cree-future-rabbi · 12 hours
So peaceful... I feel antisemitism is the goal, not the actual freedom for Palestinians from their oppressive government.
Maybe people forgot war has innocent casualties on both sides.
But meh, I'll just be told to "hang" again I bet.
I think I might start alerting the police about all these antisemitic hate anons. Enciting violence will not help you, you are sad. You are a sad human and I hope you get some help.
Maybe this site needs to be held to the standards and practices it preaches and the laws in the governing countries that this platform is used on.
These anons would and should be arrested, and due diligence is not being done by this website about said threats.
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cree-future-rabbi · 13 hours
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
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ככה פשוט.
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
I know it's a kind of a sh*tty pride for a lot of us Israelis and Jews but I just wanted to make something anyway, for us.
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So, Happy Pride. I'm proud of you. Stay strong. Stay proud. We will dance again. Am Israel Chai. <3
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
Random thought, I genuinely don’t get why it’s so hard to do your own research.
People claim Muslims have no rights in Israel. Or even that there are no Muslims who live in Israel. How difficult is it to google “Muslim population in Israel”? But no, the random girl on TikTok said that it’s an apartheid.
Social media has completely fucked up our generation.
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
Can this just stop?
Can't the bloodshed end?
Can't people see what is really going on?
Why does this need to continue?
Why do so many condone such evil?
Why do so many of you think that what is going on is okay and doesn't need to end with all hostages back with their families? And a permanent ceasefire for both countries.
The mean of genocide is truly lost. WW2 was not that long ago and did we learn nothing?
Don't all mothers want their children to grow up and live full lives?
Why do so many of you deny history?
Why do so many of you refuse to actually educate yourselves on the topic before speaking about it?
This is the furthest thing from liberation for anyone involved...
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
I wear subtle Jewelry most of the time, I wear a tuckable Tzitzit Katan, but when I go out I don't wear a kippah anymore. But I have also interacted with goyium who wear Jewish clothing and jewelry. I don't know how I feel about this? I mean I don't really know many of these people so I can't judge them...
So that's my input :)
Ok, so I think it’s safe to say most queer Jews don’t feel safe in queer spaces where the majority of queer people are goyim. I think it’s also safe to say that many of us don’t feel safe wearing anything that would make us identifiable to goyim in those spaces (shout out to those who do it anyway, though). So hear me out: what if we found a way to signal to each other through clothing and other things that we’re queer and Jewish, like many of us have been doing to signal that we're queer to other queer people? For example, we could wear pomegranate jewelry in a specific spot on ourselves or something subtly Jewish that goyim wouldn’t pick up on. It wouldn’t fix the problem of antisemitism in the queer community, but at least we’d be able to spot each other and know who we’re safe with. Please feel free to add on with your own ideas and feedback. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
Me vs Random on facebook:
Random: are you like a bad Jew?
Me: what's a "bad Jew"?
Random: a Zionist
Me: I am in a school for my religion which does revolve around a concept known as Zionism. Which isn't the concept you know, since you're not Jewish.
Random: so you want everyone in Palestine to die? Because Zionists are committing a genocide!
Me: Zionism is not political. It's a right to exist and thrive in our homeland, the land that in our most sacred text, Torah, G-D gave to us. The concept of Zionism is actually older than Christianity and Islam. It is an integral belief in Judaism that we will build a third temple and that G-D will reside there, which is Zion. So adding the "ism" is more of a 1. English context and 2. Zion is a religious belief, it is not political, it does not want people to be killed. It actually wants the opposite because when Zion happens the world will become a just place. I actually pray for peace and the dead and broken innocent people hamas is responsible for. He does horrendous things to his own people every single day too.
Random: you're wrong that's not what it means, I looked it up! And you're wrong, they are liberating their land!
Me: you're right. I know less about my culture and faith than wikipedia (I'm nearly done Rabbinical School)... And it's not their land. Actually they are actually mostly Islamic extremists that were forced out of their own countries like Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, ect.
Random: wow you're just white washing everything! You're so stupid.
Me: No, I'm not. The Jewish people have been fighting to live peacefully on that spot of land for longer than Islam has existed, it is an ancestral homeland to Jews . Moses didn't get lost in the desert, we couldn't go home because the time period occupants would have killed them at the time... I am no longer interested in speaking with you.
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
Being I guess "Queer" and "Jewish" is just weird.
My Cree ancestors had a third gender, being transgender was considered a connection to both the male and female spirit. You were usually treated extremely well since your connection to the spirit world is closer.
I am not accepted in spaces I actually help build... In my own community and online.
I do work for LGBTQA+ peoples. I am lucky my congregational community is so accepting of people like me because I get so tired.
It's hard work to do all this education and services and to know some of those people would hate me if they knew I am a Jew... Is really upsetting.
I am autistic and very analytical because of that. So in all fairness I don't see the world like everyone else. I want to see a world where no one should go without food , medical care, or shelter. I learn how to be socially acceptable by being taught. I see you as a person, not a group. You are an individual, you are not just "this" or "that"... If you give respect I will return it, otherwise I will not respect you. I always try to go in with respect first, and if I don't receive it? Neither do you.
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
Trying to explain the Jewish experience to goyim is almost impossible. How can I explain the uniquely Jewish experience of being seen by other minorities as no different from the oppressors? How do I explain that we have always been targeted by the ruling class, no matter who they are, as well as being scapegoats for the anger of the downtrodden? How can I explain the grief I feel when I think about our history? How can I put 2000 years of poverty, starvation, and violence into words?
I'm so fucking tired
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
Do you guys remember 9/11?
Do you guys remember who was responsible for the attacks?
Do you guys know the level of Islamophobia that the public had?
Muslim people in places like Michigan had burning crosses put on their lawns?
Because you all are just going from one hate to another.
You are addicted to hate, you can't go without a fix.
Now antisemitism (sorry anti-Zionism) is the new hive mind mentality.
You must know, if you have to be anonymous to say something to someone else even you know you are saying something wrong.
It helps to be angry at someone else for all of your problems instead of yourself.
We were given free will and many of you choose the path of hate and anger. There are other choices. Loving another human no matter who they are or where they come from shouldn't be as hard as it is...
Edit: the person in the comments arguing with me. They cannot see this was started by evil, perfect example of blaming others for your problems.
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
A thing about the discourse of where antisemitism and antizionism interact is that
1) a fair amount of antizionists are neonazis, Islamists, Arab supremacists, and communists who believe ethnic self-identity is a barrier to World Revolution, who are just *barely* concealing it (if that)
2) a fair amount of antizionists base their antizionism on a denial of an element (or elements) of Jewish self-identity (denial of Jewish ethnicity, denial of ethnogenesis in the Levant), and a whole lot of Jews find non-Jews essentially arguing that they should get to define what Jews are and aren’t offensive (and antisemitic)
3) there are a fair amount of antizionists whose antizionism comes from a deep hatred of an element or elements of what they determine is evil about “western” society, and for some reason they have decided to obsessively focus on Israel and ignore other “western” countries. This may be genuinely not antisemitic, but it’s still fucked up and weird.
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
When people say to me "I hope hamas kills you all" it's like... You think he will just stop with us (Jews)? HA! You're so ignorant it literally hurts.
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 days
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Thank you IDF!
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cree-future-rabbi · 4 days
There are four possibilities for the people chanting “globalize the intifada” and “intifada everywhere” and none of them are any good.
They don’t care that they’re calling for mass terrorist violence and deaths because they don’t care who lives or dies. (The nihilist option.)
They assume that anyone who’d be killed in such violence deserves it and haven’t considered that it could easily be someone they claim to care about. (The true terrorist option.)
They’re willing to sacrifice the people they care about for “the movement.” (The true terrorist plus volunteering others for martyrdom option.)
They’re happy to chant whatever the loudest person tells them to, and they have no idea what the intifada even is. (The ignorant lemming option.)
People have to do better.
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cree-future-rabbi · 4 days
"Antisemitism morphs in funny ways" by judeanceo
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