coldcoffeestingray · 3 years
Oh I love those! I can't believe I forgot about Lilo, she's literally the cutest child ever lmao
There's this thing that my brain instantly does whenever I watch movies or shows with adorable kids in them. For context, I have a younger brother in real life so little fictional boys (girls too, but mostly boys since I'm more familiar with the way they behave and I relate to them more) between the ages of 9 to 14 (I believe?) steal my heart instantly and I basically adopt them all.
I'm not sure whether it's my older sister instinct kicking in, the fact that I literally look like a 12 year old boy or that I have the personality of one, but I just love them to pieces. So here's a few of my adopted little siblings:
Dipper Pines
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Steven Universe
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Miguel Rivera
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Aaron Mitchell
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The Stranger Things kiddos
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Honorable mentions:
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Lyra Silvertongue
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Mebh & Robyn
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Yes, this is in fact my petition to become everybody's annoying big sister
Feel free to add more!
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coldcoffeestingray · 3 years
There's this thing that my brain instantly does whenever I watch movies or shows with adorable kids in them. For context, I have a younger brother in real life so little fictional boys (girls too, but mostly boys since I'm more familiar with the way they behave and I relate to them more) between the ages of 9 to 14 (I believe?) steal my heart instantly and I basically adopt them all.
I'm not sure whether it's my older sister instinct kicking in, the fact that I literally look like a 12 year old boy or that I have the personality of one, but I just love them to pieces. So here's a few of my adopted little siblings:
Dipper Pines
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Steven Universe
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Miguel Rivera
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Aaron Mitchell
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The Stranger Things kiddos
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Honorable mentions:
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Lyra Silvertongue
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Mebh & Robyn
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Yes, this is in fact my petition to become everybody's annoying big sister
Feel free to add more!
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coldcoffeestingray · 5 years
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coldcoffeestingray · 5 years
Dear everyone who is currently working on a Thing, whatever that Thing may be,
Good luck with the Thing. You can do the Thing. You will do the Thing. You just have to do the Thing.
Best wishes,
Someone who is also doing a Thing
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coldcoffeestingray · 5 years
A List of Headcanon Time Lords
James Bond - my mans has been played by many faces and always has some form of companion with him
Mary Poppins - two faces, questionably magical, her bag is the freaking TARDIS (bigger on the inside, fight me)
Indiana Jones - he always has a companion, he’s always dealing with stupid people’s mistakes, he has a whip (totally could be a sonic whip which would be an event), Harrison Ford is possibly his last form, he also is called Professor which could be his moniker. BONUS: the 8th Doctor was in an Indiana Jones movie, meaning they’ve crossed paths
Willy Wonka - two faces (at least), Oompa Loompas are aliens who traveled with him and got stuck alongside him in this time period
Peter Pan - has a small group of kids idolizing him and his adventures regardless of his decision, (almost) always youthful with many different forms, tried to get Wendy to be his companion, successfully has Tinker Bell as a companion (kinda), has an arch nemesis who is visually older but is implied to be not that different from him in age
Batman - different faces, fancy gadgets (some of which MUST be sonic), also if he didn’t have some connection to other planets then how would he have known Superman’s weaknesses, he managed to survive big ass explosions, Batmobile is (questionably) his TARDIS, has had multiple companions (most notably Robin)
The Joker - the Master to Batman’s Doctor. ‘Nuff said.
Last two were absolute shots in the dark, however please feel free to add more
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coldcoffeestingray · 5 years
There’s nothing wrong with having a large enough collection of books that you need to open a shop just to store them all.
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coldcoffeestingray · 5 years
"I wonder if there’s a secret current that connects people who have lost something. Not in the way that everyone loses something, but in the way that undoes your life, undoes your self, so that when you look at your face it isn’t yours anymore."
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour
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