell you are and why I should believe you.”
Atsushi could only allow himself to be pulled along, slightly taken aback by how attractive she was when she’s angry (seriously, how does anyone fight her without getting butterflies in their stomach?)
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Dazai was surprised yet excited to find himself in the world of Bungou Stray Dogs, an anime that had recently been the subject of his obsession
He was particularly interested in one of the main characters, who just so happened to be a very talented executive in the Port Mafia
He might even go so far as to say he had a slight crush on her
So when he ran into her in a back alley, he immediately began to pester her with questions
She was quite bemused by this, but she humored him anyways, answering his questions with vague answers of her own
She found herself to be slightly interested in the strange man as well, and perhaps even a bit curious about him
Her interest is replaced by fear when he begins to speak about her very private past
And soon Dazai is pressed against a grimy brick wall with a gun to the back of his head
In his absolute excitement at the situation (it’s not everyday that your favorite character threatens to murder you) he accidentally lets it slip that she’ll join the Armed Detective Agency later on
The MC froze, and Dazai could no longer feel the cold kiss of the gun on his head
He’d been hauled to his feet by the collar his shirt, and dragged along behind the MC through the alley
At his prompting, she revealed that she was taking him somewhere where she could properly question him and find out who he really was
Dazai was both equally excited and terrified
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Chuuya was happy to be in the world of Bungou Stray Dogs, a popular manga/anime, but he was more curious on how he had even gotten there
He was secretly hoping to bump into some of his favorite characters, especially one of the main characters
His all-time favorite happened to be a girl who had recently been assigned a partner in the Port Mafia - one that she wasn’t really fond of
Chuuya found the partnership amusing, and he really related to the girl, for some odd reason
He may have even been a bit attracted to her
So when Chuuya bumped into her in the street, he lost his composure a bit
The MC was slightly irritated that some random guy was bothering her, and she was about to tell him to get lost
At least, until he began to say some interesting things about her
She was alarmed to find that he knew quite a bit about her past, and her private life
And she was even more alarmed to discover that he knew about her future as well
Chuuya, being the adamant manga reader he was, could hardly stop himself from proudly reciting the MC’s story back to her
So much so that he let important plot points slip
Ones that hadn’t even occurred yet in the anime
Such as the fact that her partner would leave her to join the Armed Detective Agency
At the MC’s startled expression, he realizes that he’d dropped somewhere early on in her life, before her partner had left
He was hardly surprised when she grabbed him by the front of his shirt, tugging him off to “somewhere private where they could discuss the matter in detail.”
Chuuya couldn’t help but feel slightly afraid, if not a little sorry for her,  judging by the anger and hurt in her eyes
So he allowed himself to go along with her - a little explaining never hurt anyone
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chuuyqs · 5 years
hi !! could i request a headcannon with dazai, junichiro and ranpo please! one where the reader use to be a former port mafia member and is now with the armed detective angency? they have a powerful ability which scares most she tries to help, how would the boys help her with that problem,how would they help her with nightmares and overall fitting into this new environment? thank u 💓💓
hi!! sure thing!
dazai osamu:
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this boy would know exactly how it feels, so he knows what she needs to get settled
he might even subtly ask that she stay somewhere close to him, so he can be there when she has nightmares
the minute he hears her cry out in her sleep, or start to cry, he’s there - cuddling her against him
he knows better than to try and get her to talk about it, because he already knows what the port mafia is like
he’s the first to give her his number and assure her to contact him at any time
if she ever feels like she’s going overboard with her power, he’ll be there immediately to nullify it and calm her down
he’d find her ability super interesting, and even ask her about it to try and help her gain confidence
everyone in the ADA swears they were made for each other
junichirou tanizaki:
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he’s so accepting of her, and he’s ecstatic to have a new member
him and atsushi happily show her around before any of the other members could scare her off
he’ll take interest in her quite quickly, and find himself trying to spend more time around her and help her get acclamated
one night she stayed late, and junichirou forgot his keys. he’d been surprised to find her at her desk crying softly, after waking from a nightmare
he immediately scooped her into his arms and whispered soothing words to her
he’d be so supportive of her ability, and constantly reassure her that she’s an amazing asset to their team
ranpo edogawa
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he won’t pay much mind to her at first, and he’ll pretty much go on as normal
but the minute he sees her shy away from kunikida’s shouting, his interest is piqued
he’ll ask about her port mafia days a bit insensitively, but later apologize - and boom, immediate friendship
he starts trying to get to know her better after that, despite already knowing alot about her already
the ADA immediately knows that ranpo likes her because of this
her and ranpo were the only two left at the HQ after hours working on paperwork, and she ended up falling asleep
ranpo was startled when she started to cry, and he panicked briefly before just crouching down beside her and rubbing her back
they become closer after this, and ranpo often requests to partner with her on missions and investigations to help her gain confidence
if she ever worries about not being helpful, or hurting others, ranpo will always point out the investigations they did well to help her feel better
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chuuyqs · 5 years
Here a just a few rules for requesting! If you happen to miss any of these, don’t worry, I won’t delete your request! It just may not be as detailed. If you missed any of these and want to let me know, feel free! I’m always open to working things out!
Max amount of characters you may request: 5
I write character x character and reader/oc insert!
Responses may be less detailed the more characters you ask for!
Please try to include these in your request:
Sexual/Romantic Orientation
A bit about your personality
Anything else you’d like to add! (zodiac, appearance, etc.)
One shots:
Anything goes! Please try to include as much information as possible, though!
I also do either reader insert, character x oc, or character x character!
If you’re requesting for an oc, please have a reference or brief bio ready!
Thank you for checking me out! Please don’t hesitate to message me for any questions, concerns or if you just wanna talk! 
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chuuyqs · 5 years
Hi ((: Welcome to Tumblr!! I hope your having fun writing. Could i request Dazai, Akutagawa, Tanizaki & Chuuya with a chubby fem s/o? If you dont write for any of those characters its ok!! Hope you have a nice day ((:
Hi! Thank you so much! I hope your day is going great, dear!
Dazai Osamu
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he does not care what his s/o’s body type is, he’ll look past that immediately
he finds beauty in all women, no matter their body type
he claims that there’s just more of them for him to cuddle and boy does he do so
being as touchy and affectionate as he is, his s/o can be sure that he’ll layer on the love
if they’re ever feeling insecure, they won’t be for long, because dazai will be there immediately - murmuring compliments into their skin and holding them close
he’s constantly reassuring his s/o, should they ever be doubtful of their appearance, that they’re his…so they must be beautiful, right?
Tanizaki Junichirou
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this boy loves his s/o with all his heart - and that means he loves all of their bumps and curves too
he’ll compliment them constantly, and sometimes randomly 
they could be working or cuddling, and he’ll pop out a compliment out of the blue
he wants his s/o to feel good about themselves, and he loves making them smile
if anyone ever makes them doubt that they’re beautiful, he’s immediately reassuring them with sweet words and even sweeter touches
he loves how soft his s/o is around the edges as well: it makes them perfect for cuddling!
Chuuya Nakahara
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he doesn’t care what his s/o’s body type is, they’re his and that’s what matters!
he’s super protective of his s/o though, because he knows some people may not have that same mindset
he loves resting his head on their soft thighs and snuggling up next to them in private
should anyone ever talk bad about his s/o or their body, his s/o can be sure that chuuya will take care of them
he prefers to give affection in private, so his s/o will receive all sorts of love and compliments in the comfort of their home
he’s big on body worship as well, and he loves running his hands over his s/o’s curves
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
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this boy is very shy
but that doesn’t mean he won’t let his s/o know how much he appreciates them and their body
in his own special way, of course
this could be through a soft “You’re stunning” under his breath, or in the slow, tentative kisses he presses to each part of their body
while he is shy, once he gets the hang of affection, he is so very touch starved. And in his opinion, his s/o’s soft and warm body is perfect for cuddling.
he loves how their shoulders are soft when he rests his head against them, and how the curves of their waist accommodate his hands perfectly
if anyone dares to disagree with him on the matter of his s/o’s beauty, well, let’s just say that they should probably leave Yokohama as soon as possible
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chuuyqs · 5 years
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (Dazai x Reader)
You’re swept off your feet by a peculiar man at your cousin Kunikida’s party.
pairing: dazai x reader
word count: 1,039
song: lost in the rhythm - jamie berry 
a/n: this is just a short one shot i wrote in like an hour lol enjoy!
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You were ditched. And not to mention, sick and tired of the pitying looks everyone was sending your way. You were sure Kunikida had told the entirety of his friend group, in hopes that pity of all things would do you some good. It had not. 
You were currently fuming in the corner, after your boyfriend of six months had revealed at the last minute he couldn’t make it. You’d been growing to suspect that he just wasn’t as interested in the relationship, and this event really did it in for you. It was embarrassing, being one of the only ones without a ‘plus-one’.
Kunikida’s family throws a party at the beginning of each new year in order to “start the new year off right”, or whatever that meant. The parties had always been fun and full of memories in the past. But now, the only memories to be associated with this party were bad ones. 
You leaned back against the darkened wall of Kunikida’s ballroom, turning your phone on and off again. You still held on to the little bit of hope that your boyfriend would suddenly show up and whisk you out onto the floor. However, your phone was barren of any sign of him. 
You sigh, lowering your phone to watch Atsushi whisk Akutagawa off onto the dancefloor in a flurry of limbs. A soft smile adorns your face, at least they’re having fun. 
Your vision of the party is suddenly obscured as a man leans down into your line of sight. You startle, pressing back against the wall as the man’s lips quirk up into a teasing smile. 
“What’s a cutie like you doing here all alone?” 
The man is rather handsome, you can’t help but admit. Chocolate waves fall down into his face, framing two deep brown eyes that are alight with mischief. His face is angular, with high cheekbones and a jawline that could cut. His eyes are soft, however, and they make you want to trust him. 
You glare at him, “I’m surprised Kunikida hasn’t blabbed to you.”
The man giggles, “He has, actually. I’m just wondering why you haven’t found some other man to trifle with to get back at the bastard.”
“You have no idea how women work, do you?” You ask flatly, to which the man shakes his head.
“Unfortunately no,” He smiles, “But that’s not important right now. This is a perfect chance to get back at him, and you’re letting it all go to waste.”
You huff, “I just feel stupid. I’m the only one without a plus one.”
The man extends his hand, straightening to full height. He’s rather tall, and your nose sits just above the slope of his shoulder. 
“Not anymore.” He says, with a small wink.
You’d probably send a douche like this packing had the situation been any different. But this man is offering you a chance to do just what you wanted to do, and not to mention, he’s pretty. You take his hand, albeit hesitantly, and allow yourself to be tugged onto the floor. 
The song is a fast-paced swing song, and pairs move effortlessly around you. You pride yourself on your somewhat adequate dancing skills, but you feel unsure with a new partner. As you reach the middle of the floor, the man spins you around, dipping you low. 
“Aren’t I lucky?” His breath hits the expanse of skin just below your ear, causing you to shiver. 
He lifts you up, and the two of you fall effortlessly into a series of quick steps. The man looks positively elated, holding your gaze with his teasing one. You’ve noticed that the dancefloor has cleared out a bit, only to find that many of the guests are watching you and the man from the sidelines. You can spot a few of your friends with their cameras out, further fueling you to put on the performance of your life. You hope it ends up somewhere that your boyfriend can see it. 
The man lifts you suddenly, and you allow yourself to be twisted into a flip. The crowd roars, and you can hear Atsushi yell something unintelligible. The man is grinning now, and you’re sure you are too. A laugh bubbles its way up your throat as you navigate through a sequence of complicated steps.
“Y’know,” The man starts, his breathing heavy, “I never got your name.”
“Y/n,” you manage to utter out as the man spins you out toward your friends. He pulls you in close, flush against him, and one of his hands runs down the length of your back to your hip.
“What a lovely name,” He says, his voice saccharine.
“It’s good manners to say your name back,” You counter, despite the fact that your heart is running a mile a minute at the proximity.
“Dazai,” he manages to say as the music picks up again, “Dazai Osamu.”
There’s another series of steps before Dazai’s spinning you out again. He pulls you back in again, in repeat of the earlier move, but this time he dips you as the music comes to a close. The cheers around the two of you are thunderous, and you can hardly hear them past the rushing of blood in your ears.
You freeze as Dazai runs a thumb over the length of your bottom lip, before lifting you back to your feet. 
“Your boyfriend has no idea what he missed out on,” He says, turning his back to adjust himself.
“Thank you,” you say softly, and Dazai tuts condescendingly.
“You think I was going to let you off that easy?” He tugs a phone out of his pocket, “You owe me a favor now.”
Your face grows hot, the thought of your asshole boyfriend long gone. You take the phone out of his grasp shyly, quickly typing your number into the already open contacts page. 
“You’ll be hearing from me,” Dazai winks once again, and you feel the urge to roll your eyes at the action.
“I guess it’s only fair.”
“I suppose it is,” He agrees, and is soon interrupted by Atsushi tackling you into a hug.
You suppose that you prefer this type of irritating over the ditching-asshole kind. 
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chuuyqs · 5 years
new writing blog
hi! i’m a new bungou stray dogs writing blog! i write for pretty much any character! i do headcanons and oneshots for both character x character and reader insert. i do matchups as well! my askbox is open, so feel free to send me a request 🌙
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