conejitoloca · 2 years
When the World Fell
Pairing: None *yet*
Summary: Walking Dead alternate universe story as told through the eyes of Rick Grimes daughter. Story begins at the beginning of the outbreak via 'flashback' sequences and returns to present day. The general timeline remains in sequence by timing of events and/or ages of characters have been tweaked slightly.
Warnings: Slight mentions of blood and injuries.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic and any feedback is appreciated. Let me know if I should continue onward.
Day 1,095 It is difficult to remember a time before. Before the dead came back to life. Before mankind turned on one another. Before the world fell. Where were you when the outbreak began? I was barely eleven when the dead began to rise. Fear and chaos became the new normal as we battled the dead and began turning into a shell of what humanity once was.
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Sitting in the third row of Mrs. Fords fifth grade class focused on your math test. The sudden pounding on the door jarring everybody's focus as your uncle, deputy Shane Walsh, stood impatiently on the other side. The moment Mrs. Ford had reached the door Shane was stepping half inside waving for me to hurry along and follow him. "Come on y/n, we have to get going." he coaxed leaving you staring a moment confused. Immediately your thoughts went to your father who had been in the hospital for weeks now healing from a gunshot wound. Had something happened? "Carl, which class is Carl in?" he questioned grabbing onto your arm hastily tugging you through the halls not even giving you time to gather your belongings. He gives you a slight shake and repeats his question "Which class?" You stare up at him, your mouth opening to speak though words don't come out in all your confusion and worry. Your hard coming up as you point to the door just around the corner. Shane walking and pounding on the door the same way he had just a few moments earlier, this time dragging your brother out of his class. Now with you both by the arm he all but yanks you out of the school shoving him toward his squad car. "What's going on?" Carl asks the question you've been too afraid to causing Shane to pause for only a moment before yanking the driver side door open. "Can't explain now. It's not safe, just get in. Gotta get your mother." he explains without really explaining anything, but you get into the car all the same.
The bitter cold of each raindrop stung as it hit your skin forcing you awake. You should have welcomed the feeling, the cool chill that reminded you that you were in fact alive. It was a chill that also reminded you that you were alone. It had been weeks now since you had been separated from the group. When the governor showed back up at the prison with his new army it was an all out war.
Hershel - you shudder at the thought of what had happened to him. He was a good man and didn't deserve what had happened to him, none of you did.
Taking in a deep breath you turned your head upward toward the sky, no sign of a clear sky in sight. You'd have to find a better shelter than this mess you'd attempted to make out of branches and twigs you'd found. You could only imagine how disappointed Daryl would be to see this, he'd taught you better.
Dragging yourself to your feet you let out a sign tugging your hood up over your head in an attempt to keep yourself dry although that ship had already sailed. Your stomach growled with hunger having been days since you'd last eaten anything. You'd been doing your best to forage for food although there wasn't much to be found. Ignoring the feeling you pushed forward, eyes scanning for any signs of tracks: walker or human. Your mind went to the group. You'd lost so many already it should have come as second nature and still your heart ached for them. You didn't know who had managed to escape the prison but prayed that your father and Carl made it out and Judith - oh Judith, please have gotten out. Please somebody have gotten her out! Your eyes welled up now with tears thinking of your family and all the others. Maggie, Glenn, Daryl, Beth - Would you ever see any of them again? You'd lost so many already you couldn't bare the thought of losing the rest of them although with each passing day you feared more and more you already had. How the hell were you going to make it in this world alone? You brought your hand up to wipe your tears. Suck it up, you can't break down now. Survive. You have to survive. You didn't have time to feel sorry for yourself. You couldn't afford to break down now. You'd been living in this world long enough now to know when you let your guard down you got yourself killed. Your feet ached as you walked. The sound of the rain falling on the ground around you making it more difficult to listen for walkers. Digging into the pocket if your hoodie you wrapped your fingers around the handle of the hunting knife that Daryl had given to you. in order to protect yourself. You had to be prepared. You had to stay safe. You had to stay alive if you were going to see an of them again.
It came out of nowhere, flanking you on your left and catching you by surprise. Familiar gargling sounds escaping the figure as it lunged at you, it's teeth snapping and chattering. You turned trying to dodge but it made contact knocking you to the ground, hard. Clawing at you as it began to climb over your frame, hand gripped tightly on the knife you swung with every ounce of strength and energy as you pulled your body away from it.
Blood that was so dark it was almost black dripped from the wound down the front of your hoodie. The smell enough to make you gag. Even after all this time it wasnt something you could ever really grow used to. Now forcing yourself to your kneeds you yanked your knife from it's skull and dove it into it's chest cutting it open.
In that moment you were almost thankful youy have nothing in your stomach that you were able to throw up although it didnt stop you from dry heaving. Wiping the blade off in the grass you shethed it and put it back into your pocket before shoving your hands into the abdomen of the the walker digging out it's intestings and rubbing them on yourself.
You'd been told the only real way to hide from a walker was to smell like one, something you were thankful you never had to experience until now. You couldn't rely on the group to find you, you couldn't rely on dumb luck, you had to put everything you had learned to use. If you were going to survive you had to be smart.
You couldn't be certain how far from the prison you'd gotten. You'd ran for what felt like days before you stopped to catch your breath hoping that you'd stumble upon one of your group. As days passed without any signs of them you slowly began to lose that hope and backtracked wandering in what felt like circles.
With how dark the sky had been due to the storm you weren't certain when the sun had begun to set up it was barely over the horizon now. You needed to find shelter, somewhere warm or at the very least somewhere you could get dry although you didn't dare light a fire at night. It wasn't safe. Not alone.
With one foot in front of the other you began to walk keeping your ears open and eyes searching for any signs of life. You couldn't be alone out here and if you kept searching you were bound to find somebody. Eventually.
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