crystal-moon · 8 months
Comfy cozy Rotomblr ask game
//Fuck it, we're making one of these for everyone stuck in the middle of winter. Don't forget to send an ask to the person you reblogged from and at least one person who reblogs it from you.
🔥 What is your character passionate about? What really gets them excited?
🛏️ What's your character's sleeping arrangement like? How many plushies, how many pillows? Do they want more?
🕯️ What gives them hope? What do they consider a light in the darkness?
🎉 What's their favorite winter festivity tradition? If they don't celebrate any, why not?
🍙 What's your character's comfort food? Is there a special way of making it?
🍽️ Does your character have any special dinnerware that they use, like a happy birthday plate or a favorite pair of chopsticks?
📘 What's a story that feels cozy to them?
🎶 What kind of music do they consider familiar and comforting?
🦆 Would they prefer to winter somewhere else, or are they comfortable where they are?
❄️ What's their favorite thing to do in the snow?
😇 When things are cozy and peaceful, are they afraid? Why?

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crystal-moon · 8 months
Reblog if you can.
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crystal-moon · 8 months
I am bored, and I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
Everybody reblog with your favorite Bug Type Pokemon! Mine's Dwebble.
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crystal-moon · 8 months
// please reblog this if you'd be alright with interacting with this blog!!
I want to send some in character asks to people but don't want people to be uncomfortable or anything.
(also if you want a more in depth interaction with the guy feel free to dm me!! I'm open to anything :D)
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crystal-moon · 8 months
Well, this is one hell of thing to wake up to.
This is the official thread for the hunger games! I will be reblogging this post with all the things simulated by the website
Quick disclamer: I am not responsible for what happens to your character in this thread. I do not control how it goes, it's okay to be dissapointed if you get knocked out but remember, be nice to others above all else. Also- the hunger games simulator only has F/M options, I picked the one closest to everyones character, I am sorry for any misgendering that happens because of this, but please be nice I am doing my best.
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crystal-moon · 9 months
Any ratio, i think, as long as what the trainer focuses on and is specialised in a type, then they are still that type specialist.
If being type specialist is dependent only on the pokemon you have, then I'm a normal type specialist, but just having normal type pokemon isn't the same as being a specialist, I'm not a specialist at all, I just happen to only currently have normal type pokemon, I don't train for normal types specifically, I don't study in normal type pokemon specifically, or plan on specialising at all.
As far as I can tell being a type specialist isn't about what pokemon you have, but what you study and work on, like writers, if a horror writer writes a fluffy slice of life book with no horror, that doesn't make them less of a horror writer.
I think, with any title(writer or type specialist), it's also a mix of what you do and what you call yourself. If a writer writes horror but doesn't call themselves a horror writer, then they aren't a horror writer, just a writer who writes horror, but a person that doesn't writer horror but calls themselves a horror writer then they aren't a horror writer, you know?
At least, that's how I view it.
What’s the team ratio needed to technically make someone a type specialist
If you give a ground lovin guy enough ice types how many does it take to turn him into an icy guy
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crystal-moon · 9 months
Based on my observations, this is the worst website on which to mention your celebrity crush. On Chatter you will get two likes. On JoltikTok the worst that will happen is some 12-year-olds will laugh at you. Here, said celebrity crush will inevitably be tagged. Possibly multiple versions of her.
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crystal-moon · 9 months
One thing I think people need to pay attention to more when breeding pokemon is how some pokemon mate for life and some don't.
Yes, I understand that a cross between Mothim and Leavanny would be cool. But when Mothim inevitably leaves because they are NOT monogamous, you're just going to be let with an extremely hurt Leavanny.
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crystal-moon · 9 months
New funniest crime: a guy trying to steal an entire Pokemart. Not steal from the Pokemart, steal the Pokemart itself. He got four Corviknight from Galar and strapped harnesses to them and then tied them to the Pokemart.
I asked him why he was doing this and he said "the prices are too expensive." And I was like "dude, I get it, but the solution is to shoplift not whatever this is."
Also, how are the Pokemart prices more expensive than importing Corviknight and getting the equipment required to move an entire building.
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crystal-moon · 9 months
I talk about bird Pokémon with bird brain ONE TIME and I start getting recommended this???
Tumblr media
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crystal-moon · 9 months
Sometimes when I'm upset I do growl, I don't bark though
Okay seriously, though, do the rest of y'all not bark at things?
I mean, when do it it's more of an animalistic growl that probably shouldn't be coming from a human throat but still.
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crystal-moon · 9 months
Tumblr media
are you fucking serious.
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crystal-moon · 9 months
I overheard two Youngsters arguing during a battle on my way into the laboratory today. Direct quote:
"Hey! You can't run from a Trainer battle!"
"I got new Running Shoes! I can run away from anything!"
The second one appeared to be correct.
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crystal-moon · 9 months
A Munna is a pokemon that eats dream, then makes a mist that will cause those that inhale the mist to have dreams like the dreams it previously ate, I hear a munna could help with nightmares.
Hello... hello! Did you dream last night? Did you have a dream? What was it? What happened? -@dreams-anon
Uh. What are you, the dream police? Or a Drowzee thats way too excited??
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crystal-moon · 9 months
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crystal-moon · 9 months
Why is everyone just falling apart at the seams? "I injured myself" this, "i never sleep" that.
I got 8 hours of sleep and enjoyed my injury free work day. Great lord of the pride parade - you all need to stop romanticizing abusing urself.
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crystal-moon · 9 months
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