clay--boy · 2 years
Is there an estimated time to when we will be able to get the Book 6 dropbox link? (Or maybe the coloring book as a pdf? 👀
i haven't really been keeping up with wof so i haven't searched for these. the graphic novels tend to be hard to find and i've had to make pdfs for them myself in the past, which is difficult and time consuming. the coloring book i'd either have to find an existing pdf or buy it myself and scan it. if anyone has links already that they'd be willing to let me add, i would of course, but if not, i probably won't add these, sorry
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clay--boy · 2 years
another wof canon thing that kind of bothers me is that Qibli's southern accent straight-up disappears once he becomes an important character. his siblings, who are stupid and malicious, still keep theirs. but him, his mother, and his grandfather (all characters who are intelligent and educated) dont have phonetic accents
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clay--boy · 2 years
Glory as a dilophosaurus jp
oh yeah, i could see rainwings being based off that!
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clay--boy · 2 years
What if IceWings fought for the throne like deer and elk n stuff?? Like I like the hc of IceWings with antlers, but maybe they use them to challenge for leadership?
Or what if only royal and more noble trending dragons had antlers and commoners had horns? What if commoners have smaller horns so they can slip through holes in the ice to hunt in the tundra, and nobles never have to work for their food so they have less efficient antlers. You ever think a common IceWing could dive into a hole in the ice and a royal tried to follow, but their bigger rack caught on the ice and maybe killed them, or they got stuck once underneath and drowned?
Royal IceWings use big racks for traditional combat, but smaller horns are better for being a soldier or hunter.
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clay--boy · 2 years
wof makes me angry because i wish it would decide are these like watership down (animals with a basic hierarchy, rules, etc. but still.. Animals that do Animal things) or Animals With a Complex Society and Are Essentially People But Dragons. why is this important?? because it pisses me off and i think its dumb to have shit like "oh princesses must kill queen to become queen!!" when they can just... make... civil.. agreements... theres no reason for them to be super violent and the entire "princess v queen" fight shit isn't even an organized event?? its not like a princess offers to challenge a queen and they duel it out somewhere it's more "princess can kill a queen basically whenever wherever without punishment" like a princess can just murk a queen in private and everyone would accept it
like,,,, im kinda rambling but i need wof to decide if murder is ok because these are Animals with Basic Hierachy and Rules or is this just a bloodthirsty ass society. is murder punishable in wof? or is it not?? is shit thats immoral to us just ALLOWED in wof? why?? ???? im rambling sry. at parts this seems to be a middle-age society but at other parts it feels more like just Animals with a Hierachy/loose society than actually civilised fully functioning thing. its annoying. wof worldbuilding pisses me off in general, i hate how generic all the dragon designs are to eachother and how their adapations do not make sense, i hate the animus shit it makes me annoyed how loose it is and little sense it makes i wish itd just have.. clear rules and i reallyyyyy hate how loose the rules are of this society of dragons. makes me confused n angry. AGRAAAAAAAAAAGH ARAGHHH.
its an issue the laws and worldbuilding is THIS bad because it makes shit like that happens in arc 3 MORE THE ALL CONFUSING. also can i say how much i hate arc 3 my god i hate the sorta "two sides" bullshit that goes on with the hivewings and leafwings. hivewings essentially own silkwings as slaves.... and tried to genocide the leafs off the fucking continent. you cannot 'both sides' that.
i also hate how if you really look at it a bit more, the othermind feels more like way to excuse all the really gross shit the hivewings do as 'they are just mindcontrolled!!! they dont have control!!!" which really muddles the anti-racism parts of it for me. like.... tui you cant really write a anti-racism story that has mindcontrolling of citizens to do Bad Racist Stand-in Things then go "oh they r innocent they couldnt control!!!" it just feels so fucking off to me and is reallyy bad for a anti-racism message. people who do racist things are not mindcontrolled and dont 'have control of their actions'; it feels wrong to do that and then essentially go "oh they r innocent !!! just this ONE ruler of the country/state/whatever is racist!!! the rest dont have control" like??? am i insane??? thats not how that works and comes across as 'racists cant control their actions' to me am i insane. ????!??! it really feels like that to me. in general arc 3 is really shittly written especiallyyy and in general a lot of the anti-racist stuff in wof is really... bad... like the entire weird shit in arc 1 with the stereotyping of tribes, only to be proven right with 90% of them is really icky and feels weird. like rainwings are stereotyped to be lazy, idiotic, etc. and glory is actively like "no we are not" and then in book 3 it turns out they are 100% correct and glory is like "oh my god :/ :/ everyone's assumptions about my tribe was completely right and they all suck and are lazy" like are u kidding me. what the fuck was the point of that?? why have glory be the character defending her own tribe just to have her be proven WRONG about it. what was the POINT ?? why was it THERE???? is it that stereotyping is right sometimes?? i dont??? what was le point ! it adds nothing and its frankly dissapointing to see rainwings turn out to be exactly that negative stereotype. it wouldve been great to see they aren't that + add more worldbuilding to the rainwings and make them more interesting that "giant hippie tribe that is lazy and is fine w them dying to nightwings lol"
and also i hate theres eugenics in wings of fire. like... why..?? why would u add that. it adds nothing and its just fuckin WEIRDDDD and it's mentioned multiple times in the series of tribes. its WEIRD AS HELL and doesn't add anything. n shut up if its "oh its cool worldbuilding thing :] yeah itsmorally wrong and weird but its just !! how this dragon society is" shut the fuckupmy god. it adds nothing to anything; youshouldnt have shit like fucking EUGENICS in your BOOK if its just... ICING ON UR CAKE. it doesnt add anything to the themes, messages, characters, etc. it's just "oh yeah [eugenics]" it's just THERE and it does NOTHING. it's not even an anti-eugenics statement everytime this shits mentioned, its always just there. it's fucking weird as hell to have that. and dont say "oh its for the anti-racism message" no its not and even if it was the anti-racist message is alreadyyyy so fuckingggg dumbed down and simplified i dont see how adding a topic such as eugenics to the mix would add anything?? this series is ULTIMATELY for 11-16. what fuckin 14 year old understands what eugenics is??? i GET theres adult readers of this series buthats still.. not. a reason to have shit like eugenics in it. the target audience for this series would not understand what fucking eugenics is and itsgross to just put it in as essentially window dressing
i also reallyyyyhate how some wof fans excuse themore problematic shit in the series w "oh its just how this dragon world runsits fine its not an issue at all :D" you do realise.... you cant rlly just excuse everything w that. like. glorybringer for example. ive SEEN people excuse the age-gap with "oh well maybe its normal in dragon society" OK??? thats not an excuse?? its fucking weird. you need to think about what the writer's intention of adding an element like that to a story; ex: the eugenics shit. why is that in there. for what purpose does it serve. you cant just excuse it with "oh its normal in dragon society" because it doesnt matter if it is, it's still WRITTEN by a PERSON and you need to think abt what the intention of adding and element like that was to the store. usually something thatsadded to the storyhas a intention by the writer to add something to it, for the message, themes, characters, etc. u cantjust excuse everything w "for worldbuilding" when most worldbuilding as an intention or reason why the author wantedit to be there. even if its a DUMB reason like say...... all the animals are enlarged for dragons to around the same height theyd be if animals are our size and dragons are our size because idk its easier?? i gues??
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clay--boy · 2 years
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new clay avatar <3
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clay--boy · 2 years
i kind of wish thorn and qibli's relationship was explored in more depth,,, like yes thorn loves qibli and rescued him from his family, but was also keeping the scorpion den afloat while being leader of the dragon mafia or something, and willing to kill someone even if all they did was upset her (preyhunter), and qibli was essentially a child soldier and. idk i wish we got to see some acknowledgement regarding that
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clay--boy · 2 years
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the jade winglet
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clay--boy · 2 years
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I'M A DUMBASS AND I NEVER POSTED LEOPARD!!!! I drew her like a months ago, she's a sweet little sky/ice hybrid. She's still young and lives with her parents and spends most of her time collecting shiny things that her dad keeps in his office.
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clay--boy · 2 years
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her name is Lady Mire :]
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clay--boy · 2 years
its our son darkstalker with teeth's birthday
oh my god hbd darkstalker with teeth
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clay--boy · 2 years
The deities are referred to as siblings/kin multiple times in the lore and I’m kinda tired of people pretending like they never were/the statement from staff was a surprise??
  In Chapter 1: The First Age (official site lore available in the Encyclopedia), the other 7 deities (those that made up The Pillar, so excluding the Arcanist, Plaguebringer, and Gladekeeper) are referred to as “her brothers and sisters” from the Lightweaver’s perspective. (https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=wiki&article=6)
  In  Chapter 3: The Third Age, the Glakeeper and Plaguebringer are referred to as “the warring sisters” in the section after they’re introduced/when it shifts back to The Arcanist’s pov after they’re introduced (https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=wiki&article=12)
  In Epilogue: Flight Rising, the Gladekeeper and Plaguebringer are again referred to as sisters (“the sisters of plague and nature”). The other seven deities are referred to as “his sisters and brothers” from the Stormcatcher’s pov after The Pillar breaks. Later, the deities are referred to as “his kin” from the Earthshaker’s pov, though this is written in a way that excludes the Acranist, Gladekeeper, and Plaguebringer simply because they weren’t there. (https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=wiki&article=19)
Look, I’m not saying everybody who shipped the deities was bad. In fact, I’d say most did it innocently! Not a lot of people read the site lore, and this is admittedly hard to catch. But the majority of them are referred to as siblings/family multiple times throughout the site lore to some degree (with the exception of the Arcanist) and it’s frustrating to see people pretend like they weren’t lmao. You’re welcome to headcanon them as more god-like than having things like siblings just like how you’re welcome to do Pretty Much Whatever with site lore, but don’t use that to justify shipping characters that have been explicitly stated as related multiple times and whose creators have asked not to be shipped together. The nature of what they are has nothing to do with it.
(Also, I do feel bad for the Lightweaver/Gladekeeper and Plaguebringer/Shadowbinder anon from earlier. It seemed like you read the site lore and did try <3)
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clay--boy · 2 years
This feels like cheating
Like they didn’t even switch the colors around, nothing but a bit of brightness with a light sepia filter…
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(Link in case it breaks)
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clay--boy · 2 years
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Gooseberry's parents, Goose and Radiant (I know I spelled it wrong). They were alive almost 200 years ago so Radiant was able to read and write and was a traveling merchant. Goose was banished from the Ice Kingdom for a reason I haven't decided yet and on his travels met Radiant and it was love at first highway robbery. They loved each other deeply and they only ever had one child, Gooseberry. After a few decades of traveling as merchants, they got old and settled in the rainforest, and surprisingly Goose didn't mind the heat. Eventually they both did pass and Gooseberry later left the rainforest again to travel and sell paintings before returning later when she got old herself. Overall a very sweet, peaceful family.
And Gooseberry for refrence
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clay--boy · 2 years
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(My current WIP)
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clay--boy · 2 years
clarification abt the deities is nothing but good to me. it makes it possible to separate the people who didnt know better from the genuine freaks
i feel a little bad for people who shipped them without realizing, but like, it was always there (outright stated, not only implied) you just didn’t read the lore before shipping the characters. so i don’t feel too sorry
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clay--boy · 2 years
Reading confirmation that the deities are siblings like... [Citation needed.]
Maybe i read the lore too long ago but i did not get that vibe from them with the specific exceptions of gladekeeper/plaguebringer and lightweaver/shadowbinder lol
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