city-of-calumnia · 7 years
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The City is filled with interesting characters... from the suave and charming, to the vicious and cunning. Everyone finds their place here in Calumnia, but what that place is must ultimately be decided by the person in question. Where exactly would you fall? Would you prosper through hard work, or by stepping on someone else to get there?
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city-of-calumnia · 7 years
💟 & 💕
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Wildcard!! - A memory that gets their heart poundingA memory about their significant other
“Oh man, you’re really going to ask me about that night? Jeez, you’re really nosy, you know that? Alright… lemme tell you all about this girl I know named Labyrinth. She’s a real piece of work, kinda confusing sometimes, but charming and beautiful. I met her some time ago when I was out for a walk, and the both of us have been inseparable ever since. Heh, makes me feel lucky to know her, you know…“Anyway, we hit it off right quick, both of us end up being good friends. Then one day I come home, and guess who’s there waiting for me? Sure enough, Ryn’s there, sitting on my bed, wearing nothing but one of my shirts. God of The Realms, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t turned on by that just a little. Huh? Oh, Ryn’s the nickname I gave her. Labyrinth, Ryn, it sounds cute right?“So there I am, standing there with my face redder than it probably has been in my entire life, and then Ryn pulls out a bottle of absinthe she’d been hiding behind her. She tells me she’s sorry for randomly showing up, but she wanted to surprise me. Well, needless to say, I was surprised all right! Still don’t know how she found my place, but it doesn’t take a genius to find out where I live, haha!“One thing lead to another, and the both of us get drunker than I even thought was possible. Don’t exactly remember everything that happened that night, but I do remember waking up with a massive hangover, sleeping next to Ryn on the floor of my apartment against the wall. Didn’t really have the nerve to wake her up… so I just laid there with her for a while, feeling real happy that things ended up the way they did. Wouldn’t surprise me if the both of us became a thing, haha… what? Why are you looking at me like that? My face is red? Oh… damnit.”
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city-of-calumnia · 7 years
Σ(O_O;) [For Yona and Majyea... or all we've had interactions for at this point >:3c]
(my characters reaction to having their clothes unbuttoned/unzipped by yours)
Kang&RangKang purred at her lover, head tilted back as he peppered kisses across her neck, fingers at the clasp-mechanism just under her breasts. Her tail was swaying lazily from side to side and her antennae were starting to twitch. Suddenly she gasped and froze.“Rangvaldr…. Wait, Asmundr, he is…. hnng still in the house…. vvat is.. vve are doingk if he is catchingk us?”
Yona&Maj“Thank you Beloved~” Maj sighed as Yona helped her slip out of her clothes in the bathroom. They’d both been made dirty and ragged from the rough sword-work they’d been up to not two hours ago. And in turn she helped him off with his clothes. She rumbled and giggled as she pulled him into the shower and sandwiched herself between the cold tile wall and him.
Macon&Keeva“What… what’re ye~” Keeva looked from what Macon’s hands were doing with her simple dress, and then up into his face. Her round eyes boring into his. Face flushed and heart beating quickly. Her eyes pinioned as one hand came to grab a hold of one of his hands. And the other reached up and placed itself at the nape of his neck. Very birdlike noises leaving her lips as his large hands drew across her body.
“Lad…. Are ye sure this es what ye’re wantin? I’ll warn ye not tae be tamperin with me emotions…. It won’t be endin pretty fer either ov us if ye’re only wantin a fek… an not wantin all ov me…”
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city-of-calumnia · 7 years
👌 You know which OCs of mine to which of yours >:3c
send me 👌 if your muse would bang mine. 
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Meeting up with Vassago at the what is now usual hangout place for passing time, Labyrinth arriving late opens the entrance door but stops when overhearing the bar keeper; Astaroth laughing and pestering Vassago about his growing relationship with her, to which Vassago tries to defend saying it’s nothing like that. But as persistent as Astaroth was found a way into teasing him for an answer, then finally the flustered Vassago blurted out he would bang her if given the chance with the right mood setting.
Just then Labyrinths face went completely red and her eyes swirled, falling forward she caught her balance but caused in accidentally swinging the door open with her hand stretched out aside her. “U..uhh, heyy guys! Sorry I’m late… hope I didn’t miss anything?” c..coughs. Walking over to the bar sitting on the free chair next to Vassago. 
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Macon in his study/ work room he had a few pride use for clients in their, some sitting across the desk Macon was seated others admiring the small details and what kind of books are on the shelves. Obviously the ones that could make anyone look smart, as Macon clearly was cleaver and cheeky with responses. Finishing up her daily training Lenore skips to the office with her delicate hooves echoing on the floor and empty hallways she heard unfamiliar voices  talking, curiosity she peeked inside; trying not to disturb.
Mildly cocky and rude one of the said clients has mentioned about Macon’s hired work that ‘Lenore’ was quite a catch then some other comments not work ethic wise, agreeing Macon simply stood up from his more comfortable work chair walked over towards the door grabbing the handle as he blocks the outside view with his body whispering out for only Lenore’s ears to hear “but of course, I bang her all the time~” winking at Lenore then closes the door going back to work.
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city-of-calumnia · 7 years
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Vassago scratched the back of his head, sort of taken aback by what Labyrinth just said. Did she really go through that much effort just to be with him? Sure, he had always tried to see her as just a friend, but now, knowing that she looked at him the way she did...
“C’mon, Ryn,” he murmured with a nervous smirk, his face already red with embarrassment, “my heart’s already going a mile a minute, you can’t just pull that on me... but, if you really mean it... I ain’t got no problem with being yours. I think you’re really something else, so let’s be together and be something incredible. I mean, what else can I say? I taught you everything I know about taking what you want... and you used it to steal my heart.”
"You're mine." - Vassago to Labyrinth :3c
Send me “You’re mine.” to see how my muse reacts to your muse telling them just that.
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Nervous laughter with being caught off guard by these words “hah, wh..what?- ahem, aww come on Vass~ not even gonna start that sentence off by calling me Ryn like usual? Or a joke? No…. okay” Labyrinth started to like the nickname by now, but obviously tried to avoid the subject due to her past stress. “I believe it is you who I’ve claimed to be mine long before I nor you have noticed, with scaring.. maybe kinda sorta on purpose other suitors off away from you, heh.” Amusing no? Might as well tell the truth, but with good intentions “B..but, ahah, yeah! Yours.. and actually glad of it” ending with a smile. 
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city-of-calumnia · 7 years
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“Ah! I want to be loved! I want to be loved! More than her I've gotten so big! Take a look at me! Ah! I want to be praised! I want to be praised! I know how to do it I just have to crush the trash under my foot like she did to me, right?”
Labyrinth and Vassago, being mischievous creatures of the night :3c
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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“And you thought that I needed my glasses to see... I’ll be sure to punish you for knocking them off my face.”
A very pleased yet upset Macon, drawn in Kouta Hirano’s style... or at least as best as I could get it without practice LOL
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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“We’re surrounded on all sides, in the middle of a storm, and you decide the best course of action is to smack me across the face?!”
“Well I wouldn’t hafta slap yer face if ye didn’t grab me arse!!”
Macon and Keeva caught in a very, very bad situation :3c
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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“You’ve got to be strong, It’s never too late, Never say die!”
Vassago and Rosemarie, based off of RP stuff :3c
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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Speaking of new shit look new Primrose!!!
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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Full Name: Aikin Jooha Ekael Maizen
Species/Race/Nationality: Demon/¾ goat demon 1/3 incubus/…hell?
Gender: Physically & mentally gender fluid!
Orientation: Pan
Age: 21 …???
Height: 5′4
Occupation: Waiter/Sex worker
Likes: Sex, Being spoiled rotten, Human Food, New tech, & Wondering around earth!
Dislikes: Not being sexually active, Too much cuddling, Quick Showers
Personality: Extreamly sexual and devilish (litteraly,) Aikin is a young demon who just want to spend his life (?) having as much fun as he can! He just like his incubus grandfather loves serving others almost as much as they like being served!
Flashback: [WIP]
Theme Song: Wannabe
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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Kamonwan coiled her tail beneath her, making herself comfortable as she looked the goat demon in the eyes “Well,” she chuckled, “that’s the idea, love. Aren’t you just the eager one?” Turning to face the bartender she placed her order. “Get me a whiskey on the rocks, as usual; and get this man whatever he wants. It’ll be on my tab.” She looked back at the cute demon boy and gave him a wink. “So, what can I call you, love? A name would be great to go with that face.”
"Can I buy you a drink?" Kamonwan [city-of-calumnia] to anyone! :3c
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Aikin was sitting alone at the bar when the fit Makara made her way over, “Can I buy you a drink?” she said. Being the type to appreciate a toned body, Aikin couldn’t resist at least a little chat with the beauty. “Well honey if you’re paying then Abs-o-lutely~”
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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“It’s so good to be back...”
Have more Vassago and June, everyone; it’s going to be a common sight LOL but don’t worry! I’ll be drawing some of my other monsters soon <3
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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“Hey there, babe... sorry for the wait; I’m back!”
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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Miscellaneous Favorites
Favorite pieces of art of some of my other characters
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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Macon The Promethian
All of my favorite pictures of Macon I’ve worked on in the past
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city-of-calumnia · 8 years
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Kamonwan The Makara
All of my favorite pieces I’ve done featuring Kamonwan.
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