How the LGBTQ+ Community Conquered 2020 ⚔️🏳️‍🌈
2020 has not been the easiest of years for us. From wild bushfires and hurricanes, to a global pandemic and elections, this year has put a toll on all of us. 
But we want to look at the positives that happened in the LGBTQ+ community in 2020 to remind us all that there has been light in all of this darkness and that we should look forward to the wins which will greet us in 2021.
Northern Ireland legalised same-sex marriage
Utah bans LGBTQ conversion therapy for children
New Hampshire allows a third gender option on driving licenses 
Croatia makes fostering children legal for same-sex couples
Switzerland votes to ban homophobic discrimination
Virginia bans conversion therapy for children 
Gay panic defence removed as a defence for committing a crime 
Same-sex marriage legalised in Sark, UK
Germany bans conversion therapy for children and adults who were pressured into receiving it
Albania bans conversion therapy
Zambian President pardons 3000 people who were jailed for being homosexual
Costa Rica legalises same-sex marriage
The US Supreme Court ruled that LGBTQ+ people are entitled to protection from discrimination based on their sexual orientation and gender identity
Montenegro voted to legalise same-sex civil partnerships
Gabon decriminalizes homosexuality 
Sudan abolishes death penalty for homosexuality
Scotland becomes first country to teach LGBTQ+ history as part of their curriculum 
Mexico City bans conversion therapy 
South African marriage officials cannot legally reject same-sex couples
In Australia, Queensland has banned conversion therapy
Inheritance laws in Hong Kong now fully cover LGBTQ+ people
English schools now teach LGBTQ+ inclusive lessons
In Mexico, the state of Mexico has banned conversion therapy
Pope Francis shows support for LGBTQ+ acceptance and civil unions
Canada reintroduces bill banning LGBT conversion therapy
Nevada to protect same-sex marriage in state constitution 
Sarah McBride became the first transgender state senator
Italy’s lower house of parliament approves bill protecting LGBT+ community
In Canada, Yukon has banned conversion therapy
In Mexico, Tlaxcala legalised Same-Sex Marriage
The UK lifted restrictions on blood donations from gay and bisexual men
Uruguay has also lifted restrictions on blood donations from gay and bisexual men
Bolivia holds its first same-sex civil union
The LGBTQ+ community has made a lot of progress in 2020 and that will only continue into 2021! As a community, let’s push forward and make the next year an amazing one! Stay proud! ⚔️🏳️‍🌈
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The Need to Stay
(Thought I’d upload my recent comics to Tumblr! I totally forgot it only lets you upload 10 pics at a time, and this is 11, but fingers crossed it works!)
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Thank you!
So uh the tartaglia fanfiction did quite a bit better than I was expecting so thank you so much for the support! Also if you followed me thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I figured I’d throw it out here for new followers but my requests are open! I have a prompt list if you want to choose from that or if you have your own idea feel free to let me know! All the info you need to know can be found in my account! Thank you again and I look forward to writing for y’all!
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Childe x reader ~ “Why’d you only call me when you’re high?”
Details: Modern AU!, Soulmate AU!, F!reader (if anyone would like a male reader I can rewrite it to be with a male reader instead and post that too)  Character: Childe/Tartaglia (Genshin Impact)  Trigger Warnings: A very toxic relationship in the beginning (not with Childe), mentions of the mafia, mentions of attempted kidnapping, childe literally breaking into your house(?).  A/N: I love Kaeya but I couldn’t think of a better name so I just used his name for the ex. In now way shape or for is this how I see Kaeya or want others to see Kaeya so please keep this in mind when he is mentioned. Thank you <3
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“The mirror’s image tells me it’s home time,” 
The music blared from you phone as you curled into a tighter ball, pulling the polyester material closer to your face as it soaked up the stray tears. Why were you crying over him again, Kaeya, he wasn’t even your soulmate... Where was your soulmate? You’d been on this earth for twenty-two years yet you hadn’t heard a peep. Not a single word, tattoo, flare of pain. There was no red string tied around your finger like so many others had. Did you have a soulmate? Surely he would have shown up by now, or at least made his presence known. 
“But I’m not finished ‘cause you’re not by my side.”
The song was little more than background noise now as you found yourself stuck in your own head. After coming to the conclusion you were one of the unfortunate people born without a soulmate, you had turned to meaningless relationships. You had thought they were meaningless, until you had began a relationship with Kaeya.
“And as I arrived, I thought I saw you leaving,”
It had started off beautifully, everything perfect and as it should be. You weren’t sure what had changed within the time you had been dating but at one point the magic of a new relationship had faded and the curtain had dropped. Not once has Kaeya made an effort to show he cared about you, all of the effort had stemmed from you. You were the one who woke up each day and texted him good morning, you were the one who would listen to him rant only to be shut down when you were crying and in pain. Every phone call revolved around him and what he had to say while you could do nothing more than offer up how you agreed with him.
“Carrying your shoes, decided that once again I was just dreaming of bumping into you.”
You had thought it was normal at first, you were both in a happy and loving relationship so why should it matter if he listened to you or not. He didn’t have a soulmate just like you, so why did it matter? You were meant to be together, this was the universe’s way of giving you a soulmate. Right?
“Now it’s three in the morning, and I’m tryna change your mind.”
It took you longer than you’d like to admit to come to terms with the fact you didn’t have a soulmate. Having someone else who shared the pain with you, the feeling of losing something you never had to begin with, was the best feeling. It had filled what you thought to be the gap of your soulmate, like fitting a piece into a puzzle that wasn’t from the same set. It wasn’t supposed to work but it did. You were so happy to have someone like you, or so you had thought.
“Left you multiple missed calls, and to my message you reply”
He had a soulmate. That piece of information had snapped the last thread holding your relationship together. You had clung to the hope that there was someone else like you, but there wasn’t. You two had been arguing, over what you couldn’t remember, but things had gotten heated and he had screamed that he should have never dated someone who wasn’t his soulmate.  “You don’t have a soulmate though, you’re just like me! We’re meant to be together because of what we lack!” He had laughed cruelly, “You really think we were meant to be together? What are you stupid?”  You watched in horror as he pushed his long sleeve up his arm to reveal a gorgeous tattoo of a bundle of yellow carnations. You couldn’t hear him anymore, you couldn’t see anything except for that bundle of carnations inked onto his arm. There was no doubt that it was the mark of his soulmate.  “Get out of my apartment.” That’s when the tears had started falling. 
“Why’d you only call me when you’re high?” Childe muttered as he walked down the bustling city street. “She’s listening to that song again? What is it now, the third time this week?” He thought, pushing his way through the crowd that blocked the entrance to the subway. Childe had ignored his soulmate for as long as he remembered. He refused to communicate in any way, never drawing on his skin, never singing to a song no matter how catchy (ahaha for ✨plot✨); not once had he tried to reach out. It wasn’t because he didn’t care about them, oh how he longed to hold you in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, it was the exact opposite. Childe cared deeply for his soulmate and, in his mind, being the soulmate of someone deeply rooted in the mafia was more of a blessing than a curse. The Fatui were feared in most towns, known mainly for their debt collection tactics and their deep roots in politics at a national level. Childe had been taken in at a young age, handed over by his father in hopes to pay off his debt to the Fatui (yes I know in his actual backstory his father sent him to the Fatui in hopes to change is attitude, sorry I couldn’t find a way to fit that in properly). Childe had grown up, and soon rose up the ladder that was the Fatui, eventually becoming a so called “Harbinger,” one of the highest ranks within the Fatui. So, deciding that living life constantly worrying about his soulmate was not one he wished to live, Childe had decided to ignore his universe given other-half. That is until the universe had other plans. 
It was supposed to be a simple job, to give someone in debt a little bit of incentive to pay the Fatui back. They had found that Kaeya was close to a woman named Y/N. After a little bit of digging they had found out that Kaeya was in a relationship with Y/N, and that he had constantly been in and out of her apartment until a few days ago. Despite his recent break in the pattern of visits, his calls to Y/N’s number had remained more or less the same. Stepping out of the subway car Childe found himself running through the job once more. Break into the apartment, kidnap Y/N (yes, I know it’s cliche), leave a note for Kaeya and leave with you until he payed back his debt. It’d be quite a bit easier than most of his previous jobs, shouldn’t take him longer than two hours; the majority of it being the drive. What Childe hadn’t been expecting when he picked the lock and opened your door, was to see the very person he was supposed to kidnap cocooned in blankets, sobbing, and listening to the exact song that had been playing in his head the entire way here. Raising your tear stained face the two of you made eye contact, your red and puffy eyes meeting his wide and terrified ones. There was no denying it for either of you, the syncing of your breathing, the song that was now playing through both of your heads, you two were soulmates. Childe wasn’t sure how to react, halfway through the door and unsure if he was supposed to come any closer, he just stood there, unmoving. A pure mixture of fear and joy was pounding through this veins as he stared back.
You on the other hand, had no idea how to feel. You had spent your entire life believing you didn’t have a soulmate, and yet here he was half way through your door and a very bewildered look on his face. He was handsome, there was no doubt about that but you couldn’t say that your first impression of him was the best- seeing as that he had picked your lock and broken into your apartment while you were crying your eyes out. The circumstances of you meeting him had been less than ideal, as was the history of your relationship with him. You were so happy to have finally met him, that gap in your chest finally filled... but that wasn’t the only thing that filled your chest at the current moment; pure, burning, unbridled rage pooled in your chest and spread through out your body. You had a soulmate, but not once had you heard from him. Not a single sung lyric, not a single doodle on your arm, no tattoo or shared pain, nothing from the man who now stood fully in your apartment. Before you could process what exactly you were doing a harsh smack echoed through the space of your apartment.
Childe wasn’t sure how to feel now. After finally walking all the way into your apartment he had watched as you sprung from your bundle of blankets and stormed towards him. Apparently your way of greeting your soulmate wasn’t a hug or a handshake, it was to slap him straight across the face with surprising force. Childe was now looking at your wall with a stinging cheek and a blank mind.  He found himself speaking to you before he could think about what he was about to say “Well that’s one way to greet your soulmate.” Perhaps that wasn’t the best thing to say to you. “Greet your soulmate? Greet your soulmate! ‘Greet your soulmate’ my ass I think I have every right to greet you like that when I didn’t know you existed until a couple of minutes ago! Keep in mind I have lived a soulmate less life for twenty-two years and here you are waltzing into my apartment after you picked the damned lock!” “At least I know you aren’t younger than me...?” And that’s how Childe found himself with not only a hand shaped mark on his right cheek, but a large goose egg on his forehead from the book you had unceremoniously flung at his face.
The two of you now sat on your couch, you with a freshly poured glass of wine and Childe with a bag of ice pressed to his forehead.  “So you mean to tell me that I have spent twenty-two years believing I didn’t have a soulmate, because you were part of the mafia and didn’t want to put my life at risk.” “That’s exactly what I’m saying, I’m so glad you under-” “God nobody told me that if I had a soulmate he was going to be such an idiot.” “-stand... I’m sorry what was that just now?” Of all the responses Childe had expected, yours wasn’t one of them. “I know you heard me perfectly fine.” You snapped back, reaching for the book that now sat on the coffee table. The look of pure fear on Childe’s face was one you wouldn’t forget as he raised the hand that wasn’t holding the ice pack in surrender.   Letting out a small huff you instead opted to grab your wine glass and drink the rest of the nearly full cup. “Look I could care less that you’re part of the fatui. While I don’t appreciate the fact you were going to kidnap me in order to get my ex to pay back his debt, I do understand why didn’t make yourself known all these years.” A guilty look overtook Childe’s face, one that made your heart ache, but you kept going. “We could have worked things out, I could have learned to protect myself better and you could continue to do your job. I understand you wanted to protect me physically, but you gravely miscalculated when it came to mentally protecting me.”  There was a beat of silence before Childe spoke, his words carrying an emotion you weren’t sure you could identify. Three words that carried so much meaning and heart, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that he didn’t mean them. “I’m truly sorry.” 
Silence overtook your apartment once more, yet it was somehow lighter than the last wave. A mutual understanding, and forgiveness. Sure your soulmate was an idiot for not contacting you, and sure you could have not thrown a book at his head, but he was there. And so no words were exchanged as you rose from your chair and sat down next to Childe, leaning against his chest as he wrapped his free arm around your waist. You would figure the rest out later, but for now it was just the two of you- and you were perfectly fine with that.
“So would it be too much to ask for a kiss?” “Don’t push your luck pretty boy.”
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“the universe: the sable essence of the starry void; earth: the accumulative memory of time and being; soil: the origin of alchemy, the basis of all life; chalk: the substance from which primal life is molded.”
character demo ☆ albedo: contemplation in chalk
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“This is an age of gods and monsters. I wish not for dominion, yet I cannot watch the common folks suffer.”
— ᴢʜᴏɴɢʟɪ: ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇʀ ꜰᴏʀ @ꜱʜᴏᴛᴏᴜꜱ ☆ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ᴀɴɴɪᴇ! ♡
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“I plan on living until I’m 130 years old.”
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Sorry for being gone for so long!
Hey y’all! Sorry for being gone and not posting for so long, but I’m back now! I’ve also added genshin impact to my writting list so if anyone would like to request for that let me know!
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I've been seeing a lot of people reposting their insecure about their writting and its really sad because ik for a FACT most of you write BEAUTIFULLY. So I just wanted to send some motivation because writting is hard, and writers deserve love. You guys are literally creating ENTIRE REALITIES with your imaginations . Wether it be fan ficts, short story writers, etc., You are giving us a key into experiencing the world from a different perspective. Your craft is an escape, your craft is inspiring. Its always good to want to be better, but please appreciate the work you're doing RIGHT NOW. It may not seem like much, but your stories are so much more than just words in a page. Its the adventure we never experienced, its the worlds we never got to see. Writers please, whatever you write, I want to assure you today it IS good enough. Because you bled your thoughts into the page, because you were brave enough to create. Writting doesnt have to be perfect, for perfection is nothing but a myth, writting just needs to exist. Insecurity is normal but let me tell you today, your writting is worth it, your ideas are worth it, your work is worth it.
Writers, keep your heads high, continue to poor your soul into your words and know you never have to punish yourself for creating
Much love for all of you
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“are you deaf, or just stupid?”
scaramouche, sixth of the eleven fatui harbingers
“when did i give you the right… to issue your own orders?”
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Please Request !!
I’m running low on ideas and I’d love to take requests from y’all! The link to my little page of links with my writing lists, rules, prompts, and ask box (Q&A) can be found here! Thank you for your time and I’m looking forward to getting requests!
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Hello y’all! If you’re going to request please please please read my rules and understand what I will and won’t write for/about!
What I won’t write: - Anything NSFW, I am a minor and writing this makes me severely uncomfortable  - For very young characters, I’ll write for high school aged character but I will not write for characters younger than that (ex. Gon, Norman, ect.) - any animes not on my writing list, (you can check here) I might do the occasional character from an anime I don’t write for but I will not take requests for them - any requests that make me uncomfortable. This isn’t up for negotiation. You may change your request but I will not write for anything that makes me uncomforatble, I hope y’all understand
What I will write for: -Anything SFW. I can do things like yandere that may not seem “SFW” too just nothing plain NSFW - Any pronouns/genders! I myself am gender fluid and I’ll write for any gender, sexual identity or anything else !! Please just specify in your request!  - Any animes/character on my writing list! - Any requests sent my way I feel comfortable writing!
Pleas keep in mind: - I am a student, athlete, and a volunteer, I won’t always have time to write your request so please be patient.  - My writing may not always be exactly what you wanted or had in mind. If this ever happens please let me know and I’ll try and fix my writing to what you’d like!
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Kenma x reader: Rainy Days and Animal Crossing
Character: Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu)
Details: Rainy days always seem to go by slowly- that is until your boyfriend Kenma lets you join his animal crossing island. Kenma Kozume x female reader, fluff.
Word count: 727 words
A/N: I’m so sorry for how long this took! I said awhile ago that this would be posted soon but I hit a wall with it and it took me forever to finish! Thank you for waiting! Also sorry for how out of character Kenma is, I’m really bad at writing for him!
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The constant stream of water slip off your roof and in front of your window as you lay in front of it, sprawled out over blankets and pillows in an over-sized hoodie. The hoodie smelled slightly of vanilla, the trademark scent of none other than your boyfriend Kenma. A mug of hot cocoa had long since cooled and was now sitting on your nightstand, filling the room with the scent of chocolate with an undertone of the sugary marshmallows that floated around in the cooled liquid. You were caught up in your usual rainy day thoughts as you tugged the hoodie to your nose and inhaled the calming scent. You drop the fabric as your phone vibrates next to the mug, displaying the name “Baby.” A smile creeps onto your face as you hoist yourself up from your mini blanket nest and grab the phone.
“Afternoon Kenma.”
You were met with a quiet hum as he acknowledged your greeting, the faint click of buttons in the background. You both sat in comfortable silence for a bit as Kenma finished up whatever on whatever game he had been playing. “Y/N?”
“Kenma?” You answer, chuckling quietly over the fact this was how most of your conversions go.
“Do you want to play animal crossing with me?” He asks, his voice rising slightly so you can hear him properly. 
Now this wasn’t something you were expecting to hear. Sure you guys would play video games together quite often but nobody had played animal crossing with Kenma, let alone seen his island. “I’d love to! Give me a moment to get online!” 
You were met with another hum of agreement as you rushed off to snatch your coral colored switch lite. Bouncing back to your blanket nest you plopped down and quickly hopped onto animal crossing. After the two of you decided to head over to Kenma’s island first you began to guide your character over to the air port. Smiling slightly to yourself as you clicked through Orville’s dialog. You soon found yourself staring at the loading screen as your character “flew” over to Kenma’s island. As you exited the airport you were met with Kenma’s character waiting for you.  “Could you follow me?” his soft voice floated from the phone. To anyone else he would have sounded bored, but you had known him for long enough to know his tone was softer when he spoke to you, almost with a loving undertone. Before you could respond he began to move his character off your screen and you quickly began to follow him, admiring the well planned scenery of his island. Each flower was placed with a purpose, complimenting the house or lamp post it was placed next to. Everything on his island seemed to have a place, and served some sort of purpose. Soon the two of you arrived at a small clearing of trees that surrounded what looked to be a picnic blanket, and the spring event’s picnic basket (idk if that’s what it’s called but I hope y’all know what I’m talking about). He stopped by the blanket and you ran around for a moment, exploring the small clearing. 
“Kenma, this is adorable! It looks like one of those animal crossing dates...” You trailed off realizing that was exactly what it was supposed to be. “Wait a moment, is this an animal crossing date?” You were almost 100% sure that it was one, but you just needed to check. 
A light and rare chuckle came from your phone as he confirmed your suspicions, “That’s exactly what it is.” You felt your cheeks heat up as a tingling warmth spread from your cheeks, and as corny as it sounds, down to your heart. You were silent for a moment, stunned that he had spent time doing this for you. He really was the best lover you could have asked for. 
Your thoughts were cut off by Kenma’s voice, “Do you like it or...” 
“I love it Kenma. Thank you so much for doing all this!” You chimed, your voice akin to that of a child that had been handed their favorite candy. You could vividly imagine the small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth at your gratitude.  “After our date can you help me bully Dom off my island?”
“Of course I’ll help you Kenma.”
The ending was so bad please forgive me
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Please keep this in mind y’all! Stay safe <3
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Spoopy Season Safety
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I see a lot of people talking about the need for motivation to study or get their work done but motivation isn’t always what you need - what do you do on the days you have no motivation? This is why we need self-discipline.
Motivation - a willingness to do something
Self-Discipline - making yourself do things you know you should do when you don’t want to
So if motivation is ‘why we should do something’ - self-discipline is more ‘what to do next’.
Set yourself a routine and stick to it
Never have a zero day - try and study every single day - even if you feel absolutely awful - 10 minutes is better than nothing!! Do flashcards from your bed or watch youtube ted talks if you can’t physically study.
Build on your productivity, not your failures.
If you come from a past of procrastinating and now feel motivated to change and discipline yourself, do NOT try to do everything at once. Start things slow and in steps.
Set yourself smaller deadlines for your goals like monthly and weekly deadlines - e.g. if you are doing a project, due 27th June, set personal deadlines, like have the introduction written by the 8th, have your literature review written by the 15th, have project complete by the 25th.
Know your limits. Self-discipline isn’t doing as much as you can until you break - it’s about having control, knowing what you can realistically manage and getting that done.
Give yourself rewards! I love to have something to look forward to as I get work done! This means mixing motivation and self-discipline. I tell myself after this lecture I can have an animal crossing break or check some messages etc.
Remove distractions from your study space! Personally, if my phone is out and I notice a notification…I’m gonna check it. It’s human nature! So to combat this, I use apps like Forest that force me to stay within the app while I study. If I know I might get hungry during a study session I’ll keep a little snack by my desk so I don’t have to get up and somehow find something else to distract me.
Just do it isn’t that easy. I find to get myself in a ‘work boss’ mood I need to feel good about myself so I put on a nice outfit and maybe some eyeliner and hype myself up so I know I can do my tasks and get stuff done! It feels so much better than lazing in my pyjamas trying to study.
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Meet the Author
Okay so before I like actually do this, I did see someone else do this a long time ago (before I became a ff account) so uh credit to whoever I saw do this, sorry I can’t remeber them!
Pronouns: I go be she/her or he/him. Honestly what pronouns I use doesn’t matter to me and I use both of them
Random Facts:
- I eat straight rainbow chip frosting when I’m sad.
- I hate high pitched noises and I flinch when anything sounds slightly high (Idk how to describe it)
-I'm scared of babies and dislike kids ages 3-11
-I love holding people's hands, since my hands are constantly cold
- I’m an INTJ but I think I might have been mistyped.
-I don’t own a cat but I really really like cats and I often will stop my runs just to look at a random cat I saw
Despite how I am when I private message someone or on my social media, I’m a fairly introverted person. Being around people makes me exhausted (except for like two people ik, they’re the only people I can really chill with without getting tired) and I typically don’t enjoy large crowds. When first meeting people in person I’m either really sarcastic, really mean, or like overly stiff and awkward. Meeting new people tends to make me really frustrated and anxious because I don’t understand them and how they’ll react to certain things or how they think + people are just bothersome in general so uh yeah. Despite my introverted nature I don’t enjoy being in situations that I can’t control. Normally I’ll try and take control or be the “leader” to most things. I really like the quiet no matter where it is. Silence is so calming and carefree and it lets me just sit down and organize my thoughts. I obviously love to write and I love to read just as much as I do write. I rarely get time to sit down and play video games but I love to play them. I typically lean towards strategy based games or RPGs. I play two sports and I tend to be really competitive with most things but I will normally only actively compete if I’m comfortable (if that makes sense). I forgot to add it before but I play water polo and I’ve been a competitive swimmer for close to three years now. That’s all I really have for now so I figured I’d add some of my weird habits just for fun. 
Habits/just things I do:
- I stick my tongue out randomly
- I talk to myself quite a bit, especially in stores or when I’m stressed
- If I can’t get all of my thoughts out or if I want to say something but I can’t I just trace whatever I want to say on my arm, leg, or hand.
- Sometimes I’ll put earbuds in so I can listen to a conversation but people won’t try and include me in it
- I often rant to my lizard when I’m stressed and he and I will eat apples together (I cut up some of my apple for him and feed it to him while I eat)
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