cuddlycc · 4 years
New Chapter is Coming Soon..
Guess Whose Writing The Next Chapter For The Feral Alpha & Omega?? ^.^
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cuddlycc · 4 years
I see a lot of my friends on social media out partying and not taking any safety precautions. They think I’m overreacting and that the pandemic is basically over. How do I convince them that this is something we need to take seriously?
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cuddlycc · 4 years
i'm literally begging you to help us defend our freedom of speech. we have eight days.
please reblog this post, especially if you live outside of the philippines. please help us.
i didn't make the carrd, but it's one of the most useful links right now. #JunkTerrorBillNow needs the most urgency, but there are other issues present too.
i'm begging you all to reblog.
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cuddlycc · 4 years
Full time work should entitle someone to enough pay for rent, food, bills, and leisure activities. Full time work for a full life wage. You put in your 8 hours a day, 5 days a week? You should be able to afford the basic shit you need in life, no matter where you work.
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cuddlycc · 4 years
Ahh I’m tearing up! I love it! So adorable! Thank you! Thank you! I plan on updating soon! 🥰❤️
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Fanart for @cuddlycc ‘s “The Feral Alpha And The Omega” , I hope you continue on writing ^^
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cuddlycc · 4 years
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Hey guys! Just wanted to give you guys an update! Haha I’m still alive and apologize for the long wait. I got some mixed responses on my other story I’m writing so I decided to revamp it a little. So I’ve been busy with that. I’m hoping to update Feral Alpha soon though! Thanks for your patience 🙏🏻❤️
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cuddlycc · 4 years
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cuddlycc · 4 years
Me [writting about a wedding]: a paragraph is enough
Me [writting a smut]: what do you mean its two pages already I’m only in the middle of the thing
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cuddlycc · 4 years
Me: I need to finish writing this chapter before I lose the insp
Ao3: Your fav fanfic has been updated
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cuddlycc · 4 years
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This is for chapter 2 for  Cuddlycc01 ‘s  The Feral Alpha And The Omega
– https://archiveofourown.org/works/21519556/chapters/53165077#workskin
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cuddlycc · 4 years
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Tattoos were used for the sole purpose of identifying the different tribes in different countries in Africa, Samoa, India, China, Philippines, and several other places. Then here comes the colonizers with white Jesus claiming it was barbaric.
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cuddlycc · 4 years
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Reblog the 500,000 dollar written check from Seto Kaiba and money will come your way.
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cuddlycc · 4 years
Ahhhh Im screaming!! IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL!! MAJESTIC IN ALL IT’S GLORY! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!  @muscularbun 
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This is fan art for a Fanfic I read by Cuddlycc01  on Archive of Our Own
fanfic – https://archiveofourown.org/works/21519556/chapters/51294973
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cuddlycc · 4 years
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Hello! Quick read promise! 🤗
My friends and I were chatting. One of them admitted to feel lonely and is trying a dating app but only doing it because she’s lonely. I want to bring to Everyone’s Attention that in today’s society, people romanize being with a partner all the time either consciously or unconsciously but that’s not the case. You Don’t Need Anyone To Make You Happy. Cher Once Said “A Man Is Not A Necessity, A Man Is A Luxury.” You Don’t Need A Partner To Live But You Can Share A Life With Someone If You Choose To. I want to bring this up because especially the ones in quarantine alone that are maybe struggling with depression from being lonely. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I Hear You And I’m Here For You. If Anyone Just Wants To Chat Because You’re Suffering From Loneliness, Shoot Me A Message and we’ll chat about our mutual love for something. 👍🏻 If you don’t want to talk but just want someone to talk to you, I’ll tell you random facts about the animal kingdom. 😊 Either way works! Please Reblog and get the word out! Thank you for coming to My Ted Talk...I’ve always wanted to say that haha 😍😂🤗🥰❤️ P.S. please don’t drink if you’re Not Of Legal Age. Thanks!
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cuddlycc · 4 years
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sometimes i’m like ‘fanfiction can’t shock me anymore i’m numb to it’ then i find this shit
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cuddlycc · 4 years
Hey there! Hoping you are doing fine!! I read your story 'the feral alpha and the omega' on AO3 and this story is hella amazing!! Can't wait for the next updates!! Stay safe and PLUS ULTRA!
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Thank you so much reading! ☺️ Glad you’re enjoying it haha! Stay safe as well! I’m excited the next chapter as well lol 😂👍🏻 Hint..they make a new friend 😉😂 haha Thanks again!
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cuddlycc · 4 years
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Beautiful Artwork! I love it! I WELLED UP WITH TEARS WHEN I SAW IT! AHHH I’m So Happy <333  Hope You Guy Enjoy! ^.^
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