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I do love a homoerotic pantheon of evil immortals but know that for me this show is about Daniel Molloy. I literally do not think I have ever seen this done. They’ve set up a complex array of ancient monsters who snatch deathless eternity from the dying breaths of the living who are physically powerful beyond human imagining and who tell themselves and each other and us endlessly refracting half-truths and embellished stories designed to produce themselves as deific icons and further their own obscure psychosexual power plays with each other and they have set all of this against a single character who stands in for the very concept of truth and of honest reckoning; of the maturity and self-awareness earned through mortality; of the kind of courage only true physical limitation and vulnerability can produce; a character who whose role is to show us exactly what it means, in the ontology of this show, to be human—the thing that none of these monsters are, despite their pretensions— and they have cast in that role a sick disabled dying old man. Who’s kind of a dick! “I hope you passed a comfortable night, Mr Molloy” “I never pass a comfortable night.” “I’d give it to you now. A still hand, a chance to watch your daughters marry” “And divorce. And die.” Genuinely the most politically interesting treatment of either vampires or immortality I think I have ever seen.
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classifiedinterests · 10 days
ID: Fanart of Garth and Benny from Supernatural. In panel 1, they stand side by side and gazing at each other, Garth with one arm resting on Benny's shoulder. In panel 2, Benny has lifted one arm to point at Garth. In panel 3, they're now holding hands and grinning big as Benny says, "I've been Garth'd"
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I‘m so happy for them!!!!❤️❤️❤️
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classifiedinterests · 13 days
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Mothman 🎃
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classifiedinterests · 15 days
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Hannibal (2013-2015)
1x04 || 3x09
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classifiedinterests · 19 days
the funniest part is that neither of them were anywhere near secretive about their relationship, we've just been so used to queerbaiting by literally everyone involved with spn that we didn't think anything of it
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classifiedinterests · 19 days
ok many of us have heard that news that Supernatural actors DJ Qualls aka Garth and Ty Olsson aka Benny are getting gay married.
I listened to most of the podcast episode to verify — and yeah! they're full on getting married, planning to grow old together, etc. etc. however — the wild supernatural lore doesn't stop there.
ty and dj first met at a supernatural convention in the UK. they got close when they went on vacation to turkey together after maybe having spoken like 5 times.
there is in fact a big supernatural cast group chat
dj hasn't watched supernatural. "[supernatural] is a tv show I don't watch, i'm not a fan of, because I know everyone on it" and "the last thing i want to do is watch them play pretend in my spare time"
Party On Garth is his favorite episode because he got to drink / pretend to be drunk.
dj initially wasn't going to take the supernatural role. the producers sent him a script and a few episodes to convince him. his first impression of supernatural was, "it's two underwear models chasing monsters?"
dj got beat up really badly by a cop when he was in Vancouver for his first supernatural shoot. Someone else had to explain to the cops that he literally hadn't even done anything before they released him with no charges.
other than that the most memorable thing about his first supernatural shoots was the catering. "the best sandwiches I've ever had" and "they had two kinds of soup. I love soups."
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classifiedinterests · 20 days
oh you're gay married? then who's the gay cajun vampire sidepiece and who's the twink werewolf cowboy?
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classifiedinterests · 20 days
it feels a little gross to take very real people who met and fell in love and devalue that by reducing them to their characters. but on the other hand ‘dean winchester’s werewolf boyfriend and dean winchester’s vampire boyfriend met and fell in love irl’ is one of the funniest technically true statements i can think of right now.
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classifiedinterests · 20 days
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Terrible, horrible metafan comic based on Kate Beaton's Poe shortie at Hark! A vagrant featuring the worst possible space lyctor ship; please enjoy
I'm also going to include a detail shot because this was my proudest moment
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classifiedinterests · 21 days
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Art: Toshia_San_art
“The people think I’m odd. So, I know how it feels to be…different. And I know how lonely that can be.” Belle
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classifiedinterests · 21 days
There is just something so funny about Ianthe constantly getting stuck in duos where she is the least favorite.
Pull off an incredibly complex con in your early childhood and become the best necromancer of your generation? Everyone likes your sister more.
Ascend to goodhood? God likes the freshly lobotomised bone nun operating at 60% brain capacity more.
Try to woo the bone nun? She prefers her dead girlfriend she forgot about, actually. Also the body she has been hallucinating.
Save God, at the risk of your own life, becoming his only remaining lyctor? He has a surprise daughter. You're not even on the radar.
Become bff's with gods daughter? Whoops! Harrow is back.
My girl just can not catch a break. Whatever she does in Alecto, I hope it's funny and stand behind it.
Truly makes you think if the power of friendship could have fixed her.
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classifiedinterests · 21 days
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Gideon is about to break couple bones
close ups:
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classifiedinterests · 22 days
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Posting Hannibal related memes until they save Hannibal, day 1034.
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classifiedinterests · 1 month
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“I’m not fortune’s fool, I’m yours.” 🩸
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classifiedinterests · 1 month
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Compilation of Lois Lane being terrible at spelling.
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