crossbowandwitches · 4 months
What Should I Say? (Fred Weasley x OC)
A/N: Hi! I'm so sorry for the long wait, I was so nervous to carry this on, as this is the first story I've ever actually put out. Hope you enjoy the next part though!
Summary: In the bustling streets of Muggle London, Fred Weasley, known for his mischievous charm and quick wit, stumbles into an unexpected encounter that will turn his world upside down. At an ordinary acting class, he finds himself face to face with the enigmatic Delphine Howard, a woman who seems to have stepped right out of his dreams. However, he soon comes to a heart-wrenching realization: the love he's found in Delphine is a love he can never truly have. Or can he?
Warnings: Use of alcohol, swearing, but eventual smut, angst, stress etc.
Chapters 1 & 2
Word Count: 1540
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Chapter 3: Delphine’s POV
I really disliked taking the tube after 8 pm, especially on a warm Friday night, and particularly on the Central line. It always reeked of alcohol or sweat, or both, since this line barely had air conditioning and it was still 23 degrees outside.
I put on my headphones and immersed myself in my favourite album, "If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power" by Halsey, as I embarked on my 15-stop journey from acting class to home.
My phone buzzed, and I saw a message from Russel: "Five Guys tonight?? x" Russel is my boyfriend, although it's complicated. The last thing I wanted was to entertain him tonight. Fridays were always the worst in the office, with endless weekly updates and making sure everything was sorted for the weekend, so I didn’t have to work over the weekend.
"I'm too tired tonight! x," I replied. Instantly, he sent me a sad face emoji. I should be used to this by now, the way he makes me feel bad because I won’t put out for him. He can be a dick, but I always end up going back to him because it's easier than trying again with someone new.
"Next Stop: Bethnal Green Station," I barely heard the announcement over my headphones, but then I realised I was one stop away. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the exit - not before accidentally hitting someone with my bag.
"Shoot, I’m so so-," I looked up and realized I had hit Fred Weasley, the tall and lanky redhead from Wednesday’s acting class.
"Delphine! Delphi!" He quickly corrected himself, knowing I’d prefer to be called Delphi. "Hey! How are you?" he asked.
"I’m good! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you. Are you OK?" My cheeks were going red; I could feel it. I was embarrassed!
“It’s all good, hah!” He reassured me with a little smile. "Are you heading home?" I realized then that I was pulling into my stop and panicked - I didn’t want this chat to end, and I didn’t know why.
"Yes! Oh god, this is my stop! It was lovely to see you." I offered him an apologetic smile before saying a quick goodbye and hopping on the train. I quickly turned around, and we waved at each other.
“I’ll text you!” He shouted out before the doors closed between us. Something about that comment made me excited.
Why was my heart racing? It’s just this tall guy from my acting class, this tall, ginger guy, this tall, handsome, cute- I stopped myself from thinking like that. He’s my student, I’m his teacher and that’s that. 
As I came round the corner to my flat, I saw Russel standing outside and instantly dreaded coming home. Russel was around 5’8, with shoulder length brown hair. He wasn’t unattractive, far from it. He reminded me a little of Jake Gyllenhaal.
I let out a deep sigh as he came over to hug me, “Did you not see my text? I’m tired. Go home please.” He went in to kiss me and I instantly moved my face away. 
“Oh come on, Delphine. I brought dinner.” He grinned and held up a Five Guys takeaway bag, “Your favourite!”
I shook my head, “It’s /your/ favourite.” I headed up the two flights of stairs that lead to my flat with Russel following suit. “I’m really not in the mood tonight. Let's just plan something Sunday, please?” I pleaded but he was in the door the second after I unlocked it. 
“I’m here now, gorgeous. Come on, don’t be rude to your guest!” He shouted out, he was already heading to the kitchen to find drinks, probably something alcoholic. 
I let out an internal scream before kicking my Converse off at the door and locking it. I wish I was still on the tube with Fred. 
Chapter 4: Fred’s POV
As the train pulled away, I just couldn’t stop thinking about her. Was it wrong that I was thinking about her like this? 
“Fuck it.” I muttered to myself before pulling my phone out and the business card she gave me. I saved her number and sent her a quick text, ‘It’s Fred, from acting class. Hope you got home safe.’ 
The train finally reached my stop, and I stepped out into the busy station. I was heading to a party that George invited me to, he practically forced me to come. When I arrived, it was already packed, with music blaring from speakers, and people dancing, laughing and chatting in every corner. 
“There you are, Freddie!” George was already ushering me over to a group of friends before I had a chance to breathe, “Come and meet my friends.”
I constantly checked my phone and I could see George giving me weird looks, no way was I going to tell him why, but I must have been three drinks down when Delphi texted me back; 
‘Hey Fred, thanks! I got home safe :)’ I was grinning ear to ear, but instantly stopped myself when George came over. 
“Who you texting?” He asked, one eye raised. He was onto me. 
“Huh? Nothing.” I was bright red, George wasn’t going to let this go, so I popped my phone into my back pocket and went back to the party. 
By the time I decided to call it a night, it was well past 2 am and I had quite a bit to drink. I called George and me an Uber since neither of us was in a position to get any form of public transport. 
When we finally reached my flat, it was already 3 am. I fumbled with my keys, eventually managing to unlock the door and stumble inside. I collapsed onto my bed, my head spinning and my thoughts instantly on Delphi. 
Without even thinking, I grabbed my phone and texted her back, ‘Hey Delphi. Just got back from a party. Hope you had a good night. See you in class. :)’. 
“Shit!” I shouted, almost throwing my phone across the room. “Why did I do that?!” I took a deep sigh before popping my phone down. There was nothing I could do about it now. 
Chapter 5: Delphine’s POV
Russel was already rummaging through my kitchen cabinets. "Where do you keep the wine glasses?" he called out.
"Top shelf, left side," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. I followed him into the kitchen, feeling the weight of the evening pressing down on me.
He found the glasses and poured two generous servings of white wine. "Here you go," he said, handing me one.
I took the glass but didn't drink. "Russel, I really am tired. I just want to relax tonight."
He took a sip of his wine and leaned against the counter, looking at me with a mix of frustration and something else I couldn't quite place. "You always say that, Delphine. When are we going to spend some real time together?"
I sighed, setting the glass down. "It's been a long week. Can we just plan something for Sunday? I promise I'll make it up to you."
Russel's eyes narrowed. "You always say that too. I'm starting to think you don't want to spend time with me at all." …I wonder why.
“I don’t want an argument tonight, Russel.” I said sternly, “Please, go home.”
“God, Delphine. Fine!” He practically threw his glass into the sink, “I’ll just get it somewhere else…” I wasn’t surprised to hear him mutter that under his breath - this is what he did. 
“Yeah, you do that.” I said as I was practically shoving him out the door and slamming the door in his face. I know what you’re thinking, why is she even with this dude? I ask myself this daily, weekly, hourly. It’s like a form of self-punishment, I just keep crawling back. 
“Now that he was gone, I can get on with my evening,” I said to myself as I unpacked my work bag and plugged my laptop in to charge. I rummaged around the bag for my phone and saw I had a text message from Fred. 
When he said he’d text, he meant it - a man that actually delivered.  -
I very rarely check my phone when I wake up, I’m usually rushing to the bathroom or prioritising a coffee first thing. I also don’t set alarms most of the time, I always wake up around 6.30 am, and this morning wasn’t any different. 
I was mid coffee-making when I heard my phone ringing. I didn’t make it back in time to get the call but it was from Russel, no surprise there. He probably hadn’t even gone home yet. I also saw a text message from Fred and chuckled to myself - a drunk text! 
‘Hey Fred, hope the hangover isn’t too bad, see you Wednesday!’ I was debating inviting him to Monday’s class, it was a smaller class, with more experienced actors which wouldn’t be a bad thing, but he’d probably be even more out of his comfort zone. 
I put my phone back and got on with my morning - there was no way he’d text back until this afternoon. 
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crossbowandwitches · 1 year
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A moment of rest.
Drawn in September 23
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crossbowandwitches · 1 year
What Should I Say? (Fred Weasley x OC)
A/N: Hi there, this is my first piece which I'll be working on and continuing when I can. I'd appreciate ALL and every bit of feedback and hope you enjoy :)
Summary: In the bustling streets of Muggle London, Fred Weasley, known for his mischievous charm and quick wit, stumbles into an unexpected encounter that will turn his world upside down. At an ordinary acting class, he finds himself face to face with the enigmatic Delphine Howard, a woman who seems to have stepped right out of his dreams. However, he soon comes to a heart-wrenching realization: the love he's found in Delphine is a love he can never truly have.
Warnings: None for this chapter, but there will be eventual smut, angst, stress, swearing, use of alcohol & smoking, you name it.
Word Count: 1241 words.
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Chapter 1: Delphine’s POV
The room exuded a chilly ambience as I entered, an emotion so palpable it seemed to engulf the darkness completely. Not a word had passed between us, yet the unspoken connection between us carried more weight than any conversation ever could. Who could have predicted that I would discover someone who shared my passion for acting?
He stood tall and lanky, his dark ginger hair cascading over his eyes. His nervousness manifested in subtle fidgets - the way he absentmindedly twirled his fingers while seated. Despite his evident apprehension, I could sense his potential, even if he hadn't yet recognised it in himself.
Breaking the uneasy silence, I decided to take charge, "Who would like to take on the role of Cleopatra?" The room fell into a palpable hush as I scanned for a willing participant. To my surprise, there were no volunteers among my male students. It was a scene from Antony & Cleopatra, and none of them seemed eager to portray the Egyptian queen's part. Suppressing a chuckle, my gaze locked onto my scene partner, the anxious ginger in the corner - 'You.' I beckoned him with a nod and extended my arm, "Come here," I invited, guiding him toward the centre of the room. "You'll be reading Mark Antony's lines."
He took hesitant steps closer, his trepidation evident. It was his first time presenting to such a class. I decided to ease his nerves by giving him his cue, "I am sick and sullen." As my eyes met him, I noticed his grip on the script tighten as though it might crumble in his hands at any moment.
"I am sorry… to, sorry to give breathing to my purpose–" He stammered, his words hanging in the air, and I promptly responded, "Help me away, dear Charmian! I shall fall! It cannot be thus long; the sides of nature will not sustain it." Just as we were getting into the scene, the building manager knocked to signal that we had only five minutes left before closing, causing a flurry of activity as everyone began packing up.
"Excellent work, everyone! Don't be anxious; this is only our second session, and I look forward to witnessing your progress." I turned to my scene partner, who was already gathering his belongings. "Hi there! Do you mind if I have a moment of your time?" He greeted me with a friendly smile and a nod.
"My apologies, but I'm afraid I can't recall all the names in the class. What should I call you?" I chuckled nervously, which was echoed by a small chuckle from him. "Fred Weasley, but just Fred will do," he added, extending his hand for a handshake, which I gladly accepted.
I warmly welcomed him and praised his immense talent, then suggested, "Why don't you practice this scene for me? We can work on it together next week." He seemed taken aback but ultimately nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, I'd be delighted!" Before he could respond further, I reached into my bag and retrieved a business card.
"Here's my number. If you have any questions or if something about the scene strikes you, don't hesitate to reach out," I said as he accepted the card. He thanked me and made his way out of the room slowly, pausing once or twice to give an awkward wave before disappearing.
Chapter 2: Fred’s POV
"Wake up! I'm trying to talk to you!" George shouted before delivering a playful slap to my head. "Ouch! What's gotten into you, George?" I exclaimed, taken by surprise, as I had been lost in my thoughts.
"What's on your mind?" He probed, responding to my sigh. "Nothing," I replied, "just been a long day." I slouched onto the sofa in our London flat, a stone's throw away from Diagon Alley in the Muggle world. "Hand me those cigarettes." He tossed me the packet, and I flicked open my lighter, igniting one for myself before taking a long drag. "How was your day? I didn't see you after we handled that lunchtime rush." I handed the pack back to him, listening as he lit his own cigarette.
"Well, if you were paying attention…" He shot me an irritated look before continuing, "Two candidates showed up for the interviews, quite an interesting experience." I chuckled at his response but realized that I had drifted off while reminiscing about the evening's acting lesson.
She had mentioned preferring to go by the shortened name Delphi instead of Delphine, which was listed on her website. She claimed it made her appear more professional to potential students. Her choice of name intrigued me; it wasn't one you'd typically encounter in the Muggle world. But beyond that, I found myself captivated by her ability to capture a character's essence in just a few words - a talent that utterly fascinated me.
"Did you manage to hire anyone?" I hastily asked to prove I had been attentive, taking a long puff from my cigarette. "Heavens, no! They had no idea what they were doing - just came for the free candy." I laughed at his reply.
"How about the acting class? Will you give it another shot?" He took a drag from his cigarette and awaited my response. I shifted in my seat before answering, "The teacher thinks I have a knack for this drama stuff, so I suppose I will." George's mouth hung open in disbelief at my response. "Come on, George… I know what you're thinking." My cheeks flushed with embarrassment; George had never taken the idea of the acting class seriously.
"It's pretty clear you have a thing for the teacher, don't you? She's cast a spell on you, and now you can't get her out of your head. I know that feeling, Fred Weasley. So, spill the beans - what's she like?" George inquired, his brows arched, eager to hear more.
I couldn't deny that I had developed a soft spot for her. Her quirkiness and cleverness, coupled with a hint of sassiness, endeared her to me. Moreover, she had an irresistibly petite and cute charm. "George, I—I don't know her that well," I began, pausing as I remembered she was my teacher. "She's really great and good-looking, but I can't ask her out. She's a teacher, my teacher." With that, I stubbed out my cigarette and stood up to leave.
"All talk, no action, Freddie! You've lost your nerve," George teased, a mischievous grin on his face. I spun around to face him as he flashed an evil smile, "Since when did Fred Weasley become a coward? You used to sweep girls off their feet in school, and now you can barely hold a conversation with one. That's not like you."
The realisation that he was right made me feel queasy; somehow, I had lost confidence in myself when it came to pursuing romantic interests. Was it just this one person, or had I lost my touch entirely?
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crossbowandwitches · 1 year
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But where to put you...
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