cocosdiary 8 months
JO - Tot la tine ma intorc (Official Video)
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cocosdiary 8 months
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Happy B-day! 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
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cocosdiary 9 months
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cocosdiary 9 months
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cocosdiary 9 months
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cocosdiary 9 months
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cocosdiary 1 year
Durerea cauzat膬 de iubire e distrug膬toare, poate chiar cea mai nimicitoare din c芒te au fost date pe P膬m芒nt.
Nu a葯 fi crezut asta. Nici n-am crezut-o. P芒n膬 s膬 te 卯nt芒lnesc pe tine. Unul din pu葲inele lucruri 卯n via葲a asta care m-au f膬cut s膬 simt c膬 poate chiar merit 葯i lucruri bune. Am primit 葯ansa de a vedea ce 卯nseamn膬 s膬 iubesc. 葮i s膬 fiu iubit膬. 葮i a fost minunat. A fost ce era mai frumos. Pentru prima dat膬 sim葲eam c膬 am ceea ce 卯mi doresc. Pe cineva care s膬 m膬 iubeasc膬, s膬 m膬 sus葲in膬, 葯i s膬 m膬 asculte, toate astea necondi葲ionat. 葮i a葯a a fost.
Dar nu 卯ntotdeauna. Pentru c膬 nimic nu poate fi roz, pentru c膬 mereu exist膬 sui葯uri 葯i cobor芒葯uri. Dar n-a contat. Cel pu葲in, nu pentru mine. 葮i poate nici pentru el. P芒n膬 acum.
De葯i erai l芒ng膬 mine, te sim葲eam mai departe ca niciodat膬. De葯i eram 卯n bra葲ele tale, m膬 卯ntrebam unde era c膬ldura pe care o sim葲eam alt膬dat膬. 葮i acum... simt cum durerea cre葯te, cum iubirea lui se strecoar膬 printre degetele mele firave c膬 ultimul fir de nisip din de葯ert.
- G芒nduri 卯n schi葲e (Coco)
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cocosdiary 1 year
Pierdut膬 prin nop葲ile astea reci, a葯tept notificarea ta. Cea 卯n care 卯mi 卯mi spui c膬 tot ce am tr膬it nu e o iluzie pe care doar eu mi-am conturat-o in minte. La fel de rece e 葯i patul, patul gol in care nu 卯mi mai g膬sesc lini葯tea 葯i somnul f膬r膬 tine 葯i care deodat膬 a devenit sufocant de mare, 卯nc芒t reu葯e葯te s膬 sufoce 葯i somnul, dar nu 葯i g芒ndurile despre tine... M膬 uit la perna neatins膬 de l芒ng膬 mine, cea care 葲i-a p膬strat mirosul 葯i cumva continui sa m膬 mint c膬 卯n cur芒nd vei fi 卯l locul ei 葯i voi avea cui sa ii spun din nou "Noapte bun膬". Dar 葯tim am芒ndoi c膬 asta r膬m芒ne doar o minciun膬...
- G芒nduri 卯n schi葲e (Coco)
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cocosdiary 1 year
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Happy Boyfriend Day, my love馃挃...
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cocosdiary 1 year
"You are not the same anymore, you have changed."
Yeah, I'm just trying to fight my darkest thoughts and not kill myself, because my life is a mess. But it's fine.
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cocosdiary 1 year
People get tired of me and then leave, but they don't know that I am tired also but I stayed.
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cocosdiary 1 year
just wanna be held 馃ズ
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cocosdiary 1 year
Sometimes, I feel like I have a hole inside of me. I try to fill it with things I enjoy, but it still feels empty. I don鈥檛 know who I am or what I want out of life. I鈥檓 trying to find the motivation to keep going, but I鈥檓 not sure if I鈥檒l ever find it.
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cocosdiary 1 year
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But for some people I'm just a liar, so it doesn't matter....馃挃
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cocosdiary 1 year
dying inside while pretending that everything鈥檚 fine
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cocosdiary 1 year
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cocosdiary 1 year
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