creepymagickshop · 2 months
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Promotional Code- FREESHIPGOD
San Palo Wood, Harvested by me, White Witch Penelope. Still with resin within the wood, and permission by ABA FATHER and JESUS CHRIST.
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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Black ops
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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The burning coal wasn’t black.
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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Captain Jack Sparrow wasn’t white.
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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This is how much land you have given over to the KKK freely, all because they put a black face on a photo for advertisement.
That’s how easy it is to take advantage of a black supremacist.
They would never have taken it from ME, a White Female. Only by force could they have wrestled all that land away from ME and my white face. Black supremacy issues have caused this nation of America a lot of lost revenue. They don’t want to contend with ME, a white female and all those who stand behind and have MY back, instead the KKK hide behind black retards, your backs.
You stand in GOD’S court black-tards for this lost land and revenue and have been found guilty.
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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There are NO national parks in the United States of America. The national parks including the national forestry is all KKK family owned, stolen land, so saith the LORD your GOD. The dollars made from all these park systems go straight into these KKK families pockets. They are not Nationally owned or operated, they never have been. Every sitting president, this includes Obama was a KKK supremacist. Obama was owned by the KKK, he did as told, that includes self segregating by his skin tone. He didn’t want to be married to that hermaphrodite, Michelle Obama, Barack was a gay man, and George Soros was not only his lover but Barack’s owner. So saith the LORD your GOD, and me Ms. Afghanistan, the Arch Angel of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
Who amungst you has a GOD more worthy than my GOD?
None of you.
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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Black supremacist, you and you alone, make it easy for them to trick revenue out of your pocket book. They offer you a free day because of your skin tone but then you pay out for food and paraphernalia from a KKK owned business and fraudulent company. That’s how easy it is to take advantage of you.
The wanna be mexican cartel are the shit eaters at these locations. They are the poop cleaners. That’s how easy it is the take advantage of the losers wanna be mexicans.
None of you are up to parlay with Me or my GOD.
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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The state of New Mexico is here by locked down. You are not Mexican, it is in the United States of America One Nation under GOD, a Christian Nation, that you reside in. There are no Mexican nationals left. There is no Mexico left.
If you didn’t like America then you should have went back to Mexico and died with your countries hermaphrodits.
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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I, Ms Afghanistan, is not partially or wholly a Mexican she wolf. Nor have I ever stated that fact. Mexico is a fallen nation. Losers. All dead and gone. Who is Mexican anymore? All I see is American.
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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The Living Desert Palm Springs and Indio, is owned by KKK cartel families. Paid for freely by the Mexican tax payer money, right into the pockets of the KKK cartel. San Diego zoo is also KKK family owned. They pay shit eaters from other cartels to clean up the stinky poop, because they don’t want to.
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creepymagickshop · 5 months
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There are no wildlife conservations, those lands are all owned by KKK personal families who defrauded a nation and other nations. Out of their own black supremacy and personal issues, the black supremacists lost everything including their own land because they became extortionists.
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creepymagickshop · 8 months
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creepymagickshop · 8 months
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creepymagickshop · 8 months
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creepymagickshop · 2 years
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BLM, Black Lives Matter, the spiderweb with no spider is about to make a move on behalf of people like me against you, movement with no forward momentum, you’re a joke. Whether they mean to help us or not, we are gonna come out on top like you always knew we have been. When you bark at a white womans ass all the time, you show extreme jealousy. White lives matter to GOD, you made a mistake.
“Stop asking  creamy skin tone people to validate you if you like your own skin tone so overly much.” so saith the Lord, the only GOD there is. “You need to learn to stand on your own two feet and stop asking light colored people for help every time your mental handicap keeps you from adding 2 plus 2 to equal 4. You are jealous of your nigger men so much because they are not loyal to you, and you know it also. They lie, cheat and steal from you and worse of all they rape and beat you and sing about it on the internet so everyone knows that you are mentally unwell and are a very evil women. The whole group of you BLM. Your men are not something to puff yourself up about. They are a shame to you. But even worse than that, they are embarrassed of you as well for being stupid and ugly, so ugly they said that white men won’t touch you. They lust after something that is only available in the kingdom of heaven, however because that is untouchable to them they keep your fat white friends around so they can roll over and have sex with them also every time you are somewhere else. You cannot lie, everyone sees them do it out in public and knows what they say and do in private. You are an ignorant bitch ass to think that women like Witch Penelope would ever lust or want a nigger boy or bow or be afraid of a black whore. Your BLM movement was a shame to your kind, burning down your own cities and marketplaces, as if you made a statement somehow to creamy beauty Witch Penelope? She laughed at you, so did the rest of the country. And out of love for my Queen Witch Penelope I painted the nation white on Christmas and put the luke warm vomit, the fat light skinned toned people who fucked your men so openly, left in the flier marketplace devoid of family, friends, money and clothes. What can a dark faced whore like BLM do to MY people? You only attack the fat ones who have had your man behind your back over and over again. You make a public statement of mental retardation every time one of your kind speaks. Stay in the ghetto where you came from trash. You are not up to mincing words with GOD, you whore with a tar face. You are a bigoted inbred bitch, that’s why your, your man’s and your children’s faces and bodies are so ugly. You will have to pay MY Queen taxes as well now bitch. So saith the LORD of all, JEHOVAH, God the Father and Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen, let the death and pain mix.”
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