Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned.
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Send “what would you do if…” + a question and my muse will answer it honestly.
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Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, andrepost, don’t reblog!Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Hooligan OOC Contact: IM, Discord available if I’m not too nervous about it
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
The protagonist of Ruby! Mixes in anime and game elements for personality.
Points of interest:
Champion and coordinator. Intimidated by the big bads but is gonna fight them anyway.
What they’ve been up to recently?
Recently recovered from stressed-induced illness and completed her training and became champion. Top coordinator and travelling at her leisure.
Where to find them:
Anywhere around Hoenn, but she travels to other regions at some point.
Current plans:
I’m up for anything!
Desired interactions
Big bads. In-game events and interactions with Archie and/or Maxie. Anything is good to me!
Offered interactions:
Gushing over travelling. Meeting big bads but not knowing who they are and thus she’s oblivious. Other protags. She’s gonna end up either biking into someone one way or another or otherwise knocking someone over or something. She’s a tourist. Curious to the point of potentially being annoying. Her Pokemon can cause trouble, too.
Current open post/s:
None yet!
Anything else? I’m more than happy to answer starter posts and make them! Message me if you wanna plot anything or have any questions!
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♤ What was the first Pokemon you ever caught? Are they still with you?
“Beautifly!” May replied, nuzzling her Pokemon as it buzzed.
“I caught her as a Wurmple, and she’s been with me ever since!”
May said.
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Pokemon Headcanons
Send a symbol to ask my Muse(s) the related question.
❤ Who was your starter Pokemon? ▲Who gave you your first Pokemon? ♤ What was the first Pokemon you ever caught? Are they still with you? ♕What determines whether or not a Pokemon you catch stays on the team or goes to a box/sent to a professor? ♦ Have you ever let go of a Pokemon before? Why? ☀ Where did you grow up? ✌ What is your favorite Pokemon type? ♱ If you were a Pokemon, what type would you be? ⚜ How would you describe your Pokemon training / battle style? ★ Who is a Pokemon professor/gym leader/etc. that you really admire? ღ What gear do you never leave home without? ∞ How do you feel about (insert Pokemon NPC/Canon character here)? ◕ Who is your go-to Pokemon team? ₪ Which if your Pokemon do you travel on (as in Fly or Surf pr riding it, etc.) the most? ϟ Which of your Pokemon are the infamous ‘HM Slave’ ? ∩ What is your favorite and least-favorite town/city? β What is your favorite and least-favorite areas in the wilderness (forest, cave, mountain, etc.)? Σ Are there any Pokemon you can’t stand? ɯ Are there any Pokemon you raise multiples of? Ξ Are there any Pokemon that creep you out/frighten you? ✿ You want to be the best there ever was. The very best what?
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May's mom: Good
May's dad: What the fuck is that
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Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, andrepost, don’t reblog!Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Hooligan OOC Contact: IM, Discord available if I’m not too nervous about it
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
The protagonist of Ruby! Mixes in anime and game elements for personality.
Points of interest:
Champion and coordinator. Intimidated by the big bads but is gonna fight them anyway.
What they’ve been up to recently?
Recently recovered from stressed-induced illness and completed her training and became champion. Top coordinator and travelling at her leisure.
Where to find them:
Anywhere around Hoenn, but she travels to other regions at some point.
Current plans:
I’m up for anything!
Desired interactions
Big bads. In-game events and interactions with Archie and/or Maxie. Anything is good to me!
Offered interactions:
Gushing over travelling. Meeting big bads but not knowing who they are and thus she’s oblivious. Other protags. She’s gonna end up either biking into someone one way or another or otherwise knocking someone over or something. She’s a tourist. Curious to the point of potentially being annoying. Her Pokemon can cause trouble, too.
Current open post/s:
None yet!
Anything else? I’m more than happy to answer starter posts and make them! Message me if you wanna plot anything or have any questions!
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   Time and time again, it was a hassle. Setbacks, uncertainty, now this, reports of a break in the perimeter that made grunts tense and uncertain. A lone soldier - a child,
   ‘Leader Maxie, I will-’
   “No.” It was dead air to hear him speak through the earpiece for the first time since their arrival at the museum, tone icy enough to send a chill through the spines of his most loyal. They’d had their chance. “You will guard the exits until I tell you.”
   This would need to be ended now, swiftly, by his own heel.
You should leave everyone alone! If you want the parts then just make them yourself!
   “As I’d like to agree, we unfortunately don’t have that sort of time.”
   A child indeed, surely no more than ten or eleven. The pair of grunts formerly staring dismayed at their fainted Mightyena quickly straightened to recall their pokemon and salute in passing, though carefully avoided risk of eye contact in the wake of failure.
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  “So this is the pervasive thorn in the side of Team Magma.” Glancing from the girl to her Grovyle and back, he seemed to consider her for a moment. It was an embarrassment, frankly, but with any luck no one would hear of it after today. He extended a hand.
  “Nothing further needs to come from this, child. Hand over the samples you are carrying, and we will take our leave.”
A squeak came from May upon hearing Maxie speak.
“Oh geez...” She muttered under her breath, hand coming up to her mouth. The trainer’s jaw clenched, a soft noise from her Grovyle encouraging her to stand up straight and hold her ground.
“I-It seemed like you had the time since this is the third time that you’ve tried to steal them!” May shot back, clutching the package tightly in her hand.
She lost her confident posture slightly when Maxie spoke again. The trainer didn’t want to be in this situation, but she was there, and she couldn’t stand by and let whoever these people were threaten and steal.
May took a step back as soon as Maxie extended his hand out. Her Grovyle moved in front of her, a low growl rising from its throat as it bared its teeth at Maxie.
May fell silent, an uncertain look on her face. Still, she shook her head, finding her courage again.
“No way! If you’re doing all of this stuff for these parts, then I doubt that you’re up to any good!”
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What was with these guys?? First they tried to ambush some scientist in the woods, then they tried to kidnap a poor man’s Wingull...
And now they were swarming the Oceanic Museum, trying to steal the package that May had been sent to deliver. She felt like she just couldn’t shake them.
It was troubling-- She knew that they had tried to steal the goods before, but she had been hoping that she wouldn’t run into them again.
She hoped that this would be the last time she’d deal with them.
“Grovyle, use Tackle!” She commanded. With a final hit, she managed to take down the last of the grunts’ Pokemon, a small smile coming to her face. “Nice work!”
Her Pokemon gave a small nod in response, standing straight and looking at the grunts with the expectation that they’d leave. Its head turned toward the door, however, hearing footsteps. May glanced over, a wave of dread hitting her upon seeing a red-clad man step through the door. It wasn’t hard to connect the dots and figure out that he was a member of Team Magma, but she had no clue who he was beyond that.
Grovyle took a step back in order to be closer to its trainer, taking a defensive posture as it narrowed its eyes and glared up at the man. May’s eyes narrowed in a determined expression.
“You should leave everyone alone! If you want the parts then just make them yourself!” Despite her defiance, there was a slight quiver in her voice.
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(Headcanon: May has various ways to soothe her anxieties should the need ever arise. Her main methods are singing to herself, eating comfort food and petting her Skitty. She employed many of these during her time recovering.)
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Starters | Heroes & Villains
“You’re not getting away this time!”
“Your tools are impressive, but they can’t beat natural born power.”
“Don’t you ever grow weary of the same routine?”
“You’re a monster.”
“I must say, of all the people I put behind bars, you’ve got to be the worst.”
“I don’t want to play your sick mind games, I’m not one of your victims!”
“You can’t control me like you can your little puppets, can you?”
“Ugh, I feel bad for whoever has to sort all this mess out.”
“I’m just…tired. I’m tired of everyone’s lives lying on my shoulders.”
“Why can’t these people just learn to take care of themselves?”
“I enjoy my work, I’m a savior! I wouldn’t trade that for anything!”
“What’s the matter, are you afraid of me? Good.”
“I have to say, you are giving me quite a bit of trouble.”
“You’re about to piss me off, brat.”
“Come on, you can get out of that, can’t you? At least try.”
“Go on, at least put on a show if you’re going to challenge me.”
“The last guy didn’t end up so well, if you’ve heard. I admire your bravery.”
“As much as I appreciate tenacity, I don’t appreciate annoying flies interrupting my plans.”
“Now that I’ve got you, what should I do first?”
“Relax, kiddo. Not everyone’s out here for mass murder or world domination. Maybe I just wanted to take this car for a joy ride.”
“Why do you always have to ruin my fun?”
“Why did I turn bad? Why do heroes ask such inane questions?”
“You don’t need to understand me, I don’t WANT you to understand me!”
“Not everyone can be pulled into the light, hero.”
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ORAS ! by ikra
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Send me “HC” + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
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   That was my decision not theirs, thank you!
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“My dad’s not even around and I still know not to try and resurrect a giant lizard! You need a new mom!”
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“You should have new parents, Mr. “I’m Going To Destroy The Planet Because I Don’t Know How Giant Lava Monsters Work.”“
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(Now that I think about it, May has absolutely kicked/punched Maxie at least once
most likely she punched him in the face bc she got startled or something)
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